The Left demonizes SCOTUS

What is unconstitutional about the TX law?
No USSC action was needed.
You just wanted the law repealed to protect abortion.
It violates previous court decisions on Roe v Wade
It also allows private citizens to act on behalf of the Government

For Conservatives not to step in and put a hold on such a law until they can make a proper decision is unprecedented

So long as everyone does what the Left wants, everything is OK. However, the first minute anyone challenges them, out comes the vitriol and conspiracy theories and SCOTUS is no different as the Leftists justices demonize their own collogues over decisions.

At the highest level of government, there is no longer any civility, no longer any professionalism. It is just a Jerry Springer shit show called the US Federal government.
Started by Republicans, when Moscow Mitch the Grim Reaper prevented Obama from getting a hearing and vote on his, constitutional, Supreme Court Justice pick... Then by killing the filibuster for supreme court justices to ram through 3 of Trump's picks, them rushing through one pick, one week before the election.
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It violates previous court decisions on Roe v Wade
It also allows private citizens to act on behalf of the Government
For Conservatives not to step in and put a hold on such a law until they can make a proper decision is unprecedented
I'm not a lawyer, I know during confirmation hearings all the justices swear an oath that Roe v Wade is "settled law", but the new TX law doesn't stop abortions, it just makes them more difficult. People are very free to go out of state if they miss the legal TX window.

Started by Republicans, when Moscow Mitch the Grim Reaper prevented Obama from getting a hearing and vote on his, constitutional, Supreme Court Justice pick... Then by killing the filibuster for supreme court justices to ram through 3 of Trump's picks, them rushing through another pick one week before the election.
Whose fault is it that Ginsberg and Breyer stayed on the court too long?
Not McConnell's.
I'm not a lawyer, I know during confirmation hearings all the justices swear an oath that Roe v Wade is "settled law", but the new TX law doesn't stop abortions, it just makes them more difficult. People are very free to go out of state if they miss the legal TX window.

Even before Roe v Wade, women were free to go out of state to get abortions. Beyond that, this law allows private citizens to harass abortion clinics out of business

Yes, each current judge was asked their opinion on Roe v Wade being settled law…..We are about to see how sincere they were

So long as everyone does what the Left wants, everything is OK. However, the first minute anyone challenges them, out comes the vitriol and conspiracy theories and SCOTUS is no different as the Leftists justices demonize their own collogues over decisions.

At the highest level of government, there is no longer any civility, no longer any professionalism. It is just a Jerry Springer shit show called the US Federal government.

No one is demonizing the Supreme Court. They are doing it themselves. The shadow docket was meant to be used only when failure to grant relief would cause irreparable harm. The Texas abortion law does not meet this bar. The Trump Administration used it 41 times and many of these cases would cause no harm if they turned it down. In addition, the Supreme Court has set religion above the law. They have also treated Biden differently than Trump. Trump got nearly everything he wanted on immigration. They are imposing Trump's rules on Biden They are also interfering in the foreign policy of the United States. The Supreme Court is corrupt thanks to the 5 fascist and one part-time fascist.
The USSC justices are smart enough to interpret the leftist MSM criticism as propaganda.
They know how to interpret the Constitution and guide the US properly without radical shifts left or right.

There is no propaganda. Only the truth.

So long as everyone does what the Left wants, everything is OK. However, the first minute anyone challenges them, out comes the vitriol and conspiracy theories and SCOTUS is no different as the Leftists justices demonize their own collogues over decisions.

At the highest level of government, there is no longer any civility, no longer any professionalism. It is just a Jerry Springer shit show called the US Federal government.
That is not what Trumpettes claimed when the Supremes decided to stay out of the so called stolen election of Trump's fairytale...
Whose fault is it that Ginsberg and Breyer stayed on the court too long?
Not McConnell's.

McConnell refuses to take up Obama's nomination after Scalia died in February of 2016. McConnell refused to take it up because he claimed it was too close to the election. Ginsberg died 6 days or so before the election but that was okay for McConnell. McConnell is responsible for it.
It violates previous court decisions on Roe v Wade
It also allows private citizens to act on behalf of the Government

For Conservatives not to step in and put a hold on such a law until they can make a proper decision is unprecedented
Roe v Wade is merely an interpretation, interpretations can change. There is no violation. Private citizens already had the right to use civil courts, they are not acting on behalf of the government when they sue abortion doctors, they are acting on their own behalf.
Whose fault is it that Ginsberg and Breyer stayed on the court too long?
Not McConnell's.

It is the Constitutions fault.

But beyond that, it is the fault of the current political climate.
Judges used to step down when they thought it was time. But today, due to the extreme partisanship of the selections, Judges must look at who is in the White House and who controls the Senate before they decide to retire
McConnell refuses to take up Obama's nomination after Scalia died in February of 2016. McConnell refused to take it up because he claimed it was too close to the election. Ginsberg died 6 days or so before the election but that was okay for McConnell. McConnell is responsible for it.
Elections have consequences, don't pretend the left would have done anything differently.

So long as everyone does what the Left wants, everything is OK. However, the first minute anyone challenges them, out comes the vitriol and conspiracy theories and SCOTUS is no different as the Leftists justices demonize their own collogues over decisions.

At the highest level of government, there is no longer any civility, no longer any professionalism. It is just a Jerry Springer shit show called the US Federal government.
The left are children.......almost no adults there. they can't handle criticism, they can't argue....and they don't think for themselves.
No to mention they think if you take estrogen a man becomes a women.......what a bunchnor morons
It is the Constitutions fault.

But beyond that, it is the fault of the current political climate.
Judges used to step down when they thought it was time. But today, due to the extreme partisanship of the selections, Judges must look at who is in the White House and who controls the Senate before they decide to retire
Oh fuck act like it's new......the left politicized the Supreme Court with FDR and they used it the past 80 years to push their agenda..... now you cant......stop acting like a whiney child.
No one is demonizing the Supreme Court. They are doing it themselves. The shadow docket was meant to be used only when failure to grant relief would cause irreparable harm. The Texas abortion law does not meet this bar. The Trump Administration used it 41 times and many of these cases would cause no harm if they turned it down. In addition, the Supreme Court has set religion above the law. They have also treated Biden differently than Trump. Trump got nearly everything he wanted on immigration. They are imposing Trump's rules on Biden They are also interfering in the foreign policy of the United States. The Supreme Court is corrupt thanks to the 5 fascist and one part-time fascist.
You post words with no proof of what you are claiming, partisan lies have no weight here.
Thanks for playing.
It is the Constitutions fault.

But beyond that, it is the fault of the current political climate.
Judges used to step down when they thought it was time. But today, due to the extreme partisanship of the selections, Judges must look at who is in the White House and who controls the Senate before they decide to retire
Think about your post, Breyer is not retiring. Smart man.
Oh fuck act like it's new......the left politicized the Supreme Court with FDR and they used it the past 80 years to push their agenda..... now you cant......stop acting like a whiney child.

Not like today

McConnells actions are unprecedented and will forever change how SCOTUS judges are affirmed.

Tradition was that a Presidents selection of a SCOTUS judge went unchallenged regardless of judicial liberalism or conservatism. Unless there were specific issues with a judges past….the confirmation was nearly unanimous.

McConnell has forever changed that process to where a sitting President is no longer allowed to fill a SCOTUS position if there is an opposition Senate.

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