The Indictment of Former President Trump Is An Abuse of Prosecutorial Power For Political Purposes – The Motive Is Clear on Its Face

"Breaking the law" is not the bar here, according to your own people. George Floyd "broke the law" by taking illegal drugs and resisting arrest over and over. But no one cares; he's a hero and a god because he was killed by a cop.

Your justice, your rules.

ETA: Do not mistake me: I'm not saying Floyd deserved to die. I'm pointing out the yawning stupidity of crying over "he broke the law" and nothing else
I can't believe I have to explain this.

Our laws stipulate what type of crime has been committed (infraction, misdemeanor, felony) for each offense prohibited along with the prescribed punishment for each violation.

The punishment for drug possession under certain amounts which tend to indicate they are for recreational use and not for trafficking is, upon conviction, x number of months in jail (for misdemeanors), x number of years in prison (for felonies), no jail or prison time for traffic infractions, instead there is payment of a fine.

Of course there are exceptions and special circumstances for everything stated above, but what is important for you to remember, the penalty for "taking drugs", "getting high", "resisting arrest" IS NOT DEATH.

It doesn't matter how many times George Floyd or anyone else has violated the drug laws or resisted arrest, the prescribed penalty for those violations do not include forfeiting one's life.

And he's not a hero because he got killed by a cop, he's considered a hero to many because his death was captured on video tape and to most normal people was heart breaking. His death opened the eyes of the whole world to the plight of Black Americans that we've been complaining about for centuries.

His death also resulted in the first conviction of a police officer for the killing of a Black man although our country has been in existence for 245 years. The first time IN 245 YEARS.
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We didn't make Trump steal classified documents, lie about them, compel his lawyer to lie about them, defy a subpoena hide them next to his toilet, or show them off to staffers.

Trump did.

Nor are we the one's that lost our freaking minds and demanded that the constitution be terminated and Trump declared the winner of the last election.

That would be Trump again.

No but your derangement has destroyed the nation.
No but your derangement has destroyed the nation.

We're not the one's attacking the capitol to stop a lawful election. That's your ilk.

We didn't call for the termination of the constitution. Your ilk did.

How are we responsible for your violence, your calls to terminate the constitution?

In the party of 'personal responsibility', its ALWAYS someone else's fault, eh?
I can't believe I have to explain this.

Our laws stipulate what type of crime has been committed (infraction, misdemeanor, felony) for each offense prohibited along with the prescribed punishment for each violation.

The punishment for drug possession under certain amounts which tend to indicate they are for recreational use and not for trafficking is, upon conviction, x number of months in jail (for misdemeanors), x number of years in prison (for felonies), no jail or prison time for traffic infractions, instead there is payment of a fine.

Killing George Floyd for resisting arrest is also perverted justice, and I stated this.

But look at your last paragraph above. Does justice only require following the law or is it also how the law is APPLIED to people?

If certain people are pulled over more than others for traffic violations, and thus have to pay more fines and eventually lose their licenses and have warrants, is this justice? After all, they DID break the law for the rolling stop/failing to yield/five miles over the speed limit.

It's always hilarious when left wing criminal sociopaths run around pretending to be supporters of 'law and order n stuff'. Where are those linkds to all those fires and looting again? lol lol lol

It's always hilarious when left wing criminal sociopaths run around pretending to be supporters of 'law and order n stuff'. Where are those linkds to all those fires and looting again? lol lol lol

I would feel proud of being able to shoot down their "principles" or "arguments" but it's too easy. My brighter third graders could do it. That's not an exaggeration.
Killing George Floyd for resisting arrest is also perverted justice, and I stated this.

But look at your last paragraph above. Does justice only require following the law or is it also how the law is APPLIED to people?

If certain people are pulled over more than others for traffic violations, and thus have to pay more fines and eventually lose their licenses and have warrants, is this justice? After all, they DID break the law for the rolling stop/failing to yield/five miles over the speed limit.

Is it justice to let Trump flagrantly violate the law with no accountability?

Of course not. You don't want justice. You don't even argue that Trump didn't commit the crimes he's accused.

Which is wise. The evidence against him is overwhelming.
We're not the one's attacking the capitol to stop a lawful election. That's your ilk.

We didn't call for the termination of the constitution. Your ilk did.

How are we responsible for your violence, your calls to terminate the constitution?

In the party of 'personal responsibility', its ALWAYS someone else's fault, eh?

^^^ Genuflects at gun thug doper George Floyd's pic.
When you have a perverse justice system, you can do all manner of things in the name of "accountability". You can frisk young black men and find a few ounces of weed on them and then jail them up, ala Joe Biden. And then when people cry about it, "accountability".

Perverted justice is perverted. All the way around.
Sue I hate to say this, but don't bring Black people into this.

Trump is a white billionaire or was, I'm not sure of his finances these days, who also is a former president of the United States, an office that many were stunned to have to witness him claiming.

For all of these people to be after him, trying to take him down, he had to have done a lot of dirt to a lot of people. How stupid do you have to be to take classified documents with you when you leave the White House? And then BRAG about it? Not just a couple of file folders full that you can hide in your briefcase, but a small moving truck worth of boxes of documents?

Trump has escaped punishment for most of the wrong he's done and that maybe why, since he keeps handing them grounds to come after him, that they keep doing so. It's like he's daring them to do so.

Honestly at this point I don't know what you want. You want everyone to be punished or no one to be punished?

And there is no perversion unless you believe that just because a person is very wealthy, well connected and dare I say white even if they are part of the nouveau riche, that they are entitled to get a pass?
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  • Brilliant
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Is it justice to let Trump flagrantly violate the law with no accountability?

Of course not. You don't want justice. You don't even argue that Trump didn't commit the crimes he's accused.

Which is wise. The evidence against him is overwhelming.

One thing is sure. You too will have to live in the rotten hellhole you want for the rest of us.

Humanity did not deserve America.
I try not to use pejoratives but honest to Pete, I've had enough. The people positing these so-called "arguments" are either dishonest or seriously dumb. But I think both.

Says the hapless soul that directly compared Floyd's brutal murder for resisting arrest.......with an indictment, arraignment and fair trial with NO murder.

Your pseudo-legal gibberish is confused nonsense.
Sue I hate to say this, but don't bring Black people into this.

Trump is a white billionaire or was, I'm not sure of his finances these days, who also is a former president of the United States, an office that many were stunned to have to witness him claiming.

For all of these people to be after him, trying to take him down, he had to have done a lot of dirt to a lot of people. How stupid do you have to be to take classified documents with you when you leave the White House? And then BRAG about it? Not just a couple of file folders full that you can hide in your briefcase, but a small moving truck worth of boxes of documents?

Trump has escaped punishment for most of the wrong he's done and that maybe why, since he keeps handing them grounds to come after him, that they keep doing so. It's like he's daring them to do so.

Honestly at this point I don't know what you want. You want everyone to be punished or no one to be punished?

No, your request is rejected. You want to invoke the injustice done to Black people and I acknowledge that and have cited it pretty accurately in how Blacks are pulled over and charged with traffic crimes unjustly. But you DO NOT want that applied to Trump, somehow it couldn't happen to him because he is white and rich.



That's first.

Use your imagination to figure out how there might not, indeed, be a "lot of dirt" on him if Mueller and the Steele Dossier and everything else was unable to get serious convictions, but here they come again with document crimes. Did he "commit crimes"? Sure. Again. So did all the Blacks pulled over for "traffic violations".

You're smart enough to know this which is why, I suspect, you don't want it brought up. But it cuts ALL ways.
No, your request is rejected. You want to invoke the injustice done to Black people and I acknowledge that and have cited it pretty accurately in how Blacks are pulled over and charged with traffic crimes unjustly. But you DO NOT want that applied to Trump, somehow it couldn't happen to him because he is white and rich.



That's first.

Use your imagination to figure out how there might not, indeed, be a "lot of dirt" on him if Mueller and the Steele Dossier and everything else was unable to get serious convictions, but here they come again with document crimes. Did he "commit crimes"? Sure. Again. So did all the Blacks pulled over for "traffic violations".

You're smart enough to know this which is why, I suspect, you don't want it brought up. But it cuts ALL ways.

Trump hasn't been brutally murdered for any of his 37 felonies. Instead he's been given what Floyd should have:

An indictment, an arrest and a fair trial.

You don't want justice. You want Trump to be free to violate any law he wishes with zero accountability.

Um, no.
George Floyd broke the law. "No one is above the law" and he should be held "accountable".

Oh wait. That only applies to people YOU DON'T LIKE. I forgot
So now, it's not just me explaining this to you, the police do not get to kill people just because they violate the law, nor does anyone else as a matter of fact.

That's the same excuse those three racist idiots down in Georgia tried to use, one of whom was a former cop, when they attempted to force Ahmaud Arbery to stop his jogging and talk to them (while they were openly armed one with a shotgun) but instead of talking they ended up shooting and killing him after they got into a tussle for the shotgun and then tried to claim self-defense.

They allegedly suspected him of trespassing. The penalty for trespass in the state of Georgia IS NOT DEATH which is why they're currently in prison.

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