The GOP's Eight Year Lie

Spot on. The democrats want the gov. To do stuff for you and they want others, namely the rich to pay for it. Listen to them! They literally scream "Medicare for all". Do they not know it takes a lifetime of hard work for wage earners to EARN Medicare? What did they do in the ACA? That's right they STOLE 916 billion dollars from the senior wage earners! Democrats are dirt.

Says the woman on government assistance. Seriously, how to you parrot the GOP talking points when they're talking about you?

And how do you keep repeating that bullshit line about money "stolen" from Medicare after its been debunked 12 ways to Sunday?

While the health care law reduces the amount of future spending growth in Medicare, the law doesn't actually cut Medicare. Savings come from reducing money that goes to private insurers who provide Medicare Advantage programs, among other things. The money wasn’t "robbed." We rated the statement Mostly False.

Checking the facts on the $700 billion Medicare 'cut'

I don't know why the tree thinks anyone robbed his Medicare.

If you put everyone 45-50 and above on Medicare and charge them a premium a little above what senior's pay now a very good percentage of this new blood will be healthy and just might extend the life of Medicare.

Anyone under this age go back to underwriting policy's and if one has a pre existing condition and cannot get through underwriting each state should set up a high risk pool for the uninsurable.
Just put ALL Americans on medicare. Since the federal government has completely fucked up HC in this country, it might be an improvement...and after all, the feds fucking up HC to give us nationalized HC, was probably the plan all along.
We can't afford it. Forty seven percent of Americans are leeches! Have you noticed the debt?
Since when did Republicans care about debt? The vast majority of it over the past 8 years was created by a republican congress

Obamacare’s Impact on Seniors: An Update
Dude, the tin foil on your hate needs adjusting.

here's the real problem with the two party system. They are us. They give us exactly what we want. We want the government to do all this stuff for us, and we want someone else to pay for it.

The GOP was able to get a lot of millage out of resentment against what ObamaCare had to do, but when the rubber met the road and people faced 24 million becoming uninsured and their insurance companies being able to deny coverage again, they chickened out.
Spot on. The democrats want the gov. To do stuff for you and they want others, namely the rich to pay for it. Listen to them! They literally scream "Medicare for all". Do they not know it takes a lifetime of hard work for wage earners to EARN Medicare? What did they do in the ACA? That's right they STOLE 916 billion dollars from the senior wage earners! Democrats are dirt.

Says the woman on government assistance. Seriously, how to you parrot the GOP talking points when they're talking about you?

And how do you keep repeating that bullshit line about money "stolen" from Medicare after its been debunked 12 ways to Sunday?

While the health care law reduces the amount of future spending growth in Medicare, the law doesn't actually cut Medicare. Savings come from reducing money that goes to private insurers who provide Medicare Advantage programs, among other things. The money wasn’t "robbed." We rated the statement Mostly False.

Checking the facts on the $700 billion Medicare 'cut'

I don't know why the tree thinks anyone robbed his Medicare.

If you put everyone 45-50 and above on Medicare and charge them a premium a little above what senior's pay now a very good percentage of this new blood will be healthy and just might extend the life of Medicare.

Anyone under this age go back to underwriting policy's and if one has a pre existing condition and cannot get through underwriting each state should set up a high risk pool for the uninsurable.
Just put ALL Americans on medicare. Since the federal government has completely fucked up HC in this country, it might be an improvement...and after all, the feds fucking up HC to give us nationalized HC, was probably the plan all along.
We can't afford it. Forty seven percent of Americans are leeches! Have you noticed the debt?
Sure we can. The government would just dictate what they will pay for all HC procedures. In the long run, our system will look like Canada's or the UK's were everyone waits in the que (some die waiting). HC quality will likely go down, but it is not like we have the greatest quality now.

HC in the USA is like so many other industries. It is a racket designed to enrich politicians, big corps, and those at the top of the HC industry.
Yet fools like you think the D and R party's are radically opposed to each other...that they are polar opposites and your devoted love for the Ds, is warranted because the Rs are so EVIL.

I fear you and many like you will never understand that both party's are very much the same. That makes you a DUPE!

Dude, the tin foil on your hate needs adjusting.

here's the real problem with the two party system. They are us. They give us exactly what we want. We want the government to do all this stuff for us, and we want someone else to pay for it.

The GOP was able to get a lot of millage out of resentment against what ObamaCare had to do, but when the rubber met the road and people faced 24 million becoming uninsured and their insurance companies being able to deny coverage again, they chickened out.
Now it is 24 million people! Just last week it was 14 Million people. Give it a rest.
Republicans and Democrats are the flip side of the same coin, Seems neither really want to end Obama care.
If they did the Republicans would have had an acceptable plan from the get go. The real problem is that the politicians of both parties hate Trump because he is an outsider, and Never Trumper Ryan had no intention of passing anything but Obama Care Lite. So this rejection off the plan is basically a good thing, now when Obama care fails there will be no one to blame but the Democrats who still own this fiasco. Bright side is that when that happens Trump can say "I told you so"
Dude, the tin foil on your hate needs adjusting.

here's the real problem with the two party system. They are us. They give us exactly what we want. We want the government to do all this stuff for us, and we want someone else to pay for it.

The GOP was able to get a lot of millage out of resentment against what ObamaCare had to do, but when the rubber met the road and people faced 24 million becoming uninsured and their insurance companies being able to deny coverage again, they chickened out.
Spot on. The democrats want the gov. To do stuff for you and they want others, namely the rich to pay for it. Listen to them! They literally scream "Medicare for all". Do they not know it takes a lifetime of hard work for wage earners to EARN Medicare? What did they do in the ACA? That's right they STOLE 916 billion dollars from the senior wage earners! Democrats are dirt.

Says the woman on government assistance. Seriously, how to you parrot the GOP talking points when they're talking about you?

And how do you keep repeating that bullshit line about money "stolen" from Medicare after its been debunked 12 ways to Sunday?

While the health care law reduces the amount of future spending growth in Medicare, the law doesn't actually cut Medicare. Savings come from reducing money that goes to private insurers who provide Medicare Advantage programs, among other things. The money wasn’t "robbed." We rated the statement Mostly False.

Checking the facts on the $700 billion Medicare 'cut'

I don't know why the tree thinks anyone robbed his Medicare.

If you put everyone 45-50 and above on Medicare and charge them a premium a little above what senior's pay now a very good percentage of this new blood will be healthy and just might extend the life of Medicare.

Anyone under this age go back to underwriting policy's and if one has a pre existing condition and cannot get through underwriting each state should set up a high risk pool for the uninsurable.
Just put ALL Americans on medicare. Since the federal government has completely fucked up HC in this country, it might be an improvement...and after all, the feds fucking up HC to give us nationalized HC, was probably the plan all along.
We can't afford it. Forty seven percent of Americans are leeches! Have you noticed the debt?
Most people never had to pay Federal Income taxes, since they were created....they were not meant for those who did not have the means to pay....they were for the ones who did have the means to pay, primarily the wealthiest.....our federal taxes were always the wealthiest paying them, and in the States, the tax burden was reversed and regressive, where the middle class and the poor, paid the MOST in State taxes... income, sales and property tax collections.

Only when we started cuting the taxes on the wealthiest and putting a burden on the middle class is when we ballooned the Deficit and Debt....NOT because of the 47% not paying federal income taxes, they never really did pay any, it was from bringing the tax rates DOWN on the wealthiest's tax bracket at the top from 90% down to 70% down to 60% down to 40% and then down to 33% for the highest tax bracket earnings.
And it sure as hell was a lie.

For years the GOP has been telling us, "just elect us, we have the plan for health care, and we'll fix it if we just have the power to ".

When we asked to SEE the plan, they laughed and said there was one and we didn't need to see it. They tossed a few vague "examples" of it - "We'll let insurance companies sell across state lines", or "we'll do HSA plans", or "tort reform", but it sure did seem like they didn't have an actual plan.

Okay, maybe I was wrong, maybe they were being honest, maybe they had a plan and would unveil it the day after Trump's inauguration day.

Well, they sure didn't, did they? They've been lying all this time.

We're not supposed to take Trump literally, but seriously. How are we supposed to take the GOP now? Are we supposed to believe ANYTHING at this point?
The Republican leadership in Congress has lost all credibility in my opinion, and the Freedom caucus has convinced me that they are little more than infantile morons.

Trump deserves better support from Congressional leadership than he is getting, and if the Democrats were not so partisan they would see the golden opportunity that they have to correct the major flaws with Obamacare and get reform of it instead of repeal, thus securing Obama's legacy till this nation goes extinct.
And it sure as hell was a lie.

For years the GOP has been telling us, "just elect us, we have the plan for health care, and we'll fix it if we just have the power to ".

When we asked to SEE the plan, they laughed and said there was one and we didn't need to see it. They tossed a few vague "examples" of it - "We'll let insurance companies sell across state lines", or "we'll do HSA plans", or "tort reform", but it sure did seem like they didn't have an actual plan.

Okay, maybe I was wrong, maybe they were being honest, maybe they had a plan and would unveil it the day after Trump's inauguration day.

Well, they sure didn't, did they? They've been lying all this time.

We're not supposed to take Trump literally, but seriously. How are we supposed to take the GOP now? Are we supposed to believe ANYTHING at this point?
The Republican leadership in Congress has lost all credibility in my opinion, and the Freedom caucus has convinced me that they are little more than infantile morons.

Trump deserves better support from Congressional leadership than he is getting, and if the Democrats were not so partisan they would see the golden opportunity that they have to correct the major flaws with Obamacare and get reform of it instead of repeal, thus securing Obama's legacy till this nation goes extinct.
Do you think it was a good idea for Trump/Ryan to pull the vote?
Most people never had to pay Federal Income taxes, since they were created....
Not completely true.

When I washed dishes back in 1972 at the age of 14, my earnings were taxed by the Federalis. I made $35 and saw $7 of it go away in taxes.

I felt proud to be a tax payer for a few more paychecks then I started to wonder as I read of corporations paying no taxes at all, 'Why are they going after the working poor?'

The tax reforms of the 1980s did much to reduce the tax burden on the working poor, but there are still regressive taxes like sales tax and property tax.
Spot on. The democrats want the gov. To do stuff for you and they want others, namely the rich to pay for it. Listen to them! They literally scream "Medicare for all". Do they not know it takes a lifetime of hard work for wage earners to EARN Medicare? What did they do in the ACA? That's right they STOLE 916 billion dollars from the senior wage earners! Democrats are dirt.

Says the woman on government assistance. Seriously, how to you parrot the GOP talking points when they're talking about you?

And how do you keep repeating that bullshit line about money "stolen" from Medicare after its been debunked 12 ways to Sunday?

While the health care law reduces the amount of future spending growth in Medicare, the law doesn't actually cut Medicare. Savings come from reducing money that goes to private insurers who provide Medicare Advantage programs, among other things. The money wasn’t "robbed." We rated the statement Mostly False.

Checking the facts on the $700 billion Medicare 'cut'

I don't know why the tree thinks anyone robbed his Medicare.

If you put everyone 45-50 and above on Medicare and charge them a premium a little above what senior's pay now a very good percentage of this new blood will be healthy and just might extend the life of Medicare.

Anyone under this age go back to underwriting policy's and if one has a pre existing condition and cannot get through underwriting each state should set up a high risk pool for the uninsurable.
Just put ALL Americans on medicare. Since the federal government has completely fucked up HC in this country, it might be an improvement...and after all, the feds fucking up HC to give us nationalized HC, was probably the plan all along.
We can't afford it. Forty seven percent of Americans are leeches! Have you noticed the debt?
Most people never had to pay Federal Income taxes, since they were created....they were not meant for those who did not have the means to pay....they were for the ones who did have the means to pay, primarily the wealthiest.....our federal taxes were always the wealthiest paying them, and in the States, the tax burden was reversed and regressive, where the middle class and the poor, paid the MOST in State taxes... income, sales and property tax collections.

Only when we started cuting the taxes on the wealthiest and putting a burden on the middle class is when we ballooned the Deficit and Debt....NOT because of the 47% not paying federal income taxes, they never really did pay any, it was from bringing the tax rates DOWN on the wealthiest's tax bracket at the top from 90% down to 70% down to 60% down to 40% and then down to 33% for the highest tax bracket earnings.
See! What you takers never realize is that resources are finite. When the split is 53-47 you are rapidly running out of makers and the takers are over taking. Someday the taker will have no one to ake from. Taxes are punitive. We need flat taxes on absolutely everyone! No exemptions.
Well let me say that when anyone thought the GOP would be able to solve the Healthcare issue were delusional.

The honeymoon is over between Trump and his political party. He now know if he want something done he will need bipartisanship and with Ryan as House Speaker you can just as well forget it.

I was hoping Ryan would have put the Bill to vote so Democrats would have voted for it just to mess with Ryan while knowing it would have been stopped in the Senate.

Can the American People believe anything the GOP has to say?

Just as much as they can trust a backwater preacher that has his hand on your wallet and the other one on your wife, which is a big hell no!

Can they earn it back?

Sure, because let be factual the average voter will forget about this by next week because they have the attention span of a damn snail with down synsrome!

So now it off to Tax Reform and Budget and watch for the fireworks...
Do you think it was a good idea for Trump/Ryan to pull the vote?
Yes, as this is a 'walk away from the table' maneuver and will give the Freedom Caucus time to stew in their ignominy and possibly revisit the bill later in August or so.

The bill was not perfect, but I think it was a major step in the right direction to reduce some of the worst features of Obamacare.

The Dems should jump on this with all four feet.
the ACA shored up Medicare and reduced the cos.9t to the govt for Medicare AND it filled the DONNUT HOLE for pharma the seniors were paying that the Republicans left in their Medicare Pill Bill.

The ACA helped and improved Medicare...Willowtree!

You are entitled to your opinion. You are not entitled to your own facts. The Affordable Care Act, OBAMACARE, if you will, greatly improved the financial solvency of the Medicare Trust Fund, increased coverage for preventive services under Medicare, and scheduled the elimination of the infamous Bush doughnut hole.

I will give an example of each area. First, the solvency. The ACA included a .9% Medicare surcharge on investment income as well as a 3.7% surcharge on investment income for those making more than $250,000 a year. Repeal would have eliminated those taxes and decreased the funding of the Medicare Trust Fund.

Second, expanded coverage. The ACA introduced a welcome to Medicare wellness exam--a physical covered at 100% once someone aged in to Medicare. Mammograms are now covered yearly, it used to be once every two years.

Third, the doughnut hole. Prior to the ACA there was no prescription drug coverage when someone entered the doughnut hole. They were forced to pay the full negotiated price. The ACA requires drug manufacturers to cover almost half the cost of those prescriptions in the doughnut hole. The government is not paying for them. The insurance company is not paying for them. The drug companies AGREED to EAT HALF THE COSTS. To date, Medicare beneficiaries have saved


Billions of dollars that were spent on something BESIDES PRESCRIPTION DRUGS by millions of seniors.
the ACA shored up Medicare and reduced the cost to the govt for Medicare AND it filled the DONNUT HOLE for pharma the seniors were paying that the Republicans left in their Medicare Pill Bill.

The ACA helped and improved Medicare...Willowtree!
prove it, sis
Obamacare’s Impact on Seniors: An Update
Instead of providing a document that is 4 years old, why not post something relevant to today
Do you think it was a good idea for Trump/Ryan to pull the vote?
Yes, as this is a 'walk away from the table' maneuver and will give the Freedom Caucus time to stew in their ignominy and possibly revisit the bill later in August or so.

The bill was not perfect, but I think it was a major step in the right direction to reduce some of the worst features of Obamacare.

The Dems should jump on this with all four feet.
Why would any Democrat want to vote for a bill that takes away healthcare from 24 million people while giving tax cuts to the wealthy?
And it sure as hell was a lie.

For years the GOP has been telling us, "just elect us, we have the plan for health care, and we'll fix it if we just have the power to ".

When we asked to SEE the plan, they laughed and said there was one and we didn't need to see it. They tossed a few vague "examples" of it - "We'll let insurance companies sell across state lines", or "we'll do HSA plans", or "tort reform", but it sure did seem like they didn't have an actual plan.

Okay, maybe I was wrong, maybe they were being honest, maybe they had a plan and would unveil it the day after Trump's inauguration day.

Well, they sure didn't, did they? They've been lying all this time.

We're not supposed to take Trump literally, but seriously. How are we supposed to take the GOP now? Are we supposed to believe ANYTHING at this point?
The Republican leadership in Congress has lost all credibility in my opinion, and the Freedom caucus has convinced me that they are little more than infantile morons.

Trump deserves better support from Congressional leadership than he is getting, and if the Democrats were not so partisan they would see the golden opportunity that they have to correct the major flaws with Obamacare and get reform of it instead of repeal, thus securing Obama's legacy till this nation goes extinct.
Jim, the Democrats DO WANT TO CORRECT the flaws in Obamacare, they always have, but the Republicans WOULD NOT WORK WITH THEM, and the Republicans have put up bills to KILL Obamacar 60 times and voted on the repeal 60 times since they took control.

Maybe NOW, they will work with the Democratic members to REPAIR the ACA?
And it sure as hell was a lie.

For years the GOP has been telling us, "just elect us, we have the plan for health care, and we'll fix it if we just have the power to ".

When we asked to SEE the plan, they laughed and said there was one and we didn't need to see it. They tossed a few vague "examples" of it - "We'll let insurance companies sell across state lines", or "we'll do HSA plans", or "tort reform", but it sure did seem like they didn't have an actual plan.

Okay, maybe I was wrong, maybe they were being honest, maybe they had a plan and would unveil it the day after Trump's inauguration day.

Well, they sure didn't, did they? They've been lying all this time.

We're not supposed to take Trump literally, but seriously. How are we supposed to take the GOP now? Are we supposed to believe ANYTHING at this point?
The Republican leadership in Congress has lost all credibility in my opinion, and the Freedom caucus has convinced me that they are little more than infantile morons.

Trump deserves better support from Congressional leadership than he is getting, and if the Democrats were not so partisan they would see the golden opportunity that they have to correct the major flaws with Obamacare and get reform of it instead of repeal, thus securing Obama's legacy till this nation goes extinct.
Jim, the Democrats DO WANT TO CORRECT the flaws in Obamacare, they always have, but the Republicans WOULD NOT WORK WITH THEM, and the Republicans have put up bills to KILL Obamacar 60 times and voted on the repeal 60 times since they took control.

Maybe NOW, they will work with the Democratic members to REPAIR the ACA?
Yeah, this is a pretty damn big question. It may be the only way the GOP can make some progress.
The ACA requires drug manufacturers to cover almost half the cost of those prescriptions in the doughnut hole. The government is not paying for them. The insurance company is not paying for them. The drug companies AGREED to EAT HALF THE COSTS. To date, Medicare beneficiaries have saved


Billions of dollars that were spent on something BESIDES PRESCRIPTION DRUGS by millions of seniors.

And I appreciate that. MY prescription costs were nearly $300 per month last year and now I am paying $0 each month.

But to be truthful, the Pharmas are not eating any costs, just dropping the price increase to something more reasonable.
the ACA shored up Medicare and reduced the cos.9t to the govt for Medicare AND it filled the DONNUT HOLE for pharma the seniors were paying that the Republicans left in their Medicare Pill Bill.

The ACA helped and improved Medicare...Willowtree!

You are entitled to your opinion. You are not entitled to your own facts. The Affordable Care Act, OBAMACARE, if you will, greatly improved the financial solvency of the Medicare Trust Fund, increased coverage for preventive services under Medicare, and scheduled the elimination of the infamous Bush doughnut hole.

I will give an example of each area. First, the solvency. The ACA included a .9% Medicare surcharge on investment income as well as a 3.7% surcharge on investment income for those making more than $250,000 a year. Repeal would have eliminated those taxes and decreased the funding of the Medicare Trust Fund.

Second, expanded coverage. The ACA introduced a welcome to Medicare wellness exam--a physical covered at 100% once someone aged in to Medicare. Mammograms are now covered yearly, it used to be once every two years.

Third, the doughnut hole. Prior to the ACA there was no prescription drug coverage when someone entered the doughnut hole. They were forced to pay the full negotiated price. The ACA requires drug manufacturers to cover almost half the cost of those prescriptions in the doughnut hole. The government is not paying for them. The insurance company is not paying for them. The drug companies AGREED to EAT HALF THE COSTS. To date, Medicare beneficiaries have saved


Billions of dollars that were spent on something BESIDES PRESCRIPTION DRUGS by millions of seniors.
Incorrect. It is against the law for Medicare to negotiate drug prices!

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