The modern day KKK and what can we do about it?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
Antifa is the militant wing of the Democratic Party

This failure to uphold the law by politicrats is inexcusable. The liberals and socialists who control ruined pockets of America are pushing the envelop in an effort to explore where Antifa will be most successful in producing their desired political outcome.

It could very well be that a superior and opposite force mounted by peace-loving Americans – possibly federal forces — may be required to restore the rule of law and eradicate this cancerous socialist movement and its bullies.

I was actually very surprised to see this published by the Austin Communist Statesman. It's obvious that something drastic needs to be done about the abundance of collectivist sociopaths with destroyed frontal lobes that have been created by colleges and universities. Never mind the psychotic fucks that run these institutions and produce vapid drones that are willing to commit every sort of destructive property crime and murder in the name of some obscure collectivist goal they couldn't articulate under torture.

I seriously believe that the Antifa pieces of shit are drones. Real life NPC's, having absolute zero value beyond whatever nitrogen they will return to the soil after wandering into traffic or overdosing on bath salts. Even the KKK had some principles and a skewed sense of patriotism and humanity. For all their repugnant beliefs they were not collectivists or absorbed in a political agenda that sought to destroy the country as a whole or turn all mankind into a mindless ant colony working for a global aristocracy.

They were ultimately defeated by public disgust and outrage at their lack of humanity, their terrorist tactics and their refusal too accept defeat. People who value human life, law and order, and equality resisted them, and there is nothing left of the KKK beyond a few dens in some trailer parks controlled by career FBI agents that are employed to search for, catalog and contain whatever genetic garbage escapes Planned Unparenthood.

The communist monster created by the democrooks and the billionaires that fund that criminal enterprise has broken loose from it's cage however. Too many people were made too powerful leading the bottom rung of the gene pool to believe in some asinine utopia governed by some sort of Santa Marx that lives in the Moscow Subway system. A divorced "great leader" that remarried to Mao, freed the elves and then purged them for converting to peaceful monotheistic religions, flies around the world every night behind 13 gender neutral rein deer except for secular holidays distributing free shit righteously taken from "The Rich".

These are "people" that cannot be reasoned with, that will not stop until it becomes trendy to THINK FOR YOURSELF AND QUESTION AUTHORITY. I get the impression and I do hope these sniveling rejects are viewed to be just as ridiculous by most people as I view them, or it's going to take a serious Solar Coronal Mass Ejection to get natural selection caught up.

They are the modern Sturmabteilung, the Democrat stormtroopers. Thankfully they lack the leadership and regimentation of the original German group.

Hitler's version was decimated in The Night of the Long Knives, betrayed by Hitler and smashed along with the SA, which was no longer useful.

Just a thought, Antifa.
Smash them in the face with a bat, yank off the mask and shame the family for raising a retard.

Should be an easy take down. Remove the masks. Anyone with one doesn’t deserve time to talk to.
Antifa is the militant wing of the Democratic Party

This failure to uphold the law by politicrats is inexcusable. The liberals and socialists who control ruined pockets of America are pushing the envelop in an effort to explore where Antifa will be most successful in producing their desired political outcome.

It could very well be that a superior and opposite force mounted by peace-loving Americans – possibly federal forces — may be required to restore the rule of law and eradicate this cancerous socialist movement and its bullies.

I was actually very surprised to see this published by the Austin Communist Statesman. It's obvious that something drastic needs to be done about the abundance of collectivist sociopaths with destroyed frontal lobes that have been created by colleges and universities. Never mind the psychotic fucks that run these institutions and produce vapid drones that are willing to commit every sort of destructive property crime and murder in the name of some obscure collectivist goal they couldn't articulate under torture.

I seriously believe that the Antifa pieces of shit are drones. Real life NPC's, having absolute zero value beyond whatever nitrogen they will return to the soil after wandering into traffic or overdosing on bath salts. Even the KKK had some principles and a skewed sense of patriotism and humanity. For all their repugnant beliefs they were not collectivists or absorbed in a political agenda that sought to destroy the country as a whole or turn all mankind into a mindless ant colony working for a global aristocracy.

They were ultimately defeated by public disgust and outrage at their lack of humanity, their terrorist tactics and their refusal too accept defeat. People who value human life, law and order, and equality resisted them, and there is nothing left of the KKK beyond a few dens in some trailer parks controlled by career FBI agents that are employed to search for, catalog and contain whatever genetic garbage escapes Planned Unparenthood.

The communist monster created by the democrooks and the billionaires that fund that criminal enterprise has broken loose from it's cage however. Too many people were made too powerful leading the bottom rung of the gene pool to believe in some asinine utopia governed by some sort of Santa Marx that lives in the Moscow Subway system. A divorced "great leader" that remarried to Mao, freed the elves and then purged them for converting to peaceful monotheistic religions, flies around the world every night behind 13 gender neutral rein deer except for secular holidays distributing free shit righteously taken from "The Rich".

These are "people" that cannot be reasoned with, that will not stop until it becomes trendy to THINK FOR YOURSELF AND QUESTION AUTHORITY. I get the impression and I do hope these sniveling rejects are viewed to be just as ridiculous by most people as I view them, or it's going to take a serious Solar Coronal Mass Ejection to get natural selection caught up.


STATEMENT: "Antifa is the militant wing of the Democratic Party"



HE IS BONKERS, BUT SO WAS Timothy James McVeigh.
Why is the party who created the KKK trying so hard to convince America the biggest 'bogey man' out there they should fear is the KKK when the biggest threats out there today are:

1. The Left's new militant terrorists, Antifa, who was IDed as 1 of 3 Democratic Party surrogate organizations that took money from the Russians to spread racial division and violence and who just attacked a federal government detention center...


2. The anti-Semitic, terrorist-supporting, Constitution/freedom despising / violating, Democratic Party who has vowed to raise taxes on the Middle Class make private health care illegal, and pay for all the free stuff they are going to give criminals???
Antifa is the militant wing of the Democratic Party

This failure to uphold the law by politicrats is inexcusable. The liberals and socialists who control ruined pockets of America are pushing the envelop in an effort to explore where Antifa will be most successful in producing their desired political outcome.

It could very well be that a superior and opposite force mounted by peace-loving Americans – possibly federal forces — may be required to restore the rule of law and eradicate this cancerous socialist movement and its bullies.

I was actually very surprised to see this published by the Austin Communist Statesman. It's obvious that something drastic needs to be done about the abundance of collectivist sociopaths with destroyed frontal lobes that have been created by colleges and universities. Never mind the psychotic fucks that run these institutions and produce vapid drones that are willing to commit every sort of destructive property crime and murder in the name of some obscure collectivist goal they couldn't articulate under torture.

I seriously believe that the Antifa pieces of shit are drones. Real life NPC's, having absolute zero value beyond whatever nitrogen they will return to the soil after wandering into traffic or overdosing on bath salts. Even the KKK had some principles and a skewed sense of patriotism and humanity. For all their repugnant beliefs they were not collectivists or absorbed in a political agenda that sought to destroy the country as a whole or turn all mankind into a mindless ant colony working for a global aristocracy.

They were ultimately defeated by public disgust and outrage at their lack of humanity, their terrorist tactics and their refusal too accept defeat. People who value human life, law and order, and equality resisted them, and there is nothing left of the KKK beyond a few dens in some trailer parks controlled by career FBI agents that are employed to search for, catalog and contain whatever genetic garbage escapes Planned Unparenthood.

The communist monster created by the democrooks and the billionaires that fund that criminal enterprise has broken loose from it's cage however. Too many people were made too powerful leading the bottom rung of the gene pool to believe in some asinine utopia governed by some sort of Santa Marx that lives in the Moscow Subway system. A divorced "great leader" that remarried to Mao, freed the elves and then purged them for converting to peaceful monotheistic religions, flies around the world every night behind 13 gender neutral rein deer except for secular holidays distributing free shit righteously taken from "The Rich".

These are "people" that cannot be reasoned with, that will not stop until it becomes trendy to THINK FOR YOURSELF AND QUESTION AUTHORITY. I get the impression and I do hope these sniveling rejects are viewed to be just as ridiculous by most people as I view them, or it's going to take a serious Solar Coronal Mass Ejection to get natural selection caught up.


STATEMENT: "Antifa is the militant wing of the Democratic Party"


HE IS BONKERS, BUT SO WAS Timothy James McVeigh.
here's the proof---since you are ignorant of history:

hitler's Stormtroopers =Sturmabteilung:
The SA (also known as stormtroopers or brownshirts) were instructed to disrupt the meetings of political opponents
Sturmabteilung (SA)

Antifia DISRUPTS PEACEFUL rally-----Wash Post!!! :
Political rallies in Portland, Ore., and a neighboring town gave way to violence Sunday afternoon when black-clad antifa activists attacked police officers and far-right demonstrators, while other protesters from rival groups scuffled in the streets.

BLM are also like the SA--they want to KILL white people
Black Lives Matter: 'We Need To Start Killing White People'
CNN--BLM DISRUPTS political meeting:
Donald Trump rally disrupted by more than 2 dozen Black Lives Matter protesters - CNNPolitics
Trump rally disrupted by Black Lives Matter protesters, among others
etc etc many more meetings all over the US disrupted by BLM
Antifa is the militant wing of the Democratic Party

This failure to uphold the law by politicrats is inexcusable. The liberals and socialists who control ruined pockets of America are pushing the envelop in an effort to explore where Antifa will be most successful in producing their desired political outcome.

It could very well be that a superior and opposite force mounted by peace-loving Americans – possibly federal forces — may be required to restore the rule of law and eradicate this cancerous socialist movement and its bullies.

I was actually very surprised to see this published by the Austin Communist Statesman. It's obvious that something drastic needs to be done about the abundance of collectivist sociopaths with destroyed frontal lobes that have been created by colleges and universities. Never mind the psychotic fucks that run these institutions and produce vapid drones that are willing to commit every sort of destructive property crime and murder in the name of some obscure collectivist goal they couldn't articulate under torture.

I seriously believe that the Antifa pieces of shit are drones. Real life NPC's, having absolute zero value beyond whatever nitrogen they will return to the soil after wandering into traffic or overdosing on bath salts. Even the KKK had some principles and a skewed sense of patriotism and humanity. For all their repugnant beliefs they were not collectivists or absorbed in a political agenda that sought to destroy the country as a whole or turn all mankind into a mindless ant colony working for a global aristocracy.

They were ultimately defeated by public disgust and outrage at their lack of humanity, their terrorist tactics and their refusal too accept defeat. People who value human life, law and order, and equality resisted them, and there is nothing left of the KKK beyond a few dens in some trailer parks controlled by career FBI agents that are employed to search for, catalog and contain whatever genetic garbage escapes Planned Unparenthood.

The communist monster created by the democrooks and the billionaires that fund that criminal enterprise has broken loose from it's cage however. Too many people were made too powerful leading the bottom rung of the gene pool to believe in some asinine utopia governed by some sort of Santa Marx that lives in the Moscow Subway system. A divorced "great leader" that remarried to Mao, freed the elves and then purged them for converting to peaceful monotheistic religions, flies around the world every night behind 13 gender neutral rein deer except for secular holidays distributing free shit righteously taken from "The Rich".

These are "people" that cannot be reasoned with, that will not stop until it becomes trendy to THINK FOR YOURSELF AND QUESTION AUTHORITY. I get the impression and I do hope these sniveling rejects are viewed to be just as ridiculous by most people as I view them, or it's going to take a serious Solar Coronal Mass Ejection to get natural selection caught up.


Start holding their rich, white, politically connected parent responsible.
The right wing in American Politics is out of control, totally mendacious, fueled by visceral hatred for minorities, and Caucasians who reject American fascism.

They alone created Antifa; a minority of anarchists who do not represent the Democratic Party. They are the true far left, and those on the far right are cut from the same antisocial mold***.

***"contrary to the laws and customs of society; devoid of or antagonistic to sociable instincts or practices"
Antifa is the militant wing of the Democratic Party

This failure to uphold the law by politicrats is inexcusable. The liberals and socialists who control ruined pockets of America are pushing the envelop in an effort to explore where Antifa will be most successful in producing their desired political outcome.

It could very well be that a superior and opposite force mounted by peace-loving Americans – possibly federal forces — may be required to restore the rule of law and eradicate this cancerous socialist movement and its bullies.

I was actually very surprised to see this published by the Austin Communist Statesman. It's obvious that something drastic needs to be done about the abundance of collectivist sociopaths with destroyed frontal lobes that have been created by colleges and universities. Never mind the psychotic fucks that run these institutions and produce vapid drones that are willing to commit every sort of destructive property crime and murder in the name of some obscure collectivist goal they couldn't articulate under torture.

I seriously believe that the Antifa pieces of shit are drones. Real life NPC's, having absolute zero value beyond whatever nitrogen they will return to the soil after wandering into traffic or overdosing on bath salts. Even the KKK had some principles and a skewed sense of patriotism and humanity. For all their repugnant beliefs they were not collectivists or absorbed in a political agenda that sought to destroy the country as a whole or turn all mankind into a mindless ant colony working for a global aristocracy.

They were ultimately defeated by public disgust and outrage at their lack of humanity, their terrorist tactics and their refusal too accept defeat. People who value human life, law and order, and equality resisted them, and there is nothing left of the KKK beyond a few dens in some trailer parks controlled by career FBI agents that are employed to search for, catalog and contain whatever genetic garbage escapes Planned Unparenthood.

The communist monster created by the democrooks and the billionaires that fund that criminal enterprise has broken loose from it's cage however. Too many people were made too powerful leading the bottom rung of the gene pool to believe in some asinine utopia governed by some sort of Santa Marx that lives in the Moscow Subway system. A divorced "great leader" that remarried to Mao, freed the elves and then purged them for converting to peaceful monotheistic religions, flies around the world every night behind 13 gender neutral rein deer except for secular holidays distributing free shit righteously taken from "The Rich".

These are "people" that cannot be reasoned with, that will not stop until it becomes trendy to THINK FOR YOURSELF AND QUESTION AUTHORITY. I get the impression and I do hope these sniveling rejects are viewed to be just as ridiculous by most people as I view them, or it's going to take a serious Solar Coronal Mass Ejection to get natural selection caught up.

LMf'nAO at you for compairing antifa and the KKK.

You really wanna do something about the modern KKK?

Tell yer Orange goD to quit being one!!

Of all the stupid shit..... SMH..

Morons, this place is filled with morons....
Neither extreme should be acceptable. Conservatives should be vilifying the KKK as much as Liberals should be doing the same to Antifa. Why would either side want these groups to be associated with them.
"If one compares the tactics used by Antifa at its various riots, vandalism, beatings and intimidations, there is no significant difference between them and the havoc wreaked by the Brown Shirts that hastened the rise of the Nazi Party in post-World War I Germany."

Fucking incredible ignorance.

"Hitler formed SA in Munich in 1921, drawing membership from violent anti-leftist and anti-democratic former soldiers in order to lend muscle to the young Nazi Party. Recognisable by their brown uniforms, similar to those of Mussolini’s Blackshirts, the SA functioned as a ‘security’ force at Nazi rallies and meetings, using threats and outright violence to secure votes and overcome Hitler’s political enemies."

Hitler’s Bullyboys: The Role of the SA in Nazi Germany | History Hit

But they got eaten by the big dog

"In his bid to secure powerful support and rise to power, Hitler sided with big business instead of Röhm and his pro-working class supporters. On June 30, 1934 the Night of the Long Knives erupted in a bloody purge among the SA ranks, in which Röhm and all senior Brownshirts, either deemed too socialist or not loyal enough for the new Nazi Party, were arrested by the SS and eventually executed."

Now way a loose knit group of Militants will ever be organized like that.

Classic Fear mongering.

"What few people noticed is that the blocked traffic had actually created a kill zone, a classic military ambush. So far, there were no gunmen to mow down stranded motorists. But trained military personnel recognized it for what it was: practice."
Antifa is the militant wing of the Democratic Party

This failure to uphold the law by politicrats is inexcusable. The liberals and socialists who control ruined pockets of America are pushing the envelop in an effort to explore where Antifa will be most successful in producing their desired political outcome.

It could very well be that a superior and opposite force mounted by peace-loving Americans – possibly federal forces — may be required to restore the rule of law and eradicate this cancerous socialist movement and its bullies.

I was actually very surprised to see this published by the Austin Communist Statesman. It's obvious that something drastic needs to be done about the abundance of collectivist sociopaths with destroyed frontal lobes that have been created by colleges and universities. Never mind the psychotic fucks that run these institutions and produce vapid drones that are willing to commit every sort of destructive property crime and murder in the name of some obscure collectivist goal they couldn't articulate under torture.

I seriously believe that the Antifa pieces of shit are drones. Real life NPC's, having absolute zero value beyond whatever nitrogen they will return to the soil after wandering into traffic or overdosing on bath salts. Even the KKK had some principles and a skewed sense of patriotism and humanity. For all their repugnant beliefs they were not collectivists or absorbed in a political agenda that sought to destroy the country as a whole or turn all mankind into a mindless ant colony working for a global aristocracy.

They were ultimately defeated by public disgust and outrage at their lack of humanity, their terrorist tactics and their refusal too accept defeat. People who value human life, law and order, and equality resisted them, and there is nothing left of the KKK beyond a few dens in some trailer parks controlled by career FBI agents that are employed to search for, catalog and contain whatever genetic garbage escapes Planned Unparenthood.

The communist monster created by the democrooks and the billionaires that fund that criminal enterprise has broken loose from it's cage however. Too many people were made too powerful leading the bottom rung of the gene pool to believe in some asinine utopia governed by some sort of Santa Marx that lives in the Moscow Subway system. A divorced "great leader" that remarried to Mao, freed the elves and then purged them for converting to peaceful monotheistic religions, flies around the world every night behind 13 gender neutral rein deer except for secular holidays distributing free shit righteously taken from "The Rich".

These are "people" that cannot be reasoned with, that will not stop until it becomes trendy to THINK FOR YOURSELF AND QUESTION AUTHORITY. I get the impression and I do hope these sniveling rejects are viewed to be just as ridiculous by most people as I view them, or it's going to take a serious Solar Coronal Mass Ejection to get natural selection caught up.

LMf'nAO at you for compairing antifa and the KKK.

You really wanna do something about the modern KKK?

Tell yer Orange goD to quit being one!!

Of all the stupid shit..... SMH..

Morons, this place is filled with morons....
Antifa was around before Trump. It was not birthed by Obama, it was nurtured. Fetuses long aborted and given life while being souless with a mission to destroy. But seem to only exist in deep blue areas where the law/corrections/judicial fiefdom do nothing with the help of the political/power family fiefdom.
Neither extreme should be acceptable. Conservatives should be vilifying the KKK as much as Liberals should be doing the same to Antifa. Why would either side want these groups to be associated with them.

Conservatives have ALWAYS vilified the KKK. They have always been the enemy of of libertarian people. The KKK promoted the first gun control laws, and sought to use government authority to oppress people.

Antifa is no different, except that instead of just hating blacks, they hate all Americans that reject collectivism.
Neither extreme should be acceptable. Conservatives should be vilifying the KKK as much as Liberals should be doing the same to Antifa. Why would either side want these groups to be associated with them.

Speaking for myself, a liberal and Democrat I do vilify the far right and the far left - and the response from the far right is to label my post funny, or call me a libtard, moron, stupid or more vulgar ad hominems.
Antifa is the militant wing of the Democratic Party

This failure to uphold the law by politicrats is inexcusable. The liberals and socialists who control ruined pockets of America are pushing the envelop in an effort to explore where Antifa will be most successful in producing their desired political outcome.

It could very well be that a superior and opposite force mounted by peace-loving Americans – possibly federal forces — may be required to restore the rule of law and eradicate this cancerous socialist movement and its bullies.

I was actually very surprised to see this published by the Austin Communist Statesman. It's obvious that something drastic needs to be done about the abundance of collectivist sociopaths with destroyed frontal lobes that have been created by colleges and universities. Never mind the psychotic fucks that run these institutions and produce vapid drones that are willing to commit every sort of destructive property crime and murder in the name of some obscure collectivist goal they couldn't articulate under torture.

I seriously believe that the Antifa pieces of shit are drones. Real life NPC's, having absolute zero value beyond whatever nitrogen they will return to the soil after wandering into traffic or overdosing on bath salts. Even the KKK had some principles and a skewed sense of patriotism and humanity. For all their repugnant beliefs they were not collectivists or absorbed in a political agenda that sought to destroy the country as a whole or turn all mankind into a mindless ant colony working for a global aristocracy.

They were ultimately defeated by public disgust and outrage at their lack of humanity, their terrorist tactics and their refusal too accept defeat. People who value human life, law and order, and equality resisted them, and there is nothing left of the KKK beyond a few dens in some trailer parks controlled by career FBI agents that are employed to search for, catalog and contain whatever genetic garbage escapes Planned Unparenthood.

The communist monster created by the democrooks and the billionaires that fund that criminal enterprise has broken loose from it's cage however. Too many people were made too powerful leading the bottom rung of the gene pool to believe in some asinine utopia governed by some sort of Santa Marx that lives in the Moscow Subway system. A divorced "great leader" that remarried to Mao, freed the elves and then purged them for converting to peaceful monotheistic religions, flies around the world every night behind 13 gender neutral rein deer except for secular holidays distributing free shit righteously taken from "The Rich".

These are "people" that cannot be reasoned with, that will not stop until it becomes trendy to THINK FOR YOURSELF AND QUESTION AUTHORITY. I get the impression and I do hope these sniveling rejects are viewed to be just as ridiculous by most people as I view them, or it's going to take a serious Solar Coronal Mass Ejection to get natural selection caught up.


STATEMENT: "Antifa is the militant wing of the Democratic Party"



HE IS BONKERS, BUT SO WAS Timothy James McVeigh.

Comparing the OP to a know terrorist is kind of disturbing even for you...
Neither extreme should be acceptable. Conservatives should be vilifying the KKK as much as Liberals should be doing the same to Antifa. Why would either side want these groups to be associated with them.
Neither extreme should be acceptable. Conservatives should be vilifying the KKK as much as Liberals should be doing the same to Antifa. Why would either side want these groups to be associated with them.

Conservatives have ALWAYS vilified the KKK. They have always been the enemy of of libertarian people. The KKK promoted the first gun control laws, and sought to use government authority to oppress people.

Antifa is no different, except that instead of just hating blacks, they hate all Americans that reject collectivism.

Please list some of the liberal Confederates who established the KKK or any iteration of the KKK.
Neither extreme should be acceptable. Conservatives should be vilifying the KKK as much as Liberals should be doing the same to Antifa. Why would either side want these groups to be associated with them.

Conservatives have ALWAYS vilified the KKK. They have always been the enemy of of libertarian people. The KKK promoted the first gun control laws, and sought to use government authority to oppress people.

Antifa is no different, except that instead of just hating blacks, they hate all Americans that reject collectivism.

I hate to blow your cover, but you aren't a conservative. You're filled with hate and pathologically so. Antifa and those who follow trump are the peas in the same pod. You may want others to believe, and you may be lying to yourself, but fascism has come to America, and you are part of that heinous ideology.

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