The Mummy


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
After seeing the celebrity-daydream/paranoia film The Player, I started thinking about what kinds of 'folk storytelling' can arise from our new age of media-related hysteria.

So here's a short-story I wrote regarding some fun mysticism surrounding the new Tom Cruise film, The Mummy.

It's rather interesting how comic book stylized storytelling almost feels like 'new age hieroglyphics'! This makes me feel more optimistic about circus-sardonic films such as Celebrity.



Shelbye was the daughter of the handmaiden of the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun (1330 B.C.). Tom was the American movie star from the 21st Century whose work in culturally-provocative films such as Rain Man and Edge of Tomorrow made him a figure of 'Americana symbolism.' Shelbye's best friend since childhood was King Tut's wizard and vizier Abdah who was working on opening a portal in space that would enable time-travel. Abdah would converse to Shelbye (when she was young) about someday opening this mystical portal.

When Abdah succeeded in opening the portal, the first person he told was Shelbye (now 25 years-of-age). Shelbye was euphoric and pleaded to her lifelong uncle-friend to show her the portal before she showed others, and Abdah did. When Abdah revealed the portal-opening, Shelbye saw a brilliant bright-blue light coming through it and fell to her knees and confided in Abdah of her lifelong daydream of travelling through time to find a prince with whom to go on a magical quest. She would realize her child-like wish.

Abdah saw the sincerity in Shelbye's eyes and realized he didn't want to sacrifice her innocent fantasy for the sake of court-glory for King Tut. He helped Shelbye walk through the portal and told her he would wait by the portal-gate until she returned (before he revealed its powers to anyone else!). Shelbye walked through and found herself floating at high-speed but cradled through a tube of illuminated energy, which was harmless. She realized she arrived in a distant future in a place called 'Los Angeles, USA' near the set of a Hollywood movie studio where Tom Cruise was filming Edge of Tomorrow!

Cruise was the first person to notice her and her radiant and exotic beauty. He asked her where she was from and she told him to take her to a secret and safe place where she could confide in him. When Tom took her inside his trailer-room, Shelbye showed him her sacred medallion from the court of King Tut and explained she was a time-traveller who walked through a portal-opening in space her uncle-friend discovered and landed in post-2000 Los Angeles. Cruise was shocked but excited, since the film he was working on was about futuristic visions.

Shelbye confided in Cruise that she yearned to travel through time and find a daring and adventurous 'prince' who would go on a sacred quest with her. Cruise was immediately enthralled (and started falling in love with her) and asked her what this 'sacred quest' would be, and Shelbye told him that she was interested in finding a magical 'body of water' that would preserve life indefinitely and keep any person who drank from it eternally young. Cruise explained that such a body of water was catalogued in New World mythology as the prophetic 'Fountain of Youth' and was 'rumored' to be somewhere in the U.S. state of Florida.

Shelbye and Cruise decided to go to Florida to do some basic detective-work and see if there was any kind of philosophical sanity associated with this 'magical' so-called Fountain of Youth. They explored the wetlands and drylands of Florida until one summer day, they stumbled upon an eerie-looking pond in the middle of the Florida swamp. The pond was glowing at sunset because of several fireflies which were whizzing around it. Shelbye told Cruise there was something very strange and hypnotic about this firefly-illuminated pond and that it surely must be the Fountain of Youth!

Cruise was very skeptical but intrigued by all of the evidence Shelbye provided him that she was indeed a time-traveller from the era of King Tut. He was also curious about why such a strange-looking pond would be illuminated by dancing fireflies at sunset in the middle of a swamp where there really should be nothing ethereally beautiful or praiseworthy. Shelbye suggested they take some water from the pond and put it in their cannister to analyze in some regular fashion, and Cruise agreed. They took their cannister of 'holy-water' back to Los Angeles.

When Cruise and Shelbye performed a few experiments with the 'holy-water' (using it to hydrate some house-plants which they observed for any unusual rapid growth or sustenance), they realized that there was something indeed special about this water. They decided to drink from it and immediately felt invigorated and energized and decided to consummate their growing love affair. After resting, they decided to go back through the portal-opening of Abdah together. When they returned to Shelbye's world in Egypt, they showed Abdah the 'holy-water,' and he was very fascinated.

Cruise decided to go back to Los Angeles in his own time to complete his film, but he told Shelbye to keep the 'holy-water' with Abdah as a parting-gift and that he would never forget their momentary lapse of reason which enabled them to stumble upon something truly fun. Shelbye asked Cruise, "Was it more interesting to quest for the Fountain of Youth or travel through time?" and Cruise replied, "It was most pleasing to spend time with you, my dear!" Cruise asked Shelbye what Abdah would do with the 'holy-water,' and Shelbye explained that he would probably use it to perform some rejuvenation rituals on mummies.

When Cruise returned to his own time, he could not forget about his adventure or the fantastic imagination he felt going through the time-portal with Shelbye and drinking the 'holy-water' sample from that unusual pond (which Cruise swore he would keep secret). He constantly wondered what Abdah would do with the mummies and the 'holy-water' Shelbye kept. Ceaselessly curious, Cruise decided his future film would be, in fact, The Mummy. Rumors on the set of the film persisted that work on the film regarding Egyptian mysticism research was generating some kind of strange 'curse' on those involved with the film. Cruise whispered to himself, "I wish Shelbye knew about all this."


Fountain of Youth


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