The Indictment of Former President Trump Is An Abuse of Prosecutorial Power For Political Purposes – The Motive Is Clear on Its Face

Face it Trump has done all of his criminal crap by his choice this time he is losing.

What is it about Fascist Anti Americans aka the pretend republicans that makes them love criminals? and Fascism
They have been convinced, by voices they trust, that they're "at war".

That gives them, in their minds, license to bend, break or ignore rules and laws as needed.

They think they're "saving" America from Satan. Literally. These are American Jihadis.
October 7 2020
Donald Trump mounted an overnight Twitter blitz demanding to jail his political enemies and call out allies he says are failing to arrest his rivals swiftly enough.

Trump twice amplified supporters’ criticisms of Attorney General William Barr, including one featuring a meme calling on him to “arrest somebody!” He wondered aloud why his rivals, like President Barack Obama, Democratic nominee Joe Biden and former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton hadn’t been imprisoned for launching a “coup” against his administration.

“Where are all of the arrests?” Trump said, after several dozen tweets on the subject over the past 24 hours. “Can you imagine if the roles were reversed? Long term sentences would have started two years ago. Shameful!”
Oh, the irony :cool:
"Breaking the law" is not the bar here, according to your own people. George Floyd "broke the law" by taking illegal drugs and resisting arrest over and over. But no one cares; he's a hero and a god because he was killed by a cop.

Your justice, your rules.

ETA: Do not mistake me: I'm not saying Floyd deserved to die. I'm pointing out the yawning stupidity of crying over "he broke the law" and nothing else
I would agree if Jack Smith would have put his knee on Trump's neck and murdered him, instead of letting him have his day in Court.
Our justice system is supposed to be above characteristics or individuals. This is my point. It's supposed to be above race. When it's not, you are rightly appalled. It's supposed to be above individuals. Trump "circling the drain" might be true but it's not a crime. These cretins are going after the individual because, basically, they're offended.

That's a perversion of justice.
When you said "circling the drain" is not a crime that really gave me pause. You're correct that is not a crime, however taking classified documents with him when he left the White House, as a single instance, may or may not be a prosecutorial offense. But that's not all he did.

He had several opportunities to return the documents - 1) of his own accord, 2) when the National Archives first made inquiries, 3) when he and his attorney were subpoenaed and possibly 4) before the FBI showed up to execute a search warrant.

Now that I think about it, maybe the reason their investigation has been so transparent is precisely so that the American people and the rest of the world could see how they attempted to get Trump to comply with their requests and his responses to each one of the steps along the way particularly so that they could ward off any false claims of impropriety.

When he and his attorney FALSELY attested that all the documents had been turned over only for the FBI to later find out that they had not indeed all been turned over, that makes them all look guilty as hell.

So are you telling us that in your opinion there is not a single law that Trump violated in this whole back and forth attempt to get him to turn over the classified documents he retained in his possession? I mean I honestly do not understand why you consider any of his behavior on this particular topic as "not a crime" unless you are of the opinion that it is only a civil matter and not a criminal matter?
Oh, the irony :cool:
The Democrat Party's hate, racism, corruption and abuses of power is turning America into a third world banana republic.
The backwards left wingers are making their blues cities and states unlivable for mainstream people.
The Democrats are using the DOJ as a political weapon to interfere with our elections.
If Trump was a democrat, he would have never been indicted.
The Democrat Party's hate, racism, corruption and abuses of power is turning America into a third world banana republic.
The backwards left wingers are making their blues cities and states unlivable for mainstream people.
The Democrats are using the DOJ as a political weapon to interfere with our elections.
If Trump was a democrat, he would have never been indicted.
Get some new lines, that silly bullshit has played out.
I try not to use pejoratives but honest to Pete, I've had enough. The people positing these so-called "arguments" are either dishonest or seriously dumb. But I think both.

Ad homs are legitimate claims, as anybody who took Logic 102 after Logic 101 can verify. Many people really are ignorant, liars, halfwits with high self-esteem, etc.
I try not to use pejoratives but honest to Pete, I've had enough. The people positing these so-called "arguments" are either dishonest or seriously dumb. But I think both.

They are just spammers, is all; treating them as if they're really here to discuss anything seriously is pointless. They're here just to peddle idiot bullshit For Da Cause' as usual.
WaPo interviewed the same witnesses as Jack Smith and originally reported the Mar-a-Lago storage room was secured by lock and key. The indictment omits this fact. No where does it say the storage room had a lock, leaving court to believe it was unsecured.
Never was it documented boxes were taken from anywhere but the storage room or Trumps office. Now a ballroom and bathroom, deep faked or staged photos? Yet all the boxes were more secure than where Bidens stolen documents at the University office. the China Town Office and strewn a garage with a crack heads access.
Trump never should have had them to start with, and he admits on tape he shouldn't have had them.

Meanwhile, Biden and Pence were unaware a small number of documents were packed up when they left office, immediately reported them when they were found, and cooperated with investigators.

Meanwhile, the Stasi/FBI has covered up and buried the fact that Joey Xi Bai Dung took a $5 million dollar bribe while Vice President.
Well, that and the charge has no credibility. Trump's DOJ had this complaint back in 2020, and found it wasn't actionable.
"Breaking the law" is not the bar here, according to your own people. George Floyd "broke the law" by taking illegal drugs and resisting arrest over and over. But no one cares; he's a hero and a god because he was killed by a cop.

Your justice, your rules.

ETA: Do not mistake me: I'm not saying Floyd deserved to die. I'm pointing out the yawning stupidity of crying over "he broke the law" and nothing else

Sue at the Crucifixion...

You're beaten by the example and everyone can see it.

Trump broke you a long time ago. For some time I thought you might be brought back, but no. It's intractable now.
More like you are corrupted by your own politics :(
Killing George Floyd for resisting arrest is also perverted justice, and I stated this.

But look at your last paragraph above. Does justice only require following the law or is it also how the law is APPLIED to people?

If certain people are pulled over more than others for traffic violations, and thus have to pay more fines and eventually lose their licenses and have warrants, is this justice? After all, they DID break the law for the rolling stop/failing to yield/five miles over the speed limit.
All that deflection…should Trump not be prosecuted?
The Democrat Party's hate, racism, corruption and abuses of power is turning America into a third world banana republic.
The backwards left wingers are making their blues cities and states unlivable for mainstream people.
The Democrats are using the DOJ as a political weapon to interfere with our elections.
If Trump was a democrat, he would have never been indicted.
The GOP`s diversity was on full display J6. There were tall white guys as well as short white guys and some of them had red hair. There were a few women in the crowd and one of them got her dumb ass killed.

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