The most "tolerant" party in the US is??? (poll)

which party is most TOLERANT?

  • Democrats

    Votes: 4 10.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Libertarian

    Votes: 18 47.4%
  • GOP

    Votes: 16 42.1%

  • Total voters
No, I am a Marine. There are no ex-Marines.

But what pray tell does that have to do with Trump

You're a lying shill here to bash Trump using false credibility.

"I'm a (Insert credible thing here)" "but.." (Insert leftist talking point here)

Do you seriously think a majority of us haven't seen that type of bullshit before?

You ain't nothin' new under the sun, boy. Just another lying shill.

Oh bite me you loser. I have provided multiple pieces of evidence of my time in the Corps, you are just one more jealous loser that never did shit to serve their country.

Yeah, the majority of you Trump sheep accuse me of being "lefty" every day and still a year and a half in and not a one of you sheep have provided a single issue I am "left" on.[/QUOTE]

Quotefail. Do explain these threads you've started then. :rolleyes:

I'm all for giving people information, and letting them judge for themselves.

How about this post, boy?

It's funny how republicans think
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Quotefail. Do explain these threads you've started then. :rolleyes:

I'm all for giving people information, and letting them judge for themselves.

How about this post, boy?

It's funny how republicans think

Your first link gives this...

As for your second link, please show me the "left" position I took.

This is what your link took me too...what is "lefty" about this? It is 100% accurate.

That is just a bullshit excuse. Your whole party are fiscal liberals and have been for decades. People vote for Repubs based on social issues, not fiscal ones and this is the result.
No, I am a Marine. There are no ex-Marines.

But what pray tell does that have to do with Trump

You're a lying shill here to bash Trump using false credibility.

"I'm a (Insert credible thing here)" "but.." (Insert leftist talking point here)

Do you seriously think a majority of us haven't seen that type of bullshit before?

You ain't nothin' new under the sun, boy. Just another lying shill.

Oh bite me you loser. I have provided multiple pieces of evidence of my time in the Corps, you are just one more jealous loser that never did shit to serve their country.

Yeah, the majority of you Trump sheep accuse me of being "lefty" every day and still a year and a half in and not a one of you sheep have provided a single issue I am "left" on.[/QUOTE]
I agree with the Tea Party platform (10 points) and disagree with Free Trade.
According to you that makes me a Tea Party sheep.
I agree with the Tea Party platform (10 points) and disagree with Free Trade.
According to you that makes me a Tea Party sheep.

Not at all, you do not spend your time on here making post after post defending and praising the Tea Party like you do with Trump.

I have not read of you bringing up the Tea Party before just now.

So, if you disagree with free trade, what should take its place?
I agree with the Tea Party platform (10 points) and disagree with Free Trade.
According to you that makes me a Tea Party sheep.

Not at all, you do not spend your time on here making post after post defending and praising the Tea Party like you do with Trump.

I have not read of you bringing up the Tea Party before just now.

So, if you disagree with free trade, what should take its place?
Fair Trade.
I am fully aware that you don’t mind imposing slave conditions on humans.
Paying people $13.00 a day to work for 38 hour shifts and using nets to prevent them from committing suicide isn’t cool in my book.
And yes, I know plenty of people who became multi-millionaires before Reagan.
Fair Trade.

Meaningless phrase.

What is "fair" and who determines it?

I say that "fair" is a child's concept and does not exist in the real world.

I am fully aware that you don’t mind imposing slave conditions on humans.

I do not impose slave conditions on anyone, nice try though.

Paying people $13.00 a day to work for 38 hour shifts and using nets to prevent them from committing suicide isn’t cool in my book.

I agree that using nets to prevent them from committing suicide isn’t cool, is that still happening? Or have conditions gotten better?

And yes, I know plenty of people who became multi-millionaires before Reagan.

What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?
Which party is the most TOLERANT?

Many parties make claims. The Dems claim to be tolerant. The GOP says it is a "big tent."

Let's find out what USMB thinks - VOTE

order of listed poll choices is alphabetical.... not racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-white, anti-cop, or anti-American

I know that the OP (deranged)is just another (deranged) conservative who actually believes that Repubs/conservatives are TOLERANT and that Dems/Libs are INtolerant.

So I will prove him right!

Repubs/Cons tolerate Christians and Republicans.

They do NOT tolerate: gays, atheists, muslims, rinos, moderates, evolutionists, pot legalization proponents, rational people, decent people and good people

while Dems/Libs WELCOME gays, atheists, muslims, rinos, moderates, evolutionists, pot legalization proponents, rational people, decent people and good people.

but they do NOT tolerate Right Wing conservatives, RIght Wing evangelicals, Nazis and white supremacists.

There ya go....

the proof....

Is there any subject that cons are NOT deranged on?
Fair Trade.

Meaningless phrase.

What is "fair" and who determines it?

I say that "fair" is a child's concept and does not exist in the real world.

I am fully aware that you don’t mind imposing slave conditions on humans.

I do not impose slave conditions on anyone, nice try though.

Paying people $13.00 a day to work for 38 hour shifts and using nets to prevent them from committing suicide isn’t cool in my book.

I agree that using nets to prevent them from committing suicide isn’t cool, is that still happening? Or have conditions gotten better?

And yes, I know plenty of people who became multi-millionaires before Reagan.

What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?
Conditions have not gotten better.
You celebrate the people who supported slavery and segregation.


My ancestors slaughtered a large pile of them, and this is how you show your appreciation for that, by lumping all whites together and calling Union supporters "bigots" for supporting EQUAL TREATMENT which YOUR BIGOTED FACTLESS AFFIRMATIVE ACTION REAR END OPPOSES...
You and your party celebrate confederate statues, the confederate flag; many of you demonize Lincoln and wish the South had won the war. Last year your guys murdered an innocent in defense of a Statue that celebrated the Confederacy. You are scum. The lowest kind of trash.

And you’re completely brainwashed if that’s what you believe. The FAR right and FAR left hardly represent the beliefs of Republicans and Democrats. Not everyone who doesn’t agree with you is an extremist, but I’d argue it’s extremist to think those who disagree with you are extremist.

Can’t you nix the hatred for even a second and think logically? All I ever see come from you is black misery, but unlike you I don’t attribute that to your political beliefs. I don’t think, “Oh that guy’s a miserable fuck so he must be Democrat.” I think “Why the fuck is that guy so fucking miserable all the time?”

Or maybe you’re a troll and this is just a huge waste of my time.
Agree or disagree: despite the residents of Charlottesville wanting a statue removed from their city, they should be forced to keep it because its part of Confederate history.

Disagree, but that doesn’t mean the people who showed up to keep the statue intact are representative of all Republicans, which is what you insinuated, is it not? That’s my issue here: lumping people where they don’t necessarily belong. That’d be like me saying all Democrats are Antifa activists.
the green party and the dnc are hate groups.

to much gop will get us religious tyranny.

and libertarians have a really callous view of people in need.

so basically none are tolerant.

if the green and DNC are "HATE" groups then so are the GOP

the gop has some hateful people in it, the dnc is run by violently hateful people.

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