The Myth of the Racist Republicans

Anyone want to dispute me?

I dont think anyone is arguing that the 1900/1960 south was represented by the democrats, what we are arguing is that the south was NEVER and will NEVER be liberal. What the fuck is so hard to understand about that. Use your brain. Liberal/consertive areas of the country have NOT changed, party affiliation has.

No what your trying to do is rewrite the history of your own party sorry not going to work the rise of the clan was in the South during that time and at the height of the clans power the South was Democratic.The Republican party has it's share of ugly stuff in it's past but the KKK is not theirs. As the saying goes your entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts.
Revisionist history. If the Republicans are so great, why they can't even get 10% of the black vote? Even most blacks that have made it won't vote for them. WHY?

perhaps blacks are racists

I don't think that the majority of either whites or blacks are racist, but there are racists in both groups.

some inner city precincts voted 100% Obama

Hillary only got 3% of the black vote

how much more evidence is needed?

Want me to post Al Sharpton's favoability rating among blacks?
"The recession happened because the government made banks give loans to negroes."

What more evidence do you need?


Whom are you quoting? I believe what was said is that loans were given to those who could not afford to make payment. It is the racist left that immediately label those people as black.

Nice try. It was made quite plain the recession was because of the Community Reinvestment Act and forcing banks to make loans to blacks and other minorities.

Need examples? This board is chock full of them. Hell, the internet is chock full of them, including Fox News.

it is a known fact that acorn and other leftist minority backing community organizers shook down and protested banks and with the lefts community reinvestment act waged war to force banks to make risky loans in in minority communities and now we reap the rewards !!!minorities

How do Republicans get their orders? Looking at the forum today, I guess they're done whining about Benghazi and are now trying to convince us they're not racist (after trying to make the election about race) given the number of threads on the subject. I'm extremely interested in how all these useful idiots are used and how the right wing does it.

you have to be a complete and utter dumbass to say that the right tried to make it about race.
How do Republicans get their orders? Looking at the forum today, I guess they're done whining about Benghazi and are now trying to convince us they're not racist (after trying to make the election about race) given the number of threads on the subject. I'm extremely interested in how all these useful idiots are used and how the right wing does it.

I'll be waiting for you to explain how the GOP made the election about race and the dems didn't
"The recession happened because the government made banks give loans to negroes."

What more evidence do you need?


Whom are you quoting? I believe what was said is that loans were given to those who could not afford to make payment. It is the racist left that immediately label those people as black.

Nice try. It was made quite plain the recession was because of the Community Reinvestment Act and forcing banks to make loans to blacks and other minorities.

Need examples? This board is chock full of them. Hell, the internet is chock full of them, including Fox News.

it is a known fact that acorn and other leftist minority backing community organizers shook down and protested banks and with the lefts community reinvestment act waged war to force banks to make risky loans in in minority communities and now we reap the rewards !!!minorities


So who were you quoting?
perhaps blacks are racists

I don't think that the majority of either whites or blacks are racist, but there are racists in both groups.

some inner city precincts voted 100% Obama

Hillary only got 3% of the black vote

how much more evidence is needed?

Want me to post Al Sharpton's favoability rating among blacks?

Ah, so the reason blacks are not voting Republican is they are the real racists.

You folks are hilarious. | The Negro Project

A myth about conservatism is circulating in academia and journalism and has spread to the 2004 presidential campaign. It goes something like this: the Republican Party assembled a national majority by winning over Southern white voters; Southern white voters are racist; therefore, the GOP is racist. Sometimes the conclusion is softened, and Republicans are convicted merely of base opportunism: the GOP is the party that became willing to pander to racists. Either way, today's Republican Party—and by extension the conservative movement at its heart—supposedly has revealed something terrible about itself.

Ever since Nixon. They called it the Southern strategy. Previously liberal Republicans were on the forefront of the Civil Rights movement, but that changed in the 70s as they courted racist Democrats and drove the liberals out of the party. THAT'S history, folks. I watched it happen. I used to occasionally vote for a Republican, but that hasn't happened in a long time. It IS something terrible and something they going to have to deal with and change, if they hope to ever win a national election again. They did it again this year by alienating Hispanics. Will they ever learn? You don't create Reagan's Big Tent by demeaning vast segments of the population

As did many of us.

The intent of the Southern strategy was to break the stranglehold democrats had on Congress and state governments.

To that extent the strategy worked.

And although the GOP and conservatives are not collectively racist, nor do they pander to racism, both the party and ideology attract an inordinate number of racists.

It is therefore incumbent upon republicans and conservatives to explore the root cause of this troubling phenomenon.
How do Republicans get their orders? Looking at the forum today, I guess they're done whining about Benghazi and are now trying to convince us they're not racist (after trying to make the election about race) given the number of threads on the subject. I'm extremely interested in how all these useful idiots are used and how the right wing does it.

you have to be a complete and utter dumbass to say that the right tried to make it about race.

:badgrin: Did you just join the board or just recently get interested in American politics?
I don't think that the majority of either whites or blacks are racist, but there are racists in both groups.

some inner city precincts voted 100% Obama

Hillary only got 3% of the black vote

how much more evidence is needed?

Want me to post Al Sharpton's favoability rating among blacks?

Ah, so the reason blacks are not voting Republican is they are the real racists.

You folks are hilarious.

who are the " real racists" according to you?
The changes in underwriting standards were pushed to accomplish what many called a "noble goal" -- an increase in home ownership among poor and minority Americans -- but the changes created a time bomb that was set off as soon as property values began to decline.

Analysis: Reckless Mortgages Brought Financial Market to Its Knees | Fox News

Look, the truth is that there were two realities here. One is that we set as a national goal 30 years ago expanding homeownership, especially for low income and minorities. And it was accelerated in the Clinton administration.

'Special Report' Panel on New York Times Blames Bush for Mortgage Mess; Vice Presidential War of Words | Fox News

This bullshit meme is still alive and well today. At least once a week I hear it repeated right here on this forum.

. | The Negro Project

A myth about conservatism is circulating in academia and journalism and has spread to the 2004 presidential campaign. It goes something like this: the Republican Party assembled a national majority by winning over Southern white voters; Southern white voters are racist; therefore, the GOP is racist. Sometimes the conclusion is softened, and Republicans are convicted merely of base opportunism: the GOP is the party that became willing to pander to racists. Either way, today's Republican Party—and by extension the conservative movement at its heart—supposedly has revealed something terrible about itself.

Ever since Nixon. They called it the Southern strategy. Previously liberal Republicans were on the forefront of the Civil Rights movement, but that changed in the 70s as they courted racist Democrats and drove the liberals out of the party. THAT'S history, folks. I watched it happen. I used to occasionally vote for a Republican, but that hasn't happened in a long time. It IS something terrible and something they going to have to deal with and change, if they hope to ever win a national election again. They did it again this year by alienating Hispanics. Will they ever learn? You don't create Reagan's Big Tent by demeaning vast segments of the population

As did many of us.

The intent of the Southern strategy was to break the stranglehold democrats had on Congress and state governments.

To that extent the strategy worked.

And although the GOP and conservatives are not collectively racist, nor do they pander to racism, both the party and ideology attract an inordinate number of racists.

It is therefore incumbent upon republicans and conservatives to explore the root cause of this troubling phenomenon.

I did not know that the NAACP, NOI, NBPP are republicans :confused:
[ame=]Wayne Perryman: The Republican Party - The Party of Freedom and Equality for Black Americans - YouTube[/ame]
Hey kon, this op is to fucking stupid to understand the concept your suggesting, just read his thread on the kkk or mine about the republicans needing to own it. And watch becki or guy or some other crazy right winger like lgs will come scream at you say look look the south was democrats in 1946 and nazis are socialist cause that is in the parties name, the dumb level by these right wing posters is at epic levels

the difference between the KKK and the NAACP is that the NAACP is able to practice their racism openly.

own that

They don't prohibit people in the KKK from marching and expressing their racism openly, they haven't shut down Stormfront, Don Black and David Duke are doing fine. What are you talking about?

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