The New Dutch Government: An End to Tolerance?

The Netherlands policy won't change the eventual internal changes that will occur once Muslims have sufficient numbers to change the laws to Sharia. It'll take generations, but will occur.
Sounds to me like they're encouraging tolerance. Who do these immigrants think they are, with their intolerance of the Dutch language.

Once they're tolerant of Dutch, maybe next they'll become tolerant of English and French.
All Dutch people speak English.
Could you ever imagine a Christian or a Jew moving to Saudi Arabia and demanding they change their culture, language and religious practices to satisfy their immigrants? If Muslims want to escape the harsh realities of living in a Muslim country, why are they so dead set on changing the customs of the nations in which they immigrate?

Oh, I forgot, this thread is now about cricket...I guess that's why all you can hear are cricket's chirping.

Saui Arabia is a different country with different policies.
Throwing up false equivalencies means nothing.
I see - so this whole ideal of a world without borders and globalization only applies to non-Muslim nations? The Netherlands can't define their own policies, but Saudi Arabia can.


It only applies to nations that have those policies - muslim or otherwise.
Not too hard to understand really.
It only makes sense. Newcomers can't assimilate into the culture unless they learn the language.

I keep hearing this 'assimilate' thing. This is total BS. What Muslims need to do is just learn enough Dutch to get by at work. Beyond that, they have right to enjoy the food, movies and clothes of their choice (aka culture) as long as it does not violate decency.

For example, I like cricket. You can call it my culture if you so desire. So using your assimilation thingie, you may think that you have the right to force me to not like cricket? And, I would say that is a BS. However, I have to exercise my common sense in my love for cricket and I cannot go around American parks ans start playing cricket with Brett Lee who throws balls at the speed of 100mph.
Look at what's happening in some European countries that embrace multiculturalism. There is tension and conflict, especially in cities like London. When newcomers tend to isolate themselves (ghettoize), and not assimilate, it is a recipe for disaster. Why would they move someplace where they would not be in tune with the culture? I would be miserable living someplace where I stick out like a sore thumb.

L.A. Comes to mind.....

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