The GOP's Eight Year Lie

Do you think it was a good idea for Trump/Ryan to pull the vote?
Yes, as this is a 'walk away from the table' maneuver and will give the Freedom Caucus time to stew in their ignominy and possibly revisit the bill later in August or so.

The bill was not perfect, but I think it was a major step in the right direction to reduce some of the worst features of Obamacare.

The Dems should jump on this with all four feet.

The only direction this bill was a step in was toward the insurance companies. The ACA was a boondoggle for the insurance industry. Since passage, United Healthcare, the nation's largest insurer, has seen it's share price increase by ONE THOUSAND PERCENT.

This bill was gifting them even more. They would have been able to charge older Americans FIVE TIMES what they charge younger Americans, not three times as they are limited now. They would have no longer been capped at twenty percent of their revenues being used for profits and marketing. The ACA limited the tax deduction for executive salaries at half a million per person, that was going to be eliminated with this bill. But all that wasn't enough. During the negotiations with the Freedom Caucus insurance companies sought to have those pesky coverage requirements eliminated as well. That was the straw that broke the moderate's camel's back and when that concession was made the negotiations fell apart.
The ACA requires drug manufacturers to cover almost half the cost of those prescriptions in the doughnut hole. The government is not paying for them. The insurance company is not paying for them. The drug companies AGREED to EAT HALF THE COSTS. To date, Medicare beneficiaries have saved


Billions of dollars that were spent on something BESIDES PRESCRIPTION DRUGS by millions of seniors.

And I appreciate that. MY prescription costs were nearly $300 per month last year and now I am paying $0 each month.

But to be truthful, the Pharmas are not eating any costs, just dropping the price increase to something more reasonable.

Really? My chlobetasol used to cost me 32 dollars a tube. last time I went in for a refill my share was 232 bucks. I had to walk away! Medicare has taken a serious hit. Many physicians will not take Medicare anymore.
Dude, the tin foil on your hate needs adjusting.

here's the real problem with the two party system. They are us. They give us exactly what we want. We want the government to do all this stuff for us, and we want someone else to pay for it.

The GOP was able to get a lot of millage out of resentment against what ObamaCare had to do, but when the rubber met the road and people faced 24 million becoming uninsured and their insurance companies being able to deny coverage again, they chickened out.
Spot on. The democrats want the gov. To do stuff for you and they want others, namely the rich to pay for it. Listen to them! They literally scream "Medicare for all". Do they not know it takes a lifetime of hard work for wage earners to EARN Medicare? What did they do in the ACA? That's right they STOLE 916 billion dollars from the senior wage earners! Democrats are dirt.

Says the woman on government assistance. Seriously, how to you parrot the GOP talking points when they're talking about you?

And how do you keep repeating that bullshit line about money "stolen" from Medicare after its been debunked 12 ways to Sunday?

While the health care law reduces the amount of future spending growth in Medicare, the law doesn't actually cut Medicare. Savings come from reducing money that goes to private insurers who provide Medicare Advantage programs, among other things. The money wasn’t "robbed." We rated the statement Mostly False.

Checking the facts on the $700 billion Medicare 'cut'

I don't know why the tree thinks anyone robbed his Medicare.

If you put everyone 45-50 and above on Medicare and charge them a premium a little above what senior's pay now a very good percentage of this new blood will be healthy and just might extend the life of Medicare.

Anyone under this age go back to underwriting policy's and if one has a pre existing condition and cannot get through underwriting each state should set up a high risk pool for the uninsurable.
Just put ALL Americans on medicare. Since the federal government has completely fucked up HC in this country, it might be an improvement...and after all, the feds fucking up HC to give us nationalized HC, was probably the plan all along.
We can't afford it. Forty seven percent of Americans are leeches! Have you noticed the debt?

You can't afford it? Bullshit. What you can't afford is to spend more on your military than the next 9 nations combined. You've sold out your citizens for your "corporate interests" and you keep telling yourselves the lie that you can't have universal health-care like the rest of the free world because your can't afford it. Even China provides government funded health care for it's population. Americans keep saying their population is too large. Bullshit. Top to bottom. You don't want affordable health care for all. You don't the poor living long or productive lives.

You've made your choice. Fuck the people. Up with corporations!
the ACA shored up Medicare and reduced the cos.9t to the govt for Medicare AND it filled the DONNUT HOLE for pharma the seniors were paying that the Republicans left in their Medicare Pill Bill.

The ACA helped and improved Medicare...Willowtree!

You are entitled to your opinion. You are not entitled to your own facts. The Affordable Care Act, OBAMACARE, if you will, greatly improved the financial solvency of the Medicare Trust Fund, increased coverage for preventive services under Medicare, and scheduled the elimination of the infamous Bush doughnut hole.

I will give an example of each area. First, the solvency. The ACA included a .9% Medicare surcharge on investment income as well as a 3.7% surcharge on investment income for those making more than $250,000 a year. Repeal would have eliminated those taxes and decreased the funding of the Medicare Trust Fund.

Second, expanded coverage. The ACA introduced a welcome to Medicare wellness exam--a physical covered at 100% once someone aged in to Medicare. Mammograms are now covered yearly, it used to be once every two years.

Third, the doughnut hole. Prior to the ACA there was no prescription drug coverage when someone entered the doughnut hole. They were forced to pay the full negotiated price. The ACA requires drug manufacturers to cover almost half the cost of those prescriptions in the doughnut hole. The government is not paying for them. The insurance company is not paying for them. The drug companies AGREED to EAT HALF THE COSTS. To date, Medicare beneficiaries have saved


Billions of dollars that were spent on something BESIDES PRESCRIPTION DRUGS by millions of seniors.
Incorrect. It is against the law for Medicare to negotiate drug prices!

But not for the PRIVATE COMPANIES that administer Medicare Part D programs.

Look, I guarantee I have forgot more about Medicare than you will ever know.
Spot on. The democrats want the gov. To do stuff for you and they want others, namely the rich to pay for it. Listen to them! They literally scream "Medicare for all". Do they not know it takes a lifetime of hard work for wage earners to EARN Medicare? What did they do in the ACA? That's right they STOLE 916 billion dollars from the senior wage earners! Democrats are dirt.

Says the woman on government assistance. Seriously, how to you parrot the GOP talking points when they're talking about you?

And how do you keep repeating that bullshit line about money "stolen" from Medicare after its been debunked 12 ways to Sunday?

While the health care law reduces the amount of future spending growth in Medicare, the law doesn't actually cut Medicare. Savings come from reducing money that goes to private insurers who provide Medicare Advantage programs, among other things. The money wasn’t "robbed." We rated the statement Mostly False.

Checking the facts on the $700 billion Medicare 'cut'

I don't know why the tree thinks anyone robbed his Medicare.

If you put everyone 45-50 and above on Medicare and charge them a premium a little above what senior's pay now a very good percentage of this new blood will be healthy and just might extend the life of Medicare.

Anyone under this age go back to underwriting policy's and if one has a pre existing condition and cannot get through underwriting each state should set up a high risk pool for the uninsurable.
Just put ALL Americans on medicare. Since the federal government has completely fucked up HC in this country, it might be an improvement...and after all, the feds fucking up HC to give us nationalized HC, was probably the plan all along.
We can't afford it. Forty seven percent of Americans are leeches! Have you noticed the debt?

You can't afford it? Bullshit. What you can't afford is to spend more on your military than the next 9 nations combined. You've sold out your citizens for your "corporate interests" and you keep telling yourselves the lie that you can't have universal health-care like the rest of the free world because your can't afford it. Even China provides government funded health care for it's population. Americans keep saying their population is too large. Bullshit. Top to bottom. You don't want affordable health care for all. You don't the poor living long or productive lives.

You've made your choice. Fuck the people. Up with corporations!
Hello? We already provide your housing, your food, your phones, you've asked for tampons and birth control now you want free healthcare for all? And, you fucking think we can afford it? Your light bulbs went out some time ago.
Really? My chlobetasol used to cost me 32 dollars a tube. last time I went in for a refill my share was 232 bucks. I had to walk away! Medicare has taken a serious hit. Many physicians will not take Medicare anymore.

Yeah, not everything is covered, and I have no idea what the criteria is for what is and is not covered.

And many doctors have been leaving Medicaid since about 2010.
Spot on. The democrats want the gov. To do stuff for you and they want others, namely the rich to pay for it. Listen to them! They literally scream "Medicare for all". Do they not know it takes a lifetime of hard work for wage earners to EARN Medicare? What did they do in the ACA? That's right they STOLE 916 billion dollars from the senior wage earners! Democrats are dirt.

Says the woman on government assistance. Seriously, how to you parrot the GOP talking points when they're talking about you?

And how do you keep repeating that bullshit line about money "stolen" from Medicare after its been debunked 12 ways to Sunday?

While the health care law reduces the amount of future spending growth in Medicare, the law doesn't actually cut Medicare. Savings come from reducing money that goes to private insurers who provide Medicare Advantage programs, among other things. The money wasn’t "robbed." We rated the statement Mostly False.

Checking the facts on the $700 billion Medicare 'cut'

I don't know why the tree thinks anyone robbed his Medicare.

If you put everyone 45-50 and above on Medicare and charge them a premium a little above what senior's pay now a very good percentage of this new blood will be healthy and just might extend the life of Medicare.

Anyone under this age go back to underwriting policy's and if one has a pre existing condition and cannot get through underwriting each state should set up a high risk pool for the uninsurable.
Just put ALL Americans on medicare. Since the federal government has completely fucked up HC in this country, it might be an improvement...and after all, the feds fucking up HC to give us nationalized HC, was probably the plan all along.
We can't afford it. Forty seven percent of Americans are leeches! Have you noticed the debt?

You can't afford it? Bullshit. What you can't afford is to spend more on your military than the next 9 nations combined. You've sold out your citizens for your "corporate interests" and you keep telling yourselves the lie that you can't have universal health-care like the rest of the free world because your can't afford it. Even China provides government funded health care for it's population. Americans keep saying their population is too large. Bullshit. Top to bottom. You don't want affordable health care for all. You don't the poor living long or productive lives.

You've made your choice. Fuck the people. Up with corporations!
Good point. Our worthless warmongering corrupt government should cut the military in half and bring all personnel home. Then we could afford a lot of things. But the ruling class won't stand for it, since they make so much money and gain so much power, with the status quo.
The ACA requires drug manufacturers to cover almost half the cost of those prescriptions in the doughnut hole. The government is not paying for them. The insurance company is not paying for them. The drug companies AGREED to EAT HALF THE COSTS. To date, Medicare beneficiaries have saved


Billions of dollars that were spent on something BESIDES PRESCRIPTION DRUGS by millions of seniors.

And I appreciate that. MY prescription costs were nearly $300 per month last year and now I am paying $0 each month.

But to be truthful, the Pharmas are not eating any costs, just dropping the price increase to something more reasonable.

It works like this. You take a name brand prescription still under patent protection. The copay is fifty dollars. The prescription retails for three hundred dollars. The negotiated price for your plan is two hundred fifty dollars. After you reach the doughnut hole you pay right at one hundred twenty five dollars for the medication. The drug company KICKS BACK one hundred fifteen dollars to the drug store, the Medicare Part D company pays about ten dollars. The drugstore gets two hundred fifty dollars for the medication, the negotiated discount price.
the ACA shored up Medicare and reduced the cos.9t to the govt for Medicare AND it filled the DONNUT HOLE for pharma the seniors were paying that the Republicans left in their Medicare Pill Bill.

The ACA helped and improved Medicare...Willowtree!

You are entitled to your opinion. You are not entitled to your own facts. The Affordable Care Act, OBAMACARE, if you will, greatly improved the financial solvency of the Medicare Trust Fund, increased coverage for preventive services under Medicare, and scheduled the elimination of the infamous Bush doughnut hole.

I will give an example of each area. First, the solvency. The ACA included a .9% Medicare surcharge on investment income as well as a 3.7% surcharge on investment income for those making more than $250,000 a year. Repeal would have eliminated those taxes and decreased the funding of the Medicare Trust Fund.

Second, expanded coverage. The ACA introduced a welcome to Medicare wellness exam--a physical covered at 100% once someone aged in to Medicare. Mammograms are now covered yearly, it used to be once every two years.

Third, the doughnut hole. Prior to the ACA there was no prescription drug coverage when someone entered the doughnut hole. They were forced to pay the full negotiated price. The ACA requires drug manufacturers to cover almost half the cost of those prescriptions in the doughnut hole. The government is not paying for them. The insurance company is not paying for them. The drug companies AGREED to EAT HALF THE COSTS. To date, Medicare beneficiaries have saved


Billions of dollars that were spent on something BESIDES PRESCRIPTION DRUGS by millions of seniors.
Incorrect. It is against the law for Medicare to negotiate drug prices!

But not for the PRIVATE COMPANIES that administer Medicare Part D programs.

Look, I guarantee I have forgot more about Medicare than you will ever know.
Well good. Then explain the cost of my Chlobetasol. I shall wait patiently.
Really? My chlobetasol used to cost me 32 dollars a tube. last time I went in for a refill my share was 232 bucks. I had to walk away! Medicare has taken a serious hit. Many physicians will not take Medicare anymore.

Yeah, not everything is covered, and I have no idea what the criteria is for what is and is not covered.

And many doctors have been leaving Medicaid since about 2010.
If I am not mistaken it is the only effective drug for eczema. That puts a lot of folks in a world of hurt.
It works like this. You take a name brand prescription still under patent protection. The copay is fifty dollars. The prescription retails for three hundred dollars. The negotiated price for your plan is two hundred fifty dollars. After you reach the doughnut hole you pay right at one hundred twenty five dollars for the medication. The drug company KICKS BACK one hundred fifteen dollars to the drug store, the Medicare Part D company pays about ten dollars. The drugstore gets two hundred fifty dollars for the medication, the negotiated discount price.
Yes, but it never cost the pharma $300 to make those little pills you bought.

Thus it is not cost to ship, produce and market, but only their retail markup, which varies from industry to industry. For example, the mark up on most necessities has been kept low, and food at the grocers is usually less than a 10% mark up, but furniture is often a 200% mark up or more. shoes are also ridiculously marked up as well as name brand clothing and houses are often marked up as much as 800% over production costs by the time it is put on the real estate market.
Really? My chlobetasol used to cost me 32 dollars a tube. last time I went in for a refill my share was 232 bucks. I had to walk away! Medicare has taken a serious hit. Many physicians will not take Medicare anymore.

Yeah, not everything is covered, and I have no idea what the criteria is for what is and is not covered.

And many doctors have been leaving Medicaid since about 2010.
If I am not mistaken it is the only effective drug for eczema. That puts a lot of folks in a world of hurt.
My condolences for your suffering. My sister had that crap, but she has passed on and does not suffer from it any more.

Here is a short summary of available treatments today, maybe something in here might work better for you and not be as expensive? Good luck!

Dermatitis - Wikipedia
the ACA shored up Medicare and reduced the cos.9t to the govt for Medicare AND it filled the DONNUT HOLE for pharma the seniors were paying that the Republicans left in their Medicare Pill Bill.

The ACA helped and improved Medicare...Willowtree!

You are entitled to your opinion. You are not entitled to your own facts. The Affordable Care Act, OBAMACARE, if you will, greatly improved the financial solvency of the Medicare Trust Fund, increased coverage for preventive services under Medicare, and scheduled the elimination of the infamous Bush doughnut hole.

I will give an example of each area. First, the solvency. The ACA included a .9% Medicare surcharge on investment income as well as a 3.7% surcharge on investment income for those making more than $250,000 a year. Repeal would have eliminated those taxes and decreased the funding of the Medicare Trust Fund.

Second, expanded coverage. The ACA introduced a welcome to Medicare wellness exam--a physical covered at 100% once someone aged in to Medicare. Mammograms are now covered yearly, it used to be once every two years.

Third, the doughnut hole. Prior to the ACA there was no prescription drug coverage when someone entered the doughnut hole. They were forced to pay the full negotiated price. The ACA requires drug manufacturers to cover almost half the cost of those prescriptions in the doughnut hole. The government is not paying for them. The insurance company is not paying for them. The drug companies AGREED to EAT HALF THE COSTS. To date, Medicare beneficiaries have saved


Billions of dollars that were spent on something BESIDES PRESCRIPTION DRUGS by millions of seniors.
Incorrect. It is against the law for Medicare to negotiate drug prices!

But not for the PRIVATE COMPANIES that administer Medicare Part D programs.

Look, I guarantee I have forgot more about Medicare than you will ever know.
Well good. Then explain the cost of my Chlobetasol. I shall wait patiently.

First, there are several "classes" of drugs that are not covered under Medicare Part D. Chlobetasol is in one of those classes. Nor is it covered under Medicare Part B.

As to the price increase, well that is Actavis--the producer of Chlobetasol. The reason they have raised the price significantly is

And it sure as hell was a lie.

For years the GOP has been telling us, "just elect us, we have the plan for health care, and we'll fix it if we just have the power to ".

When we asked to SEE the plan, they laughed and said there was one and we didn't need to see it. They tossed a few vague "examples" of it - "We'll let insurance companies sell across state lines", or "we'll do HSA plans", or "tort reform", but it sure did seem like they didn't have an actual plan.

Okay, maybe I was wrong, maybe they were being honest, maybe they had a plan and would unveil it the day after Trump's inauguration day.

Well, they sure didn't, did they? They've been lying all this time.

We're not supposed to take Trump literally, but seriously. How are we supposed to take the GOP now? Are we supposed to believe ANYTHING at this point?
The Republican leadership in Congress has lost all credibility in my opinion, and the Freedom caucus has convinced me that they are little more than infantile morons.

Trump deserves better support from Congressional leadership than he is getting, and if the Democrats were not so partisan they would see the golden opportunity that they have to correct the major flaws with Obamacare and get reform of it instead of repeal, thus securing Obama's legacy till this nation goes extinct.
Which flaws in Obamacare were Republicans going to correct?
Cut the tax on the wealthy?
End Medicaid expansion?
Increase rates on women and older Americans?

Dems were never going to agree to that
It seems you democRats have forgotten how Mac1958 jumped over onto our side after Trump won. Said a whole lot of nasty things about you and your party. Laughed with us about you being weakling snowflakes and losers. Now at the first whiff of a GOP split on how to get rid of the putrid BarryCare, he races back to your side. We don't want him, knew he was a flake and now...he's all yours again.

You are entitled to your opinion. You are not entitled to your own facts. The Affordable Care Act, OBAMACARE, if you will, greatly improved the financial solvency of the Medicare Trust Fund, increased coverage for preventive services under Medicare, and scheduled the elimination of the infamous Bush doughnut hole.

I will give an example of each area. First, the solvency. The ACA included a .9% Medicare surcharge on investment income as well as a 3.7% surcharge on investment income for those making more than $250,000 a year. Repeal would have eliminated those taxes and decreased the funding of the Medicare Trust Fund.

Second, expanded coverage. The ACA introduced a welcome to Medicare wellness exam--a physical covered at 100% once someone aged in to Medicare. Mammograms are now covered yearly, it used to be once every two years.

Third, the doughnut hole. Prior to the ACA there was no prescription drug coverage when someone entered the doughnut hole. They were forced to pay the full negotiated price. The ACA requires drug manufacturers to cover almost half the cost of those prescriptions in the doughnut hole. The government is not paying for them. The insurance company is not paying for them. The drug companies AGREED to EAT HALF THE COSTS. To date, Medicare beneficiaries have saved


Billions of dollars that were spent on something BESIDES PRESCRIPTION DRUGS by millions of seniors.
Incorrect. It is against the law for Medicare to negotiate drug prices!

But not for the PRIVATE COMPANIES that administer Medicare Part D programs.

Look, I guarantee I have forgot more about Medicare than you will ever know.
Well good. Then explain the cost of my Chlobetasol. I shall wait patiently.

First, there are several "classes" of drugs that are not covered under Medicare Part D. Chlobetasol is in one of those classes. Nor is it covered under Medicare Part B.

As to the price increase, well that is Actavis--the producer of Chlobetasol. The reason they have raised the price significantly is

Well, they referred to the 232 bucks as my share, they did not say it was not covered. Try again.
So here is medicare! Less access, higher premiums, higher copay. Democrats stole 916 billion this is the result.
And it sure as hell was a lie.

For years the GOP has been telling us, "just elect us, we have the plan for health care, and we'll fix it if we just have the power to ".

When we asked to SEE the plan, they laughed and said there was one and we didn't need to see it. They tossed a few vague "examples" of it - "We'll let insurance companies sell across state lines", or "we'll do HSA plans", or "tort reform", but it sure did seem like they didn't have an actual plan.

Okay, maybe I was wrong, maybe they were being honest, maybe they had a plan and would unveil it the day after Trump's inauguration day.

Well, they sure didn't, did they? They've been lying all this time.

We're not supposed to take Trump literally, but seriously. How are we supposed to take the GOP now? Are we supposed to believe ANYTHING at this point?
The Republican leadership in Congress has lost all credibility in my opinion, and the Freedom caucus has convinced me that they are little more than infantile morons.

Trump deserves better support from Congressional leadership than he is getting, and if the Democrats were not so partisan they would see the golden opportunity that they have to correct the major flaws with Obamacare and get reform of it instead of repeal, thus securing Obama's legacy till this nation goes extinct.
Which flaws in Obamacare were Republicans going to correct?
Cut the tax on the wealthy?
End Medicaid expansion?
Increase rates on women and older Americans?

Dems were never going to agree to that
Nope! The Dems would never agree to that! They are enjoying the fact that insurers cannot meet their deductibles, that Arizona has a 116% percent increase in premiums. It tickles them shitless.
And it sure as hell was a lie.

For years the GOP has been telling us, "just elect us, we have the plan for health care, and we'll fix it if we just have the power to ".

When we asked to SEE the plan, they laughed and said there was one and we didn't need to see it. They tossed a few vague "examples" of it - "We'll let insurance companies sell across state lines", or "we'll do HSA plans", or "tort reform", but it sure did seem like they didn't have an actual plan.

Okay, maybe I was wrong, maybe they were being honest, maybe they had a plan and would unveil it the day after Trump's inauguration day.

Well, they sure didn't, did they? They've been lying all this time.

We're not supposed to take Trump literally, but seriously. How are we supposed to take the GOP now? Are we supposed to believe ANYTHING at this point?
The Republican leadership in Congress has lost all credibility in my opinion, and the Freedom caucus has convinced me that they are little more than infantile morons.

Trump deserves better support from Congressional leadership than he is getting, and if the Democrats were not so partisan they would see the golden opportunity that they have to correct the major flaws with Obamacare and get reform of it instead of repeal, thus securing Obama's legacy till this nation goes extinct.
Which flaws in Obamacare were Republicans going to correct?
Cut the tax on the wealthy?
End Medicaid expansion?
Increase rates on women and older Americans?

Dems were never going to agree to that
Nope! The Dems would never agree to that! They are enjoying the fact that insurers cannot meet their deductibles, that Arizona has a 116% percent increase in premiums. It tickles them shitless.

What part of Obamacare caused the premiums to increase in Arizona?

Ewe must have some idea
And it sure as hell was a lie.

For years the GOP has been telling us, "just elect us, we have the plan for health care, and we'll fix it if we just have the power to ".

When we asked to SEE the plan, they laughed and said there was one and we didn't need to see it. They tossed a few vague "examples" of it - "We'll let insurance companies sell across state lines", or "we'll do HSA plans", or "tort reform", but it sure did seem like they didn't have an actual plan.

Okay, maybe I was wrong, maybe they were being honest, maybe they had a plan and would unveil it the day after Trump's inauguration day.

Well, they sure didn't, did they? They've been lying all this time.

We're not supposed to take Trump literally, but seriously. How are we supposed to take the GOP now? Are we supposed to believe ANYTHING at this point?
The Republican leadership in Congress has lost all credibility in my opinion, and the Freedom caucus has convinced me that they are little more than infantile morons.

Trump deserves better support from Congressional leadership than he is getting, and if the Democrats were not so partisan they would see the golden opportunity that they have to correct the major flaws with Obamacare and get reform of it instead of repeal, thus securing Obama's legacy till this nation goes extinct.
Which flaws in Obamacare were Republicans going to correct?
Cut the tax on the wealthy?
End Medicaid expansion?
Increase rates on women and older Americans?

Dems were never going to agree to that
Nope! The Dems would never agree to that! They are enjoying the fact that insurers cannot meet their deductibles, that Arizona has a 116% percent increase in premiums. It tickles them shitless.

What part of Obamacare caused the premiums to increase in Arizona?

Ewe must have some idea
They went up everywhere, just the most in Arizona. It is why America is pissed off at the democrats!

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