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The Left's Rhetoric Coming to Fruition

While that has nothing whatsoever to do with "the left", as it were, Right-wing Rhetoric of late actually has inspired violence:

Trump's Rhetoric Inspires a Hate Crime in Boston
Lame. And without a doubt, untrue. But this is part and parcel of the problem...the left thinks criminals are truthful.

I don't expect criminals to be truthful, whether they are common thugs, or rogue police officers, or politicians, or reality TV personalities.

It is reasonable though, that what criminals say is instructive in determining their motives, especially when their crimes are senseless.
Two drunken assholes busted for assault who sneer "trump made us do it". Yeah, I'm sure they're being honest about it. They're dems trying to shift blame.
OMG you're just like your Fox or WHATEVER heroes. No evidence needed, just throw wild speculation out as fact...a disgrace.
perspective, you lack....the british thought the colonists were "traitors" , so the stars and stripes are "treasonous" to them.
The southern patriots wanted the right of self government and tried to peacefully withdraw from the union...Oh, the HORROR

Perspective, perschmective. They attacked Fort Sumpter, in an aggressive act against the government they were subject to. That is why Jefferson Davis was indicted for treason before he skipped bail.

The south fired to repel an illegal invasion...just like those "treasonous" colonists did in 1776.
They were NOT subject to any government. They had seceded.Lincoln had no authority.

The difference is that the Colonists had legitimate grievances. They were not represented in the government that they were subject to. As well, the British military policed major cities--committing acts of aggression against the colonists (that's circular, huh...).

The Southern states on the other hand, had corrupted governments that were controlled by the Slave Power. The decision to secede was not a decision by the governed. It was not a reflection of the principles of the Declaration of Independence. It was a fully illegitimate act, by a completely illegitimate form of government.
The wild eyed RW racists/corporate dupes of their day...and talk about your bloated spoiled megarich a-holes lol.
I don't recall Rev. Sharpton advocating crimes of opportunity. Nor did he even identify elderly White women as a problem in this country. No comparison there. :cuckoo:

Seriously? You don't see where the white privilege bullshit might have tied into this? They could have grabbed her purse and ran, but took the time to assault her before leaving. That extra step to harm her showed a lot of malice.

This also demonstrates the problem with parents teaching their children that it's okay to attack white people.

To the unbiased observer, it only demonstrates the age-old adage that there is no honor among thieves.
To the unbiased observer, it only demonstrates the age-old adage that there is no honor among thieves.

Big difference between being a thief and a violent person. It's one thing to steal, but most thieves prefer to be sneaky and not encounter people. Those who attack are a different breed. They don't just want to steal, they get off on hurting people. As I said, the guy already had the purse and they just needed to run out of the church. Instead, the woman took the time to assault the woman. That requires a level of anger and hatred that most thieves might not possess. Your view is hardly unbiased since you are unwilling to distinguish between a thief and a dangerous person. They are not always the same.
To the unbiased observer, it only demonstrates the age-old adage that there is no honor among thieves.

Big difference between being a thief and a violent person. It's one thing to steal, but most thieves prefer to be sneaky and not encounter people. Those who attack are a different breed. They don't just want to steal, they get off on hurting people. As I said, the guy already had the purse and they just needed to run out of the church. Instead, the woman took the time to assault the woman. That requires a level of anger and hatred that most thieves might not possess. Your view is hardly unbiased since you are unwilling to distinguish between a thief and a dangerous person. They are not always the same.

Maybe he's a sadist. Maybe he didn't want her to call for help. In any case, I'll leave that to the prosecutor to decide how to charge the accused based on the evidence.
While that has nothing whatsoever to do with "the left", as it were, Right-wing Rhetoric of late actually has inspired violence:

Trump's Rhetoric Inspires a Hate Crime in Boston
Lame. And without a doubt, untrue. But this is part and parcel of the problem...the left thinks criminals are truthful.

I don't expect criminals to be truthful, whether they are common thugs, or rogue police officers, or politicians, or reality TV personalities.

It is reasonable though, that what criminals say is instructive in determining their motives, especially when their crimes are senseless.
Two drunken assholes busted for assault who sneer "trump made us do it". Yeah, I'm sure they're being honest about it. They're dems trying to shift blame.
OMG you're just like your Fox or WHATEVER heroes. No evidence needed, just throw wild speculation out as fact...a disgrace.
. "My fox" ???? Lol. Thanks for the knee jerk idiocy. Coming from a low information hater, it really means something.
Two people......

You're being VERY generous implying that they're "human"...
lmplying that YOU are human is even more of a stretch.
Two people attacked an elderly woman in a church. After the guy grabbed her purse, they could have just run away if they were only after the money. Instead, the woman attacked the old lady after her partner in crime had the purse. That was just plain mean. This wasn't just about stealing, they wanted to hurt the old lady.

I heard an update. They caught the guy. His mother was the one helping him rob and attack the woman.

Clearly, this young thug was raised by another thug. When he can't find a job, he'll blame racism. Fact is that his mother is a big fucking loser who raised her son to be just as big of a loser. And the left will say we aren't doing enough to help them. How do we help people change their rotten attitudes toward themselves and society? There is zero appreciation from the thugs with an entitlement mentality for all the sacrifices so far. They not only steal, but have to hurt people. More welfare won't stop that kind of hate. I think these people know they are losers and take their frustration over their own failures out on other people. Race baiters, like Sharpton, encourage them to direct their rage at all white people. We see way too much violence like this and it's only gotten worse.

Maybe they are the ones who need to change. If only there were more positive messages from the leaders instead of hateful rhetoric that incites more violence. But when we have the Obamas playing the race card every chance they get and Al Sharpton fueling the race war with the most vile 'sermons' imaginable, I don't see a bright future for these uneducated, gullible idiots who are nothing more than pawns to the leftwing nuts.

The left will say they need better schools and jobs. After billions have been poured into education, why aren't we seeing improvement? Shoring up teachers unions and common core don't help students. Why do some students actually graduate and go on to lead productive lives when they attend the same schools as thugs? I believe the problem starts in the home with parents who won't or can't teach their children to become responsible adults since they don't have a clue how to do that. When a mother accompanies her son to attack and rob an elderly person, don't blame society or a lack of food stamps. The brutality of the crime speaks volumes as to the state of mind of the perpetrators. They weren't poor people in need of money. They were people full of hate and needed to release it by attacking a white person. Thanks to the race baiters, some people walk around believing whites are out to get them. They believe they are born inferior. Not one leader has tried to change that false perception. Instead, Michelle Obama echoed that during a graduation speech.

No decent person would harm another that way. I have no patience with these thugs who routinelly beat people up, steal and walk around believing that they can do as they please with no regard to anyone else. Unlike the vast majority of Confederate flag owners, these thugs are dangerous because they have no conscience. Thugs commit acts of violence with the same ease as brushing their teeth. They feel no remorse. Over the years, videos have surfaced showing that thugs actually brag about beating or even killing people. And the left wants to cry a river because the mean old white people somehow should be blamed for some people's lack of morality or compassion. I think thugs who are convicted of violent crimes should be kicked off welfare permanently and have their kids taken by the state. They can sit in prison and ignorantly bitch all day about the fake racim that put them there. I don't know who the white thugs blame, but I'm sure it's either the wealthy or Republicans. Only incredibly stupid people believe what the Sharptons or the Warrens of the world preach. The Dem party is not progressive. They are trying to set the clock back on race relations and class envy. Seeing people like the two in the video is just a predictable consequence of people buying the bullhit that the left is offering up.

This is a cultural issue, and both "ends" of the political spectrum are complicit.

The Left refuses to expect these people to look in the mirror and deal with their sins, just as the Right refuses to look in the mirror and admit that racism still exists.

These kids are raised in a culture of anger, hopelessness and dependency, but it's far worse than that: That culture is now inter-generational.

No other President has been better-equipped to deal with this than Obama, and he has chosen to vote "present". What a terribly wasted opportunity.

No..ask any conservative if racism exists and they will say yes...what they know to be the actual truth...is that racism is not he problem affecting the black community...dependence on government welfare, and the democrat party is.......

Let me see now... racism NOT the problem (check) dependence on welfare is the problem ( check) dependence on government welfare and the democrat party is the problem (check).

None of what you said checks out except the part about racism. Dependence on the Democratic Party is certainly a patriotic thing in my mind. At least they are not communists... not yet!
Maybe he's a sadist. Maybe he didn't want her to call for help. In any case, I'll leave that to the prosecutor to decide how to charge the accused based on the evidence.

Wow, you are actually making excuses for the behavior. The video speaks for itself.

No, the woman did not need to get assaulted. That makes the two thugs worse than thieves.

It's the same difference between the car thieves who prefer to steal an unoccupied vehicle when no one is around and those who like to carjack and maybe even kill the driver.
Maybe he's a sadist. Maybe he didn't want her to call for help. In any case, I'll leave that to the prosecutor to decide how to charge the accused based on the evidence.

Wow, you are actually making excuses for the behavior. The video speaks for itself.

No, the woman did not need to get assaulted. That makes the two thugs worse than thieves.

It's the same difference between the car thieves who prefer to steal an unoccupied vehicle when no one is around and those who like to carjack and maybe even kill the driver.

I'm making no excuses for anyone. The prosecutor can decide whether or not to charge him with a hate crime based upon the body of evidence--video, witness statements, testimony of the victim, etc. I haven't seen the proof in a video without sound to tell me it is more than an assault during the commission of a robbery. He's in the system. Let them do their job.
I don't recall Rev. Sharpton advocating crimes of opportunity. Nor did he even identify elderly White women as a problem in this country. No comparison there.

So you're defending him?

That speaks a lot for you.

I'm merely defending the truth. If you want to criticize Rev. Sharpton on the actual facts, be my guest.

LOL. Just google him. Those are all the facts you need.

Now, are you defending him?
I don't recall Rev. Sharpton advocating crimes of opportunity. Nor did he even identify elderly White women as a problem in this country. No comparison there.

So you're defending him?

That speaks a lot for you.

I'm merely defending the truth. If you want to criticize Rev. Sharpton on the actual facts, be my guest.

LOL. Just google him. Those are all the facts you need.

Now, are you defending him?

Nah. If you are too lazy to make your case on the merit of facts, I'll accept your concession.
Nah. If you are too lazy to make your case on the merit of facts, I'll accept your concession.

Huh? I've Googled him many times.

The facts are there for you to look up.

But since you are too damned lazy, you can start here:

Report: Rev. Sharpton Told To Stay Away From Funeral For Slain SC Man

And here:

Al Sharpton plays several sides in Trayvon Martin story

And here:

And here:

People are already acknowledging his detrimental influence in the debate, and his rhetoric is only inflaming the tensions. And let's not forget the Crown Heights riots, which so happens to have occured 21 years ago this past Thursday. Al Sharpton played a critical role in that one, too. His rhetoric is a direct influence. First it was Jews, now it is white people.

Race and Reporting by William McGowan, City Journal Summer 1993

Hang your head in shame, you liberal shill.
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