The Logic of ConservaRepub on Economy, UnEmployment & A Helping Hand from Govt.

I'm not using it as a cliche, so how about addressing it for what it is - a critique on the hypocrisy of those who want to force someone else to do their charity work for them. The idea that you can express your concern for the poor by voting for a law that makes someone else give them money is a best a self-deception. Likewise, the idea that without such laws no one would care for the poor is deeply cynical. Are you saying that all the people who vote for welfare laws would turn their backs on the poor if helping them wasn't mandated by the state?


Oh I'll answer. And then you two girls will dodge and make excuses. It's all too predictable.
You have claimed that those receiving unemployment (apparently what the whackjobs call "charity") should "just go out and get jobs".
You have also claimed that the unemployment numbers are even worse than reported by the govt - while also blaming Obama for this terrible condition which makes it so hard to get a job - which you claim the unemployed should "just go out and get."
Only the whackjobs don't see the self-contradiction there.

Well, you didn't answer, did you? Also, I didn't make either of these claims. Strike two. Want another swing?

Well the OP was about unemployment benefits so I assumed you were on topic. My mistake.

Okay, let me answer more directly to your statements.
Nowhere in the world - including in the USA, has relying on the charitible nature of people, proven sufficient in helping the poor. Countries that do not have strong social programs, while being wonderful for those of us who have money, are just plain depressing to live in. Travel through Mexico, most of Central and South America, India and so on. The poor die before your eyes in the streets. Like they did in our own country, for so long. Additionally, I volunteer with Vets and ocassionally at a homeless shelter called 3 Squares. Guess what? The combination of charity help AND govt assistance, still leaves a lot of men, women and children in poverty.
So no, as cynical as it may sound, I have never seen evidence to support the assertation that if we relied on charity alone, it would be anywhere close to sifficient.
Then I suggest the mega-corp's spend some of that $2.5 Trillion they have in off-shore acct's to work training folks AND paying a livable wage.

Define living wage.

I'll leave that to the experts; Minimum Wage Vs a Living Wage

If McDonalds paid $34.07 an hour in LA how much would a Big Mac cost? Wouldn't the increase in labor costs force business to increase the price of products, thus driving up the living wage? Wouldn't this result in a feedback loop that would destroy the economy? Just how stupid do you thing the rest of the world is?
The economy is really bad and it's all Obama's fault but no one should need a helping hand because there are plenty of jobs except that unemployment is really way higher than the govt says it is - except when it comes to the people who are out of work and need a helping hand, then there's plenty of jobs so they don't need help but that doesn't mean the economy is good.
Got it!

Let's waste, I mean spend, $800 billion on stimulus.
That'll keep unemployment from rising above 8%.
He's the President, trust him.
If you're so concerned with the people that need a helping hand I would urge you to go out and give them one, and quit trying to force the taxpayers into footing the bill for you.

We are all taxpayers. The working class pays around 32% and folks like romney with his oodles of $ pay around 15%. You were stating?

The working class? What's the income range?
And I noticed you ignored the first part of my statement about the whole "liberals always want to spend other peoples money". I guess the fact that you ignored that part tells me you have no reply.

That was what "wealth redistribution" referred to. Thought you'd catch that.

So liberals only want to spend other peoples money? They don't pay their own taxes? They shouldn't have a say in where their taxes are spent?

Warren Buffett wants to raise taxes on other people, when he could simply donate $50 billion to the government, because they can spend the money better than he can.
And yet he won't make that donation.
Why not?
The economy is really bad and it's all Obama's fault but no one should need a helping hand because there are plenty of jobs except that unemployment is really way higher than the govt says it is - except when it comes to the people who are out of work and need a helping hand, then there's plenty of jobs so they don't need help but that doesn't mean the economy is good.
Got it!

A helping hand doesn't mean a way of life. There are jobs out there and many don't want them because they have to train for them and stop taking from the government.

Stop the government give aways and see how many more people will become employed. Stop the regulations and taxing small businesses so they are reluctant to hire and fear the future.

Then I suggest the mega-corp's spend some of that $2.5 Trillion they have in off-shore acct's to work training folks AND paying a livable wage.

Stop double taxing income earned offshore, and they will.
If you're so concerned with the people that need a helping hand I would urge you to go out and give them one, and quit trying to force the taxpayers into footing the bill for you.

[ame=]Craig T. Nelson on Government Aid - YouTube[/ame]

More Republican "logic".

If we counted on liberals to teach us how to fish, seafood would cost $10,000 a pound.
The economy is really bad and it's all Obama's fault but no one should need a helping hand because there are plenty of jobs except that unemployment is really way higher than the govt says it is - except when it comes to the people who are out of work and need a helping hand, then there's plenty of jobs so they don't need help but that doesn't mean the economy is good.
Got it!

A helping hand doesn't mean a way of life. There are jobs out there and many don't want them because they have to train for them and stop taking from the government.

Stop the government give aways and see how many more people will become employed. Stop the regulations and taxing small businesses so they are reluctant to hire and fear the future.

A year or so ago, McDonalds advertised that they were hiring 50,000 more people. Now McD's is hardly a high paying job, yet they recieved over a million applications for those jobs. That pretty well smashs the myth that people like you contantly tout. Most that have no jobs in this economy are looking for a job.

We stopped regulations on the Banks at the behest of you GOP'ers, and that really created a lot of jobs in 2008, didn't it.

We stopped regulations on the Banks

We did? Link?
Ok, then how do you define those people? I agree with the idea of not supporting those too lazy to support themselves, but how do you make a real world distinction?

First of all, if you're capable of standing on a corner smoking dope with your posse, you can get a fucking job. If you have no physical or mental handicap that prevents you from flipping burgers, cleaning school toilets or pushing a lawn mower, you should be able to find employment in a reasonable length of time. I would support mandatory paid 13 week training programs all must attend after the initial 13 weeks of unemployment compensation. 3 months should be plenty of time to learn how to flip a burger and make change at a cash register, stock store shelves or sweep a high school hallway, even for a Liberal.

So the 8.2%(or even double that if I believe what cons have told me) of people who are unemployed now are choosing not to work? Are you saying that they can all have a job if they wanted it?

A damned high percentage of them find work when their 99 weeks runs out, don't they?
A helping hand doesn't mean a way of life. There are jobs out there and many don't want them because they have to train for them and stop taking from the government.

Stop the government give aways and see how many more people will become employed. Stop the regulations and taxing small businesses so they are reluctant to hire and fear the future.

Then I suggest the mega-corp's spend some of that $2.5 Trillion they have in off-shore acct's to work training folks AND paying a livable wage.

Stop double taxing income earned offshore, and they will.

Any proof to support your claim, or is it yet more bs you are trying to feed the brain dead, which btw are mostly on the right/wrong side it seems from the looks of this forum?:eusa_whistle:
First of all, if you're capable of standing on a corner smoking dope with your posse, you can get a fucking job. If you have no physical or mental handicap that prevents you from flipping burgers, cleaning school toilets or pushing a lawn mower, you should be able to find employment in a reasonable length of time. I would support mandatory paid 13 week training programs all must attend after the initial 13 weeks of unemployment compensation. 3 months should be plenty of time to learn how to flip a burger and make change at a cash register, stock store shelves or sweep a high school hallway, even for a Liberal.

So the 8.2%(or even double that if I believe what cons have told me) of people who are unemployed now are choosing not to work? Are you saying that they can all have a job if they wanted it?

A damned high percentage of them find work when their 99 weeks runs out, don't they?

Simply not true! You know of this how exactly?
Then I suggest the mega-corp's spend some of that $2.5 Trillion they have in off-shore acct's to work training folks AND paying a livable wage.

Stop double taxing income earned offshore, and they will.

Any proof to support your claim, or is it yet more bs you are trying to feed the brain dead, which btw are mostly on the right/wrong side it seems from the looks of this forum?:eusa_whistle:

Any proof to support your claim

You want proof that the US taxes overseas earnings of US companies?

If we counted on liberals to teach us how to fish, seafood would cost $10,000 a pound.

You answer truth with something you imagine. It's Republicans who put the country into debt, not Democrats. Something you should know.

It's Republicans who put the country into debt, not Democrats.

Democrats in our government don't spend borrowed money?

I'm pretty sure our National Debt has increased by more than $5 trillion since Obama became President.
The economy is really bad and it's all Obama's fault but no one should need a helping hand because there are plenty of jobs except that unemployment is really way higher than the govt says it is - except when it comes to the people who are out of work and need a helping hand, then there's plenty of jobs so they don't need help but that doesn't mean the economy is good.
Got it!

Let's waste, I mean spend, $800 billion on stimulus.
That'll keep unemployment from rising above 8%.
He's the President, trust him.

Wait. Why are you brining Bush into this? ;)
The economy is really bad and it's all Obama's fault but no one should need a helping hand because there are plenty of jobs except that unemployment is really way higher than the govt says it is - except when it comes to the people who are out of work and need a helping hand, then there's plenty of jobs so they don't need help but that doesn't mean the economy is good.
Got it!

Let's waste, I mean spend, $800 billion on stimulus.
That'll keep unemployment from rising above 8%.
He's the President, trust him.

Wait. Why are you brining Bush into this? ;)

I'm pretty sure Obama's the least for a few more months.
If you're so concerned with the people that need a helping hand I would urge you to go out and give them one, and quit trying to force the taxpayers into footing the bill for you.

A perfect example of a greedy callous conservative; clearly anyone who agrees with this anti American rhetoric is markedly similar to a criminal sociopath; a human being without empathy.

Perhaps we should all be rounded up, then, huh? Put in camps. For "our own good", of course.

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