The Most Famous Fakes In Science

People were a lot smaller back then, meaning that over time, we're evolving to be taller humans.

While their are examples of human evolution in recent times, brown fat for example, but human average heights are more a function of changes and improvements in diets than with genetic mutation.

One interesting nutrition based changes has been onset ages of puberty in Asian females. Only two generations ago, the average onset of puberty in an Korean or Japanese girl was 17 or 18 years-old. Because of an increase in fat and dairy in the diet, that has gone down to be more in line with the Western onset of 13 or 14 years-old.

That is not evolution.

That's what I said.

No you didn't.

No new species in your post.

" While their are examples of human evolution in recent times, brown fat for example, but human average heights are more a function of changes and improvements in diets than with genetic mutation. "
Explain the six toed and six fingered giant skeletal remains with double rows of teeth that have been found all over the world?
What if you believed in a scientific principle....and became aware that it is only supported with lies and fabrications.
Would you continue to believe it?
It is....and you do. I'll prove it in this thread.

1.It would be amusing if it weren’t so tragic: the lies that have been perpetrated in government school. Like this...

“Evolution is a fact.” Science Believers

And this…

“Evolution [Darwin’s Theory] is a fact and is the basis of all of biology. The theory of evolution is the most robust, well supported scientific theory in the history of mankind.” The Pretense Called Evolution

2. The ’proof’ offered by a number of those fooled is the fossil record, and the mechanism of mutations, both of which have been proven false. Proof can be found here:

The Pretense Called Evolution


The Biology Term For History

Both scrupulously documented and supported.

3. The reason this thread should be in Politics, not Science, is because Darwin’s plan, colloquially referred to as evolution, is that it, like the hallmark of politics, is based on lies.
In fact, that alone should make every person of integrity furious! And curious….’why would lies be necessary whether the theory is true or not?’ What makes advancing it so important?

4. One example is this, from the textbook currently used in NYC high schools, and probably throughout the nation:

“By examining fossils from sequential layers of rock, one could view how a species had changed and produced different species over time.” Kenneth R. Miller and Joseph S. Levine, Prentice Hall Biology (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2002), 382.

The actual fossil record shows the opposite of Darwin’s beliefs: " A few of the gaps (which are systematic in the fossil record) they claim to fill, but there’s another deposit in the region that throws the whole evolutionary story into disrepute: the Chengyiang bed in southern China. Here, the Cambrian Explosion has been documented in fine detail; all the major animal phyla appear in the early Cambrian without precursors."
Chinese Fossil Beds Astound Paleontologists (

Entirely new lines simply materialize without the myriad failed changes that Darwin predicted.

And, why is it acceptable, or necessary, to lie to make the point?
But there is an even greater fabrication used to advance Darwinian learned it....and believed it….I’ll get to it…
The Queen of the Dummies is denying science again.


Queen is acceptable....but what science am I denying?

The propaganda called Darwin's theory????

You're not one of the fools who imagines (I almost said 'thinks') that there is proof of Darwin, are you?
So where do you think all the different animals came from? God abracadabra-ed them into being?

"So where do you think all the different animals came from?"

Is this your admission that I have forced you to except that Darwin's theory is false?

If you can offer up an answer to my question that satisfies the scientist in me, I'll dump Darwin. No problem.

The opposite: provide what you claim as proof of the thesis proffered in government school......the one you bought like it was on sale.
So you can't say where you think all the different animals came from? (I always went to a private school so have no idea what they do in the public system).

Did they teach Darwin's theory?

Did you look for proof, or simply nod your head?

Or.....can you provide proof of that theory?
If there was empirical proof, I'm guessing that they wouldn't still call it a theory. Is that the right answer?

Now where do you think all the different animals came from?

It is taught as a is not only not a fact, but there is empirical evidence that it is wrong.

Why is it taught as a fact?
As expected, you're unable to provide such empirical evidence. Pretty typical for ignorant creationers.
Hollie you have no evidence of anything either, all you do is to attack other people who are brighter than yourself, which includes the average downs syndrome patient

Unable to refute my position, you're left to whine and moan.
You are nothing but complete ignorance which does not need to be refuted

Same cut and paste fraud. Tiresome, really.
I proved what Darwin believed that you said he did not believe

For a retard with obsessive compulsive disorder you are rather funny
Could you cut and paste the same fraud several more times?

There’s a good boy.
The truth does not change silly

You said that Darwin never mentioned pond scum, sorry if I destroyed your false God

Charles Darwin quotation
on the spontaneous generation of life
in some - warm little pond

In 1871 Charles Darwin wrote a now famous letter to Joseph Hooker which included some of his speculations on the spontaneous generation of life in some "warm little pond".

The letter was mailed to Hooker on February 1st, 1871.

Down,Beckenham, Kent, S.E.
My dear Hooker,

... It is often said that all the conditions for the first production of a living organism are now present, which could ever have been present.

But if (and oh what a big if) we could conceive in some warm little pond with all sorts of ammonia and phosphoric salts,—light, heat, electricity &c. present, that a protein compound was chemically formed, ready to undergo still more complex changes, at the present day such matter wd be instantly devoured, or absorbed, which would not have been the case before living creatures were formed.
I will require you to cut and paste the above several more times. You might want to edit your cutting and pasting to include the term “DNA” so as to make your fraudulent comments magically become true.
LOL you can not even find anything that confirms your dumb ideas

You made a good choice to run away.
I rode 40 miles on my race bike this morning

You ate krap like usual

They teach you that at Harvard

Did you find anything to copy and paste that confirms your delusions?
Did you fall off your bike and bump your head?
No but I hit a new high heartbeat per minute on the hill where the big bang CMB was first identified. 175, up from 173 for my age I should not be able to go over 160 or so. I get down to 47bpm at night

Did you enjoy your bacon and eggs?

What if you believed in a scientific principle....and became aware that it is only supported with lies and fabrications.
Would you continue to believe it?
It is....and you do. I'll prove it in this thread.

1.It would be amusing if it weren’t so tragic: the lies that have been perpetrated in government school. Like this...

“Evolution is a fact.” Science Believers

And this…

“Evolution [Darwin’s Theory] is a fact and is the basis of all of biology. The theory of evolution is the most robust, well supported scientific theory in the history of mankind.” The Pretense Called Evolution

2. The ’proof’ offered by a number of those fooled is the fossil record, and the mechanism of mutations, both of which have been proven false. Proof can be found here:

The Pretense Called Evolution


The Biology Term For History

Both scrupulously documented and supported.

3. The reason this thread should be in Politics, not Science, is because Darwin’s plan, colloquially referred to as evolution, is that it, like the hallmark of politics, is based on lies.
In fact, that alone should make every person of integrity furious! And curious….’why would lies be necessary whether the theory is true or not?’ What makes advancing it so important?

4. One example is this, from the textbook currently used in NYC high schools, and probably throughout the nation:

“By examining fossils from sequential layers of rock, one could view how a species had changed and produced different species over time.” Kenneth R. Miller and Joseph S. Levine, Prentice Hall Biology (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2002), 382.

The actual fossil record shows the opposite of Darwin’s beliefs: " A few of the gaps (which are systematic in the fossil record) they claim to fill, but there’s another deposit in the region that throws the whole evolutionary story into disrepute: the Chengyiang bed in southern China. Here, the Cambrian Explosion has been documented in fine detail; all the major animal phyla appear in the early Cambrian without precursors."
Chinese Fossil Beds Astound Paleontologists (

Entirely new lines simply materialize without the myriad failed changes that Darwin predicted.

And, why is it acceptable, or necessary, to lie to make the point?
But there is an even greater fabrication used to advance Darwinian learned it....and believed it….I’ll get to it…
The Queen of the Dummies is denying science again.


Queen is acceptable....but what science am I denying?

The propaganda called Darwin's theory????

You're not one of the fools who imagines (I almost said 'thinks') that there is proof of Darwin, are you?
So where do you think all the different animals came from? God abracadabra-ed them into being?

"So where do you think all the different animals came from?"

Is this your admission that I have forced you to except that Darwin's theory is false?

If you can offer up an answer to my question that satisfies the scientist in me, I'll dump Darwin. No problem.

The opposite: provide what you claim as proof of the thesis proffered in government school......the one you bought like it was on sale.
So you can't say where you think all the different animals came from? (I always went to a private school so have no idea what they do in the public system).

Did they teach Darwin's theory?

Did you look for proof, or simply nod your head?

Or.....can you provide proof of that theory?
If there was empirical proof, I'm guessing that they wouldn't still call it a theory. Is that the right answer?

Now where do you think all the different animals came from?

It is taught as a is not only not a fact, but there is empirical evidence that it is wrong.

Why is it taught as a fact?
As expected, you're unable to provide such empirical evidence. Pretty typical for ignorant creationers.
Hollie you have no evidence of anything either, all you do is to attack other people who are brighter than yourself, which includes the average downs syndrome patient

Unable to refute my position, you're left to whine and moan.
You are nothing but complete ignorance which does not need to be refuted

Same cut and paste fraud. Tiresome, really.
I proved what Darwin believed that you said he did not believe

For a retard with obsessive compulsive disorder you are rather funny
Could you cut and paste the same fraud several more times?

There’s a good boy.
The truth does not change silly

You said that Darwin never mentioned pond scum, sorry if I destroyed your false God

Charles Darwin quotation
on the spontaneous generation of life
in some - warm little pond

In 1871 Charles Darwin wrote a now famous letter to Joseph Hooker which included some of his speculations on the spontaneous generation of life in some "warm little pond".

The letter was mailed to Hooker on February 1st, 1871.

Down,Beckenham, Kent, S.E.
My dear Hooker,

... It is often said that all the conditions for the first production of a living organism are now present, which could ever have been present.

But if (and oh what a big if) we could conceive in some warm little pond with all sorts of ammonia and phosphoric salts,—light, heat, electricity &c. present, that a protein compound was chemically formed, ready to undergo still more complex changes, at the present day such matter wd be instantly devoured, or absorbed, which would not have been the case before living creatures were formed.
I will require you to cut and paste the above several more times. You might want to edit your cutting and pasting to include the term “DNA” so as to make your fraudulent comments magically become true.
LOL you can not even find anything that confirms your dumb ideas

You made a good choice to run away.
I rode 40 miles on my race bike this morning

You ate krap like usual

They teach you that at Harvard

Did you find anything to copy and paste that confirms your delusions?
Did you fall off your bike and bump your head?
No but I hit a new high heartbeat per minute on the hill where the big bang CMB was first identified. 175, up from 173 for my age I should not be able to go over 160 or so. I get down to 47bpm at night

Did you enjoy your bacon and eggs?

Off topic spam.
What if you believed in a scientific principle....and became aware that it is only supported with lies and fabrications.
Would you continue to believe it?
It is....and you do. I'll prove it in this thread.

1.It would be amusing if it weren’t so tragic: the lies that have been perpetrated in government school. Like this...

“Evolution is a fact.” Science Believers

And this…

“Evolution [Darwin’s Theory] is a fact and is the basis of all of biology. The theory of evolution is the most robust, well supported scientific theory in the history of mankind.” The Pretense Called Evolution

2. The ’proof’ offered by a number of those fooled is the fossil record, and the mechanism of mutations, both of which have been proven false. Proof can be found here:

The Pretense Called Evolution


The Biology Term For History

Both scrupulously documented and supported.

3. The reason this thread should be in Politics, not Science, is because Darwin’s plan, colloquially referred to as evolution, is that it, like the hallmark of politics, is based on lies.
In fact, that alone should make every person of integrity furious! And curious….’why would lies be necessary whether the theory is true or not?’ What makes advancing it so important?

4. One example is this, from the textbook currently used in NYC high schools, and probably throughout the nation:

“By examining fossils from sequential layers of rock, one could view how a species had changed and produced different species over time.” Kenneth R. Miller and Joseph S. Levine, Prentice Hall Biology (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2002), 382.

The actual fossil record shows the opposite of Darwin’s beliefs: " A few of the gaps (which are systematic in the fossil record) they claim to fill, but there’s another deposit in the region that throws the whole evolutionary story into disrepute: the Chengyiang bed in southern China. Here, the Cambrian Explosion has been documented in fine detail; all the major animal phyla appear in the early Cambrian without precursors."
Chinese Fossil Beds Astound Paleontologists (

Entirely new lines simply materialize without the myriad failed changes that Darwin predicted.

And, why is it acceptable, or necessary, to lie to make the point?
But there is an even greater fabrication used to advance Darwinian learned it....and believed it….I’ll get to it…
Okay, you've convinced me.

Now, what is your personal theory on how we got here? Precisely?

Darwin has nothing to do with 'how we got here' life began. It is provided as an explanation for the diversity of life as it appears now.

There are numerous theories, a number of which I have noted in the past.

Darwin's is without proof, and in many ways, disproven.

The real question is why it is sooooo important for certain ideologies to claim science has found the explanation for speciation when, as of now, it has not.

Why is Darwin so important to a certain political view?
So you don't want to tell me? Is this another secret?

How do you think we got here? What is your best personal guess? Or perhaps you're like me, and you admit you don't know?

I did tell you.

It appears that you're too dense for this topic.

Okay, so you're a Christian.


Why is that of importance to you?

Are you planning to propose?

I should tell you now, you could be a chocolate covered millionaire, giving away free shoes, and the answer would still be no.

Can you take a hint?
That's okay, sweetie. You'll often play this game, and you'll often quote the Bible, but you carefully stop there.

You're not the first person to fraudulently use religion as a weapon, and you won't be the last.

You and the Jihadis, peas in a pod, huh?

There is nothing about religion in my posts.

You are lying because I've embarrassed you again.
When your cut and paste “quotes” are taken from, the Disco’tute and Answers in Genesis, yes, your posts are about religion.
She's not meant to be taken seriously.
I take her more seriously than you by a factor of a 1000.
Explain the six toed and six fingered giant skeletal remains with double rows of teeth that have been found all over the world?
Explain why 99% of all things that ever lived are extinct.. including Proto Humans.
God's Mistakes?
What a ******* Mess!
(it's called trial-and-error/mutation/survival of the fittest)

What if you believed in a scientific principle....and became aware that it is only supported with lies and fabrications.
Would you continue to believe it?
It is....and you do. I'll prove it in this thread.

1.It would be amusing if it weren’t so tragic: the lies that have been perpetrated in government school. Like this...

“Evolution is a fact.” Science Believers

And this…

“Evolution [Darwin’s Theory] is a fact and is the basis of all of biology. The theory of evolution is the most robust, well supported scientific theory in the history of mankind.” The Pretense Called Evolution

2. The ’proof’ offered by a number of those fooled is the fossil record, and the mechanism of mutations, both of which have been proven false. Proof can be found here:

The Pretense Called Evolution


The Biology Term For History

Both scrupulously documented and supported.

3. The reason this thread should be in Politics, not Science, is because Darwin’s plan, colloquially referred to as evolution, is that it, like the hallmark of politics, is based on lies.
In fact, that alone should make every person of integrity furious! And curious….’why would lies be necessary whether the theory is true or not?’ What makes advancing it so important?

4. One example is this, from the textbook currently used in NYC high schools, and probably throughout the nation:

“By examining fossils from sequential layers of rock, one could view how a species had changed and produced different species over time.” Kenneth R. Miller and Joseph S. Levine, Prentice Hall Biology (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2002), 382.

The actual fossil record shows the opposite of Darwin’s beliefs: " A few of the gaps (which are systematic in the fossil record) they claim to fill, but there’s another deposit in the region that throws the whole evolutionary story into disrepute: the Chengyiang bed in southern China. Here, the Cambrian Explosion has been documented in fine detail; all the major animal phyla appear in the early Cambrian without precursors."
Chinese Fossil Beds Astound Paleontologists (

Entirely new lines simply materialize without the myriad failed changes that Darwin predicted.

And, why is it acceptable, or necessary, to lie to make the point?
But there is an even greater fabrication used to advance Darwinian learned it....and believed it….I’ll get to it…
The Queen of the Dummies is denying science again.


Queen is acceptable....but what science am I denying?

The propaganda called Darwin's theory????

You're not one of the fools who imagines (I almost said 'thinks') that there is proof of Darwin, are you?
So where do you think all the different animals came from? God abracadabra-ed them into being?

"So where do you think all the different animals came from?"

Is this your admission that I have forced you to except that Darwin's theory is false?

If you can offer up an answer to my question that satisfies the scientist in me, I'll dump Darwin. No problem.

The opposite: provide what you claim as proof of the thesis proffered in government school......the one you bought like it was on sale.
So you can't say where you think all the different animals came from? (I always went to a private school so have no idea what they do in the public system).

Did they teach Darwin's theory?

Did you look for proof, or simply nod your head?

Or.....can you provide proof of that theory?
If there was empirical proof, I'm guessing that they wouldn't still call it a theory. Is that the right answer?

Now where do you think all the different animals came from?

It is taught as a is not only not a fact, but there is empirical evidence that it is wrong.

Why is it taught as a fact?
As expected, you're unable to provide such empirical evidence. Pretty typical for ignorant creationers.
Hollie you have no evidence of anything either, all you do is to attack other people who are brighter than yourself, which includes the average downs syndrome patient

Unable to refute my position, you're left to whine and moan.
You are nothing but complete ignorance which does not need to be refuted

Same cut and paste fraud. Tiresome, really.
I proved what Darwin believed that you said he did not believe

For a retard with obsessive compulsive disorder you are rather funny
Could you cut and paste the same fraud several more times?

There’s a good boy.
The truth does not change silly

You said that Darwin never mentioned pond scum, sorry if I destroyed your false God

Charles Darwin quotation
on the spontaneous generation of life
in some - warm little pond

In 1871 Charles Darwin wrote a now famous letter to Joseph Hooker which included some of his speculations on the spontaneous generation of life in some "warm little pond".

The letter was mailed to Hooker on February 1st, 1871.

Down,Beckenham, Kent, S.E.
My dear Hooker,

... It is often said that all the conditions for the first production of a living organism are now present, which could ever have been present.

But if (and oh what a big if) we could conceive in some warm little pond with all sorts of ammonia and phosphoric salts,—light, heat, electricity &c. present, that a protein compound was chemically formed, ready to undergo still more complex changes, at the present day such matter wd be instantly devoured, or absorbed, which would not have been the case before living creatures were formed.
I will require you to cut and paste the above several more times. You might want to edit your cutting and pasting to include the term “DNA” so as to make your fraudulent comments magically become true.
LOL you can not even find anything that confirms your dumb ideas

You made a good choice to run away.
I rode 40 miles on my race bike this morning

You ate krap like usual

They teach you that at Harvard

Did you find anything to copy and paste that confirms your delusions?
Did you fall off your bike and bump your head?
No but I hit a new high heartbeat per minute on the hill where the big bang CMB was first identified. 175, up from 173 for my age I should not be able to go over 160 or so. I get down to 47bpm at night

Did you enjoy your bacon and eggs?

Off topic spam.
You have never posted any info on topic?

Just your hallucinations
What if you believed in a scientific principle....and became aware that it is only supported with lies and fabrications.
Would you continue to believe it?
It is....and you do. I'll prove it in this thread.

1.It would be amusing if it weren’t so tragic: the lies that have been perpetrated in government school. Like this...

“Evolution is a fact.” Science Believers

And this…

“Evolution [Darwin’s Theory] is a fact and is the basis of all of biology. The theory of evolution is the most robust, well supported scientific theory in the history of mankind.” The Pretense Called Evolution

2. The ’proof’ offered by a number of those fooled is the fossil record, and the mechanism of mutations, both of which have been proven false. Proof can be found here:

The Pretense Called Evolution


The Biology Term For History

Both scrupulously documented and supported.

3. The reason this thread should be in Politics, not Science, is because Darwin’s plan, colloquially referred to as evolution, is that it, like the hallmark of politics, is based on lies.
In fact, that alone should make every person of integrity furious! And curious….’why would lies be necessary whether the theory is true or not?’ What makes advancing it so important?

4. One example is this, from the textbook currently used in NYC high schools, and probably throughout the nation:

“By examining fossils from sequential layers of rock, one could view how a species had changed and produced different species over time.” Kenneth R. Miller and Joseph S. Levine, Prentice Hall Biology (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2002), 382.

The actual fossil record shows the opposite of Darwin’s beliefs: " A few of the gaps (which are systematic in the fossil record) they claim to fill, but there’s another deposit in the region that throws the whole evolutionary story into disrepute: the Chengyiang bed in southern China. Here, the Cambrian Explosion has been documented in fine detail; all the major animal phyla appear in the early Cambrian without precursors."
Chinese Fossil Beds Astound Paleontologists (

Entirely new lines simply materialize without the myriad failed changes that Darwin predicted.

And, why is it acceptable, or necessary, to lie to make the point?
But there is an even greater fabrication used to advance Darwinian learned it....and believed it….I’ll get to it…
Okay, you've convinced me.

Now, what is your personal theory on how we got here? Precisely?

Darwin has nothing to do with 'how we got here' life began. It is provided as an explanation for the diversity of life as it appears now.

There are numerous theories, a number of which I have noted in the past.

Darwin's is without proof, and in many ways, disproven.

The real question is why it is sooooo important for certain ideologies to claim science has found the explanation for speciation when, as of now, it has not.

Why is Darwin so important to a certain political view?
So you don't want to tell me? Is this another secret?

How do you think we got here? What is your best personal guess? Or perhaps you're like me, and you admit you don't know?

I did tell you.

It appears that you're too dense for this topic.

Okay, so you're a Christian.


Why is that of importance to you?

Are you planning to propose?

I should tell you now, you could be a chocolate covered millionaire, giving away free shoes, and the answer would still be no.

Can you take a hint?
That's okay, sweetie. You'll often play this game, and you'll often quote the Bible, but you carefully stop there.

You're not the first person to fraudulently use religion as a weapon, and you won't be the last.

You and the Jihadis, peas in a pod, huh?

There is nothing about religion in my posts.

You are lying because I've embarrassed you again.
When your cut and paste “quotes” are taken from, the Disco’tute and Answers in Genesis, yes, your posts are about religion.
She's not meant to be taken seriously.
I take her more seriously than you by a factor of a 1000.
Well of course. She's an obedient Trumpster.
Reality is not a game, but you keep playing and don't forget to chop all the little girls vaginas off because Allah said too
1. No answer to me gutting you on Darwin. WHIFF

2. You're too stupid to even Google abu afak. (not Muslim)

3. Going for the seemingly impossible dumbest creationist here.

Reality is not a game, but you keep playing and don't forget to chop all the little girls vaginas off because Allah said too
1. No answer to me gutting you on Darwin. WHIFF

2. You're too stupid to even look up abu afak. (not Muslim)

3. Going for the seemingly impossible dumbest creationist here.

Ask your question again, if that isn't too hard for a dumb Muslim
What if you believed in a scientific principle....and became aware that it is only supported with lies and fabrications.
Would you continue to believe it?
It is....and you do. I'll prove it in this thread.

1.It would be amusing if it weren’t so tragic: the lies that have been perpetrated in government school. Like this...

“Evolution is a fact.” Science Believers

And this…

“Evolution [Darwin’s Theory] is a fact and is the basis of all of biology. The theory of evolution is the most robust, well supported scientific theory in the history of mankind.” The Pretense Called Evolution

2. The ’proof’ offered by a number of those fooled is the fossil record, and the mechanism of mutations, both of which have been proven false. Proof can be found here:

The Pretense Called Evolution


The Biology Term For History

Both scrupulously documented and supported.

3. The reason this thread should be in Politics, not Science, is because Darwin’s plan, colloquially referred to as evolution, is that it, like the hallmark of politics, is based on lies.
In fact, that alone should make every person of integrity furious! And curious….’why would lies be necessary whether the theory is true or not?’ What makes advancing it so important?

4. One example is this, from the textbook currently used in NYC high schools, and probably throughout the nation:

“By examining fossils from sequential layers of rock, one could view how a species had changed and produced different species over time.” Kenneth R. Miller and Joseph S. Levine, Prentice Hall Biology (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2002), 382.

The actual fossil record shows the opposite of Darwin’s beliefs: " A few of the gaps (which are systematic in the fossil record) they claim to fill, but there’s another deposit in the region that throws the whole evolutionary story into disrepute: the Chengyiang bed in southern China. Here, the Cambrian Explosion has been documented in fine detail; all the major animal phyla appear in the early Cambrian without precursors."
Chinese Fossil Beds Astound Paleontologists (

Entirely new lines simply materialize without the myriad failed changes that Darwin predicted.

And, why is it acceptable, or necessary, to lie to make the point?
But there is an even greater fabrication used to advance Darwinian learned it....and believed it….I’ll get to it…
Okay, you've convinced me.

Now, what is your personal theory on how we got here? Precisely?

Darwin has nothing to do with 'how we got here' life began. It is provided as an explanation for the diversity of life as it appears now.

There are numerous theories, a number of which I have noted in the past.

Darwin's is without proof, and in many ways, disproven.

The real question is why it is sooooo important for certain ideologies to claim science has found the explanation for speciation when, as of now, it has not.

Why is Darwin so important to a certain political view?
So you don't want to tell me? Is this another secret?

How do you think we got here? What is your best personal guess? Or perhaps you're like me, and you admit you don't know?

I did tell you.

It appears that you're too dense for this topic.

Okay, so you're a Christian.


Why is that of importance to you?

Are you planning to propose?

I should tell you now, you could be a chocolate covered millionaire, giving away free shoes, and the answer would still be no.

Can you take a hint?
That's okay, sweetie. You'll often play this game, and you'll often quote the Bible, but you carefully stop there.

You're not the first person to fraudulently use religion as a weapon, and you won't be the last.

You and the Jihadis, peas in a pod, huh?

There is nothing about religion in my posts.

You are lying because I've embarrassed you again.
When your cut and paste “quotes” are taken from, the Disco’tute and Answers in Genesis, yes, your posts are about religion.
She's not meant to be taken seriously.
I take her more seriously than you by a factor of a 1000.
Well of course. She's an obedient Trumpster.
She is more intelligent than you. BTW, dumb ass, I opted out of being a de-facto employee of USA.INC thus I do not participate in the election process of this banana republic......any thing else ya wanna say, dipshit?
esalla said:
Ask your question again, if that isn't too hard for a dumb Muslim
1. No answer to me gutting you on Darwin. WHIFF

2. You're too stupid to even Google abu afak. (not Muslim)

3. Going, indeed Winning, for the seemingly impossible dumbest creationist here.

What if you believed in a scientific principle....and became aware that it is only supported with lies and fabrications.
Would you continue to believe it?
It is....and you do. I'll prove it in this thread.

1.It would be amusing if it weren’t so tragic: the lies that have been perpetrated in government school. Like this...

“Evolution is a fact.” Science Believers

And this…

“Evolution [Darwin’s Theory] is a fact and is the basis of all of biology. The theory of evolution is the most robust, well supported scientific theory in the history of mankind.” The Pretense Called Evolution

2. The ’proof’ offered by a number of those fooled is the fossil record, and the mechanism of mutations, both of which have been proven false. Proof can be found here:

The Pretense Called Evolution


The Biology Term For History

Both scrupulously documented and supported.

3. The reason this thread should be in Politics, not Science, is because Darwin’s plan, colloquially referred to as evolution, is that it, like the hallmark of politics, is based on lies.
In fact, that alone should make every person of integrity furious! And curious….’why would lies be necessary whether the theory is true or not?’ What makes advancing it so important?

4. One example is this, from the textbook currently used in NYC high schools, and probably throughout the nation:

“By examining fossils from sequential layers of rock, one could view how a species had changed and produced different species over time.” Kenneth R. Miller and Joseph S. Levine, Prentice Hall Biology (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2002), 382.

The actual fossil record shows the opposite of Darwin’s beliefs: " A few of the gaps (which are systematic in the fossil record) they claim to fill, but there’s another deposit in the region that throws the whole evolutionary story into disrepute: the Chengyiang bed in southern China. Here, the Cambrian Explosion has been documented in fine detail; all the major animal phyla appear in the early Cambrian without precursors."
Chinese Fossil Beds Astound Paleontologists (

Entirely new lines simply materialize without the myriad failed changes that Darwin predicted.

And, why is it acceptable, or necessary, to lie to make the point?
But there is an even greater fabrication used to advance Darwinian learned it....and believed it….I’ll get to it…
Okay, you've convinced me.

Now, what is your personal theory on how we got here? Precisely?

Darwin has nothing to do with 'how we got here' life began. It is provided as an explanation for the diversity of life as it appears now.

There are numerous theories, a number of which I have noted in the past.

Darwin's is without proof, and in many ways, disproven.

The real question is why it is sooooo important for certain ideologies to claim science has found the explanation for speciation when, as of now, it has not.

Why is Darwin so important to a certain political view?
So you don't want to tell me? Is this another secret?

How do you think we got here? What is your best personal guess? Or perhaps you're like me, and you admit you don't know?

I did tell you.

It appears that you're too dense for this topic.

Okay, so you're a Christian.


Why is that of importance to you?

Are you planning to propose?

I should tell you now, you could be a chocolate covered millionaire, giving away free shoes, and the answer would still be no.

Can you take a hint?
That's okay, sweetie. You'll often play this game, and you'll often quote the Bible, but you carefully stop there.

You're not the first person to fraudulently use religion as a weapon, and you won't be the last.

You and the Jihadis, peas in a pod, huh?

There is nothing about religion in my posts.

You are lying because I've embarrassed you again.
When your cut and paste “quotes” are taken from, the Disco’tute and Answers in Genesis, yes, your posts are about religion.
She's not meant to be taken seriously.
I take her more seriously than you by a factor of a 1000.
Well of course. She's an obedient Trumpster.
She is more intelligent than you. BTW, dumb ass, I opted out of being a de-facto employee of USA.INC thus I do not participate in the election process of this banana republic......any thing else ya wanna say, dipshit?
That's okay Rambo, I'm just fine.
esalla said:
Ask your question again, if that isn't too hard for a dumb Muslim
1. No answer to me gutting you on Darwin. WHIFF

2. You're too stupid to even Google abu afak. (not Muslim)

3. Going, indeed Winning, for the seemingly impossible dumbest creationist here.

You never ask any question silly.................................

But you stay there in your delusion and keep yourself company
You never ask any question silly.................................

But you stay there in your delusion and keep yourself company
1. No answer to me gutting you on Darwin. WHIFF

2. You're too stupid to even Google abu afak. (not Muslim)

3. Going, indeed Winning, for the seemingly impossible dumbest creationist here.

What if you believed in a scientific principle....and became aware that it is only supported with lies and fabrications.
Would you continue to believe it?
It is....and you do. I'll prove it in this thread.

1.It would be amusing if it weren’t so tragic: the lies that have been perpetrated in government school. Like this...

“Evolution is a fact.” Science Believers

And this…

“Evolution [Darwin’s Theory] is a fact and is the basis of all of biology. The theory of evolution is the most robust, well supported scientific theory in the history of mankind.” The Pretense Called Evolution

2. The ’proof’ offered by a number of those fooled is the fossil record, and the mechanism of mutations, both of which have been proven false. Proof can be found here:

The Pretense Called Evolution


The Biology Term For History

Both scrupulously documented and supported.

3. The reason this thread should be in Politics, not Science, is because Darwin’s plan, colloquially referred to as evolution, is that it, like the hallmark of politics, is based on lies.
In fact, that alone should make every person of integrity furious! And curious….’why would lies be necessary whether the theory is true or not?’ What makes advancing it so important?

4. One example is this, from the textbook currently used in NYC high schools, and probably throughout the nation:

“By examining fossils from sequential layers of rock, one could view how a species had changed and produced different species over time.” Kenneth R. Miller and Joseph S. Levine, Prentice Hall Biology (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2002), 382.

The actual fossil record shows the opposite of Darwin’s beliefs: " A few of the gaps (which are systematic in the fossil record) they claim to fill, but there’s another deposit in the region that throws the whole evolutionary story into disrepute: the Chengyiang bed in southern China. Here, the Cambrian Explosion has been documented in fine detail; all the major animal phyla appear in the early Cambrian without precursors."
Chinese Fossil Beds Astound Paleontologists (

Entirely new lines simply materialize without the myriad failed changes that Darwin predicted.

And, why is it acceptable, or necessary, to lie to make the point?
But there is an even greater fabrication used to advance Darwinian learned it....and believed it….I’ll get to it…
Okay, you've convinced me.

Now, what is your personal theory on how we got here? Precisely?

Darwin has nothing to do with 'how we got here' life began. It is provided as an explanation for the diversity of life as it appears now.

There are numerous theories, a number of which I have noted in the past.

Darwin's is without proof, and in many ways, disproven.

The real question is why it is sooooo important for certain ideologies to claim science has found the explanation for speciation when, as of now, it has not.

Why is Darwin so important to a certain political view?
So you don't want to tell me? Is this another secret?

How do you think we got here? What is your best personal guess? Or perhaps you're like me, and you admit you don't know?

I did tell you.

It appears that you're too dense for this topic.

Okay, so you're a Christian.


Why is that of importance to you?

Are you planning to propose?

I should tell you now, you could be a chocolate covered millionaire, giving away free shoes, and the answer would still be no.

Can you take a hint?
That's okay, sweetie. You'll often play this game, and you'll often quote the Bible, but you carefully stop there.

You're not the first person to fraudulently use religion as a weapon, and you won't be the last.

You and the Jihadis, peas in a pod, huh?

There is nothing about religion in my posts.

You are lying because I've embarrassed you again.
When your cut and paste “quotes” are taken from, the Disco’tute and Answers in Genesis, yes, your posts are about religion.
She's not meant to be taken seriously.
I take her more seriously than you by a factor of a 1000.
Well of course. She's an obedient Trumpster.
She is more intelligent than you. BTW, dumb ass, I opted out of being a de-facto employee of USA.INC thus I do not participate in the election process of this banana republic......any thing else ya wanna say, dipshit?
That's okay Rambo, I'm just fine.
Yeah, that's what I thought, dickweed
You never ask any question silly.................................

But you stay there in your delusion and keep yourself company
1. No answer to me gutting you on Darwin. WHIFF

2. You're too stupid to even Google abu afak. (not Muslim)

3. Going, indeed Winning, for the seemingly impossible dumbest creationist here.

I see you have chosen to leave out the part about the question you never ask


Ya know you are allowed to call your Mom for helpy
Quesadilla now 0-for-5
1. No answer to me gutting you on Darwin. WHIFF

2. You're too stupid to even Google abu afak. (not Muslim)

3. Going, indeed Winning, for the seemingly impossible dumbest creationist here.

You never ask any question silly.................................

But you stay there in your delusion and keep yourself company
1. No answer to me gutting you on Darwin. WHIFF

2. You're too stupid to even Google abu afak. (not Muslim)

3. Going, indeed Winning, for the seemingly impossible dumbest creationist here.

Darwin? What a fucking joke. A eugenicist is your lame "gotcha" attempt? Swing AND a miss! Stick to your lame attempts at pushing gorebal warming, dumb ass.
"Almost nothing is known for certain except in pure mathematics." - Carl Sagan

Now I don't necessarily agree that almost nothing is known for certain, BUT Sagan is something of a god to Leftists and atheists. So beginning with his quote, let's just glance at the insuperable statistics of polypeptide synthesis. I've posted on the subject before here and the atheists and Leftists change the subject or make up nonsense.

The original synthesis of each and every protein and enzyme in your body and mine has to be explained by some *scientific* mechanism if you are an acolyte of Darwin. We have 20 different amino acids that make up our bodies. How is the first one selected for a synthesis?
1/20 is its probability. The next one, 1/20. This continues for hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands of iterations.

Titin is a protein in your muscles. It is made up of 33,450 amino acids in a precise sequence.
What is 1/20 to the 33,450th power? It's nil. It was nil tens of thousands of orders of magnitude ago. But it even gets worse. Much worse.

1. There are ~2,000 or more proteins in your body. Two thousand.

2. Proteins form peptide bonds but they also form non-peptide bonds with equal probability.
So what is 1/2 to the 33,450th power for the correct peptide bond?

3. Proteins fold. How do they "know" when and where to fold? It's exceedingly difficult even to know where to assign probability of folding, but it has to be considered, IF you can even get that far.

4. These amino acids are all levorotary, or L forms except for one amino acid. The opposite is dextrorotary, or D form. We're made up of L amino acids.
So once again, 1/2 to the 33,450th power. Just for ONE protein.

"Almost nothing is known for certain except in pure mathematics." - Carl Sagan

I wrote to his publisher asking about dozens of glaring errors in several of his books. Carl wrote back to me ignoring all his errors. He just asked me to buy his newest book. I never bought one! I got them all at the library. What a greedy little man. I sold his letter on eBay for $125 and Isaac Asimov's postcard on eBay for $75. Both of them believe in God today, you betcha.

I might scan both and post them after redacting my personal information.
Darwin? What a fucking joke. A eugenicist is your lame "gotcha" attempt? Swing AND a miss! Stick to your lame attempts at pushing gorebal warming, dumb ass.
I remember you now CONSPIRACY NUMBSKULL!




Religion/God is just another basesless Conspiracy theory.

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