The list of people Nick Sandmann's lawyer is suing

Sandmann lawyers up faster than Trump. LOL He could simply have asked that his account of the facts be published too, and perhaps even have told the papers and television outlets of people who'd support his side. IF no one else, Fox the Wash Times and 'merican stinker would have been on it like Trump on a porn star

Sandmann may have been sandbagged by Phillips, I really don't know. But Sandmann was in DC to push a political agenda, and ANY parent of any ideology, who'd let a high school child be put in that position, needs a not-literal slap upside their stupid noggin.

The Post published that Phillips said he believed Sandmann was intimidating him. Phillips did say that. And their interaction in two "sides" confronted each other over a political issue involved two private individuals voluntarily entering the political arena. He can't sue the Wash Post or any other media outlet for publishing that.

He may be able to sue Phillips IF he can prove Phillips intentionally lied. I doubt he can do that, and even so, I'd be surprised if Phillips has any money to be sued for.

The kid's parents egged this on, and unfortunately for the kid it's gonna dog him.
He did ask those things

Other outlets did cover the full; story showing why your narrative is false

Phillips was also in DC to push an agenda and there is nothing wrong with parents let their children learn about politics in this manner

Phillips lied that is a fact and your narrative is an outright lie.

Phillips willfully sought confrontation with those kids and has no right to claim intimidation when he went out of his way to confront them.

There was no mutual confrontation. It was sought by one man and that man is phillips

Those are all facts

The kids parents had nothing to do with this they were did not egg it on

Where did Phillps admit to a lie? And your account is false. Although, I think all impartial people agree that the intitial media reports should have sought out more video. But the Boys were trying to be bully punks with their hats.

Making Sense of the Phillips-Sandmann Viral Video

And the point is, there were never grounds for Sandmann to sue. His parents seem to have had imput into his "character." And it's going to dog him
so wearing a hat to support what you agree with makes you a bully-punk?

so if you're a cowboys fan, then any redskins fan wearing a redskins hat is a bullypunk.

sorry - there was nothing illegal or wrong with them wearing this hat anymore than than a gay person wearing rainbow clothing. both show support for their beliefs and that is what we're supposed to be able to do in this country.

til the left decides that people need to stop if they don't agree or hate what the other person is doing.

sorry, that's pretty fucking pathetic.
Sandmann lawyers up faster than Trump. LOL He could simply have asked that his account of the facts be published too, and perhaps even have told the papers and television outlets of people who'd support his side. IF no one else, Fox the Wash Times and 'merican stinker would have been on it like Trump on a porn star

Sandmann may have been sandbagged by Phillips, I really don't know. But Sandmann was in DC to push a political agenda, and ANY parent of any ideology, who'd let a high school child be put in that position, needs a not-literal slap upside their stupid noggin.

The Post published that Phillips said he believed Sandmann was intimidating him. Phillips did say that. And their interaction in two "sides" confronted each other over a political issue involved two private individuals voluntarily entering the political arena. He can't sue the Wash Post or any other media outlet for publishing that.

He may be able to sue Phillips IF he can prove Phillips intentionally lied. I doubt he can do that, and even so, I'd be surprised if Phillips has any money to be sued for.

The kid's parents egged this on, and unfortunately for the kid it's gonna dog him.
He did ask those things

Other outlets did cover the full; story showing why your narrative is false

Phillips was also in DC to push an agenda and there is nothing wrong with parents let their children learn about politics in this manner

Phillips lied that is a fact and your narrative is an outright lie.

Phillips willfully sought confrontation with those kids and has no right to claim intimidation when he went out of his way to confront them.

There was no mutual confrontation. It was sought by one man and that man is phillips

Those are all facts

The kids parents had nothing to do with this they were did not egg it on

Where did Phillps admit to a lie? And your account is false. Although, I think all impartial people agree that the intitial media reports should have sought out more video. But the Boys were trying to be bully punks with their hats.

Making Sense of the Phillips-Sandmann Viral Video

And the point is, there were never grounds for Sandmann to sue. His parents seem to have had imput into his "character." And it's going to dog him
What I posted is not an account it is precisely what is shown on the video and it is absolutely correct. Your spin is an outright baldfaced lie and that is proven fact

The video absolutely proves exactly what I posted and proves phillips to be a liar. You cannot claim to be intimidated when you seek out confrontation with someone which is precisely what phillips did. HE also lied about having his way blocked as the video proves as well. He is also a fraud and stolen valor liar.

The covington kids were attempting to bully no one and there is no evidence that they were.

Yes they had grounds to sue even if the judge did make the correct decision
Kathy Griffin and Jim Carrey :lmao:
They won't think it's so funny when they lose a million dollar judgement.

I'm pretty sure Jim Carrey can laugh off a million dollars.

JIM Carrey is going down in flames.
He's ready for the funny farm.
Sandmann lawyers up faster than Trump. LOL He could simply have asked that his account of the facts be published too, and perhaps even have told the papers and television outlets of people who'd support his side. IF no one else, Fox the Wash Times and 'merican stinker would have been on it like Trump on a porn star

Sandmann may have been sandbagged by Phillips, I really don't know. But Sandmann was in DC to push a political agenda, and ANY parent of any ideology, who'd let a high school child be put in that position, needs a not-literal slap upside their stupid noggin.

The Post published that Phillips said he believed Sandmann was intimidating him. Phillips did say that. And their interaction in two "sides" confronted each other over a political issue involved two private individuals voluntarily entering the political arena. He can't sue the Wash Post or any other media outlet for publishing that.

He may be able to sue Phillips IF he can prove Phillips intentionally lied. I doubt he can do that, and even so, I'd be surprised if Phillips has any money to be sued for.

The kid's parents egged this on, and unfortunately for the kid it's gonna dog him.
He did ask those things

Other outlets did cover the full; story showing why your narrative is false

Phillips was also in DC to push an agenda and there is nothing wrong with parents let their children learn about politics in this manner

Phillips lied that is a fact and your narrative is an outright lie.

Phillips willfully sought confrontation with those kids and has no right to claim intimidation when he went out of his way to confront them.

There was no mutual confrontation. It was sought by one man and that man is phillips

Those are all facts

The kids parents had nothing to do with this they were did not egg it on

Where did Phillps admit to a lie? And your account is false. Although, I think all impartial people agree that the intitial media reports should have sought out more video. But the Boys were trying to be bully punks with their hats.

Making Sense of the Phillips-Sandmann Viral Video

And the point is, there were never grounds for Sandmann to sue. His parents seem to have had imput into his "character." And it's going to dog him
One cannot intimidate by wearing a hat you absolute fool
Sandmann lawyers up faster than Trump. LOL He could simply have asked that his account of the facts be published too, and perhaps even have told the papers and television outlets of people who'd support his side. IF no one else, Fox the Wash Times and 'merican stinker would have been on it like Trump on a porn star

Sandmann may have been sandbagged by Phillips, I really don't know. But Sandmann was in DC to push a political agenda, and ANY parent of any ideology, who'd let a high school child be put in that position, needs a not-literal slap upside their stupid noggin.

The Post published that Phillips said he believed Sandmann was intimidating him. Phillips did say that. And their interaction in two "sides" confronted each other over a political issue involved two private individuals voluntarily entering the political arena. He can't sue the Wash Post or any other media outlet for publishing that.

He may be able to sue Phillips IF he can prove Phillips intentionally lied. I doubt he can do that, and even so, I'd be surprised if Phillips has any money to be sued for.

The kid's parents egged this on, and unfortunately for the kid it's gonna dog him.
He did ask those things

Other outlets did cover the full; story showing why your narrative is false

Phillips was also in DC to push an agenda and there is nothing wrong with parents let their children learn about politics in this manner

Phillips lied that is a fact and your narrative is an outright lie.

Phillips willfully sought confrontation with those kids and has no right to claim intimidation when he went out of his way to confront them.

There was no mutual confrontation. It was sought by one man and that man is phillips

Those are all facts

The kids parents had nothing to do with this they were did not egg it on

Where did Phillps admit to a lie? And your account is false. Although, I think all impartial people agree that the intitial media reports should have sought out more video. But the Boys were trying to be bully punks with their hats.

Making Sense of the Phillips-Sandmann Viral Video

And the point is, there were never grounds for Sandmann to sue. His parents seem to have had imput into his "character." And it's going to dog him
One cannot intimidate by wearing a hat you absolute fool

Really? in groups.
Sandmann lawyers up faster than Trump. LOL He could simply have asked that his account of the facts be published too, and perhaps even have told the papers and television outlets of people who'd support his side. IF no one else, Fox the Wash Times and 'merican stinker would have been on it like Trump on a porn star

Sandmann may have been sandbagged by Phillips, I really don't know. But Sandmann was in DC to push a political agenda, and ANY parent of any ideology, who'd let a high school child be put in that position, needs a not-literal slap upside their stupid noggin.

The Post published that Phillips said he believed Sandmann was intimidating him. Phillips did say that. And their interaction in two "sides" confronted each other over a political issue involved two private individuals voluntarily entering the political arena. He can't sue the Wash Post or any other media outlet for publishing that.

He may be able to sue Phillips IF he can prove Phillips intentionally lied. I doubt he can do that, and even so, I'd be surprised if Phillips has any money to be sued for.

The kid's parents egged this on, and unfortunately for the kid it's gonna dog him.
He did ask those things

Other outlets did cover the full; story showing why your narrative is false

Phillips was also in DC to push an agenda and there is nothing wrong with parents let their children learn about politics in this manner

Phillips lied that is a fact and your narrative is an outright lie.

Phillips willfully sought confrontation with those kids and has no right to claim intimidation when he went out of his way to confront them.

There was no mutual confrontation. It was sought by one man and that man is phillips

Those are all facts

The kids parents had nothing to do with this they were did not egg it on

Where did Phillps admit to a lie? And your account is false. Although, I think all impartial people agree that the intitial media reports should have sought out more video. But the Boys were trying to be bully punks with their hats.

Making Sense of the Phillips-Sandmann Viral Video

And the point is, there were never grounds for Sandmann to sue. His parents seem to have had imput into his "character." And it's going to dog him
One cannot intimidate by wearing a hat you absolute fool

Really? in groups.
Yes in groups

If anyone was intimidated by the guys in your link it was because of their behavior not because of their fucking hat
Now you have a perfect example why we are in decline as a nation. Hogg gets a scholarship and Sandmann does not. Another talker to listen to providing nothing. Compared to a walker who has the ability to build and create and who has been denied. For America, what goes around has come around. Come more.....let the violence and killings increase. You can do it!

Hogg survived a mass shooting and fought to prevent another
Sandmann and his yuppie friends blocked an elderly Native American veteran from playing his drum

Hogg wasn't even at the school you liar. Even he has admitted that. The "elderly" native American is a asshole, stolen valor, liar. Fine group of people you've hitched your wagon to their leftwing loser.
Actually he was in school...the claim that he wasn’t was based on a fragment of a clip. There were plenty of witnesses. A Student Started Filming During School Shooting. He Hasn't Stopped
David Hogg at School During Parkland Shooting -

Hogg was treated every bit as badly as Sandmann.

I disagree, no lies were made up about Hogg, nor were they continued AFTER it was known they were lies.

There were definitely some stupid and in a couple of cases terrible things said about Hogg after he started his anti gun crusade, but they were brief.

The Sandmann crap lasted for over two weeks.

That doesn’t make sense...lies were made up. That he wasn’t in school and that he was a crisis actor, and it went on for weeks. Very much like Sandmann.

How the fake "crisis actors" conspiracy took off on social media after Florida school shooting
What lies did Sandman make up? The drunken Indian and the fake news media were the ones making up the lies.
My God, the fucking left are still thinking the Covington kids were displaying hate?

Dear God I fucking hate the left.
Sandmann lawyers up faster than Trump. LOL He could simply have asked that his account of the facts be published too, and perhaps even have told the papers and television outlets of people who'd support his side. IF no one else, Fox the Wash Times and 'merican stinker would have been on it like Trump on a porn star

Sandmann may have been sandbagged by Phillips, I really don't know. But Sandmann was in DC to push a political agenda, and ANY parent of any ideology, who'd let a high school child be put in that position, needs a not-literal slap upside their stupid noggin.

The Post published that Phillips said he believed Sandmann was intimidating him. Phillips did say that. And their interaction in two "sides" confronted each other over a political issue involved two private individuals voluntarily entering the political arena. He can't sue the Wash Post or any other media outlet for publishing that.

He may be able to sue Phillips IF he can prove Phillips intentionally lied. I doubt he can do that, and even so, I'd be surprised if Phillips has any money to be sued for.

The kid's parents egged this on, and unfortunately for the kid it's gonna dog him.
He did ask those things

Other outlets did cover the full; story showing why your narrative is false

Phillips was also in DC to push an agenda and there is nothing wrong with parents let their children learn about politics in this manner

Phillips lied that is a fact and your narrative is an outright lie.

Phillips willfully sought confrontation with those kids and has no right to claim intimidation when he went out of his way to confront them.

There was no mutual confrontation. It was sought by one man and that man is phillips

Those are all facts

The kids parents had nothing to do with this they were did not egg it on

Where did Phillps admit to a lie? And your account is false. Although, I think all impartial people agree that the intitial media reports should have sought out more video. But the Boys were trying to be bully punks with their hats.

Making Sense of the Phillips-Sandmann Viral Video

And the point is, there were never grounds for Sandmann to sue. His parents seem to have had imput into his "character." And it's going to dog him
One cannot intimidate by wearing a hat you absolute fool

Really? in groups.
And some Nutt bagger putting up a free WordPress site doesnt make it official.

God damn you can reach.
Now you have a perfect example why we are in decline as a nation. Hogg gets a scholarship and Sandmann does not. Another talker to listen to providing nothing. Compared to a walker who has the ability to build and create and who has been denied. For America, what goes around has come around. Come more.....let the violence and killings increase. You can do it!

Hogg survived a mass shooting and fought to prevent another
Sandmann and his yuppie friends blocked an elderly Native American veteran from playing his drum

Hogg wasn't even at the school you liar. Even he has admitted that. The "elderly" native American is a asshole, stolen valor, liar. Fine group of people you've hitched your wagon to their leftwing loser.
Actually he was in school...the claim that he wasn’t was based on a fragment of a clip. There were plenty of witnesses. A Student Started Filming During School Shooting. He Hasn't Stopped
David Hogg at School During Parkland Shooting -

Hogg was treated every bit as badly as Sandmann.

I disagree, no lies were made up about Hogg, nor were they continued AFTER it was known they were lies.

There were definitely some stupid and in a couple of cases terrible things said about Hogg after he started his anti gun crusade, but they were brief.

The Sandmann crap lasted for over two weeks.

That doesn’t make sense...lies were made up. That he wasn’t in school and that he was a crisis actor, and it went on for weeks. Very much like Sandmann.

How the fake "crisis actors" conspiracy took off on social media after Florida school shooting

The only place you saw anti hogg reports were in fringe websites that no one reasonable looks at. Sandmann was attacked by the MSM.

It's a HUGE difference Coyote.
Sandmann lawyers up faster than Trump. LOL He could simply have asked that his account of the facts be published too, and perhaps even have told the papers and television outlets of people who'd support his side. IF no one else, Fox the Wash Times and 'merican stinker would have been on it like Trump on a porn star

Sandmann may have been sandbagged by Phillips, I really don't know. But Sandmann was in DC to push a political agenda, and ANY parent of any ideology, who'd let a high school child be put in that position, needs a not-literal slap upside their stupid noggin.

The Post published that Phillips said he believed Sandmann was intimidating him. Phillips did say that. And their interaction in two "sides" confronted each other over a political issue involved two private individuals voluntarily entering the political arena. He can't sue the Wash Post or any other media outlet for publishing that.

He may be able to sue Phillips IF he can prove Phillips intentionally lied. I doubt he can do that, and even so, I'd be surprised if Phillips has any money to be sued for.

The kid's parents egged this on, and unfortunately for the kid it's gonna dog him.
He did ask those things

Other outlets did cover the full; story showing why your narrative is false

Phillips was also in DC to push an agenda and there is nothing wrong with parents let their children learn about politics in this manner

Phillips lied that is a fact and your narrative is an outright lie.

Phillips willfully sought confrontation with those kids and has no right to claim intimidation when he went out of his way to confront them.

There was no mutual confrontation. It was sought by one man and that man is phillips

Those are all facts

The kids parents had nothing to do with this they were did not egg it on

Where did Phillps admit to a lie? And your account is false. Although, I think all impartial people agree that the intitial media reports should have sought out more video. But the Boys were trying to be bully punks with their hats.

Making Sense of the Phillips-Sandmann Viral Video

And the point is, there were never grounds for Sandmann to sue. His parents seem to have had imput into his "character." And it's going to dog him
One cannot intimidate by wearing a hat you absolute fool

Really? in groups.
Wielding clubs may have had something to do with it.
Sandmann lawyers up faster than Trump. LOL He could simply have asked that his account of the facts be published too, and perhaps even have told the papers and television outlets of people who'd support his side. IF no one else, Fox the Wash Times and 'merican stinker would have been on it like Trump on a porn star

Sandmann may have been sandbagged by Phillips, I really don't know. But Sandmann was in DC to push a political agenda, and ANY parent of any ideology, who'd let a high school child be put in that position, needs a not-literal slap upside their stupid noggin.

The Post published that Phillips said he believed Sandmann was intimidating him. Phillips did say that. And their interaction in two "sides" confronted each other over a political issue involved two private individuals voluntarily entering the political arena. He can't sue the Wash Post or any other media outlet for publishing that.

He may be able to sue Phillips IF he can prove Phillips intentionally lied. I doubt he can do that, and even so, I'd be surprised if Phillips has any money to be sued for.

The kid's parents egged this on, and unfortunately for the kid it's gonna dog him.
He did ask those things

Other outlets did cover the full; story showing why your narrative is false

Phillips was also in DC to push an agenda and there is nothing wrong with parents let their children learn about politics in this manner

Phillips lied that is a fact and your narrative is an outright lie.

Phillips willfully sought confrontation with those kids and has no right to claim intimidation when he went out of his way to confront them.

There was no mutual confrontation. It was sought by one man and that man is phillips

Those are all facts

The kids parents had nothing to do with this they were did not egg it on

Where did Phillps admit to a lie? And your account is false. Although, I think all impartial people agree that the intitial media reports should have sought out more video. But the Boys were trying to be bully punks with their hats.

Making Sense of the Phillips-Sandmann Viral Video

And the point is, there were never grounds for Sandmann to sue. His parents seem to have had imput into his "character." And it's going to dog him
One cannot intimidate by wearing a hat you absolute fool

Really? in groups.
Yes in groups

If anyone was intimidated by the guys in your link it was because of their behavior not because of their fucking hat
They were sporting clubs and wearing the uniform of a violent organization.
Sandmann lawyers up faster than Trump. LOL He could simply have asked that his account of the facts be published too, and perhaps even have told the papers and television outlets of people who'd support his side. IF no one else, Fox the Wash Times and 'merican stinker would have been on it like Trump on a porn star

Sandmann may have been sandbagged by Phillips, I really don't know. But Sandmann was in DC to push a political agenda, and ANY parent of any ideology, who'd let a high school child be put in that position, needs a not-literal slap upside their stupid noggin.

The Post published that Phillips said he believed Sandmann was intimidating him. Phillips did say that. And their interaction in two "sides" confronted each other over a political issue involved two private individuals voluntarily entering the political arena. He can't sue the Wash Post or any other media outlet for publishing that.

He may be able to sue Phillips IF he can prove Phillips intentionally lied. I doubt he can do that, and even so, I'd be surprised if Phillips has any money to be sued for.

The kid's parents egged this on, and unfortunately for the kid it's gonna dog him.
He did ask those things

Other outlets did cover the full; story showing why your narrative is false

Phillips was also in DC to push an agenda and there is nothing wrong with parents let their children learn about politics in this manner

Phillips lied that is a fact and your narrative is an outright lie.

Phillips willfully sought confrontation with those kids and has no right to claim intimidation when he went out of his way to confront them.

There was no mutual confrontation. It was sought by one man and that man is phillips

Those are all facts

The kids parents had nothing to do with this they were did not egg it on

Where did Phillps admit to a lie? And your account is false. Although, I think all impartial people agree that the intitial media reports should have sought out more video. But the Boys were trying to be bully punks with their hats.

Making Sense of the Phillips-Sandmann Viral Video

And the point is, there were never grounds for Sandmann to sue. His parents seem to have had imput into his "character." And it's going to dog him
One cannot intimidate by wearing a hat you absolute fool

Really? in groups.
And some Nutt bagger putting up a free WordPress site doesnt make it official.

God damn you can reach.

The ONLY Point is Nick never had anything to sue over. Phillips said he felt intimidated. the WP reported that .. and it can't be sued for an opinion. And even subsequent video does not show Phillps would have been totally without reason for intimidation.

Nick's parents have a political agenda. So does Phillips. But Nick's parents are the ones trying to push theirs in court.
He did ask those things

Other outlets did cover the full; story showing why your narrative is false

Phillips was also in DC to push an agenda and there is nothing wrong with parents let their children learn about politics in this manner

Phillips lied that is a fact and your narrative is an outright lie.

Phillips willfully sought confrontation with those kids and has no right to claim intimidation when he went out of his way to confront them.

There was no mutual confrontation. It was sought by one man and that man is phillips

Those are all facts

The kids parents had nothing to do with this they were did not egg it on

Where did Phillps admit to a lie? And your account is false. Although, I think all impartial people agree that the intitial media reports should have sought out more video. But the Boys were trying to be bully punks with their hats.

Making Sense of the Phillips-Sandmann Viral Video

And the point is, there were never grounds for Sandmann to sue. His parents seem to have had imput into his "character." And it's going to dog him
One cannot intimidate by wearing a hat you absolute fool

Really? in groups.
And some Nutt bagger putting up a free WordPress site doesnt make it official.

God damn you can reach.

The ONLY Point is Nick never had anything to sue over. Phillips said he felt intimidated. the WP reported that .. and it can't be sued for an opinion. And even subsequent video does not show Phillps would have been totally without reason for intimidation.

Nick's parents have a political agenda. So does Phillips. But Nick's parents are the ones trying to push theirs in court.
Nick's parents are suing for defamation. It doesn't matter if they have another agenda. Sandman didn't ask to become the target of a nationwide fake media smear campaign.
He did ask those things

Other outlets did cover the full; story showing why your narrative is false

Phillips was also in DC to push an agenda and there is nothing wrong with parents let their children learn about politics in this manner

Phillips lied that is a fact and your narrative is an outright lie.

Phillips willfully sought confrontation with those kids and has no right to claim intimidation when he went out of his way to confront them.

There was no mutual confrontation. It was sought by one man and that man is phillips

Those are all facts

The kids parents had nothing to do with this they were did not egg it on

Where did Phillps admit to a lie? And your account is false. Although, I think all impartial people agree that the intitial media reports should have sought out more video. But the Boys were trying to be bully punks with their hats.

Making Sense of the Phillips-Sandmann Viral Video

And the point is, there were never grounds for Sandmann to sue. His parents seem to have had imput into his "character." And it's going to dog him
One cannot intimidate by wearing a hat you absolute fool

Really? in groups.
And some Nutt bagger putting up a free WordPress site doesnt make it official.

God damn you can reach.

The ONLY Point is Nick never had anything to sue over. Phillips said he felt intimidated. the WP reported that .. and it can't be sued for an opinion. And even subsequent video does not show Phillps would have been totally without reason for intimidation.

Nick's parents have a political agenda. So does Phillips. But Nick's parents are the ones trying to push theirs in court.
Yes they had reason to sue

The judge may have been right to decide as he did but that does not mean they had no reason to sue

The indian fraud lie

You are an outright liar the subsequent video shows ABSOLUTELY that he had no reason for feeling intimidated and is a lying sack of shit

One more time read this slowly

When a person willfully seeks out a confrontation with someone else they cannot claimed to have been intimidated especially when the other person did nothing more than SMILE

Whether they had an agenda or not the kids did not seek attention and were smeared by fake news media
Where did Phillps admit to a lie? And your account is false. Although, I think all impartial people agree that the intitial media reports should have sought out more video. But the Boys were trying to be bully punks with their hats.

Making Sense of the Phillips-Sandmann Viral Video

And the point is, there were never grounds for Sandmann to sue. His parents seem to have had imput into his "character." And it's going to dog him
One cannot intimidate by wearing a hat you absolute fool

Really? in groups.
And some Nutt bagger putting up a free WordPress site doesnt make it official.

God damn you can reach.

The ONLY Point is Nick never had anything to sue over. Phillips said he felt intimidated. the WP reported that .. and it can't be sued for an opinion. And even subsequent video does not show Phillps would have been totally without reason for intimidation.

Nick's parents have a political agenda. So does Phillips. But Nick's parents are the ones trying to push theirs in court.
Yes they had reason to sue

The judge may have been right to decide as he did but that does not mean they had no reason to sue

The indian fraud lie

You are an outright liar the subsequent video shows ABSOLUTELY that he had no reason for feeling intimidated and is a lying sack of shit

One more time read this slowly

When a person willfully seeks out a confrontation with someone else they cannot claimed to have been intimidated especially when the other person did nothing more than SMILE

Whether they had an agenda or not the kids did not seek attention and were smeared by fake news media

I don't think the video disproves the allegation that the maga hat kids weren't trying for intimidation or that Nick was merely an innocent peace maker.

But the kid's sneer may be naturally occurring and may not have been part of an attempt to intimidate Phillips.

But again, if a the media reported Phillips said he felt intimidated, there's no basis to sue the media … so long as Phillips in fact said that. That's where the kid's parents went off the rails. They should have stuck with Savanah Guthrie and their own media relations consultants and media campaign, and accepted the reality that they fucked up by ever letting Nick get loose in DC
And some Nutt bagger putting up a free WordPress site doesnt make it official.

God damn you can reach.

The ONLY Point is Nick never had anything to sue over. Phillips said he felt intimidated. the WP reported that .. and it can't be sued for an opinion. And even subsequent video does not show Phillps would have been totally without reason for intimidation.

Nick's parents have a political agenda. So does Phillips. But Nick's parents are the ones trying to push theirs in court.
Yes they had reason to sue

The judge may have been right to decide as he did but that does not mean they had no reason to sue

The indian fraud lie

You are an outright liar the subsequent video shows ABSOLUTELY that he had no reason for feeling intimidated and is a lying sack of shit

One more time read this slowly

When a person willfully seeks out a confrontation with someone else they cannot claimed to have been intimidated especially when the other person did nothing more than SMILE

Whether they had an agenda or not the kids did not seek attention and were smeared by fake news media

I don't think the video disproves the allegation that the maga hat kids weren't trying for intimidation or that Nick was merely an innocent peace maker.

But the kid's sneer may be naturally occurring and may not have been part of an attempt to intimidate Phillips.

But again, if a the media reported Phillips said he felt intimidated, there's no basis to sue the media … so long as Phillips in fact said that. That's where the kid's parents went off the rails. They should have stuck with Savanah Guthrie and their own media relations consultants and media campaign, and accepted the reality that they fucked up by ever letting Nick get loose in DC

The video absolutely disproves that and you are simply a proven coward and liar to say otherwise'

A SMILE is not intimidation and neither is a sneer

The boy smiled

You keep ignoring the fact that the video proves the indian fuck sought out the confrontation in aggressive manner which means he could not have been fucking intimidated

The video proves this shit beyond any question and you know it does. But like many progressives you lack the maturity to admit when you are proven wrong

The media did not just report what was proven false they willfully edited the original video to support phillips proven lies and yes that is basis to sue
He did ask those things

Other outlets did cover the full; story showing why your narrative is false

Phillips was also in DC to push an agenda and there is nothing wrong with parents let their children learn about politics in this manner

Phillips lied that is a fact and your narrative is an outright lie.

Phillips willfully sought confrontation with those kids and has no right to claim intimidation when he went out of his way to confront them.

There was no mutual confrontation. It was sought by one man and that man is phillips

Those are all facts

The kids parents had nothing to do with this they were did not egg it on

Where did Phillps admit to a lie? And your account is false. Although, I think all impartial people agree that the intitial media reports should have sought out more video. But the Boys were trying to be bully punks with their hats.

Making Sense of the Phillips-Sandmann Viral Video

And the point is, there were never grounds for Sandmann to sue. His parents seem to have had imput into his "character." And it's going to dog him
One cannot intimidate by wearing a hat you absolute fool

Really? in groups.
And some Nutt bagger putting up a free WordPress site doesnt make it official.

God damn you can reach.

The ONLY Point is Nick never had anything to sue over. Phillips said he felt intimidated. the WP reported that .. and it can't be sued for an opinion. And even subsequent video does not show Phillps would have been totally without reason for intimidation.

Nick's parents have a political agenda. So does Phillips. But Nick's parents are the ones trying to push theirs in court.
was the article portrayed as news or opinion? just because the current fad is around *ALL NEWS* being opinion based doesn't absolve you from a liability for being wrong when in the press. sorry.

they wore a freaking hat. nothing more. you wanna wear a pussy hat and make your own statement, have at it. i think it's stupid but it would be more stupid to attack someone for their views.

you have a political agenda here. that's obvious.
And some Nutt bagger putting up a free WordPress site doesnt make it official.

God damn you can reach.

The ONLY Point is Nick never had anything to sue over. Phillips said he felt intimidated. the WP reported that .. and it can't be sued for an opinion. And even subsequent video does not show Phillps would have been totally without reason for intimidation.

Nick's parents have a political agenda. So does Phillips. But Nick's parents are the ones trying to push theirs in court.
Yes they had reason to sue

The judge may have been right to decide as he did but that does not mean they had no reason to sue

The indian fraud lie

You are an outright liar the subsequent video shows ABSOLUTELY that he had no reason for feeling intimidated and is a lying sack of shit

One more time read this slowly

When a person willfully seeks out a confrontation with someone else they cannot claimed to have been intimidated especially when the other person did nothing more than SMILE

Whether they had an agenda or not the kids did not seek attention and were smeared by fake news media

I don't think the video disproves the allegation that the maga hat kids weren't trying for intimidation or that Nick was merely an innocent peace maker.

But the kid's sneer may be naturally occurring and may not have been part of an attempt to intimidate Phillips.

But again, if a the media reported Phillips said he felt intimidated, there's no basis to sue the media … so long as Phillips in fact said that. That's where the kid's parents went off the rails. They should have stuck with Savanah Guthrie and their own media relations consultants and media campaign, and accepted the reality that they fucked up by ever letting Nick get loose in DC
so since you don't like the kid, he's guilty til proven innocent?

god damn you're fucked up dude.
I don't think the video disproves the allegation that the maga hat kids weren't trying for intimidation or that Nick was merely an innocent peace maker.

But the kid's sneer may be naturally occurring and may not have been part of an attempt to intimidate Phillips.

Or it could have been he was trying as hard as he could to not break out in laughter like most kids his age would have.

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