The Indictment of Former President Trump Is An Abuse of Prosecutorial Power For Political Purposes – The Motive Is Clear on Its Face

"Breaking the law" is not the bar here, according to your own people. George Floyd "broke the law" by taking illegal drugs and resisting arrest over and over. But no one cares; he's a hero and a god because he was killed by a cop.

Your justice, your rules.

ETA: Do not mistake me: I'm not saying Floyd deserved to die. I'm pointing out the yawning stupidity of crying over "he broke the law" and nothing else

I would add the word" deception" to yawning stupidity, myself. It is all simply a game of projecting power to rig the system.

We are transitioning from a republic to something else. For lack of a better name, I'd call it a global technocracy.
In your last 30 posts, Mac, all but TWO of them were about TRUMP.

Only half of mine were, and I spoke on many other issues.

TELL US AGAIN who's obsessed. Dumbass.
He used to be all about "Regressives". That was back when Bernie was a threat to the coronation of Hillary, though. Now he obsesses about Trump because Trump is a threat to the same established power that Hillary represents.

His very purpose here is to deceive.
Wrong thread.


Who is behind the "Get Trump" effort

W Administration attorney Chris Wray
W's biggest Dem supporter Traitor Joe

All of the Zionist Fascist big government big spending "never will we impeach Traitor Joe" "Republicans" who loved 911 and supported war war war in the Middle East and now Ukraine to support Zionism...
He used to be all about "Regressives". That was back when Bernie was a threat to the coronation of Hillary, though. Now he obsesses about Trump because Trump is a threat to the same established power that Hillary represents.

His very purpose here is to deceive.
Remember when yall were yelling lock her up??

And then your cult leader got indicted on 37 felony counts while the chick you wanted to lock up is living her best life?

When the black community were trying to tell you folks about the history of systemic racial bias in the court/judicial/policing systems -- you said black folks were making it up and called it "CRT"

The minute your cult leader gets you wanna talk about judicial bias? FOH

I don't know who you're talking to but that wasn't me. I would not deny that courts have at times been biased by race. I reject CRT because it teaches children to see themselves through a lens of oppressors/victims, among other reasons--NOT because there has never been racial bias in this nation. (!?)
I would add the word" deception" to yawning stupidity, myself. It is all simply a game of projecting power to rig the system.

We are transitioning from a republic to something else. For lack of a better name, I'd call it a global technocracy.

Yes, and the minions here don't care. They think bootlicking will get them a pass to the Good Life.

They know nothing and learn even less.
I never yelled that.

It is certainly an illustration of the weaponization of government is only turned in one direction, though.
No, you were too busy high-fiving the guy who was yelling it...


So please spare me "I never personally said that" bullshit -- when you have been sucking off the guy who started the whole chant in the first place....

And I GUARANTEE you that you didn't give a fuck about Trump until he started telling you that the black guy you hate wasn't born here....

Funny how when hate is the main motivating factor for you supporting someone, it ends bad.....and now you have to pretend "but but but, I never said that..." -- shut yo goofy ass up...
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He used to be all about "Regressives". That was back when Bernie was a threat to the coronation of Hillary, though. Now he obsesses about Trump because Trump is a threat to the same established power that Hillary represents.

His very purpose here is to deceive.
Hillary, AOC, Kamala, Biden, Gore, Mitch, McCain, Romney are the establishment. And I'm okay with that. What we don't need is an anarchist back in the white house.

Chris Christie, Nikki Haley. Why don't you like anyone else? Someone with no baggage?
Hillary, AOC, Kamala, Biden, Gore, Mitch, McCain, Romney are the establishment. And I'm okay with that. What we don't need is an anarchist back in the white house.

Chris Christie, Nikki Haley. Why don't you like anyone else? Someone with no baggage?


:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

I doubt that you know the actual meaning of the word.

"Breaking the law" is not the bar here, according to your own people. George Floyd "broke the law" by taking illegal drugs and resisting arrest over and over. But no one cares; he's a hero and a god because he was killed by a cop.

Your justice, your rules.

ETA: Do not mistake me: I'm not saying Floyd deserved to die. I'm pointing out the yawning stupidity of crying over "he broke the law" and nothing else
You`re the first one that I`ve seen calling George Floyd a hero. The BLM riots weren`t about George Floyd but about this same shit going on for 300 years.
Here`s a guy in my neck of the woods who was driving a Jaguar that belonged to his cousin who played for the Pittsburgh Steelers. The victim was unarmed and not on drugs. He was pulled over and murdered for being Black and driving an expensive car.
It`s obvious why you`re against the teaching of Black history.


:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

I doubt that you know the actual meaning of the word.

The insurrection. If Pence would have went along with Trump's plans. This would have sent our country into anarchy.

Stop comparing your coup with BLM riots. It's pathetic. You guys are fucking nazis. I know it's not right to make that comparison so I'll say you remind me of Putin supporters. Look at the anarchy going on over there.

Actually Anarchists is the perfect way to describe you guys

  1. a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority or other controlling systems.
  2. the organization of society on the basis of voluntary cooperation, without political institutions or hierarchical government; anarchism.
    You guys don't recognize Biden as the legitimate president right? You started a riot to stop the process right? And you guys want to shrink government down to the size where you can drown it in a bathtub right?
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However, the lengths to which they are going to smear him reveal their fear, which stems from the fact that they know they cannot steal another election.

I hope they could not steal another election. I just judge that they will or cause mayhem trying. The efforts to stop Trump at all costs isn't only for Trump. It's for anyone who opposes the tyranny of the one party state. Now that they have broken the virginity of charging the political opposition with some fabricated crimes, it will be that much easier to do it again. Further, arresting the political opposition promotes the greater narrative, all Republicans are terrorists. To run against the state is treason and insurrection against the state.

Democrats intend to charge Ron Desantis with kidnapping. It depends on how he polls.

The Indictment of Former President Trump Is An

Abuse of Prosecutorial Power For Political Purposes

The Motive Is Clear on Its Face

The purpose of an indictment is to provide notice to the defendant of the nature and circumstances of the charges. The content of an indictment is 100% the result of decisions made by the prosecutor. The document is drafted by the prosecutor and presented to the grand jury. The grand jury does not itself make changes to the language or allegations in the indictment.
The legal requirement with regard to the content of an indictment is that there be sufficient specificity that the defendant is advised of the time, place, and details of the charges so as to allow a defendant to claim “double jeopardy” in circumstances where the subject of the prosecution has been previously adjudicated against him.
Beyond that, federal courts at all levels have held that the charging language in an indictment combined with the detailed information and evidence provided to he defendant and his counsel in discovery, satisfies the “notice” required by due process.
What is absolutely certain is that the content of any indictment is not a reflection of any “right” of the public to see a litany of detailed ALLEGATIONS that form the basis for the charges, especially where those allegations are not presented in the context of the ACTUAL EVIDENCE that may — or may not — support the claims alleged.
What is absolutely certain is that the content of any indictment is not a reflection of any “right” of the public to see a litany of detailed ALLEGATIONS that form the basis of the charges, especially where those allegations are not presented in the context of the ACTUAL EVIDENCE that may — or may not — support the claims alleged.
What the Department of Justice has done more and more often in the past 20 years — particularly since the dawn of internet era — is to use what are called “speaking indictments” to manufacture a public narrative concerning the alleged crimes of the defendant. The more high profile the case, the more effort DOJ puts into crafting an extensive narrative for public consumption. With the allegations set forth in a public record, Department of Justice officials can discuss them in the press without violating DOJ policy.
Because the allegations will be published far and wide long before they are subject to the crucible of the adversarial system of justice, the narrative takes hold in the public consciousness as “fact” and often becomes impervious to contrary evidence.
Before turning to the Trump indictment, let me provide you a real world example that I was just involved in over the past few months.

The FSB and Stasi story keeps continues to change.
WaPo interviewed the same witnesses as Jack Smith and originally reported the Mar-a-Lago storage room was secured by lock and key. The indictment omits this fact. No where does it say the storage room had a lock, leaving court to believe it was unsecured.
Never was it documented boxes were taken from anywhere but the storage room or Trumps office. Now a ballroom and bathroom, deep faked or staged photos? Yet all the boxes were more secure than where Bidens stolen documents at the University office. the China Town Office and strewn a garage with a crack heads access.
Meanwhile, the Stasi/FBI has covered up and buried the fact that Joey Xi Bai Dung took a $5 million dollar bribe while Vice President.

The evidence against Trump is damning. Trump is stupid and self destructive.

We are well, well beyond what "should" happen
If a future president is corrupt the media should go after him just as hard as they went after Trump. Stay on them. The media actually plays an important role in the checks and balances of government. God bless the media. But of course the corrupt GOP has demonized the media. Smart tactic if you are going to be a criminal president.

Sorry Trump and Trump supporters. The President just doesn't have the power you guys want Republican presidents to have. This is America not Russia.

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