The Left Don't Want To Offend Anyone

Hope you’re having a nice day. Why is it that when you look at the post you make things up about other people. Whether it’s you called him a Russian agent or racist or anything of that nature. Like if a gay person says that Christianity is a horrible thing. They are a bigot, but they’re often not called out by the far left. The great majority of Americans want to live with each other and respect with each other join us

So yeah, a lot of times I see you respond to people with three or four word posts. Or maybe you laugh at them or something like that.
Sometimes, when members like Independentthinker ask me three times for the definition of a Magadonian, four words is more than enough, in an attempt to end the back and forth.
Or, do they?

I've been thinking the last couple of days on how over the last few years we have to bend over backwards in order to not offend anyone anywhere. If we accidentally offend some group in some way we have to immediately apologize to them and submit our plan for corrective action so that we never offend that particular group ever again. It's very nauseating and tiring to keep up with it all and to be constantly vigilant of what we say or do in order to not offend anyone, anywhere.

Then it occurred to me, the left don't give a crap about offending those on the right or those with Christian beliefs or even just white people. In fact, they seem to go out of their way to offend those on the right and those with Christian beliefs and white privileged people (all whites are privileged). They have a stuff it in your face attitude toward these groups. No apologies, no plan of corrective action to not offend these groups, no being vigilant of what they say regarding these groups. Just flat out intolerance and not giving a crap if they offend those on the right or those with Christian values or white people. In their minds, anyone in the majority cannot be offended, only the minorities can be offended.
Yes, it is difficult to remember that people have a right to a different opinion than mine.
That I do not have all the answers to everything.
That it is very difficult to stay calm when everything is funneled in party propaganda, And winning is more important than being honest.
There are many followers of JESUS who think Hate of others is not what God wants.
And what the heck has your skin color got to do with it?
So, you think it's only ok for the left to offend people while the right should not be allowed to offend anyone.

You are doing nothing except looking for a loophole. I will admit that you are one of the brighter MAGAts but when a MAGAt is just below a rock in smarts, that's a pretty low bar. Since you have nothing to really contribute..........Say Goodnight, Gracie
Wow I feel bad for you

There’s no need to make things up brother posters. This is a problem with the rich, black and white politicians telling you how to think. The only people who are racist are those who think that being born of a certain color makes your privileged

I don't.

It deserves the isolation it creates for itself.

You are doing nothing except looking for a loophole. I will admit that you are one of the brighter MAGAts but when a MAGAt is just below a rock in smarts, that's a pretty low bar. Since you have nothing to really contribute..........Say Goodnight, Gracie

Still pretending to be a conservative?

You are a MAGAt and definitely subhuman.

Oooooohhh I love it when you use those descriptors!

Let's everyone know just what sort of evil creature you are!

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