'The New York Times' Reports that Trump Made Blatantly Racist Statements About Immigrants

The Klan, a Democratic organization, hid behind the cross as well. Not in Nigeria, either.

Ah yes the Dixiecrats of the 50s and 60s -- Soon to be Republicans and former party of Racist Roy Moore!
A higher percentage of Republicans voted for the CRA than did Democrats. You'll have to change your timeline.

Not by region they didn't.

By party they did. Like I said, Republicans over Democrats.
Such a stupid, tired, debunked line of argument...the party demographics clearly changed because of the CRA...but desperate pseudo-con cacklers (who clearly would have voted against the CRA) have somehow fooled themselves intobthibking everyone is as abjectly ignorant of history as they are...
The Klan, a Democratic organization, hid behind the cross as well. Not in Nigeria, either.

Ah yes the Dixiecrats of the 50s and 60s -- Soon to be Republicans and former party of Racist Roy Moore!
A higher percentage of Republicans voted for the CRA than did Democrats. You'll have to change your timeline.

Not by region they didn't.

By party they did. Like I said, Republicans over Democrats.
Such a stupid, tired, debunked line of argument...the party demographics clearly changed because of the CRA...but desperate pseudo-con cacklers (who clearly would have voted against the CRA) have somehow fooled themselves intobthibking everyone is as abjectly ignorant of history as they are...
It's history and doesn't change with party affiliation.
Ah yes the Dixiecrats of the 50s and 60s -- Soon to be Republicans and former party of Racist Roy Moore!
A higher percentage of Republicans voted for the CRA than did Democrats. You'll have to change your timeline.

Not by region they didn't.

By party they did. Like I said, Republicans over Democrats.
Such a stupid, tired, debunked line of argument...the party demographics clearly changed because of the CRA...but desperate pseudo-con cacklers (who clearly would have voted against the CRA) have somehow fooled themselves intobthibking everyone is as abjectly ignorant of history as they are...
It's history and doesn't change with party affiliation.
The parties changed. Duh. A history buff you are not.
Which reminds me that in 2008 on this very day December 24, the Lord's Resistance Army began its Christmas massacres in northern Congo.

>> The rebels waited until December 24 for the most devastating of their attacks, waiting until people had come together for Christmas festivities, then surrounding and killing them by crushing their skulls with axes, machetes, and large wooden bats.[4]

Media reports indicated that more than 400 people were killed,[1] many of them hacked into pieces,[5] decapitated,[6] or burned alive in their homes.[6] Several people reportedly had their lips cut off as a "warning not to speak ill of the rebels",[7] and two three-year-old girls suffered serious neck injuries when rebels tried to twist their heads off.[4] <<​

Like the Klan, Christianist terrorism. Not Nigeria though.
The Klan, a Democratic organization, hid behind the cross as well. Not in Nigeria, either.

The Klan never had a political derivation, either of its iterations. But it did hide behind the cross, and was clearly not in Nigeria.
Of course they didn't. Robert Byrd apologized and made everything right.

Robert Byrd had nothing to do with it and hadn't been born yet. The Klans were founded in 1865 and 1915, by a combined seven people who had no political affiliations. And by the time Byrd ran for any office not only had he quit but the Klan officially didn't exist anyway.

Still waiting for that treatise on how language is a race. Either that or make me a sammich.
I already told you. Let me rephrase.

Go up to a strange black person and say, "Wat it beez, blood? Do my nigga have a light?" Explain to him how accents can't be racist and get back to us on his response.

What the heck accent would that be?
The Klan, a Democratic organization, hid behind the cross as well. Not in Nigeria, either.

The Klan never had a political derivation, either of its iterations. But it did hide behind the cross, and was clearly not in Nigeria.
Of course they didn't. Robert Byrd apologized and made everything right.

Robert Byrd had nothing to do with it and hadn't been born yet. The Klans were founded in 1865 and 1915, by a combined seven people who had no political affiliations. And by the time Byrd ran for any office not only had he quit but the Klan officially didn't exist anyway.

Still waiting for that treatise on how language is a race. Either that or make me a sammich.
I already told you. Let me rephrase.

Go up to a strange black person and say, "Wat it beez, blood? Do my nigga have a light?" Explain to him how accents can't be racist and get back to us on his response.

What the heck accent would that be?
Call it The Hillary Pander. No accent at all.
A higher percentage of Republicans voted for the CRA than did Democrats. You'll have to change your timeline.

Not by region they didn't.

By party they did. Like I said, Republicans over Democrats.
Such a stupid, tired, debunked line of argument...the party demographics clearly changed because of the CRA...but desperate pseudo-con cacklers (who clearly would have voted against the CRA) have somehow fooled themselves intobthibking everyone is as abjectly ignorant of history as they are...
It's history and doesn't change with party affiliation.
The parties changed. Duh. A history buff you are not.
Lincoln was the first Democratic President. But that was before everyone called timeout and switched sides.
Who's the president of the United States?
Vladimir Putin.

Well, he did send Donald a thank you card for that :cool:

Another clueless leftist faggot. You fucks aren't even American. We ain't got time for that here in America.

America is not leftist. Your indoctrinators may have been, hence you are derp, but America is not.

Compared to a neo-confederate, cross-burning, uneducated little racist puke like you, nearly everyone on the planet is "leftist"
big deal,, but it was OK for Hillary to mock the black accent and Joe Biden reminding blacks that they were just freed, but be careful of the republicans because they wanna put dem back in dem cotton fields?
Please provide links to these assertions. :link:

Anyway, what is the matter with you people. If, and it is an if, it is true that Biden or Clinton said something that was racist, why does that make it okay for Trump to do so? Is this how you raise your children, that if someone else does something, it is okay for them to do it too? If you child's friend takes drugs or robs a mini-mart, it's okay for your child to do it too? That's your ethical base? That's your reasoning? Anything Clinton or Biden or Obama mayhave done (according to you, for which you provide no proof BTW) as far as being racist or bigoted, Trump can do and do better? That's your moral compass? As long as someone else does it, you're excused from doing it too?

Oh, come on!

You never heard Hillary's "I ain't no ways near tarred" speech?
Any liberals care to explain away Clintons mocking of blacks in that video I posted or Biden saying they would be put "back in chains?" or since they're liberals its ok for them to be racist?
She wasn't mocking them. She was talking with a southern accent. It's like JFK saying "Ich bin ein Berliner." If she was being offensive, why were they cheering?

The thing about Biden is not a link to him saying something, it is a discussion. Provide evidence he said what you assert he said.

The word you are looking for is "pandering."
America's immigration policy used to be to not allow people to immigrate who had communicable diseases to protect the US population.
But racist Barry Obama had an executive order to allow HIV positive people to come to America and spread their deadly diseases to Americans.
It is just more proof that Barry Obama hates America.
Another clueless leftist faggot. You fucks aren't even American. We ain't got time for that here in America.

America is not leftist. Your indoctrinators may have been, hence you are derp, but America is not.

Another phony John Wayne tough guy a-hole ^ ^ ^ :wink:

Whatever, clueless faggot. :eusa_hand: You haven't made a single post or OP that's true as far as I've seen. Merry Christmas.
Who's the president of the United States?
Vladimir Putin.

Well, he did send Donald a thank you card for that :cool:

Another clueless leftist faggot. You fucks aren't even American. We ain't got time for that here in America.

America is not leftist. Your indoctrinators may have been, hence you are derp, but America is not.

Compared to a neo-confederate, cross-burning, uneducated little racist puke like you, nearly everyone on the planet is "leftist"

Hoo boy! You are wayyyy off the mark.
Who's the president of the United States?
Vladimir Putin.

Well, he did send Donald a thank you card for that :cool:

Another clueless leftist faggot. You fucks aren't even American. We ain't got time for that here in America.

America is not leftist. Your indoctrinators may have been, hence you are derp, but America is not.

Compared to a neo-confederate, cross-burning, uneducated little racist puke like you, nearly everyone on the planet is "leftist"

Hoo boy! You are wayyyy off the mark.

Hmm, no, you're pretty much a dime a dozen. USMB and any truck stop in flyover country....there's a pile of people just like you littering this country....
Vladimir Putin.

Well, he did send Donald a thank you card for that :cool:

Another clueless leftist faggot. You fucks aren't even American. We ain't got time for that here in America.

America is not leftist. Your indoctrinators may have been, hence you are derp, but America is not.

Compared to a neo-confederate, cross-burning, uneducated little racist puke like you, nearly everyone on the planet is "leftist"

Hoo boy! You are wayyyy off the mark.

Hmm, no, you're pretty much a dime a dozen. USMB and any truck stop in flyover country....there's a pile of people just like you littering this country....

I'd like to see your snowflake ass try to "take out the trash" faggot.

I bet you don't even take the garbage out where you live, let alone trying to mess with me.

I take out the trash. It's just a chore.

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