The main difference between right and left freedom

There is a good Russian proverb on this score: someone to fly and someone to crawl.

Perhaps this is the reason that the old European faggots used to worship snakes and the underground king. The Aryans always looked only at the sky.

Where someone looked for their imaginary friends does not change the fact that they are imaginary.
It was no coincidence that Reagan spoke of individual responsibility. Collective responsibility breeds individual irresponsibility. This is the basis of the left behavior pattern.

Where someone looked for their imaginary friends does not change the fact that they are imaginary.
This is well known in science. Google on the topic of chthonic and astral cults of antiquity
Autistic people always think non-autistic people are crazy because they say things that are unusual for an autistic person. An autistic person cannot understand that someone thinks independently and his opinion may differ from what he was told at school. Autists are the left-wing electorate in the main. The leftists will tell them what time to have breakfast and how many sausages to eat for breakfast, this is exactly what they need. Left power and autists are a symbiosis. This is an addition to the autistic brain without which he cannot live.
As someone who was on the autism spectrum before there was such a thing I am deeply offended at someone like you making fun of such an emotionally crippling disorder. Since you are so emotionally and socially detached you have a strong likelihood of being on the spectrum yourself.
You obviously know little about autism.
I understand its essence. It's like a computer of the current architecture: memory for instructions and a processor. This is the essence of autism, which is why they have a good memory. They need instructions for every occasion.

This is a type of brain with low intelligence that remembers instructions and applies them to data, in IT this is conventionally called supervised learning.

This is the left mindset.
Nonsense. I don't care about the freedom of the villains, and I don't care about the freedom of the left, my freedom will limit their freedom.

Freedom is for everyone, or it is not worth a damn. You can lose your freedom, but you have it until then. Even women.
As someone who was on the autism spectrum before there was such a thing I am deeply offended at someone like you making fun of such an emotionally crippling disorder. Since you are so emotionally and socially detached you have a strong likelihood of being on the spectrum yourself.
Very true. I thought the same thing.
This is well known in science. Google on the topic of chthonic and astral cults of antiquity

There is no science concerning "gods", other than abnormal psychology.

And please note, I said nothing about the accuracy of your statement. Just that whether they look up or down for their imaginary means little. Their friend is still imaginary.
As someone who was on the autism spectrum before there was such a thing I am deeply offended at someone like you making fun of such an emotionally crippling disorder. Since you are so emotionally and socially detached you have a strong likelihood of being on the spectrum yourself
I'm talking about socialized autists.
Your words are just as ridiculous if you were offended by talking about temperament. Nobody obligate to hide it.
I understand its essence. It's like a computer of the current architecture: memory for instructions and a processor. This is the essence of autism, which is why they have a good memory. They need instructions for every occasion.

This is a type of brain with low intelligence that remembers instructions and applies them to data, in IT this is conventionally called supervised learning.

This is the left mindset.

Autism has nothing to do with intelligence. Your statement only proves my previous point.
There is no science concerning "gods", other than abnormal psychology.
You're an idiot? There is directly religious studies, and in addition it concerns linguistics, archeology, cultural studies, history and many other branches
I seem to understand this so clearly that I can formulate it conceptually.

Left freedom is freedom without responsibility.

For example, the left sows debauchery among the masses and is not responsible for the consequences.
For example, the left one tells a lie but is not responsible for the fact that because of this lie someone may suffer.


In general, one-sidedness is manifested by the leftists everywhere. They interpret laws one-sidedly, view the economy one-sidedly, and so on.
Talking about freedom/responsibility/not responsible for consequences/

Tell us more about Rump and his scam university, Rump and his cheating on his wife, Rump and his payments to pornstars, Rump and his no payments to his contractors, etc etc - where does that fit in your "debauchery among the masses"?

Or, do we give Rump a pass because you know the guy is rich... ?
Talking about freedom/responsibility/not responsible for consequences/

Tell us more about Rump and his scam university, Rump and his cheating on his wife, Rump and his payments to pornstars, Rump and his no payments to his contractors, etc etc - where does that fit in your "debauchery among the masses"?

Or, do we give Rump a pass because you know the guy is rich... ?
Are you talking about Trump? This is RINO
I seem to understand this so clearly that I can formulate it conceptually.

Left freedom is freedom without responsibility.

For example, the left sows debauchery among the masses and is not responsible for the consequences.
For example, the left one tells a lie but is not responsible for the fact that because of this lie someone may suffer.


In general, one-sidedness is manifested by the leftists everywhere. They interpret laws one-sidedly, view the economy one-sidedly, and so on.
Leftists recognize the knee-jerk conservative impulse to support property rights over human rights; the "freedom" to profit from wars and other disasters without any responsibility to protect innocent victims:

What Is Conservatism and What Is Wrong with It?

"Q: What is conservatism?
A: Conservatism is the domination of society by an aristocracy.

"Q: What is wrong with conservatism?
A: Conservatism is incompatible with democracy, prosperity, and civilization in general. It is a destructive system of inequality and prejudice that is founded on deception and has no place in the modern world."

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