The Left demonizes SCOTUS

It really doesn't bother me. In fact, I feel sorry for someone who thinks hating a complete stranger over political affiliation is right, let alone something to be proud of.

I don't hate you Blues. I don't know you besides what you post on here. And although I disagree with what you post, I know you might be a perfectly OK human being. Maybe you should try judging people on something more than simply whether they have a D or R before their name?
Asshole Dems welcomed in millions of illegals without any screening and my kid bother is dead now due to illegals. Hence my hate for Dems, to infinity. The lot of them belong in prison.
Asshole Dems welcomed in millions of illegals without any screening and my kid bother is dead now due to illegals. Hence my hate for Dems, to infinity. The lot of them belong in prison.
Asshole magaturds downplay and try to pretend we're not in a pandemic because 'muh libber-tees!'. My older brother is dead now due to Covid. Hence my hate for magaturds, to infinity. The lot of them should be beaten within a inch of their miserable existence, staked to the ground, doused with gasoline and lit on fire.
I am sick to death of you mealy mouthed conservatives pretending that you give a rat’s ass for the unborn. You don’t care about living breathing children much less the unborn children
^^ Says a moronic pro-abortion lefty who no doubt thinks abortion murder is a “right”.
Asshole magaturds downplay and try to pretend we're not in a pandemic because 'muh libber-tees!'.
No, it was Democrats and the liberal media who downplayed the pandemic. It's on countless videos. They downplayed the pandemic for political gain, attacking Trumps early efforts to control the pandemic. ON VIDEO you retard. Now go fuck yourself.
1. I guess you haven’t looked at the election results for the past 20 years very hard. Try looking at popular vote results and see what you get.

2. The main stream media subscribes to journalistic standards of fact checking and proof before publishing anything.

The same cannot be said of the billionaire owned right wing media. FOX News is licensed as a “entertainment” station, not a news station to avoid the more stringent standards of “responsible reporting” that come with a news broadcast license.

3. Just the fact that you are still promoting the fully debunked “Xiden lie” shows you to be a fully gullible to the propaganda.

Biden just airlifted 120,000 people out of Afghanistan, cleaned up the mess with Haitians on the Southern Border by in a matter of days, and despite the efforts of the governors of Texas and Florida, is wrangling the nation into getting the vaccines necessary to shut down the virus and get the economy moving again.

I’m posting this from an outdoor cafe in Toronto where Canadians have adapted, coped and gotten ourselves vaccinated. last night I attended a Jays game with 30,000 other fully vaccinated baseball fans, hung out with friends I haven’t seen in 2 years, and had a ball.
1. Read the US Constitution and educate yourself on how we hold elections. There are many more offices than the president. Hint: only the president uses electoral college votes, duh.

2. LIAR. The MSM was 93% negative biased against Trump. FXN was the most "fair & balanced"

3. What "debunked Xiden lie"? Stop LYING.
This is what we call Xidens disasterous "record of catastrophes", they are all real,
everything Xiden touches turns to shit,
The Brits hold him in CONTEMPT
The French pulled their ambassador
He pissed off the Canadians by killing the KeystoneXL pipeline
He sold us out to Putin by approving the Nord Stream 2 pipeline giving Putin cash to modernize his military. That's why Xiden is "Putin's Whore".
Hope he enjoys the $millions the Moscow Mayor's wife sent the Bidens
Hope he enjoys the $1,500,000,000 that China gave Hunter to "invest"
The southern border is another Xiden catastrophe after Trump had it SOLVED
Runaway inflation will just get worse if the dems pass their "infrastructure" bills, that will be Solyndra on steroids, not to mention the $200,000,000 for Nancy’s park in San Francisco.
Xiden is ruining the US energy sector with his stupid EOs.
Xiden is so dumb he can't even do fake press conferences to answer "ice cream" questions.
Xiden is a gaffe machine, his brain is defective, and he has the nuclear football, WTF???
I could go on and on, but you see Trump was at least 1,000,000x better as president than stupid Joe
Sotomayor explains how she will vote in the future on issues presented before her. Of course, she didn't really have to.

Sotomayor warns of more legal 'disappointments' following decision on Texas abortion law
I rarely agree with Sotomayor on anything, but if you read the article, THIS TIME she got it right. She was urging the students to work to change the laws they disagree with. That’s they way the system is designed to work, not to have activist judges create laws and rights that are not supported by the constitution or legislated laws.
It violates previous court decisions on Roe v Wade
It also allows private citizens to act on behalf of the Government

For Conservatives not to step in and put a hold on such a law until they can make a proper decision is unprecedented
Supreme Court decisions violate previous decisions all the time. If they didn’t, slavery and Jim Crow would still be legal. No decision, or law is set in stone. Even the constitution can be amended.
Oh please, FDR personally threatened the Supreme Court with packing if they didn't vote for his policies.....If Trump did that you guys would have cried even more than you did the past 4 years.......

You lefties do all the dirty republican has.....and guess over the past 4 years who wanted to threaten to pack the court again.......yep the left. .same ole same ole
FDR just didnt threaten to stack the court, when stymied by his own party, he found a workaround. He established a very favorable retirement package for the Justices, when the majority of the court took it, he then appointed justices favorable to his policies. That one action started the politicization of the SCOTUS.
FDR just didnt threaten to stack the court, when stymied by his own party, he found a workaround. He established a very favorable retirement package for the Justices, when the majority of the court took it, he then appointed justices favorable to his policies. That one action started the politicization of the SCOTUS.
Supreme Court decisions violate previous decisions all the time. If they didn’t, slavery and Jim Crow would still be legal. No decision, or law is set in stone. Even the constitution can be amended.

And we will see if the court wants to authorize private citizens enforcing the laws
Can of worms
I rarely agree with Sotomayor on anything, but if you read the article, THIS TIME she got it right. She was urging the students to work to change the laws they disagree with. That’s they way the system is designed to work, not to have activist judges create laws and rights that are not supported by the constitution or legislated laws.

She was also waving to them from a particular end of the political spectrum.
She was also waving to them from a particular end of the political spectrum.
The people have a right to be wherever on the political spectrum they desire. As long as people change laws and amend the constitution legally, I have no problem with changes.
The people have a right to be wherever on the political spectrum they desire. As long as people change laws and amend the constitution legally, I have no problem with changes.

Neither do I. But she marks herself as a justice who is openly partial concerning cases before the court.
Go on this board. At any time. It is fuller of people on the right spouting "vitriol and conspiracy theories" than it is ever being done by people on the left. This includes you by the way.

"I have no trouble with fair criticism of the substance of those decisions. My complaint concerns all the media and political talk" Can you point to Alito complaining about the "leftist justices". He seems to be complaining about the pundits. In fact, dissent opinions are put out by justices both left and right all the time. It is a function of their job.
That may be true, but Votto wasn't posting of people on the Board spouting vitriol, but rather Alito calling out reporting on the "GOP supreme ct's) use of the shadow docket. Alito may have a point, but McConnell has succeeded in politicizing the Court to an extent it hasn't been politicized since Reconstruction.
That may be true, but Votto wasn't posting of people on the Board spouting vitriol, but rather Alito calling out reporting on the "GOP supreme ct's) use of the shadow docket. Alito may have a point, but McConnell has succeeded in politicizing the Court to an extent it hasn't been politicized since Reconstruction.
as the Leftists justices demonize their own collogues over decisions.
He was calling out leftist judges while the statement of Alito didn't support that opinion.
He was calling out leftist judges while the statement of Alito didn't support that opinion.
Alito was talking about media coverage ... and he was right. But there's no disputing that the Court's legitimacy gained over 50 years and based upon a belief that they are appointed in bipartisan manner and at least try to apply law without political favoritism has been killed by McConnell.
Neither do I. But she marks herself as a justice who is openly partial concerning cases before the court.
She’s openly partisan which is a bad thing in a SCOTUS justice. Personally I don’t think she’s a good justice and she rules according to her political bent rather than the law and constitution.
Alito was talking about media coverage ... and he was right. But there's no disputing that the Court's legitimacy gained over 50 years and based upon a belief that they are appointed in bipartisan manner and at least try to apply law without political favoritism has been killed by McConnell.
That was killed by FDR and we’ve had a largely liberal court ever since he managed to replace the justices that opposed the New Deal. Ever since then political views have been part of the selection process with the court divided into liberal and conservative seats with liberal seats slightly outnumbering conservative ones. For the first time since FDR, the court has a constitutionalist majority with a slightly conservative leaning Chief Justice.

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