The ignorance of the terrorist claim Against the right

Once again you DEFEND the left. Remind us again how you are anti party.....

I'm not going to join the idiot side ever. Take an intellectual stance and I'll take your side kid. Learn some politics, stop the hate mongering.

Your name and your introduction thread all claimed you belonged to no side, yet you have NEVER once attacked ANYTHING on the left and have in fact openly defended them. All your threads attack the right.

You are a liar and a fraud. I repeat quote where I claimed the right should go after the left with firearms. A link and a quote. I mean you keep claiming you are so much more intelligent to us and have this great understanding of the written word.

Your intelligence is in question here.

I do not belong to a party, that's a fact.

I belong to my brain.

I agree with certain facts and it doesn't matter what party platform they belong to.

The fact that the Left has many more facts today than the "Party of No" is no surprise.

You should learn more and type less.
The lefts insistence on proclaiming that the right are terrorists is going to cause EXACTLY what they proclaim they don't want. The continued assaults on the liberty freedom and welfare of the right WILL lead to armed insurrection against a Government hell bent on making it happen.

Call someone something long enough and they will see no reason not to be what you proclaim them to be. If only 1 percent of this Country rises in anger with armed rebellion that is 3.2 million people. And if an armed rebellion occurs because of instigation from the left and mistreatment of citizens by the Government the US Military WILL shatter.

Liberals are their own worst enemies. Keep claiming honest political differences are terrorist acts, keep proclaiming that the enemy of the State is retired military returning vets and the tea party. Keep trying to silence legitimate political talk with cry"s of treason and rebellion. You WILL find out that some people take offense to being made criminal by a political party for the sole reason as to remain in power.

Is that a personal threat?
Shut up.

^Brainy stuff right there. They said, "shut up" OHHHHHHH

Nothing says "adult" like the phrase "shut up" in political forums. Im so embarrassed for these people.
The lefts insistence on proclaiming that the right are terrorists is going to cause EXACTLY what they proclaim they don't want. The continued assaults on the liberty freedom and welfare of the right WILL lead to armed insurrection against a Government hell bent on making it happen.

Call someone something long enough and they will see no reason not to be what you proclaim them to be. If only 1 percent of this Country rises in anger with armed rebellion that is 3.2 million people. And if an armed rebellion occurs because of instigation from the left and mistreatment of citizens by the Government the US Military WILL shatter.

Liberals are their own worst enemies. Keep claiming honest political differences are terrorist acts, keep proclaiming that the enemy of the State is retired military returning vets and the tea party. Keep trying to silence legitimate political talk with cry"s of treason and rebellion. You WILL find out that some people take offense to being made criminal by a political party for the sole reason as to remain in power.

Is that a personal threat?

You are an idiot, but then we all know that already, thanks for again proving it.

So you ARE thinking of joining the armed insurrection against America eventually if pushed too far? Thinking of joining the 1% rebellion? Personally, I wouldn't want to be caught dead in a foxhole with Mitt Romney watching my back.
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I'm not going to join the idiot side ever. Take an intellectual stance and I'll take your side kid. Learn some politics, stop the hate mongering.

Your name and your introduction thread all claimed you belonged to no side, yet you have NEVER once attacked ANYTHING on the left and have in fact openly defended them. All your threads attack the right.

You are a liar and a fraud. I repeat quote where I claimed the right should go after the left with firearms. A link and a quote. I mean you keep claiming you are so much more intelligent to us and have this great understanding of the written word.

Your intelligence is in question here.

I do not belong to a party, that's a fact.

I belong to my brain.

I agree with certain facts and it doesn't matter what party platform they belong to.

The fact that the Left has many more facts today than the "Party of No" is no surprise.

You should learn more and type less.

You made a claim about what you say I posted, prove it.... You keep claiming things that are not true then when called on them you either abandon the thread or ignore the fact you lied.

Once again provide a link and a quote where I ever said the right should go after the left with firearms. I mean you keep telling us you pay so much more attention to what is said and are smarter then all us. Back up your claim.
No, they don't change their tune, the change the vernacular, the goals never change, whether they call themselves democrats, progressives or liberals, the message may moderate from time to time but it never changes. Massive government is their goal, one that will control every aspect of life, bill ayres was willing to kill 25% of the population to accomplish that, none will admit that today but I'm sure a few of them would have no qualms with that kind of action.

I like your avatar and I agree with your opinion of Bill Ayers and his compadres. It was influence from people like him who moved the democrat party from JFK/Reagan making it too fanatic left wing for even most democrats. Reagan went to the GOP, while some us work to return our party to the people and away from the left wing elitists.
The ignorance of the terrorist claim Against the right
There’s nothing ‘ignorant’ about it.

It is a fact that there are rightwing organizations seeking to commit acts of terror against Americans, the attack in Kansas is proof of that.

No one is saying that all rightists are terrorists; and if you and other rightists denounce terrorist acts by the extreme right then you’ve got nothing to be defensive about.

But the worst thing you and others on the right might do is to attempt to ignore the problem of rightwing terrorism because you find it embarrassing and potentially politically damaging to conservatives and republicans.
The ignorance of the terrorist claim Against the right
There’s nothing ‘ignorant’ about it.

It is a fact that there are rightwing organizations seeking to commit acts of terror against Americans, the attack in Kansas is proof of that.

No one is saying that all rightists are terrorists; and if you and other rightists denounce terrorist acts by the extreme right then you’ve got nothing to be defensive about.

But the worst thing you and others on the right might do is to attempt to ignore the problem of rightwing terrorism because you find it embarrassing and potentially politically damaging to conservatives and republicans.
I don't ignore RW terrorism and I did not ignore LW terrorism. The extremes of both are out of this world.
The ignorance of the terrorist claim Against the right
There’s nothing ‘ignorant’ about it.

It is a fact that there are rightwing organizations seeking to commit acts of terror against Americans, the attack in Kansas is proof of that.

No one is saying that all rightists are terrorists; and if you and other rightists denounce terrorist acts by the extreme right then you’ve got nothing to be defensive about.

But the worst thing you and others on the right might do is to attempt to ignore the problem of rightwing terrorism because you find it embarrassing and potentially politically damaging to conservatives and republicans.

I guess you forgot about the Weather Underground, the Black Panthers and many of the left wing groups who attack as well.

The fact is, some people do terrorist acts and it is not limited to one political view.

I like your signature block: "The very purpose of a Bill of Rights was to withdraw certain subjects from the vicissitudes of political controversy, to place them beyond the reach of majorities and officials and to establish them as legal Principles to be applied by the courts. One's right to life, liberty, and property, to free speech, a free press, freedom of worship and assembly, and other fundamental rights may not be submitted to vote; they depend on the outcome of no elections. Justice Robert H. Jackson, West Virginia Board of Education vs. Barnette, 1943 " It exemplifies the reasons so many people are resisting the left wing for trying to infringe on the 2nd amendment. Fri Dec 21, 2012 at 03:20 AM PST.

How to Ban Guns: A step by step, long term process
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