The law MUST be applied EQUALLY

this is what I call typical republican propaganda ... in all of the articles about John Andrew Welden there is one stating his political affiliation ... so the fact that he imposed and abortion pill on his girl friend you have the audacity to imply he's a liberal or democrat ??? nice try, you you worthless piece of lying shit
This is what I call "astounding ignorance and illiteracy by billyerock1991". At no point did I make a case that John Welden was a liberal. The point (which you're illiteracy made impossible for you to grasp) is that idiot progressives/liberals (like you) insist that abortion is not murder and that a fetus is not a person.

Well...if that is true...then how was John Welden charged with murder? Idiot.

do you have a comprehension problem??? were did I say murder ??? oh wait that would be no where in my post ... now you may correct my post makes you feel important ... really ... you're a pompous ass, but we all knew that too
Actually you have the comprehension problem - you illiterate hillbilly. This is now the third time you've failed to understand this thread and my posts.

You're correct Billy - you didn't say a word about murder. I did. The fact that you can't even follow that much is why you really shouldn't be in this forum without an adult to help read and explain it to you. You have clearly illustrated that you have a major reading comprehension problem stemming from your illiteracy (which in turn explains why you are a progressive).

I would try a fourth time but this subject matter is clearly beyond your comprehension. I would recommend simply asking an adult for help tomorrow. I think part of the problem is that you go into a thread in a typical progressive jacked-up rage seeing what you want to see instead of what is actually written. If you can't find an adult to help you tomorrow, then take a series of deep, slow breaths and start all over with the first post - being sure to read each and every word with no pre-conceived notions and then asking yourself what each sentence really indicated.

Best Wishes. You're certainly going to need it.
translation= pompous ass ...we get it go, how you say in american english, fuck yourself now most important try and learn how to comprehend what you're reading
this is what I call typical republican propaganda ... in all of the articles about John Andrew Welden there is one stating his political affiliation ... so the fact that he imposed and abortion pill on his girl friend you have the audacity to imply he's a liberal or democrat ??? nice try, you you worthless piece of lying shit
This is what I call "astounding ignorance and illiteracy by billyerock1991". At no point did I make a case that John Welden was a liberal. The point (which you're illiteracy made impossible for you to grasp) is that idiot progressives/liberals (like you) insist that abortion is not murder and that a fetus is not a person.

Well...if that is true...then how was John Welden charged with murder? Idiot.

do you have a comprehension problem??? were did I say murder ??? oh wait that would be no where in my post ... now you may correct my post makes you feel important ... really ... you're a pompous ass, but we all knew that too
Actually you have the comprehension problem - you illiterate hillbilly. This is now the third time you've failed to understand this thread and my posts.

You're correct Billy - you didn't say a word about murder. I did. The fact that you can't even follow that much is why you really shouldn't be in this forum without an adult to help read and explain it to you. You have clearly illustrated that you have a major reading comprehension problem stemming from your illiteracy (which in turn explains why you are a progressive).

I would try a fourth time but this subject matter is clearly beyond your comprehension. I would recommend simply asking an adult for help tomorrow. I think part of the problem is that you go into a thread in a typical progressive jacked-up rage seeing what you want to see instead of what is actually written. If you can't find an adult to help you tomorrow, then take a series of deep, slow breaths and start all over with the first post - being sure to read each and every word with no pre-conceived notions and then asking yourself what each sentence really indicated.

Best Wishes. You're certainly going to need it.
translation= pompous ass ...we get it go, how you say in american english, fuck yourself now most important try and learn how to comprehend what you're reading
So the guy who thought this thread was about convincing people that John Welden was a liberal (which was never even implied) and who was confused when I tried to explain to him that the thread was about being charged with the murder of a fetus when progressives declare that a fetus is not a person and that abortions should be legal, says I have a reading comprehension problem?!? Bwahahahahaha!'s right there for everyone to see. You are clearly an illiterate hillbilly. Or, in other words, the perfect progressive for the Dumbocrat Party (they need uninformed, uneducated, illiterate voters).
Boom! Pretty sad that it took something like this to wake her least she did wake up. It's obviously a human or it wouldn't be a double-homicide to kill a pregnant woman and it wouldn't be a murder to give a woman an FDA approved abortion pill.

Watching progressives contradict themselves and then lose their minds when they are incapable of defending their irrational positions is hilarious.

Nurse becomes pro-life after holding 14-week-old miscarried baby
Liberals refuse to apply the law equally or apply their beliefs consistently. They only apply it when it is advantageous to them and reject it when it isn't advantageous to them. Here is another perfect example...

Remee Lee was elated when she became pregnant, but those feelings quickly turned into a nightmare that won't let go of her. Her boyfriend wasn't happy about the pregnancy, but it was Lee's dream to have a child. Until her boyfriend, John Andrew Welden, took that dream away. This week, Welden, 28, pleaded guilty to killing their unborn baby. How? He tricked Lee into taking an abortion pill, causing her to miscarry.

Man tricks pregnant girlfriend into taking abortion pill -

If it is ok and legal for a woman to have an abortion that it is absolutely ok and legal for a man to have an abortion. Anything less than that is an injustice. The law applies to all citizens equally. There is no way that a man can be charged with a crime for doing the exact same thing that any woman is legally permitted to do.

you don't do this to someone. period. not really sure about "legal" but it's damn sure not ethical. splitting hairs only breeds stupid arguments.
this is what I call typical republican propaganda ... in all of the articles about John Andrew Welden there is one stating his political affiliation ... so the fact that he imposed and abortion pill on his girl friend you have the audacity to imply he's a liberal or democrat ??? nice try, you you worthless piece of lying shit
This is what I call "astounding ignorance and illiteracy by billyerock1991". At no point did I make a case that John Welden was a liberal. The point (which you're illiteracy made impossible for you to grasp) is that idiot progressives/liberals (like you) insist that abortion is not murder and that a fetus is not a person.

Well...if that is true...then how was John Welden charged with murder? Idiot.

do you have a comprehension problem??? were did I say murder ??? oh wait that would be no where in my post ... now you may correct my post makes you feel important ... really ... you're a pompous ass, but we all knew that too
Actually you have the comprehension problem - you illiterate hillbilly. This is now the third time you've failed to understand this thread and my posts.

You're correct Billy - you didn't say a word about murder. I did. The fact that you can't even follow that much is why you really shouldn't be in this forum without an adult to help read and explain it to you. You have clearly illustrated that you have a major reading comprehension problem stemming from your illiteracy (which in turn explains why you are a progressive).

I would try a fourth time but this subject matter is clearly beyond your comprehension. I would recommend simply asking an adult for help tomorrow. I think part of the problem is that you go into a thread in a typical progressive jacked-up rage seeing what you want to see instead of what is actually written. If you can't find an adult to help you tomorrow, then take a series of deep, slow breaths and start all over with the first post - being sure to read each and every word with no pre-conceived notions and then asking yourself what each sentence really indicated.

Best Wishes. You're certainly going to need it.
translation= pompous ass ...we get it go, how you say in american english, fuck yourself now most important try and learn how to comprehend what you're reading
Typical regressive blubbering. I wish I had a dime for every time time some double standard libstain hypocrite used the old "learn to read" nonsense or "learn to comprehend" bullshit. Everything from abortions to murder has a double standard with these scum.

you don't do this to someone. period. not really sure about "legal" but it's damn sure not ethical. splitting hairs only breeds stupid arguments.
Um...that’s just said. Any baby is 50% the father. If it’s ok in your mind for the mother to abort it without the father’s permission, then it must be ok for the father to do the same. Otherwise you’re being sexist, biased, and irrational. The law must be applied equally.
There are thousands of examples where laws aren't applied equally, but guess what hero, this ain't one of them. Your example would require him to take the pill himself, not give it to someone else without their knowledge. He should have been convicted of 1st degree murder.
But, a fetus is not a person according to abortion advocates( which is wrong).

Murder is the unjustified killing of another person with malice aforethought. At best, this is battery of the mother.

Apply the law equally.

Liberals refuse to apply the law equally or apply their beliefs consistently. They only apply it when it is advantageous to them and reject it when it isn't advantageous to them. Here is another perfect example...

Remee Lee was elated when she became pregnant, but those feelings quickly turned into a nightmare that won't let go of her. Her boyfriend wasn't happy about the pregnancy, but it was Lee's dream to have a child. Until her boyfriend, John Andrew Welden, took that dream away. This week, Welden, 28, pleaded guilty to killing their unborn baby. How? He tricked Lee into taking an abortion pill, causing her to miscarry.

Man tricks pregnant girlfriend into taking abortion pill -

If it is ok and legal for a woman to have an abortion that it is absolutely ok and legal for a man to have an abortion. Anything less than that is an injustice. The law applies to all citizens equally. There is no way that a man can be charged with a crime for doing the exact same thing that any woman is legally permitted to do.

I've read your post like a half dozen times and I still don't know what the hell you said

you don't do this to someone. period. not really sure about "legal" but it's damn sure not ethical. splitting hairs only breeds stupid arguments.
Um...that’s just said. Any baby is 50% the father. If it’s ok in your mind for the mother to abort it without the father’s permission, then it must be ok for the father to do the same. Otherwise you’re being sexist, biased, and irrational. The law must be applied equally.

You mean because you vomit in the morning and need an epidural when the baby comes out?

Wait, you don't. At least I didn't

you don't do this to someone. period. not really sure about "legal" but it's damn sure not ethical. splitting hairs only breeds stupid arguments.
Um...that’s just said. Any baby is 50% the father. If it’s ok in your mind for the mother to abort it without the father’s permission, then it must be ok for the father to do the same. Otherwise you’re being sexist, biased, and irrational. The law must be applied equally.

You mean because you vomit in the morning and need an epidural when the baby comes out? Wait, you don't. At least I didn't
Test the baby’s DNA, chief. It is scientifically 50% the father’s. You’re not going to deny science now, like a progressive - are you?

you don't do this to someone. period. not really sure about "legal" but it's damn sure not ethical. splitting hairs only breeds stupid arguments.
Um...that’s just said. Any baby is 50% the father. If it’s ok in your mind for the mother to abort it without the father’s permission, then it must be ok for the father to do the same. Otherwise you’re being sexist, biased, and irrational. The law must be applied equally.

You mean because you vomit in the morning and need an epidural when the baby comes out? Wait, you don't. At least I didn't
Test the baby’s DNA, chief. It is scientifically 50% the father’s. You’re not going to deny science now, like a progressive - are you?

I'm not a progressive, I'm way scarier. I'm a libertarian.

Women are the ones who have to carry a baby to term in their wombs. You are the one who knocked them up then decided that it's their job to serve you. No, live isn't fair. Thank you captain obvious. You planted your seed in their body.

While you're at the bar throwing darts and drinking suds, they are going through major biological changes. You drink another ale, and they can't because that would cause brain damage to your child.

You're a piece of shit. Take care of your woman, scum
While you're at the bar throwing darts and drinking suds, they are going through major biological changes.
I don’t do that, my fragile little emotional snowflake.
You drink another ale
I don’t do that, my fragile little emotional snowflake. Sounds to me like you have a major substance abuse problem (like most “libertarians”).
You're a piece of shit.
Oh boy...the fragile little emotional snowflake has definitely been “triggered”.
Take care of your woman, scum disturbingly misogynistic of you. My wife is not my property. She is not my “woman”. And she would be the first to tell you that I take exceptional care of her (I’m not out at the “pub” pounding “ales” like you, junior). But...then wife wouldn’t have killed our children - especially without my consent.

Now be a good little libertarian and go eat a dick (we know how you wack-jobs love and support homosexuality like the progressives!)
How about right wing hypocrisy? Right wingers are all about "personal responsibility " but suddenly want to let these man whores free n clear and let welfare take care of there kids .
Dude...where did you get that from?!? :cuckoo:

I'm 100% committed to making both parents completley and equally responsible for the child they created.

Where'd I get it from ? Your OP. Tricking someone into taking a pill is the same as taking the pill yourself ?

Like you've ever had sex with anyone but your girl friend, rosie palmer ...

Don't worry about it, none of this has anything to do with you
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While you're at the bar throwing darts and drinking suds, they are going through major biological changes.
I don’t do that, my fragile little emotional snowflake.
You drink another ale
I don’t do that, my fragile little emotional snowflake. Sounds to me like you have a major substance abuse problem (like most “libertarians”).
You're a piece of shit.
Oh boy...the fragile little emotional snowflake has definitely been “triggered”.
Take care of your woman, scum disturbingly misogynistic of you. My wife is not my property. She is not my “woman”. And she would be the first to tell you that I take exceptional care of her (I’m not out at the “pub” pounding “ales” like you, junior). But...then wife wouldn’t have killed our children - especially without my consent.

Now be a good little libertarian and go eat a dick (we know how you wack-jobs love and support homosexuality like the progressives!)

You're the one who rather than convincing a woman wants to send in government guns to force her to do your bidding. The stupid crap you're writing is your own. Take off the gun and take care of her

you don't do this to someone. period. not really sure about "legal" but it's damn sure not ethical. splitting hairs only breeds stupid arguments.
Um...that’s just said. Any baby is 50% the father. If it’s ok in your mind for the mother to abort it without the father’s permission, then it must be ok for the father to do the same. Otherwise you’re being sexist, biased, and irrational. The law must be applied equally.

You mean because you vomit in the morning and need an epidural when the baby comes out? Wait, you don't. At least I didn't
Test the baby’s DNA, chief. It is scientifically 50% the father’s. You’re not going to deny science now, like a progressive - are you?

And you're going to carry the baby 50% in your body? I'm guessing no. Find a woman who shares your values and put away the guns. You're no different than a leftist.

No one should force you to have an abortion. Provide the link to where that's happening and I'll donate to your fund.

As to whether someone else is having an abortion, fuck off. It's none of your business
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No one should force you to have an abortion. Provide the link to where that's happening and I'll donate to your fund
Uh...thousands of women every day abort babies without the consent of the father. This is common knowledge, sparky.

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