The Indictment of Former President Trump Is An Abuse of Prosecutorial Power For Political Purposes – The Motive Is Clear on Its Face

Sweetie, your hatred of America is what makes your life a hell hole.

America is gonna be fine. You're only hurting yourself with these chicken little hysterics of America's impending doom.
The politicians and politicos and media whores who have done this to these people are largely to blame. The rubes, while absolutely responsible for their actions, have been victimized by people who know exactly how to manipulate them, which strings to pull, which emotions to attack.

That's one of the saddest parts of this whole ugly mess.
The politicians and politicos and media whores who have done this to these people are largely to blame. The rubes, while absolutely responsible for their actions, have been victimized by people who know exactly how to manipulate them, which strings to pull, which emotions to attack.

That's one of the saddest parts of this whole ugly mess.

Sue is not the product of Trump. Trump is the product of people like Sue.

She and her ilk are the one's who have empowered Trump and demagogues like him. Trump is merely a symptom of the conservative detachment from reality and embrace of batshit conspiracy.
No, your request is rejected. You want to invoke the injustice done to Black people and I acknowledge that and have cited it pretty accurately in how Blacks are pulled over and charged with traffic crimes unjustly. But you DO NOT want that applied to Trump, somehow it couldn't happen to him because he is white and rich.


That's first.

Use your imagination to figure out how there might not, indeed, be a "lot of dirt" on him if Mueller and the Steele Dossier and everything else was unable to get serious convictions, but here they come again with document crimes. Did he "commit crimes"? Sure. Again. So did all the Blacks pulled over for "traffic violations".

You're smart enough to know this which is why, I suspect, you don't want it brought up. But it cuts ALL ways.
Sue you are waaaaaaaay out in left field. Your rejection of my statement to not drag Black people into this scenario because it doesn't fit (meaning you're comparing apples to oranges) means nothing to me as neither does Donald Trump.

He's been circling the drain for a while and the only thing left to see as far as I'm concerned is how many of his minions he will be able to summon to do his bidding after they presumably saw what happened to the first batch that took a hit for him (January 6th storming of the U.S. Capital).

It's funny to me on one hand because investigations by their very nature are supposed to be kind of hush hush but based on just has been shown in the news ALL ALONG regarding Trump having classified documents at Mar-a-Lago the whole world has seen a glimpse of what he's done. That doesn't even take into account what we don't know about what the parts of their investigation that have not been disclosed may have uncovered.

It's one thing when there is no credible evidence of any violations, to go digging, looking for evidence you can use to charge someone, however in Trump's case, we know from NEWS reports
1. The DOJ asked Trump for any classified documents that he may have or still have in his possession after he left the White House
2. That Trump reportedly turned over some that he had
3. That Trump and/or he and his attorney then attested that they had turned over EVERYTHING
4. That apparently the DOJ didn't believe him/them possibly because (did no one ever think of this) there were specific items missing
5. Therefore the DOJ issued a search warrant for his Mar-a-Logo residence and retrieve boxes and boxes of classified documents, some of which were outside of their classification folders/sleeves, in areas of the property that were accessible to "random people" (?!?) none of whom were cleared to view or be in possession of said documents

I stopped paying attention after the news and the photos of this so no, it's not the same thing as Black kids getting pulled over and excessively charged for small amounts of weed possession.

Trump did this to HIMSELF by being so friggin arrogant that he believed he could do anything he wants and never face any consequences for it.

First they asked for the data, then they told him and his attorney(s) to turn it over, and lastly they came and got for themselves and found that their suspicious had been justified. They gave him every opportunity to comply and Trump could have avoided all of this by discontinuing to think and believe that he's the exception to every rule even when it comes to obeying the laws of our country.
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Sue is not the product of Trump. Trump is the product of people like Sue.

She and her ilk are the one's who have empowered Trump and demagogues like him. Trump is merely a symptom of the conservative detachment from reality and embrace of batshit conspiracy.
Trump is definitely a result, because he's filling a profound need that has been building over the decades. It started the day Limbaugh went national and has fed on itself.

This has never been about Trump. Never. It's been about that manipulation and what it caused.
Sue you are waaaaaaaay out in left field. Your rejection of my statement to not drag Black people into this scenario because it doesn't fit (meaning you're comparing apples to oranges) means nothing to me as neither does Donald Trump.

He's been circling the drain for a while and the only thing left to see as far as I'm concerned is how many of his minions he will be able to summon to do his bidding after they presumably saw what happened to the first batch that took a hit for him (January 6th storming of the U.S. Capital).

It's funny to me on one hand because investigations by their very nature are supposed to be kind of hush hush but based on just has been shown in the news ALL ALONG regarding Trump having classified documents at Mar-a-Lago the whole world has seen a glimpse of what he's done. That doesn't take into account what we don't know about that they may have uncovered.

It's one thing when there is no credible evidence of any violations, to go digging looking for evidence you can use to charge someone however in Trump's case, we know from NEWS reports

Not just news reports. The indictment itself. It lays out in immaculate detail the evidence against Trump. Its overwhelming.

Which is why Sue isn't even trying to claim Trump is innocent.

The Indictment of Former President Trump Is An

Abuse of Prosecutorial Power For Political Purposes

The Motive Is Clear on Its Face

The purpose of an indictment is to provide notice to the defendant of the nature and circumstances of the charges. The content of an indictment is 100% the result of decisions made by the prosecutor. The document is drafted by the prosecutor and presented to the grand jury. The grand jury does not itself make changes to the language or allegations in the indictment.
The legal requirement with regard to the content of an indictment is that there be sufficient specificity that the defendant is advised of the time, place, and details of the charges so as to allow a defendant to claim “double jeopardy” in circumstances where the subject of the prosecution has been previously adjudicated against him.
Beyond that, federal courts at all levels have held that the charging language in an indictment combined with the detailed information and evidence provided to he defendant and his counsel in discovery, satisfies the “notice” required by due process.
What is absolutely certain is that the content of any indictment is not a reflection of any “right” of the public to see a litany of detailed ALLEGATIONS that form the basis for the charges, especially where those allegations are not presented in the context of the ACTUAL EVIDENCE that may — or may not — support the claims alleged.
What is absolutely certain is that the content of any indictment is not a reflection of any “right” of the public to see a litany of detailed ALLEGATIONS that form the basis of the charges, especially where those allegations are not presented in the context of the ACTUAL EVIDENCE that may — or may not — support the claims alleged.
What the Department of Justice has done more and more often in the past 20 years — particularly since the dawn of internet era — is to use what are called “speaking indictments” to manufacture a public narrative concerning the alleged crimes of the defendant. The more high profile the case, the more effort DOJ puts into crafting an extensive narrative for public consumption. With the allegations set forth in a public record, Department of Justice officials can discuss them in the press without violating DOJ policy.
Because the allegations will be published far and wide long before they are subject to the crucible of the adversarial system of justice, the narrative takes hold in the public consciousness as “fact” and often becomes impervious to contrary evidence.
Before turning to the Trump indictment, let me provide you a real world example that I was just involved in over the past few months.

The FSB and Stasi story keeps continues to change.
WaPo interviewed the same witnesses as Jack Smith and originally reported the Mar-a-Lago storage room was secured by lock and key. The indictment omits this fact. No where does it say the storage room had a lock, leaving court to believe it was unsecured.
Never was it documented boxes were taken from anywhere but the storage room or Trumps office. Now a ballroom and bathroom, deep faked or staged photos? Yet all the boxes were more secure than where Bidens stolen documents at the University office. the China Town Office and strewn a garage with a crack heads access.
Meanwhile, the Stasi/FBI has covered up and buried the fact that Joey Xi Bai Dung took a $5 million dollar bribe while Vice President.


October 7 2020
Donald Trump mounted an overnight Twitter blitz demanding to jail his political enemies and call out allies he says are failing to arrest his rivals swiftly enough.

Trump twice amplified supporters’ criticisms of Attorney General William Barr, including one featuring a meme calling on him to “arrest somebody!” He wondered aloud why his rivals, like President Barack Obama, Democratic nominee Joe Biden and former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton hadn’t been imprisoned for launching a “coup” against his administration.

“Where are all of the arrests?” Trump said, after several dozen tweets on the subject over the past 24 hours. “Can you imagine if the roles were reversed? Long term sentences would have started two years ago. Shameful!”
Sue you are waaaaaaaay out in left field. Your rejection of my statement to not drag Black people into this scenario because it doesn't fit (meaning you're comparing apples to oranges) means nothing to me as neither does Donald Trump.

He's been circling the drain for a while and the only thing left to see as far as I'm concerned is how many of his minions he will be able to summon to do his bidding after they presumably saw what happened to the first batch that took a hit for him (January 6th storming of the U.S. Capital).

It's funny to me on one hand because investigations by their very nature are supposed to be kind of hush hush but based on just has been shown in the news ALL ALONG regarding Trump having classified documents at Mar-a-Lago the whole world has seen a glimpse of what he's done. That doesn't take into account what we don't know about that they may have uncovered.

It's one thing when there is no credible evidence of any violations, to go digging looking for evidence you can use to charge someone however in Trump's case, we know from NEWS reports

Our justice system is supposed to be above characteristics or individuals. This is my point. It's supposed to be above race. When it's not, you are rightly appalled. It's supposed to be above individuals. Trump "circling the drain" might be true but it's not a crime. These cretins are going after the individual because, basically, they're offended.

That's a perversion of justice.
Our justice system is supposed to be above characteristics or individuals. This is my point. It's supposed to be above race. When it's not, you are rightly appalled. It's supposed to be above individuals. Trump "circling the drain" might be true but it's not a crime. These cretins are going after the individual because, basically, they're offended.

That's a perversion of justice.
How is it justice to let Trump flagrantly violate the law with no accountability?
So you want political leaders or potential political leaders to be above the law. Hmmm. I wonder which countries we see this around the world in, and why you desire so much.
It is Trump and the fake GOP who has been trying to steal the election.

It is also Trump and the fake GOP who engage in abuse of power 24/7 as a matter of fact.
Unequal application of the law is perverted justice.

None of your vapid words are gonna cover for that and you know it.
Drug possession laws are prosecuted at the state level. Unless I've missed something Trump is being prosecuted at the federal level.

So again, you're comparing apples to oranges, the application of the laws is not unequal, they're different laws, different categories of laws I believe.
August 25 2016
Sen. Lindsey Graham has called for a special prosecutor to investigate Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server during her time as secretary of State.

The South Carolina Republican, a vocal critic of GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, agreed with Trump’s call earlier this week for an independent investigation.

“I think Mr. Trump’s got it right when he’s calling for somebody outside the Justice Department to look into this matter,” Graham, a member of the Judiciary Committee, told Fox News on Wednesday. “If you’re waiting on this Justice Department to hold anybody in the Obama-Clinton world accountable, you’ll die of old age.”

June 11 2023
“President Trump will have his day in court,” Graham said. “But espionage charges are absolutely ridiculous. Whether you like Trump or not, he did not commit espionage. He did not disseminate, leak or provide information to a foreign power or to a news organization to damage this country. He is not a spy. He’s overcharged. Did he do things wrong? Yes, he may have. He will be tried about that. But Hillary Clinton wasn’t.”

Graham said that most Republicans believe there is a “double standard” when it comes to Trump. He reiterated that the indictment of Trump is not going to change his support for the former president.

“But I promise you this, most Americans believe — most Republicans believe that the law is used as a weapon against Donald Trump,” he added.
Killing George Floyd for resisting arrest is also perverted justice, and I stated this.

But look at your last paragraph above. Does justice only require following the law or is it also how the law is APPLIED to people?

If certain people are pulled over more than others for traffic violations, and thus have to pay more fines and eventually lose their licenses and have warrants, is this justice? After all, they DID break the law for the rolling stop/failing to yield/five miles over the speed limit.
You're a schoolteacher right? Then surely you know that words are important in the meanings that they convey.

I'm taking exception to your use of the word "perverted justice" because while I understand why you probably used that term, it's not correct. Something is either just or not, it's just or unjust.

There is no such thing as murdering someone and referring to that act of murder as any form of justice because it's not justice, not even "perverted justice" the act is a CRIME. But your attempt to compare a man who had his life unlawfully extinguished by a police officer in full view of a crowd, many of whom were begging Chauvin to get off of Floyd because he couldn't breathe, to the self-inflicted progression of wounds inflicted upon himself by Donald Trump is breath taking.

People being racially profiled are victims, people who are shot and killed by the police when not posing an actual threat to them or anyone else are victims, and so on and so forth. Drivers, including those who are not Black who get pulled over and have all their cash confiscated due to phony civil asset forfeitures schemes in certain places in the country are victims. And yes, the laws are being applied unequally to them when they are being profiled and targeted however TRUMP IS NOT A VICTIM in this. HE DID THIS TO HIMSELF.

That's what I'm trying to get you to understand, which is why your comparisons do not hold any water.

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