the green new deal = green pork


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
we cant afford to add new spending on top of spending we cant figure out how to pay for!
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it is the progressive impulse that drives liberalism to respond to every social problem by advocating more government, more bureaucracy, and spending more taxpayers money which restrict our freedom and liberty
it is the progressive impulse that drives liberalism to respond to every social problem by advocating more government, more bureaucracy, and spending more taxpayers money which restrict our freedom and liberty
For every tax dollar they wrangle, their coffers probably receive half of it.
We're going to progress into the 21st Century if we have to drag the Republican Party kicking and screaming behind us...
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Democrats accuses Republicans of caring about only taxes and economics. Republicans must not overreact by not focusing on taxes and economics anymore!
We're going to progress into the 21st Century if we have to drag the Republican Party kicking and screaming behind us...

Thanks for your honest admission.

Ocasio-Cortez Sees Climate Change Politics as Means to Transform America
Ocasio-Cortez Sees Climate Change Politics as Means to Transform America
". . .Many of us have long suspected that the climate alarmism espoused by carbon-credit salesman Al Gore and the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was nothing but a vehicle to frighten the masses into accepting socialist/globalist governance. At least Ocasio-Cortez has the guts to admit that that’s her actual plan.

When Ocasio-Cortez isn’t busy threatening citizens with the power of the government via Twitter, she’s been using her time prior to being sworn in to tout a “Green New Deal,” a shout-out to Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s disastrous New Deal, which helped balloon the federal government to its current gargantuan and unwieldly state.

“I believe that the progressive movement is the only movement that has answers right now,” she said. “We’re the only ones that are drawing from the lessons of history, from Franklin Delano Roosevelt, from some of the most ambitious projects that we have pursued in American history. And that truly again is the scale that it’s going to take. . .
We're going to progress into the 21st Century if we have to drag the Republican Party kicking and screaming behind us...

Thanks for your honest admission.

Ocasio-Cortez Sees Climate Change Politics as Means to Transform America
Ocasio-Cortez Sees Climate Change Politics as Means to Transform America
". . .Many of us have long suspected that the climate alarmism espoused by carbon-credit salesman Al Gore and the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was nothing but a vehicle to frighten the masses into accepting socialist/globalist governance. At least Ocasio-Cortez has the guts to admit that that’s her actual plan.

When Ocasio-Cortez isn’t busy threatening citizens with the power of the government via Twitter, she’s been using her time prior to being sworn in to tout a “Green New Deal,” a shout-out to Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s disastrous New Deal, which helped balloon the federal government to its current gargantuan and unwieldly state.

“I believe that the progressive movement is the only movement that has answers right now,” she said. “We’re the only ones that are drawing from the lessons of history, from Franklin Delano Roosevelt, from some of the most ambitious projects that we have pursued in American history. And that truly again is the scale that it’s going to take. . .
Yeah, I agree with one thing--FDR's welfare, except for Soc. Security, should have had a sunset clause.
Yeah, because that is what the Dems have tried to sell to cover up their real agenda. And she is one they snowballed.
We're going to progress into the 21st Century if we have to drag the Republican Party kicking and screaming behind us...

Thanks for your honest admission.

Ocasio-Cortez Sees Climate Change Politics as Means to Transform America
Ocasio-Cortez Sees Climate Change Politics as Means to Transform America
". . .Many of us have long suspected that the climate alarmism espoused by carbon-credit salesman Al Gore and the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was nothing but a vehicle to frighten the masses into accepting socialist/globalist governance. At least Ocasio-Cortez has the guts to admit that that’s her actual plan.

When Ocasio-Cortez isn’t busy threatening citizens with the power of the government via Twitter, she’s been using her time prior to being sworn in to tout a “Green New Deal,” a shout-out to Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s disastrous New Deal, which helped balloon the federal government to its current gargantuan and unwieldly state.

“I believe that the progressive movement is the only movement that has answers right now,” she said. “We’re the only ones that are drawing from the lessons of history, from Franklin Delano Roosevelt, from some of the most ambitious projects that we have pursued in American history. And that truly again is the scale that it’s going to take. . .
We're going to progress into the 21st Century if we have to drag the Republican Party kicking and screaming behind us...
What the FUCK does that mean?

You're going to drag everyone kicking and screaming into your communist utopia?

Try it. See what happens.

We're going to progress into the 21st Century if we have to drag the Republican Party kicking and screaming behind us...
Individual liberty is progress.
Govt control is as old as civilization.
Do you even know what progress means?
Yes...and moving towards and taking advantage of new technologies IS the definition of progress
it is the progressive impulse that drives liberalism to respond to every social problem by advocating more government, more bureaucracy, and spending more taxpayers money which restrict our freedom and liberty
Um. Daffy Donald is the one advocating more spending. He's the one in charge, and his massive spending has been aided and abetted by the Republican Congress.

Trump inherited a half trillion deficit. Now he has DOUBLED it.

Trump's FY2018 year of spending beat Obama's worst record by half a trillion dollars.

Trump FY2019 beats Obama's worst record by a full trillion dollars.

Obama + $1 trillion = Trump.

So don't pretend this has something to with "progressives", fuckwit. Daffy Donald LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVES spending other people's money.

Pay attention and try to catch up.
Greens are one of biggest threats to the planet. Chopping down rainforest all over the .world for biofuel...wasting our water on ethanol.....killing endangered species in name of Gaia.......they should be prosecuted not allowed to induce world wide poverty.

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