Debate Now The Joe Biden USMB Approval Rating Thread

Don't forget. . .

He cured cancer! :113:

Joe Biden: 'We're gonna cure cancer' if I'm elected​


Good catch, I forgot to mention that Biden created ARPA-H, which--among lots of other cutting-edge health care research it's supporting--is aiming its sights at cancer.

Game-changing stuff.
In case you haven't noticed, the only one debating in this debate thread is Greenbeard.
He's not really debating and the mods should kill about 90% of the posts in this thread.

I know the mods really dislike this forum and for reasonable reasons, but it's still here and I'm going to request that they indulge me in a structured conversation that has only two simple rules:

RULE No. 1: The topic is limited to why you will vote for Joe Biden in 2024.

RULE No. 2: Donald Trump cannot be named or referenced in this thread. Focus only why Biden is supported.

According to almost every poll out there re issues important to America, Joe Biden gets low approval ratings and high disapproval ratings including:
--The economy/inflation/energy
--The border/immigration
--Foreign relations (Russia vs Ukraine; Hamas vs Israel etc.)

But poll only registered Democrats or a few demographics and his approval ratings remain mostly at above 50%.

So let us know what Biden has done that inspires you to vote for him again or for the first time in 2024.

I have to ask if this is really a debate thread or an informational thread. I saw the huge list that someone put up and want to argue with some of it and raise questions (like why is it that we had this factory boom when we have a labor shortage and we have record inflation (which was not on the list).

It is quite apparent that people don't know how this forum works. I've already reported a number of posts.

But it really looks like this is not a true "debate" thread unless we can challenge that rationale.
Good catch, I forgot to mention that Biden created ARPA-H, which--among lots of other cutting-edge health care research it's supporting--is aiming its sights at cancer.

Game-changing stuff.

Why is the federal government involved in any of this ?

I noticed you left his huge deficits off the list which is how he is financing this crap.
A vote for Biden is a vote for Harris for President because the turnip doesn't have 4 more years of necessary cognitive ability left. He doesn't have it now...
Debate, what debate? :dunno:

This thread is totally dildos...Really, it is, and that is not up for debate.

Try again OP.
I know the mods really dislike this forum and for reasonable reasons, but it's still here and I'm going to request that they indulge me in a structured conversation that has only two simple rules:

RULE No. 1: The topic is limited to why you will vote for Joe Biden in 2024.

RULE No. 2: Donald Trump cannot be named or referenced in this thread. Focus only why Biden is supported.

According to almost every poll out there re issues important to America, Joe Biden gets low approval ratings and high disapproval ratings including:
--The economy/inflation/energy
--The border/immigration
--Foreign relations (Russia vs Ukraine; Hamas vs Israel etc.)

But poll only registered Democrats or a few demographics and his approval ratings remain mostly at above 50%.

So let us know what Biden has done that inspires you to vote for him again or for the first time in 2024.
This is a bs thread. So we are to say why we will vote for Biden, well the answer is pretty simple, Biden has rebuilt the economy and it isperforming at record levels. He has restored respect of this country on the world stage. The alternative is not even worth considering. This thread should be more about why would anyone vote for his opponent.
Why is the federal government involved in any of this ?

I noticed you left his huge deficits off the list which is how he is financing this crap.

The question posed in the OP is: "So let us know what Biden has done that inspires you to vote for him again or for the first time in 2024."

And the answer is that he's done an excellent job. The examples are numerous, but the generational investments he's making in America (including American manufacturing, infrastructure, workers, and families, and cutting-edge biomedical research) are among the most tangible. If you're into such things, he's the right candidate to vote for. If you prefer to let our infrastructure crumble and watch out competitors snatch up the manufacturing opportunities Biden's bringing to our shores, the other candidate might be for you.
He's done an excellent job under very difficult circumstances, wracking up considerably more wins than I would have thought possible four years ago.

Some high points, in no particular order:
  • Actually did build back better, achieving G7-leading real GDP growth, restoring real wage growth, sparking a productivity boom, and stewarding the longest stretch of sub-4% unemployment in half a century while overseeing the first real decreases in inequality in recent memory
  • Immediately stabilized a teetering economy, pushing through aid to families that achieved unprecedented reductions in poverty (particularly child poverty), housing instability, and uninsurance
  • Guided the country out of the pandemic (e.g., massively successful vaccine rollout and use of the DPA to produce key supplies, while pushing through the American Rescue Plan to keep the economy afloat)
  • Untangled the post-COVID supply chain crisis, mitigating the post-pandemic price spikes
  • Beefed up the Affordable Care Act, lowering health care costs for millions of Americans and pushing uninsurance to an all-time low
  • Finally got Medicare the authority to negotiate prescription drug prices, poising seniors and taxpayers to save billions
  • Is making huge and long-awaited investments in American infrastructure, including roads and bridges, rail, the power grid, and broadband
  • Is making huge investments in American science and manufacturing capacity, leading to (among other things) the current American factory-building boom
  • Finally ended 20 years of futility in Afghanistan and de-escalated the drone war
  • Made the largest investment in combating climate change in American history, sparking (among other things) an electric vehicle price war
  • Made competition policy a centerpiece of his agenda, chilling the ongoing consolidation of our markets
  • Reasserted American's role as the leader of the free world and arsenal of democracy, realigning the U.S. against authoritarianism
  • Finally reformed the Postal Service, providing a pathway to fix its fiscal crisis
  • Has repeatedly backed the current resurgence of labor
  • Negotiated a global minimum corporate tax to preserve American competitiveness
  • Stood up to China, restricting their access to advanced chips, limiting U.S. investment in China, and gearing up to cut off their access to American cloud-computing services
  • Revamped the income-driven student loan repayment plans to make them more affordable for borrowers (I'll throw into this item Biden actually honoring the government's commitments under the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program instead of screwing then over red tape nonsense)
  • Got the first bipartisan gun control legislation in three decades (one in a string of unexpected bipartisan successes Biden achieved)
  • Got better health care for vets exposed to toxic substances (over inexplicable GOP opposition)
  • Has taken the first steps toward decriminalizing marijuana, starting with blanket pardons
  • Implemented a whole slew of consumer protections for families on everything from the obligations airlines have around the way they treat their customers to surprise medical billing to disclosure of junk fees
were did he reform the Post Office?.....
were did he reform the Post Office?.....

Two years ago.

That's a great example of some key Biden wins. He took a good law (Obamacare) and improved on it. He made its financial support more generous, lowering premiums and expanding access for millions of Americans. Which is why the lowest uninsurance rate ever recorded happened after his reforms. Meanwhile, he took areas the ACA was silent on--drug pricing and health care antitrust--and moved the ball on them, at long last getting Medicare the authority to negotiate drug prices (along with numerous other protections for seniors, like the much-touted $35 insulin cap) and making health care antitrust enforcement a core pillar of his broader pro-competition agenda.

Would I vote for this over the guy who tried to bring back pre-existing condition exclusions, strip tens of millions of Americans of their access to care, reverse the reforms that have held health care cost growth near historic lows, veto Medicare prescription drug negotiation authority, and otherwise reverse the historic gains American health care has made over the past decade? I would.
like the much-touted $35 insulin cap......which is only for some people ....millions of diabetics are still up shit creek.....
He's not really debating and the mods should kill about 90% of the posts in this thread.

I have to ask if this is really a debate thread or an informational thread. I saw the huge list that someone put up and want to argue with some of it and raise questions (like why is it that we had this factory boom when we have a labor shortage and we have record inflation (which was not on the list).

It is quite apparent that people don't know how this forum works. I've already reported a number of posts.

But it really looks like this is not a true "debate" thread unless we can challenge that rationale.
Everyone is free to challenge any rationale of on topic posts so long as rule 2 is followed. Go for it.
Two years ago.

forgive me if im not impressed....i have witnessed them blowing lots of money over the years,,,,this is just more money to blow....
like the much-touted $35 insulin cap......which is only for some people ....millions of diabetics are still up shit creek.....

It's for anyone on Medicare.

Biden had called for it to be applied to everyone, but the GOP filibustered application of that provision to people with private insurance.

However, the bully pulpit helps. Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk, and Sanofi all voluntarily instituted $35 caps for privately insured patients at Biden's urging after his Medicare cap passed.

Facing political pressure, Sanofi follows Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk in slashing insulin prices
Sanofi on Thursday said it’s planning to cut the U.S. price of its most popular insulin drug by 78% and cap monthly out-of-pocket costs at $35 for people who have private insurance starting next year.

In addition to its widely prescribed Lantus, the French drugmaker will reduce the list price of its short-acting insulin Apidra by 70%. Sanofi already offers a $35 monthly cap on insulin for uninsured diabetes patients.

The company is the last major insulin manufacturer to try to head off government efforts to cap monthly costs by announcing its own steep price cuts for the lifesaving hormone.

Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk made similar sweeping cuts earlier this month after years of political pressure and public outrage over the high costs of diabetes care. The three companies control over 90% of the global insulin market.

Leadership (and good policy) matters. Again, a point in Biden's column.
It's for anyone on Medicare.

Biden had called for it to be applied to everyone, but the GOP filibustered application of that provision to people with private insurance.

However, the bully pulpit helps. Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk, and Sanofi all voluntarily instituted $35 caps for privately insured patients at Biden's urging after his Medicare cap passed.

Facing political pressure, Sanofi follows Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk in slashing insulin prices

Leadership (and good policy) matters. Again, a point in Biden's column.
its for anyone that has medicare part D,,,,,,otherwise tough shit....
What if the reason somebody will be voting for Biden vs the other guy is because Biden is not the other guy? Why would you demand somebody not be able to answer?
Because they would have nothing to contribute to the thread. Once that is said there is nothing more to say.

(I also cannot imagine voting for a really bad President that is destroying America just because I hated somebody else so much. When that is the case, we're pretty much doomed anyway.)
Two years ago.

It's phenomenal how we continue to push this dinosaur. Short 6.3 Billion in 2024. It has not broken even in decades.

It should be eliminated and privatized.
but the generational investments he's making in America (including American manufacturing, infrastructure, workers, and families, and cutting-edge biomedical research) are among the most tangible.

Why is the federal government involved in any of this ?

This is why Biden is such a loser. He's got no clue (and frankly has little mind left).

And why would he do it in a time when labor is tight and inflation is high.

I noticed you didn't address his out-of-control spending.

The biggest thing he is handing the next generation is a HUGE BILL for his handlers need to show some progress after they jacked up the economy.

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