The most fucked in the head opinion piece I have ever read to justify criminals.

Exactly. What kind of work do our men and women do in the armed forces, and how much are they paid? How do you get somebody to take a job climbing up a telephone poll when it's nighttime with the wind blowing at 20 mph and the temperature is 2 degrees? Or how about people who work in a pool of water from a water main break in that weather?

Americans do these jobs every day in this country. There is no such thing as a job an American won't do.

Bulshit Ray..... we’ve been through this topic several times.
You are talking armed forces. Climbing up telephone poles. Those workers working for telephone companies.

I’m talking about dirty jobs like farming or slaughter house etc etc etc.

In my case alone. I need summer workers that will empty my shipping containers that we receive 7 containers a week. Inside is about 130°f. We have whiteys or blacks American applying but 99% after 5 to 10 minutes they just walked out. Most of these kids are college degrees.

Who stick around? Mexicans or Asians. I paid $32. temp agency. They are getting paid $26/hour lifting 2 to 4 lbs. boxes.
So you don’t give me this shit about...... Pay them right wages Americans will work.

I've done much worse in my life. Have you ever been in a rendering plant, I worked in one for 4 years, and for much less than you're talking about.


I believed you. But you may be like the old timers employees like I mentioned earlier.
Especially with very low unemployment.

But time had changed. Kids are very different now a days. Millennials think and behave differently. The generations next to it are more spoiled. This is in general whites, blacks, Asians, latinos, Muslims etc etc. Time had changed. And when we find someone eligible for perm job at warehouse either a marijuana smoker or college educated kids.

The old timers that we have are the life savers when we cannot find workers that will empty my containers. But we cannot abuse them that is why try very hard to find other workers.

You commies are responsible for the attitudes of kids today, they're not taught respect for themselves or others, the dignity of hard work and saving. Instant gratification is what people look for, they're not taught that is unrealistic. And people are wondering why kids pick up guns when their unrealistic expectation aren't met. It's all on our government halls of indoctrination and lax moral standards.

Perhaps Donald Trump is their role model. Go bankrupt four times and still live high on the hog.

I would say he is a good role model. Trump never filed personal bankruptcy The bankruptcies he filed were on behalf of the companies he owned or operated. But given the fact that he owned or operated over 500 companies in his career, it's a damn good record, especially since he filed those bankruptcies during very difficult economic times.

Your last leader never so much as ran a hotdog stand. The jobs he created were far below par, and that's why the feds never took an interest rate increase until after the fuel prices decreased (which he had nothing to do with) and even then it was a slight increase.

We now have a leader running this country like a business, and not like a community organizer.
They're called illegal aliens in the law for a reason dumb ass.


Most or all Illegals crossing the borders are only seeking a better life. Not criminals like some of you defined.

That's a fucking crime idiot. And show me where I've defended anyone convicted of a crime.


Oh please. Crossing the border seeking better life is a crime?
Yes it is. It's officially a crime. It's in the federal register.

But federal jurisdiction over immigration is not in the Constitution, so is not really legal legislation.
The government does a lot of illegal things, like the War on Drugs and Gun Control, both things it is illegal for the federal government to legislate at all.

You really are stupid aren't you, I refer you to Article 1, Section 9. Clause 1. Or are you spewing these lies for another reason?

The left wants to turn them into welfare recipients by not following through with our laws and kicking them out. How long until you fight to give them access to welfare and turn them all into citizens?

*** In this very thread people are calling our border security laws illegitimate laws that should be broken.

Even without welfare they use our infrastructure and emergency services. They also send money out of the nation back to where they came from. They cost us even before you start fighting to give them welfare.

You have no respect for our nation or its laws. People like me are trying to stop people like you from pushing us down a slippery slope to appease your bleeding hearts. As logical people it is our responsibility to stop you overemotional types from ruining our nation with your good intentions.

It’s far more complicated than that.

These people that are here are economically and politically imbedded in our society. It’s very easy for people like you to say deport deport........ But ignored their importance and contributions to the booming economy.

*** Do you understand how this come about? Let me explain. Ugly inhumane disgusting Americans called illegal border crossing are criminals.
Decent Americans with a good heart and human being totally disagree with you. We do not called them criminals. So we ( not you) are going to change that law.

They may not be criminals via technicality, but they should be. Congress should pass a law that if you are caught here illegally, it's a felony punishable by a minimum of five years in prison. Illegal immigration solved.
That would mean a person that overstayed their Visa including business travelers, students, and tourist as well as all DACA kids would be facing 5 years in prison for a minor violation.

I don't know what effect that might have on illegal immigrants crossing the border since many of them would consider a federal penitentiary better than where they came from.

However, there would certainly be retaliations against Americans traveling throughout the world. You know this is so outlandish and stupid your supreme leader just might consider it. I sure hope he does.

Not as much as I do. I would love to see such a law and end this problem once and for all. Yes, overstays, business travelers and tourists. Anybody that's not legally here gets charged and sentenced to prison.

Of course Trump could not do this on his own. It would have to be a law created and passed through Congress.

Would it work? It worked for Arizona when they created much less severe laws. Immigrants got the hell out of that state in 24 hours. Schools reporting over half the class not showing up; same for employers that hired these illegal workers. Gone. Of course, DumBama being a Democrat that hates success sued to have the laws rescinded.

I say let's try it for about six or seven years and examine the results. If successful, would you be on board to keep the law permanent?

Trump fixed that.

WASHINGTON — Hundreds of migrant families seeking asylum in the U.S. were released from detention in Arizona this week without warning and without instructions on where to go, how to find relatives or travel to their court hearings.

Release of hundreds of migrants in Phoenix is 'start of dam breaking'

Yep, the Cloward and Piven strategy is working temporarily, now we have a safe third country agreement with Guatemala, asylum seekers who didn't request asylum in Guatemala will be sent back there.

Bulshit Ray..... we’ve been through this topic several times.
You are talking armed forces. Climbing up telephone poles. Those workers working for telephone companies.

I’m talking about dirty jobs like farming or slaughter house etc etc etc.

In my case alone. I need summer workers that will empty my shipping containers that we receive 7 containers a week. Inside is about 130°f. We have whiteys or blacks American applying but 99% after 5 to 10 minutes they just walked out. Most of these kids are college degrees.

Who stick around? Mexicans or Asians. I paid $32. temp agency. They are getting paid $26/hour lifting 2 to 4 lbs. boxes.
So you don’t give me this shit about...... Pay them right wages Americans will work.

Well they must be paying enough here because we have Americans unloading containers every single day. Unlike your company, the good employers have dock lights with high speed fans attached to blow cool air into the containers for the workers to work. They also work in tag-teams where one group can take a short break and get some water while the other team unloads for a while. They even switch tow motor drivers with the unloaders. Not a problem. I see it nearly every day.

Yes, trailers get hot in the summer. I've unloaded my own trailer many times with a pallet jack. My employer has no problems with how long it takes me in the severe hot or cold weather.

Another bulshit Ray. You are putting words in my mouth.
Yes of course we have docks lights, portable AC, 15 minutes breaks every 45 minutes rotations etc etc etc. We do all that shit Ray just to keep them around. Because when they walked tits very costly.

Well you can't give me that Americans won't do the job nonsense. You can bullshit other people, but you can't bullshit somebody that's been in the transportation industry for over three decades. I've been to plenty of container ports and warehouses in my time. Well over 95% are Americans doing that job.

I do not bulshit like you. Ray. All my post are based from real life experience. I will be violating my own DECENT principles if I lie.

First I know that you are a racist bigot piece of shit. That I know.

You stupidly assumed that every emptying a container are the same in every locations.
You stupidly assumed that every locations or culture has the same attitude or kind of workers.

And you are a truck driver? Normally they just dropped the containers and leave and don’t give a shit with the rest.

And you are just struck driver how do you even know that other Americans are not willing to do dirty jobs?

Like I said many times. There are jobs all over but there are no Americans that farmers or others industries that do dirty jobs. That’s a fact and you always try to downplayed. Evidence are all over.
So don’t lie to me.

I think it is you that is lying, because I've been here for a few years. It seems that every liberal here is either a business owner, works from home, independently wealthy, or comfortably retired. Me? I'm the only truck driver here.

Now as for my work: I deliver and pickup at warehouses and container ports all the time. I see for myself who those workers are. And most times, they are the same people with every delivery or pickup. I don't sit in the truck and wait to be loaded or unloaded in most cases. I'm on the dock with those workers.

If being against illegal immigration makes me a racist, then that's what I am and proud of it.

As an add on.

I challenged Patriots, Here we go again, Asaratis, liquid reigns and 3 others here in real life debate. In 6 languages, visit my business, visit my buildings and my homeless facilities here in California at my expense that includes traveling.
So far they are so fucking cowards no one wants to take it.

I don’t bullshit. This is me I got nothing to hide.... it is what it is.
Most or all Illegals crossing the borders are only seeking a better life. Not criminals like some of you defined.

That's a fucking crime idiot. And show me where I've defended anyone convicted of a crime.


Oh please. Crossing the border seeking better life is a crime?
Yes it is. It's officially a crime. It's in the federal register.

But federal jurisdiction over immigration is not in the Constitution, so is not really legal legislation.
The government does a lot of illegal things, like the War on Drugs and Gun Control, both things it is illegal for the federal government to legislate at all.

The Constitution was not written to tell us what the federal government can do, it was written to tell us what they can't.

Just because it's not in the Constitution doesn't mean we can't write laws about it. We can write all the laws we want provided they don't violate the Constitution.

It's in the Constitution Ray, don't buy their bullshit.

Pay a wage that Americans will work for. People want jobs and will work for reasonable wages. Saying "Nobody will do that job." is horseshit. Nobody will do that job for 5 dollars an hour under the table. Americans work all kinds of backbreaking manual labor jobs.

Exactly. What kind of work do our men and women do in the armed forces, and how much are they paid? How do you get somebody to take a job climbing up a telephone poll when it's nighttime with the wind blowing at 20 mph and the temperature is 2 degrees? Or how about people who work in a pool of water from a water main break in that weather?

Americans do these jobs every day in this country. There is no such thing as a job an American won't do.

Bulshit Ray..... we’ve been through this topic several times.
You are talking armed forces. Climbing up telephone poles. Those workers working for telephone companies.

I’m talking about dirty jobs like farming or slaughter house etc etc etc.

In my case alone. I need summer workers that will empty my shipping containers that we receive 7 containers a week. Inside is about 130°f. We have whiteys or blacks American applying but 99% after 5 to 10 minutes they just walked out. Most of these kids are college degrees.

Who stick around? Mexicans or Asians. I paid $32. temp agency. They are getting paid $26/hour lifting 2 to 4 lbs. boxes.
So you don’t give me this shit about...... Pay them right wages Americans will work.

I've done much worse in my life. Have you ever been in a rendering plant, I worked in one for 4 years, and for much less than you're talking about.


I believed you. But you may be like the old timers employees like I mentioned earlier.
Especially with very low unemployment.

But time had changed. Kids are very different now a days. Millennials think and behave differently. The generations next to it are more spoiled. This is in general whites, blacks, Asians, latinos, Muslims etc etc. Time had changed. And when we find someone eligible for perm job at warehouse either a marijuana smoker or college educated kids.

The old timers that we have are the life savers when we cannot find workers that will empty my containers. But we cannot abuse them that is why try very hard to find other workers.

You commies are responsible for the attitudes of kids today, they're not taught respect for themselves or others, the dignity of hard work and saving. Instant gratification is what people look for, they're not taught that is unrealistic. And people are wondering why kids pick up guns when their unrealistic expectation aren't met. It's all on our government halls of indoctrination and lax moral standards.


How did we become responsible of your rotten attitude?
You are a waste of my time. So far you are not making sense at all dude.
Well they must be paying enough here because we have Americans unloading containers every single day. Unlike your company, the good employers have dock lights with high speed fans attached to blow cool air into the containers for the workers to work. They also work in tag-teams where one group can take a short break and get some water while the other team unloads for a while. They even switch tow motor drivers with the unloaders. Not a problem. I see it nearly every day.

Yes, trailers get hot in the summer. I've unloaded my own trailer many times with a pallet jack. My employer has no problems with how long it takes me in the severe hot or cold weather.

Another bulshit Ray. You are putting words in my mouth.
Yes of course we have docks lights, portable AC, 15 minutes breaks every 45 minutes rotations etc etc etc. We do all that shit Ray just to keep them around. Because when they walked tits very costly.

Well you can't give me that Americans won't do the job nonsense. You can bullshit other people, but you can't bullshit somebody that's been in the transportation industry for over three decades. I've been to plenty of container ports and warehouses in my time. Well over 95% are Americans doing that job.

I do not bulshit like you. Ray. All my post are based from real life experience. I will be violating my own DECENT principles if I lie.

First I know that you are a racist bigot piece of shit. That I know.

You stupidly assumed that every emptying a container are the same in every locations.
You stupidly assumed that every locations or culture has the same attitude or kind of workers.

And you are a truck driver? Normally they just dropped the containers and leave and don’t give a shit with the rest.

And you are just struck driver how do you even know that other Americans are not willing to do dirty jobs?

Like I said many times. There are jobs all over but there are no Americans that farmers or others industries that do dirty jobs. That’s a fact and you always try to downplayed. Evidence are all over.
So don’t lie to me.

I think it is you that is lying, because I've been here for a few years. It seems that every liberal here is either a business owner, works from home, independently wealthy, or comfortably retired. Me? I'm the only truck driver here.

Now as for my work: I deliver and pickup at warehouses and container ports all the time. I see for myself who those workers are. And most times, they are the same people with every delivery or pickup. I don't sit in the truck and wait to be loaded or unloaded in most cases. I'm on the dock with those workers.

If being against illegal immigration makes me a racist, then that's what I am and proud of it.

Oh I’m very sure you are very proud as a racist.

You are a liar big time because I encountered you several times of almost of the same topic. SUDDENLY you are emptying containers.

When I joined this site I put in exactly what I do for a living and where I live. This is the only thing that I did for my entire life. I don’t lie.
YOU suddenly you are doing this and that?

Like I just said... You STUPIDLY assumed that every locations that empty containers are the same.

You STUPIDLY assumed that every locations are the same kind of workers, attitude or culture.

You are so fucking ignorant with just relying with your low experience as lousy truck driver.

Why are you surprised if liberals are business owners? Is it because you don’t know anything? Or just plain ignorant.

Because I speak with real business owners all the time. I have wealthy people in my family. None of them talk about government taking more from them, increasing minimum wage, and more regulations on businesses. They all know these are business destructive policies.

However the so-called liberal business owners and so-called wealthy liberals on USMB support these things and more.

I see that you are comprehension challenged. So instead of repeating myself, I defy you to quote one of my posts where I said I emptied containers. I dare ya.

Do you feel lucky.jpeg
I’ve been through with these topics several times here in this site and in real life.
I personally know 2 farmers here in Ca and one in Arizona. They will not vote for Trump again.

What I’m telling you are real life no bullshit or horseshit. These illegals are are getting rare that they are demanding their rates nobody is getting paid $5. These farmers are willing to take any workers that apply.

You are absolutely correct. Pay wages that Americans will work. You probably talking about old timers. I still have several of them. Tough hard workers dedicated but they are getting old and retiring soon.

Let say you are willing to work at the farm picking strawberries or avocados. How much do you think are you willing to accept $16 $20?
1. How much do you think those strawberries or avocados will cost at the groceries?
2. With the heat, heavy lifting. How long are you going to last?
3. How far is your house to these farms? Are you willing to travel?
4. You probably wants break time, shoes or uniform.
5. And if you have a kid. Is your babysitting cost more?

For lousy $16 with all those factors. Will it be easier or cheaper if you just stay home or at works McDonald’s?

Here’s How Immigration Policy Impacts Your Avocados and Other Produce – Fortune

To attract workers, farmers are raising wages to well above the minimum wage, which in California is $11 per hour, especially in higher cost places like Napa, Calif. Farmers are also increasingly paying for H-2A visas for guest workers.

You nailed it without knowing it.
Stop paying people to stay home.

In short you are telling me...... I am AWESOME, BRILLIANT and HEAVY WEIGHT.

Thank you for your kindness.

What does you being obese have to do with anything?


Oh please stop.

Who said anything about obese?

If you knew the proper syntax and punctuation of the English language, you'd know you did. "HEAVY WEIGHT". LMOA


Oh are you running out of ammo? Is this the best you can do?
Based from all the nonsense you are giving me.... You are just a light weight.
You are dealing with a heavy weight.
Didn’t you noticed some are so scared of me but idiot nonsense liar and ignorant like you are the only one sticking around.
Notice how the trolls parrot the Trump Administration's lies that the refugees are diseased, and not really humans. Infestations, invasio lns, diseased, criminal, anything to denigrate, dehumanize and villianize refugees. Millions of Americans came to the USA broke, and fleeing all manner of unhappiness in their homelands - wars, famines, religious persecution. Russian know nothing about fleeing from persecution. They're always the ones meting it out. Just ask the Jews about the Pogroms where estimates are that more than 30,000 Jews were brutally murdered, and thousands of women raped.

Russians are well versed on how to abuse minorities, and those they consider "inferior". Their following the dictator's playbook of dehumanizing the victims first - infestation, subhuman, scum. They the cruelties inflicted seem justifiable. If only these scum hadn't come here, we wouldn't have had to take their children. None of this treatment is warranted, and none of it is justified.

These are barbarous and cruel acts, committed be people who should be arrested and jailed for crimes against humanity. Those who vote for or support Trump can't disavow the lawlessness or the cruelty. It's a package deal. It's time to decide your humanity or lack thereof.

The United States of America allows nearly a million people to become part of our country every single year. This is on top of the generous work permits and VISA's we issue, and not to mention all the foreign aid we provide on top of the dozens if not hundreds of charity organizations contributing to the poor all over the world.

I get so sick and fed up with people who constantly bash us claiming we don't do enough for other people outside our own. Who does more for other people than the citizens and government of the United States?

IMO, we not only do enough, we do more than enough. We do too much at times. Nobody on the left seems to appreciate that. So maybe the solution to this problem is not to give anybody anything. Like the parents who cut off money to their son who complained that the new vehicle you gave him was a 4-wheel drive SUV and not a Corvette.

After a while, some Americans get sick of getting kicked in the ass when we bend over to pick up a five dollar bill to hand to somebody else. I'm one of those Americans.
As far foreign aid, it's less than 1% of the budget. However, don't make mistake of thinking it's an out right gift with no strings attached. Most of our foreign aid is military aid for allies, or in exchange for military bases or other other considerations.

Take a look at the countries that receive the most foreign aid:
  • Afghanistan ($US5 billion)
  • Israel ($US3.2 billion)
  • Iraq ($US1.3 billion)
  • Egypt ($US1.3 billion)
  • Syria ($US541,500,000)
  • Jordan ($US364,200,000)
Most of the rest of it is spent in countries like Mexico who in turn provide support for the war on illegal drug and terrorism, and dozens of other countries in order to get support for various issues and programs. A small amount of foreign aid goes to pure humanitarian aid but the largest amounts come from the UN and private charities from around the world.
The huge humanitarian aid after WWII is a thing of the past. We give in order to get.

Well if the money we send to Mexico is to do all that, it's money wasted as we all know.

*** The point of my post however is that we Americans are constantly getting kicked in the ass.

In spite of all we do, others criticize us for not doing more. It's like the stories you hear from other people who lent a friend or family member money, and then they found out their friend or family member went on a European vacation or purchased a boat or something.

*** Bull fucking shit. Now that you piss me off...... Who told you that we are constantly getting kicked in the ass?

As far as I know we are kicking every one ass all over the world. We used to be the leader of the free world. We used to be someone has to look up too. Look at the economy.
We dominated every one. Till that racist piece of shit came along. Scaring, lying to Americans that we are bad and in danger of becoming instinct.

We are dominating everyone with Trump. Our economy hasn't been this good in nearly 50 years, and at the pace we are at now, it will exceed that mark as well.

Yes, we are getting kicked in the ass. Kicked in the ass by liberals, kicked in the ass by liberal judges, kicked in the ass by the posters here and in nearly any blog you go to.

In the event you don't understand that comment, by kicked in the ass, I mean by others telling us we are not doing enough. All this talk about socialist and Communist countries that are so great, and not one of them match us when it comes to benevolence; none that match our record of allowing outsiders to participate in our success. We do the most, and I dare you to find another country that does more.

That inept POTUS has nothing to do with the current booming economy. He was just there at the right time at the right place. It’s Obama’s economy. Look at his popularity below 50%.
What that tells you?
This potus made us the laughing stock and disgrace all over the world. Total embarrassment.
Who said they did. If they were invited, they would have a visa. Tyson foods doesn't have the authority to "invite" anyone.

According to the Constitution, Tyson is exactly who is supposed to invite immigrants.
Absolutely no authority was given the federal government over immigration in the Constitution.

You've obviously never actually read the Constitution.


I have, and I think you are wrong.

What Authority Does the U.S. Constitution Give the Federal Government Regarding Immigration? | The American View

What Authority Does the U.S. Constitution Give the Federal Government Regarding Immigration?

A – The word “immigration” does not appear in the U.S. Constitution or any of its Amendments. Article I, Section 8, Clause 4 does read, “… To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, …”. The 14th Amendment, Section 1 addresses the protection of “All persons born or naturalized in the United States,…” which extended citizenship through the States to the former slaves. The rules of immigration were reserved to the States through the 10th Amendment until the first Federal law was enacted in 1875. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled the following year that immigration regulation was an exclusive Federal responsibility. Congress established the Immigration Service in 1891, which was the first time the Federal government took an active role. Congress enacted additional quota systems after World War I in the years 1921 and 1924. The laws remained largely unchanged until the passage of the “The Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments of 1965.” Changes to admittance were made again in 1976 and 1978. “The Immigration Act of 1990″ added a category of admission based on diversity and increased the worldwide immigration ceiling.

Other changes came through the introduction of new categories of immigration and citizenship with the resettlement of refugees after World War II. “The Refugee Act of 1980” allowed the President the authority to admit refugees on an annual basis, in consultation with Congress in response to United Nations protocols in 1967 and 1969, derived from the 1951 United Nations Refugee Convention. This new legislation was the first time that our country used international standards and definitions for our immigration policies. “The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986” addressed unauthorized immigration creating two amnesty programs “legalizing” about 2.7 million people who illegally entered the country. Because illegal immigration remained a problem, “The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996” was passed to provide greater controls on the borders and reduced benefits. The last change occurred with “The Homeland Security Act of 2002” which now has consolidated authority for border protection, naturalization, customs and immigration.

Damn, you're as bad as the bitch, looking for love in all the wrong places. Authority on migration and importation of people was prohibited to the States by the Constitution after 1888.

Another bulshit Ray. You are putting words in my mouth.
Yes of course we have docks lights, portable AC, 15 minutes breaks every 45 minutes rotations etc etc etc. We do all that shit Ray just to keep them around. Because when they walked tits very costly.

Well you can't give me that Americans won't do the job nonsense. You can bullshit other people, but you can't bullshit somebody that's been in the transportation industry for over three decades. I've been to plenty of container ports and warehouses in my time. Well over 95% are Americans doing that job.

I do not bulshit like you. Ray. All my post are based from real life experience. I will be violating my own DECENT principles if I lie.

First I know that you are a racist bigot piece of shit. That I know.

You stupidly assumed that every emptying a container are the same in every locations.
You stupidly assumed that every locations or culture has the same attitude or kind of workers.

And you are a truck driver? Normally they just dropped the containers and leave and don’t give a shit with the rest.

And you are just struck driver how do you even know that other Americans are not willing to do dirty jobs?

Like I said many times. There are jobs all over but there are no Americans that farmers or others industries that do dirty jobs. That’s a fact and you always try to downplayed. Evidence are all over.
So don’t lie to me.

I think it is you that is lying, because I've been here for a few years. It seems that every liberal here is either a business owner, works from home, independently wealthy, or comfortably retired. Me? I'm the only truck driver here.

Now as for my work: I deliver and pickup at warehouses and container ports all the time. I see for myself who those workers are. And most times, they are the same people with every delivery or pickup. I don't sit in the truck and wait to be loaded or unloaded in most cases. I'm on the dock with those workers.

If being against illegal immigration makes me a racist, then that's what I am and proud of it.

Oh I’m very sure you are very proud as a racist.

You are a liar big time because I encountered you several times of almost of the same topic. SUDDENLY you are emptying containers.

When I joined this site I put in exactly what I do for a living and where I live. This is the only thing that I did for my entire life. I don’t lie.
YOU suddenly you are doing this and that?

Like I just said... You STUPIDLY assumed that every locations that empty containers are the same.

You STUPIDLY assumed that every locations are the same kind of workers, attitude or culture.

You are so fucking ignorant with just relying with your low experience as lousy truck driver.

Why are you surprised if liberals are business owners? Is it because you don’t know anything? Or just plain ignorant.

Because I speak with real business owners all the time. I have wealthy people in my family. None of them talk about government taking more from them, increasing minimum wage, and more regulations on businesses. They all know these are business destructive policies.

However the so-called liberal business owners and so-called wealthy liberals on USMB support these things and more.

I see that you are comprehension challenged. So instead of repeating myself, I defy you to quote one of my posts where I said I emptied containers. I dare ya.

View attachment 273856

You are a liar big time. You are full of cow dung. I’ve encountered you several times. SUDDENLY SUDDENLY. You know this and that, you have wealthy family. Bull fucking shit Ray.

Who do you think you are fooling? Bri?
Diseased illegal aliens have no right to be here, we should not have to pay for shit… Kids or no kids.
People need to realize they need to pay for their actions… It’s their fault if their family gets all fucked up mentally and physically. Karma is a bitch

Notice how the trolls parrot the Trump Administration's lies that the refugees are diseased, and not really humans. Infestations, invasio lns, diseased, criminal, anything to denigrate, dehumanize and villianize refugees. Millions of Americans came to the USA broke, and fleeing all manner of unhappiness in their homelands - wars, famines, religious persecution. Russian know nothing about fleeing from persecution. They're always the ones meting it out. Just ask the Jews about the Pogroms where estimates are that more than 30,000 Jews were brutally murdered, and thousands of women raped.

Russians are well versed on how to abuse minorities, and those they consider "inferior". Their following the dictator's playbook of dehumanizing the victims first - infestation, subhuman, scum. They the cruelties inflicted seem justifiable. If only these scum hadn't come here, we wouldn't have had to take their children. None of this treatment is warranted, and none of it is justified.

These are barbarous and cruel acts, committed be people who should be arrested and jailed for crimes against humanity. Those who vote for or support Trump can't disavow the lawlessness or the cruelty. It's a package deal. It's time to decide your humanity or lack thereof.

The United States of America allows nearly a million people to become part of our country every single year. This is on top of the generous work permits and VISA's we issue, and not to mention all the foreign aid we provide on top of the dozens if not hundreds of charity organizations contributing to the poor all over the world.

I get so sick and fed up with people who constantly bash us claiming we don't do enough for other people outside our own. Who does more for other people than the citizens and government of the United States?

IMO, we not only do enough, we do more than enough. We do too much at times. Nobody on the left seems to appreciate that. So maybe the solution to this problem is not to give anybody anything. Like the parents who cut off money to their son who complained that the new vehicle you gave him was a 4-wheel drive SUV and not a Corvette.

After a while, some Americans get sick of getting kicked in the ass when we bend over to pick up a five dollar bill to hand to somebody else. I'm one of those Americans.
As far foreign aid, it's less than 1% of the budget. However, don't make mistake of thinking it's an out right gift with no strings attached. Most of our foreign aid is military aid for allies, or in exchange for military bases or other other considerations.

Take a look at the countries that receive the most foreign aid:
  • Afghanistan ($US5 billion)
  • Israel ($US3.2 billion)
  • Iraq ($US1.3 billion)
  • Egypt ($US1.3 billion)
  • Syria ($US541,500,000)
  • Jordan ($US364,200,000)
Most of the rest of it is spent in countries like Mexico who in turn provide support for the war on illegal drug and terrorism, and dozens of other countries in order to get support for various issues and programs. A small amount of foreign aid goes to pure humanitarian aid but the largest amounts come from the UN and private charities from around the world.
The huge humanitarian aid after WWII is a thing of the past. We give in order to get.

Well if the money we send to Mexico is to do all that, it's money wasted as we all know.

*** The point of my post however is that we Americans are constantly getting kicked in the ass.

In spite of all we do, others criticize us for not doing more. It's like the stories you hear from other people who lent a friend or family member money, and then they found out their friend or family member went on a European vacation or purchased a boat or something.

*** Bull fucking shit. Now that you piss me off...... Who told you that we are constantly getting kicked in the ass?

As far as I know we are kicking every one ass all over the world. We used to be the leader of the free world. We used to be someone has to look up too. Look at the economy.
We dominated every one. Till that racist piece of shit came along. Scaring, lying to Americans that we are bad and in danger of becoming instinct.
Na, not really
Political correctness has made you fucking retarded
Ray last time you told me you are a manager of an apartment property as a way of your income.

Suddenly you are truck driver and daily delivering and emptying containers? Suddenly you are this and that.

WOW what lying piece of shit.
Exactly. What kind of work do our men and women do in the armed forces, and how much are they paid? How do you get somebody to take a job climbing up a telephone poll when it's nighttime with the wind blowing at 20 mph and the temperature is 2 degrees? Or how about people who work in a pool of water from a water main break in that weather?

Americans do these jobs every day in this country. There is no such thing as a job an American won't do.

Bulshit Ray..... we’ve been through this topic several times.
You are talking armed forces. Climbing up telephone poles. Those workers working for telephone companies.

I’m talking about dirty jobs like farming or slaughter house etc etc etc.

In my case alone. I need summer workers that will empty my shipping containers that we receive 7 containers a week. Inside is about 130°f. We have whiteys or blacks American applying but 99% after 5 to 10 minutes they just walked out. Most of these kids are college degrees.

Who stick around? Mexicans or Asians. I paid $32. temp agency. They are getting paid $26/hour lifting 2 to 4 lbs. boxes.
So you don’t give me this shit about...... Pay them right wages Americans will work.

I've done much worse in my life. Have you ever been in a rendering plant, I worked in one for 4 years, and for much less than you're talking about.


I believed you. But you may be like the old timers employees like I mentioned earlier.
Especially with very low unemployment.

But time had changed. Kids are very different now a days. Millennials think and behave differently. The generations next to it are more spoiled. This is in general whites, blacks, Asians, latinos, Muslims etc etc. Time had changed. And when we find someone eligible for perm job at warehouse either a marijuana smoker or college educated kids.

The old timers that we have are the life savers when we cannot find workers that will empty my containers. But we cannot abuse them that is why try very hard to find other workers.

You commies are responsible for the attitudes of kids today, they're not taught respect for themselves or others, the dignity of hard work and saving. Instant gratification is what people look for, they're not taught that is unrealistic. And people are wondering why kids pick up guns when their unrealistic expectation aren't met. It's all on our government halls of indoctrination and lax moral standards.

Perhaps Donald Trump is their role model. Go bankrupt four times and still live high on the hog.

You're a liar and intellectually dishonest. Trump never personally declared bankruptcy, some of his companies did, along with millions of other companies in the US.

Exactly. What kind of work do our men and women do in the armed forces, and how much are they paid? How do you get somebody to take a job climbing up a telephone poll when it's nighttime with the wind blowing at 20 mph and the temperature is 2 degrees? Or how about people who work in a pool of water from a water main break in that weather?

Americans do these jobs every day in this country. There is no such thing as a job an American won't do.

Bulshit Ray..... we’ve been through this topic several times.
You are talking armed forces. Climbing up telephone poles. Those workers working for telephone companies.

I’m talking about dirty jobs like farming or slaughter house etc etc etc.

In my case alone. I need summer workers that will empty my shipping containers that we receive 7 containers a week. Inside is about 130°f. We have whiteys or blacks American applying but 99% after 5 to 10 minutes they just walked out. Most of these kids are college degrees.

Who stick around? Mexicans or Asians. I paid $32. temp agency. They are getting paid $26/hour lifting 2 to 4 lbs. boxes.
So you don’t give me this shit about...... Pay them right wages Americans will work.

I've done much worse in my life. Have you ever been in a rendering plant, I worked in one for 4 years, and for much less than you're talking about.


I believed you. But you may be like the old timers employees like I mentioned earlier.
Especially with very low unemployment.

But time had changed. Kids are very different now a days. Millennials think and behave differently. The generations next to it are more spoiled. This is in general whites, blacks, Asians, latinos, Muslims etc etc. Time had changed. And when we find someone eligible for perm job at warehouse either a marijuana smoker or college educated kids.

The old timers that we have are the life savers when we cannot find workers that will empty my containers. But we cannot abuse them that is why try very hard to find other workers.

You commies are responsible for the attitudes of kids today, they're not taught respect for themselves or others, the dignity of hard work and saving. Instant gratification is what people look for, they're not taught that is unrealistic. And people are wondering why kids pick up guns when their unrealistic expectation aren't met. It's all on our government halls of indoctrination and lax moral standards.


How did we become responsible of your rotten attitude?
You are a waste of my time. So far you are not making sense at all dude.

Great, then fuck off commie, you don't seem to be able to deal with reality.

You nailed it without knowing it.
Stop paying people to stay home.

In short you are telling me...... I am AWESOME, BRILLIANT and HEAVY WEIGHT.

Thank you for your kindness.

What does you being obese have to do with anything?


Oh please stop.

Who said anything about obese?

If you knew the proper syntax and punctuation of the English language, you'd know you did. "HEAVY WEIGHT". LMOA


Oh are you running out of ammo? Is this the best you can do?
Based from all the nonsense you are giving me.... You are just a light weight.
You are dealing with a heavy weight.
Didn’t you noticed some are so scared of me but idiot nonsense liar and ignorant like you are the only one sticking around.
Bussiness owners don't talk like you..

I hear posts like that from 21 year olds..

Just saying.
Well you can't give me that Americans won't do the job nonsense. You can bullshit other people, but you can't bullshit somebody that's been in the transportation industry for over three decades. I've been to plenty of container ports and warehouses in my time. Well over 95% are Americans doing that job.

I do not bulshit like you. Ray. All my post are based from real life experience. I will be violating my own DECENT principles if I lie.

First I know that you are a racist bigot piece of shit. That I know.

You stupidly assumed that every emptying a container are the same in every locations.
You stupidly assumed that every locations or culture has the same attitude or kind of workers.

And you are a truck driver? Normally they just dropped the containers and leave and don’t give a shit with the rest.

And you are just struck driver how do you even know that other Americans are not willing to do dirty jobs?

Like I said many times. There are jobs all over but there are no Americans that farmers or others industries that do dirty jobs. That’s a fact and you always try to downplayed. Evidence are all over.
So don’t lie to me.

I think it is you that is lying, because I've been here for a few years. It seems that every liberal here is either a business owner, works from home, independently wealthy, or comfortably retired. Me? I'm the only truck driver here.

Now as for my work: I deliver and pickup at warehouses and container ports all the time. I see for myself who those workers are. And most times, they are the same people with every delivery or pickup. I don't sit in the truck and wait to be loaded or unloaded in most cases. I'm on the dock with those workers.

If being against illegal immigration makes me a racist, then that's what I am and proud of it.

Oh I’m very sure you are very proud as a racist.

You are a liar big time because I encountered you several times of almost of the same topic. SUDDENLY you are emptying containers.

When I joined this site I put in exactly what I do for a living and where I live. This is the only thing that I did for my entire life. I don’t lie.
YOU suddenly you are doing this and that?

Like I just said... You STUPIDLY assumed that every locations that empty containers are the same.

You STUPIDLY assumed that every locations are the same kind of workers, attitude or culture.

You are so fucking ignorant with just relying with your low experience as lousy truck driver.

Why are you surprised if liberals are business owners? Is it because you don’t know anything? Or just plain ignorant.

Because I speak with real business owners all the time. I have wealthy people in my family. None of them talk about government taking more from them, increasing minimum wage, and more regulations on businesses. They all know these are business destructive policies.

However the so-called liberal business owners and so-called wealthy liberals on USMB support these things and more.

I see that you are comprehension challenged. So instead of repeating myself, I defy you to quote one of my posts where I said I emptied containers. I dare ya.

View attachment 273856

You are a liar big time. You are full of cow dung. I’ve encountered you several times. SUDDENLY SUDDENLY. You know this and that, you have wealthy family. Bull fucking shit Ray.

Who do you think you are fooling? Bri?

Your post intrigues me now Ray is around my age ..

You are very young..
You nailed it without knowing it.
Stop paying people to stay home.

In short you are telling me...... I am AWESOME, BRILLIANT and HEAVY WEIGHT.

Thank you for your kindness.

What does you being obese have to do with anything?


Oh please stop.

Who said anything about obese?

If you knew the proper syntax and punctuation of the English language, you'd know you did. "HEAVY WEIGHT". LMOA


Oh are you running out of ammo? Is this the best you can do?
Based from all the nonsense you are giving me.... You are just a light weight.
You are dealing with a heavy weight.
Didn’t you noticed some are so scared of me but idiot nonsense liar and ignorant like you are the only one sticking around.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that, I ain't buying, fatso.

Ray last time you told me you are a manager of an apartment property as a way of your income.

Suddenly you are truck driver and daily delivering and emptying containers? Suddenly you are this and that.

WOW what lying piece of shit.

I did? Then please quote that post. What I said (since you are comprehension challenged) is that yes, I am a landlord. But it is a side thing of mine. My major income is truck driving. Being a landlord is a long-term investment that will not only allow me to retire early, but not be solely dependent on SS.
Notice how the trolls parrot the Trump Administration's lies that the refugees are diseased, and not really humans. Infestations, invasio lns, diseased, criminal, anything to denigrate, dehumanize and villianize refugees. Millions of Americans came to the USA broke, and fleeing all manner of unhappiness in their homelands - wars, famines, religious persecution. Russian know nothing about fleeing from persecution. They're always the ones meting it out. Just ask the Jews about the Pogroms where estimates are that more than 30,000 Jews were brutally murdered, and thousands of women raped.

Russians are well versed on how to abuse minorities, and those they consider "inferior". Their following the dictator's playbook of dehumanizing the victims first - infestation, subhuman, scum. They the cruelties inflicted seem justifiable. If only these scum hadn't come here, we wouldn't have had to take their children. None of this treatment is warranted, and none of it is justified.

These are barbarous and cruel acts, committed be people who should be arrested and jailed for crimes against humanity. Those who vote for or support Trump can't disavow the lawlessness or the cruelty. It's a package deal. It's time to decide your humanity or lack thereof.

The United States of America allows nearly a million people to become part of our country every single year. This is on top of the generous work permits and VISA's we issue, and not to mention all the foreign aid we provide on top of the dozens if not hundreds of charity organizations contributing to the poor all over the world.

I get so sick and fed up with people who constantly bash us claiming we don't do enough for other people outside our own. Who does more for other people than the citizens and government of the United States?

IMO, we not only do enough, we do more than enough. We do too much at times. Nobody on the left seems to appreciate that. So maybe the solution to this problem is not to give anybody anything. Like the parents who cut off money to their son who complained that the new vehicle you gave him was a 4-wheel drive SUV and not a Corvette.

After a while, some Americans get sick of getting kicked in the ass when we bend over to pick up a five dollar bill to hand to somebody else. I'm one of those Americans.
As far foreign aid, it's less than 1% of the budget. However, don't make mistake of thinking it's an out right gift with no strings attached. Most of our foreign aid is military aid for allies, or in exchange for military bases or other other considerations.

Take a look at the countries that receive the most foreign aid:
  • Afghanistan ($US5 billion)
  • Israel ($US3.2 billion)
  • Iraq ($US1.3 billion)
  • Egypt ($US1.3 billion)
  • Syria ($US541,500,000)
  • Jordan ($US364,200,000)
Most of the rest of it is spent in countries like Mexico who in turn provide support for the war on illegal drug and terrorism, and dozens of other countries in order to get support for various issues and programs. A small amount of foreign aid goes to pure humanitarian aid but the largest amounts come from the UN and private charities from around the world.
The huge humanitarian aid after WWII is a thing of the past. We give in order to get.

Well if the money we send to Mexico is to do all that, it's money wasted as we all know.

*** The point of my post however is that we Americans are constantly getting kicked in the ass.

In spite of all we do, others criticize us for not doing more. It's like the stories you hear from other people who lent a friend or family member money, and then they found out their friend or family member went on a European vacation or purchased a boat or something.

*** Bull fucking shit. Now that you piss me off...... Who told you that we are constantly getting kicked in the ass?

As far as I know we are kicking every one ass all over the world. We used to be the leader of the free world. We used to be someone has to look up too. Look at the economy.
We dominated every one. Till that racist piece of shit came along. Scaring, lying to Americans that we are bad and in danger of becoming instinct.

We are dominating everyone with Trump. Our economy hasn't been this good in nearly 50 years, and at the pace we are at now, it will exceed that mark as well.

Yes, we are getting kicked in the ass. Kicked in the ass by liberals, kicked in the ass by liberal judges, kicked in the ass by the posters here and in nearly any blog you go to.

In the event you don't understand that comment, by kicked in the ass, I mean by others telling us we are not doing enough. All this talk about socialist and Communist countries that are so great, and not one of them match us when it comes to benevolence; none that match our record of allowing outsiders to participate in our success. We do the most, and I dare you to find another country that does more.

What benevolence? USA is not even on the screen.


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