The Left demonizes SCOTUS

The conservative justices are proud of themselves for saving the US from the animals.

When you refer to your fellow American citizens as animals, you have lost all credibility. This basic lack of respect for your fellow Americans is destroying the conservative movement.

Demonizing the “other” has become a Republican way of life. Republicans are turning their fellow Americans against one another for political gain.

A house divided against itself cannot stand down until you people start sitting down and respecting one another and working out your differences this is going to end badly
Beyond Roe v Wade, the Conservative judges are now attacking Freedom of the Press in the First Amendment.

How DARE a Free Press challenge a decision we have made?
They are setting the stage for future controversial decisions

Or more accurately, the conservative justices are moving forward with razing the edifice of decades of settled, accepted Constitutional case law to be replaced with partisan rightwing ideology.

Establishment Clause jurisprudence is at the top of the list of case law they seek to destroy, allowing the conjoining of church and state contrary to the Framers’ mandate.

So long as everyone does what the Left wants, everything is OK. However, the first minute anyone challenges them, out comes the vitriol and conspiracy theories and SCOTUS is no different as the Leftists justices demonize their own collogues over decisions.

At the highest level of government, there is no longer any civility, no longer any professionalism. It is just a Jerry Springer shit show called the US Federal government.
SCOTUS demonizes itself. And they know it too. Why do you think five of them have felt the need to give interviews or issue statements about how nonpartisan they are without being asked?

Or more accurately, the conservative justices are moving forward with razing the edifice of decades of settled, accepted Constitutional case law to be replaced with partisan rightwing ideology.

Establishment Clause jurisprudence is at the top of the list of case law they seek to destroy, allowing the conjoining of church and state contrary to the Framers’ mandate.
Roe v Wade will be just the tip of the Iceberg as Conservative judges ignore decades of judicial precedence as they attack abortion, voting rights, Gerrymandering, gun rights, welfare and a slew of other Conservative grievances
When you refer to your fellow American citizens as animals, you have lost all credibility. This basic lack of respect for your fellow Americans is destroying the conservative movement.

Demonizing the “other” has become a Republican way of life. Republicans are turning their fellow Americans against one another for political gain.

A house divided against itself cannot stand down until you people start sitting down and respecting one another and working out your differences this is going to end badly
1. You can demonize conservatives all you want, we'll see who voters prefer in 2022 and 2024
2. The MSM is the democrat's propaganda machine, all they do is demonize Republicans, the USSC, the police, all things Trump for the last 4-years. After 4-years of nothing but venom from the democrats, you can expect the same going forward, enjoy.
3. Have you seen the disasters and catastrophes Xiden is unleashing on the US, it already ended badly. Xiden's presidency is a disaster, a catastrophe, and a total failure, wrapped in stupidity.
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Roe v Wade will be just the tip of the Iceberg as Conservative judges ignore decades of judicial precedence as they attack abortion, voting rights, Gerrymandering, gun rights, welfare and a slew of other Conservative grievances
Conservative justices already destroyed the case law defending the right to vote in Shelby County v. Holder.

Privacy rights jurisprudence is next to be destroyed, followed by Establishment Clause jurisprudence.

They’ve granted cert this term to a case concerning the display of religious symbols on government property clearly intended to overturn those warranted, lawful, and appropriate prohibitions.

Welcome to the rightwing Dark Age.

So long as everyone does what the Left wants, everything is OK. However, the first minute anyone challenges them, out comes the vitriol and conspiracy theories and SCOTUS is no different as the Leftists justices demonize their own collogues over decisions.

At the highest level of government, there is no longer any civility, no longer any professionalism. It is just a Jerry Springer shit show called the US Federal government.
The hit dog yelps the loudest, doesn't he?
Roe v Wade is merely an interpretation, interpretations can change. There is no violation. Private citizens already had the right to use civil courts, they are not acting on behalf of the government when they sue abortion doctors, they are acting on their own behalf.

Roe is the progeny of Griswold v. Connecticut and Eisenstadt v. Baird, recognizing the right to privacy as codified by the Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments prohibiting the state from interfering in personal matters such as whether to have a child or not.

Clearly conservatives are not advocates of limited government and individual liberty.

Indeed, conservatives are advocates of more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.
Yes. Sorry you don't get it. For the protection you folks want, you need an amendment. Otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation. Roe can be undone by a single ruling, that's a fact.
At lease conservatives are consistent at being wrong.

Those Amendments already exist: the Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments placing limits on the authority of the state to interfere in the private lives of citizens.

In a purely Constitutional context, Roe is not a ‘landmark’ decision – it’s actually a minor decision, a routine, warranted, appropriate ruling by the Court consistent with settled, accepted privacy rights jurisprudence.

Roe is the progeny of Griswold v. Connecticut and Eisenstadt v. Baird, recognizing the right to privacy as codified by the Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments prohibiting the state from interfering in personal matters such as whether to have a child or not.

Clearly conservatives are not advocates of limited government and individual liberty.

Indeed, conservatives are advocates of more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.
Can Roe and all the aggregate cases be undone in a single ruling? Yes or no?

So long as everyone does what the Left wants, everything is OK. However, the first minute anyone challenges them, out comes the vitriol and conspiracy theories and SCOTUS is no different as the Leftists justices demonize their own collogues over decisions.

At the highest level of government, there is no longer any civility, no longer any professionalism. It is just a Jerry Springer shit show called the US Federal government.

How can the SC be unbiased. Its stacked with Republicans.
Civility??? You gave to be kidding.
Not like today

McConnells actions are unprecedented and will forever change how SCOTUS judges are affirmed.

Tradition was that a Presidents selection of a SCOTUS judge went unchallenged regardless of judicial liberalism or conservatism. Unless there were specific issues with a judges past….the confirmation was nearly unanimous.

McConnell has forever changed that process to where a sitting President is no longer allowed to fill a SCOTUS position if there is an opposition Senate.
Oh please, FDR personally threatened the Supreme Court with packing if they didn't vote for his policies.....If Trump did that you guys would have cried even more than you did the past 4 years.......

You lefties do all the dirty republican has.....and guess over the past 4 years who wanted to threaten to pack the court again.......yep the left. .same ole same ole
Oh please, FDR personally threatened the Supreme Court with packing if they didn't vote for his policies.....If Trump did that you guys would have cried even more than you did the past 4 years.......

You lefties do all the dirty republican has.....and guess over the past 4 years who wanted to threaten to pack the court again.......yep the left. .same ole same ole
FDR never did it
McConnell did

Now, the ratification of Supreme Court nominees is purely partisan with a sitting President needing a Senate of the same party.
FDR never did it
McConnell did

Now, the ratification of Supreme Court nominees is purely partisan with a sitting President needing a Senate of the same party.

McConnell didn't pack the court, he filled a vacant seat. Prior to that, he simply didn't hold a confirmation for Garland. You folks are beyond disingenuous.

Roe is the progeny of Griswold v. Connecticut and Eisenstadt v. Baird, recognizing the right to privacy as codified by the Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments prohibiting the state from interfering in personal matters such as whether to have a child or not.

Clearly conservatives are not advocates of limited government and individual liberty.

Indeed, conservatives are advocates of more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.
I know you love to kill probably hated that Kermit got caught and you probably have abortion film you jerk off too....
but preventingnpeople from killing babies has
FDR never did it
McConnell did

Now, the ratification of Supreme Court nominees is purely partisan with a sitting President needing a Senate of the same party.
FDR did...he got his program with threats....McConnell didnt.....he just played politics of the few time Republicans have played hardball........and he got the spine because Trump gave him one........

McConnell didn't pack the court, he filled a vacant seat. Prior to that, he simply didn't hold a confirmation for Garland. You folks are beyond disingenuous.
FDR never packed the court either, he filled vacant seats

Beyond the nomination of Garland, McConnell stated on the night that Scalia died that he would not allow Obama to fill the vacancy
Purely, a partisan decision

As the rapid confirmation of Amy Barrett proved

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