The Left demonizes SCOTUS

FDR never packed the court either, he filled vacant seats

Beyond the nomination of Garland, McConnell stated on the night that Scalia died that he would not allow Obama to fill the vacancy
Purely, a partisan decision

As the rapid confirmation of Amy Barrett proved
Oh please Coney was after the bullshit allegations against Kavanugh like Clarence Thomas, which were made up and came at the the last hour when the dems knew they couldn't stop guys are really fucked up....fucking sick....gangrape accusations....with no proof....nothing is too low, which is why McConnell fucking you on Coney gave me great pleasure
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FDR never packed the court either, he filled vacant seats

Beyond the nomination of Garland, McConnell stated on the night that Scalia died that he would not allow Obama to fill the vacancy
Purely, a partisan decision

As the rapid confirmation of Amy Barrett proved
FDR threatened to pack the court. No Senator has that power. This all just liberal sour grapes, don't pretend that Schumer wouldn't have done the same if given the chance.
FDR threatened to pack the court. No Senator has that power. This all just liberal sour grapes, don't pretend that Schumer wouldn't have done the same if given the chance.
Anybody can make threats
McConnell followed through

Big difference

No, there is no evidence that Schumer would have done the same.
However, he will now
1. You can demonize conservatives all you want, we'll see who voters prefer in 2022 and 2024
2. The MSM is the democrat's propaganda machine, all they do is demonize Republicans, the USSC, the police, all things Trump for the last 4-years. After 4-years of nothing but venom from the democrats, you can expect the same going forward, enjoy.
3. Have you seen the disasters and catastrophes Xiden is unleashing on the US, it already ended badly. Xiden's presidency is a disaster, a catastrophe, and a total failure, wrapped in stupidity.

1. I guess you haven’t looked at the election results for the past 20 years very hard. Try looking at popular vote results and see what you get.

2. The main stream media subscribes to journalistic standards of fact checking and proof before publishing anything.

The same cannot be said of the billionaire owned right wing media. FOX News is licensed as a “entertainment” station, not a news station to avoid the more stringent standards of “responsible reporting” that come with a news broadcast license.

3. Just the fact that you are still promoting the fully debunked “Xiden lie” shows you to be a fully gullible to the propaganda.

Biden just airlifted 120,000 people out of Afghanistan, cleaned up the mess with Haitians on the Southern Border by in a matter of days, and despite the efforts of the governors of Texas and Florida, is wrangling the nation into getting the vaccines necessary to shut down the virus and get the economy moving again.

I’m posting this from an outdoor cafe in Toronto where Canadians have adapted, coped and gotten ourselves vaccinated. last night I attended a Jays game with 30,000 other fully vaccinated baseball fans, hung out with friends I haven’t seen in 2 years, and had a ball.
FDR threatened to pack the court. No Senator has that power. This all just liberal sour grapes, don't pretend that Schumer wouldn't have done the same if given the chance.

Democrats have been given the chance on more than one occasion and have never done what McConnell did and then lied about it.

Coney Barrett is the least qualified Justice in history. Not to mention she belongs to a religious sect facing reasonable allegations that it’s a dangerous cult
Democrats have been given the chance on more than one occasion and have never done what McConnell did and then lied about it.

Coney Barrett is the least qualified Justice in history. Not to mention she belongs to a religious sect facing reasonable allegations that it’s a dangerous cult
Is that why Harry Reid came up with the nuclear option? You hypocrites are too much.
Is that why Harry Reid came up with the nuclear option? You hypocrites are too much.
He did so as a last resort after Mitch refused to confirm Obama‘s judges.
It was Mitch who applied it to Supreme Court Judges

Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Comey would not have been confirmed otherwise

So long as everyone does what the Left wants, everything is OK. However, the first minute anyone challenges them, out comes the vitriol and conspiracy theories and SCOTUS is no different as the Leftists justices demonize their own collogues over decisions.

At the highest level of government, there is no longer any civility, no longer any professionalism. It is just a Jerry Springer shit show called the US Federal government.

Problem with the left is they now support so many women for congress of which everyone of them is irrational & dishonest. They're dishonest because they're emotional & weak. They do not and cannot think rationally.


Them bitches are running the left. Now you know where snowflakes come from.

So long as everyone does what the Left wants, everything is OK. However, the first minute anyone challenges them, out comes the vitriol and conspiracy theories and SCOTUS is no different as the Leftists justices demonize their own collogues over decisions.

At the highest level of government, there is no longer any civility, no longer any professionalism. It is just a Jerry Springer shit show called the US Federal government.
You hear shouting devils. The church and Muslims made them to be that way. Yell makes them to be right, like bang, your dead, makes a Muslim to be right. There is no truth in yell, or bang.
This after 30 years of your rightwing nuts yelling "legislating from the Bench" each and every time there was a ruling you all did not like.

have you no self-awareness at all?
What did they legislate from the bench exactly?
We are talking about appointed judges
You mean appointed stooges

Notice that when democrats appoint their stooges they all vote in lock step with the DNC, but when a Republican appoints them, they often become mavericks, like Roberts.
it is not my talking point, it is yours.
The things Leftists are upset about is the court upholding state decisions.

But what liberal decisions end up doing is creating something Constitutional out of thin air, like abortion.
He did so as a last resort after Mitch refused to confirm Obama‘s judges.
It was Mitch who applied it to Supreme Court Judges

Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Comey would not have been confirmed otherwise
You folks open the door then cry when someone else walks through it. Pathetic.

So long as everyone does what the Left wants, everything is OK. However, the first minute anyone challenges them, out comes the vitriol and conspiracy theories and SCOTUS is no different as the Leftists justices demonize their own collogues over decisions.

At the highest level of government, there is no longer any civility, no longer any professionalism. It is just a Jerry Springer shit show called the US Federal government.
You think this is a trait of only the Left?! Are you blind?
Problem with the left is they now support so many women for congress of which everyone of them is irrational & dishonest. They're dishonest because they're emotional & weak. They do not and cannot think rationally.


Them bitches are running the left. Now you know where snowflakes come from.

Women are neither “emotional or weak”, but you have just proven yourself to be both. Projecting your own self-perceived weaknesses onto women.

Those who fail to treat other people as equals, or to respect their differing points of view based on their personal experiences are by definition, weak and emotional.

Strong people have no need to prove their “strength”. Only the weak bluster and threaten. Putin isn’t jailing and murdering the opposition out of strength, he’s doing it out of fear the nation will turn on him given the opportunity.

You can’t even outsmart the women on this board because your lack the intellect or the education. No wonder you hate smart, hardworking women like the Squad, or VP Harris.

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