The Left demonizes SCOTUS

You mean appointed stooges

Notice that when democrats appoint their stooges they all vote in lock step with the DNC, but when a Republican appoints them, they often become mavericks, like Roberts.

Roberts didn’t become a maverick. He tried to maintain a balance on the Court. This is a rogue court because the Fedreralist Society has controlled the appointment of partisan radical conservatives to the court.

The Federalist Society spent $17 million each promoting Coney-Barrett and Kavenaugh. They’ve spent decades ensuring their picks got the right clerkships and appoinments to achieve their goals. Where this money is coming from and who picks these judges is not known.

But the goal is to strike down all leftist legislation and take the nation into dangerous territory.

Dark money is always up to no good.
The things Leftists are upset about is the court upholding state decisions.

But what liberal decisions end up doing is creating something Constitutional out of thin air, like abortion.

Bullshit. Abortion was LEGAL before women started advocating for the vote. Once women starting demand “rights”, men started “punishing” them with other restrictions on their lives.

Abortion is about controlling women. Nothing to do with the babies who you cease to care about the moment they’re born.
They don‘t

Sure they do, according to you commies they just invented the right of a child to have a chance of being born, once they have a heart beat. Just because you happen to agree with their destruction of the country, doesn't mean they don't do it.

The USSC justices are smart enough to interpret the leftist MSM criticism as propaganda.
They know how to interpret the Constitution and guide the US properly without radical shifts left or right.
Gun-grabbing commies every last one of them.

So long as everyone does what the Left wants, everything is OK. However, the first minute anyone challenges them, out comes the vitriol and conspiracy theories and SCOTUS is no different as the Leftists justices demonize their own collogues over decisions.

At the highest level of government, there is no longer any civility, no longer any professionalism. It is just a Jerry Springer shit show called the US Federal government.
Thanks, Mr. Trump.

So long as everyone does what the Left wants, everything is OK. However, the first minute anyone challenges them, out comes the vitriol and conspiracy theories and SCOTUS is no different as the Leftists justices demonize their own collogues over decisions.

At the highest level of government, there is no longer any civility, no longer any professionalism. It is just a Jerry Springer shit show called the US Federal government.
What doesn't the left demonize outside of BLM and Antifa?
Our wise Founders were smart enough to make the judicial branch a co-equal and independent branch of Govt, further away from the political arena in the other branches

This has always bothered the Demsfacist who’s attacks on freedom have routinely been stoped by the Courts
We openly and proudly hate the left, they are not Americans they are traitors and allied with CHINA and Mexico against American citizens. Lawless thugs who will be destroyed!
It really doesn't bother me. In fact, I feel sorry for someone who thinks hating a complete stranger over political affiliation is right, let alone something to be proud of.

I don't hate you Blues. I don't know you besides what you post on here. And although I disagree with what you post, I know you might be a perfectly OK human being. Maybe you should try judging people on something more than simply whether they have a D or R before their name?
Sure they do, according to you commies they just invented the right of a child to have a chance of being born, once they have a heart beat. Just because you happen to agree with their destruction of the country, doesn't mean they don't do it.

I am sick to death of you mealy mouthed conservatives pretending that you give a rat’s ass for the unborn. You don’t care about living breathing children much less the unborn children.

You’ve done nothing about the high mortality rates for children in your country and you won’t even allow mask mandates to protect them in school. So don’t tell me that you care about the unborn because it’s a lie.

Abortion is all about controlling women, and shaming them for having sex. It has nothing to do with the unborn. It’s just a way of showing who’s in charge - white men in total control of the rest of the people.
Women are neither “emotional or weak”, but you have just proven yourself to be both. Projecting your own self-perceived weaknesses onto women.

Those who fail to treat other people as equals, or to respect their differing points of view based on their personal experiences are by definition, weak and emotional.

Strong people have no need to prove their “strength”. Only the weak bluster and threaten. Putin isn’t jailing and murdering the opposition out of strength, he’s doing it out of fear the nation will turn on him given the opportunity.

You can’t even outsmart the women on this board because your lack the intellect or the education. No wonder you hate smart, hardworking women like the Squad, or VP Harris.

Women are as emotional as fuck, especially leftists. Not all of them and liberal men are catching up.

I'm using the term liberal loosely, you guys aren't liberal, and in fact, your kind is nothing what you claim it to be.

I won't address the rest, that's simply your run away emotions talking..........................
We openly and proudly hate the left, they are not Americans they are traitors and allied with CHINA and Mexico against American citizens. Lawless thugs who will be destroyed!

Nobody is aligned with China and Mexico and leftists are not traitors or thugs. This demonization of the by the fascist right is an attempt to undermine democracy and freedom in the United States of America.

It is unconstitutional, it is illegal and it is wrong. When you hate your fellow citizens to the point of wanting them dead, you have lost your mind and your morality.

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