The NEWER Official Discussion Thread for the creation of Israel, the UN and the British Mandate

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Then I will say that popular vote for israel is only became possible, when UN gave mandate to Israel in 1947.

You say many stuff,
but the UN didn't give any mandate to Israel, it was not entitled to do so, the mandate, or recognition of right to govern was given with the obligation to follow the establishment of the re-constitution of the Jewish nation. The authority of the UN itself is preconditioned on following its constitution, which includes this legal obligation.
Then why you are choosy, discus all.

Because it shows the rest of Your bs to be utter nonsense.
But israel is not a legitimate nation.
Well, objectively, what makes a nation "legitimate". How can one tell whether a nation is "legitimate" or not? What is the criteria?

Surely not kicking out the natives and stealing their land.

But they weren't "natives". The criteria for being a "Palestinian" was being a resident of Palestine from 1946 to 1948, a mere 2 years.
Why making false statement. whole world know Jew are not native to holly land.

I dont Know where “holly land” is? I would Like to know what land they “stole”? Who was the President of “Palestine” in 1946? Thank you
RE: The NEWER Official Discussion Thread for the creation of Israel, the UN and the British Mandate
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

What documents?

Only Zionists will argue against actual documents with Israeli talking points. That is why I asked for a link that I will never get.

There is absolutely NO DOCUMENT that proves or demonstrates Arab Palestinian sovereignty over any territory formerly under the mandate and west of the Jordan River/Dead Sea line.

You hint at these "actual documents" but you never really identify them. You talk about the period in and aroung1924, but the Treaty of Lausanne between the Allied Powers and the Turkish Republic makes no mention of an obligation to the inhabitants of the region. And the Arabs were not a party to the Treaty, what claim do they have?

Don't dangle me... If you have some argument that has gone unspoken --- or some document went undivulged, let's make an objective evaluation...

Most Respectfully,
Here is an extract from Manfred Lehmann's blog about the Baron Rothschild's purchases:

"After making acquisitions in various places west of the Jordan, he turned his attention to buying land east of the Jordan, on the Golan. Toward the end of 1891 a certain Ahmed Pasha made it known that some 120,000 dunam of prime land in the triangle formed by the Yarmuk and the Allane rivers were up for sale at the bargain price of around 1.5 franc per dunam, provided that the sale was made "en bloc," i.e., for the total area.

When the Baron died in 1934, 80,000 dunam on the Golan were owned by the Rothschild company, PICA (Palestine Jewish Colonization Association). The land had been registered in the name of PICA in 1929.

The Syrian government - Syria was then practically a French colony - tried in the 1940s to confiscate the land but failed.

In 1957, the son of Baron Edmond, Baron James de Rothschild (1878 - 1957), as one of his last acts in his life, transferred the deeds to the Jewish National Fund (Keren Kayemet) and from there to the Land Office of Israel. All deeds and other documents were transferred to Israel's Foreign Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

(full article online)

Point of No Return: Jewish Refugees from Arab and Muslim Countries: Jews owned more than 200,000 dunams in Golan
Here is an extract from Manfred Lehmann's blog about the Baron Rothschild's purchases:

"After making acquisitions in various places west of the Jordan, he turned his attention to buying land east of the Jordan, on the Golan. Toward the end of 1891 a certain Ahmed Pasha made it known that some 120,000 dunam of prime land in the triangle formed by the Yarmuk and the Allane rivers were up for sale at the bargain price of around 1.5 franc per dunam, provided that the sale was made "en bloc," i.e., for the total area.

When the Baron died in 1934, 80,000 dunam on the Golan were owned by the Rothschild company, PICA (Palestine Jewish Colonization Association). The land had been registered in the name of PICA in 1929.

The Syrian government - Syria was then practically a French colony - tried in the 1940s to confiscate the land but failed.

In 1957, the son of Baron Edmond, Baron James de Rothschild (1878 - 1957), as one of his last acts in his life, transferred the deeds to the Jewish National Fund (Keren Kayemet) and from there to the Land Office of Israel. All deeds and other documents were transferred to Israel's Foreign Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

(full article online)

Point of No Return: Jewish Refugees from Arab and Muslim Countries: Jews owned mo than 200,000 dunams in Golan
When the Baron died in 1934, 80,000 dunam on the Golan were owned by the Rothschild company, PICA (Palestine Jewish Colonization Association).
Fact is you infidels there was no “Palestine” in 1946. It was a bunch of nomadic tribes in a lawless wasteland. Hence you cannot answer the simple question of who the President was in 1946. It did not exist and never existed. If you have the courage meet me in the Badlands.
But israel is not a legitimate nation.
Well, objectively, what makes a nation "legitimate". How can one tell whether a nation is "legitimate" or not? What is the criteria?

Surely not kicking out the natives and stealing their land.

But they weren't "natives". The criteria for being a "Palestinian" was being a resident of Palestine from 1946 to 1948, a mere 2 years.
Why making false statement. whole world know Jew are not native to holly land.

I dont Know where “holly land” is? I would Like to know what land they “stole”? Who was the President of “Palestine” in 1946? Thank you
How dumb someone can be.
Holy Land a territory which is invaded by Israel illegally.
And when legitimacy is concern then president of Palestine or president of Israel become irrelevant.
I will say even this debate is useless.
That is how jew and their supporter are they trying to make right from wrong through a organize paid propaganda.
Read all yours posts base on lies. And it is your country under discussion not mien.
Throwing accusation is not the same as proving them.
I didn't see You manage to prove anything I've said was incorrect.

Now explain one thing, You expect Israel to follow resolutions that neither Your country
nor the rest of the UN member states obliged to follow?
Like israel is not a legitimate country. It was given mandate/status when there was only few WII Coalition country were UN member and Israelis accepted that UN order immediately.

International law is not a popular vote,
a contract between sovereign nations is it?
But israel is not a legitimate nation.
Then what is a popular vote?

A popular vote is not a thing the Palestinians have shown to appreciate.. There IS no more "popular vote" in Palestine.. That was a brief shiny moment in Palestinian history when they HAD a national govt.. That govt has been functionally dissolved for the past 12 years or so because of civil war and fighting...

No other period in "Palestinian history" featured a "national" popular vote. So why are you talking about popular votes??? WHOSE popular vote?

And this is about the 10th time you've repeated that Israel is illegitimate.. Saying it an 11th or 12th time, without discussing the ACTUAL history of this region -- just makes you look foolish..
Means if I look at the problem from your window then I won't be foolish.
I think you are still in 30s means time will tell you that who is foolish.
I will say this thread discussing a israeli issue which is not legitimate. And why it is not legitimate because jew invade a country known Holy Land and people like you are trying to change the name from holy land to Israel which is not legitimate.
You are right but they have gone now israel is there and causing all this pain to Peace full holly land last for almost 1500 years while jew spend hardly 500 years in holly land in total as vagrant/gypsy. And Jew want to become the owner.

It was Britain that CREATED the state of Israel... There was no "Zionist invasion". Yes Zionists lobbied hard for that to happen.. But they ALONE could not MAKE that happen..

I suspect you respect Holy books... So when "returning to Jerusalem is mentioned many times and still is recited in many prayers for 1400 years --- it's not fantasy fiction.. There are plenty of Holy sites for Jews including the 2 magnificent Temples.. Which at the time was the CENTRAL FOCUS of Jewish existence.. Many Jewish kings ruled from what is now Israel... And sites in some existing cities show Jewish heritage pre-dating the Romans.

And it's not just Old Testament tales.. All the apostles of Jesus came from cities that now span the breadth of Israel... And all those stories are Jewish stories as well...

Vagrants/gypsies -- HARDLY... Moses wandered 40 years in the desert to enter the Holy Land...
Read all yours posts base on lies. And it is your country under discussion not mien.
Throwing accusation is not the same as proving them.
I didn't see You manage to prove anything I've said was incorrect.

Now explain one thing, You expect Israel to follow resolutions that neither Your country
nor the rest of the UN member states obliged to follow?
Like israel is not a legitimate country. It was given mandate/status when there was only few WII Coalition country were UN member and Israelis accepted that UN order immediately.

International law is not a popular vote,
a contract between sovereign nations is it?
But israel is not a legitimate nation.
Then what is a popular vote?

A popular vote is not a thing the Palestinians have shown to appreciate.. There IS no more "popular vote" in Palestine.. That was a brief shiny moment in Palestinian history when they HAD a national govt.. That govt has been functionally dissolved for the past 12 years or so because of civil war and fighting...

No other period in "Palestinian history" featured a "national" popular vote. So why are you talking about popular votes??? WHOSE popular vote?

And this is about the 10th time you've repeated that Israel is illegitimate.. Saying it an 11th or 12th time, without discussing the ACTUAL history of this region -- just makes you look foolish..
Means israel formed through invasion and pretending civilized. Will It make Israel legitimate? And People of Holy Land (Palestine) or Owner of Holy Lad for many millenniums pushing them into refugee camp and denying and delaying their basic rights and on top expecting from them behave civilize, how cruel and satanic thoughts it is. Means gangster/invader asking the real genuine owner of the land for many millenniums do as gangster want. Is it legitimate?
RE: The NEWER Official Discussion Thread for the creation of Israel, the UN and the British Mandate
⁜→ Rehmani, et al,

Oh come on, let's be both realistic and clear.

I dont Know where “holly land” is?

I would Like to know what land they “stole”?

Who was the President of “Palestine” in 1946?​

I don't Know where “holly land” is?

The Holy Land (Terra Sancta) is not a defined term, but "words of description." is anywhere that the Messiah was claimed to have roamed.

I would Like to know what land they “stole”?

This is a different emotional level question that is dependent on who you ask (like the thermotropic liquid crystals in Mood Rings). The PLO ("the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in any Palestinian territory that is liberated" I say again → any Palestinian territory that is liberated") Negotiation Affairs Department (the authoritative voice of the people) answer this question with: "The delineation and demarcation of agreed-upon borders are central to reaching an end of conflict on the basis of the two-state solution."

PLO Negotiation Affairs Department said:
Our national movement once laid claim to its rights over all of historic Palestine, an area that includes modern-day Israel. Since 1988, however, in the interest of achieving peace and ending the conflict, we limited our national aspirations to statehood to 22 percent of historic Palestine, seeking a state of our own in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, with East Jerusalem as its capital (that is, all of the territory occupied by Israel in 1967). Despite this, Israel continues to create “facts on the ground,” building the Wall, expanding settlements, confiscating and grabbing Palestinian Land, demolishing of Palestinian homes, in violation of international law.

It should be noted that the PLO-NAD recognizes: "Historic Palestine (pre-1948) encompasses all of Israel, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and Jerusalem. In 1922, historic Palestine was placed under a British Mandate by the League of Nations."

Who was the President of “Palestine” in 1946?

The anti-government coalition of the Arab Palestinians attempted, under the protection of the Egyptian Military Governorship, assembled a makeshift organization called the All Palestine Government (APG).

The Prime Minister was Ahmed Hilmi Pasha; a former General Officer in the Enemy Army of the Ottoman Empire.

The President was Hajj Amin al-Husseini, former chairman of the Arab Higher Committee and a significant collaborator with NAZI Leaders, including the Chancellor of Germany - The Fuhrer.​

How dumb someone can be.
Holy Land a territory which is invaded by Israel illegally.

The vast majority of the Jewish population in the first half of the 20th Century were Article 4 Immigrants"

"The Zionist Organisation, so long as its organisation and constitution are in the opinion of the Mandatory appropriate, shall be recognised as such agency. It shall take steps in consultation with His Britannic Majesty's Government to secure the co-operation of all Jews who are willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish national home."​

The Jewish Agency → recognised as a public body for the purpose of advising and co-operating with the Administration of Palestine → assisting the Administration in the successful Jewish immigration under Article 6 procedures → encouraging settlement by Jews on the land.

This was agreed upon by the Principal Allied Powers on the assumption of territorial rights and title.

And when legitimacy is concern then president of Palestine or president of Israel become irrelevant.
I will say even this debate is useless.
That is how jew and their supporter are they trying to make right from wrong through a organize paid propaganda.

I'm not sure what this is asking. I'm not sure what it says. BUT, by Convention, a STATE mush has:

a ) a permanent population;

◈ It is not quite known what portion of what populations, associated with what territories were supoorting the APG.​
b ) a defined territory;

◈ The APG cannot declare Independence over any territory it did not have sovergn control of → nor the territory over which another independent entity (the State of Israel) held sovereign control.​
c ) government; and

◈ While there was an intrim cabinet established by the APG, there was no functional government activities. The Arab Palestinians, on a number of occassions, rejected the opportunities in the building of self-governing institutions. That included a number of rejections by the Arab Higher Committee which was Chaired by Hajj Amin al-Husseini, former chairman of the Arab Higher Committee and NAZI collaborator with the enemy.
d) capacity to enter into relations with the other states.

◈ The APG did not ever demonstrate the capacity to concluded between States in written form and governed by international law.
Most Respectfully,
Here is an extract from Manfred Lehmann's blog about the Baron Rothschild's purchases:

"After making acquisitions in various places west of the Jordan, he turned his attention to buying land east of the Jordan, on the Golan. Toward the end of 1891 a certain Ahmed Pasha made it known that some 120,000 dunam of prime land in the triangle formed by the Yarmuk and the Allane rivers were up for sale at the bargain price of around 1.5 franc per dunam, provided that the sale was made "en bloc," i.e., for the total area.

When the Baron died in 1934, 80,000 dunam on the Golan were owned by the Rothschild company, PICA (Palestine Jewish Colonization Association). The land had been registered in the name of PICA in 1929.

The Syrian government - Syria was then practically a French colony - tried in the 1940s to confiscate the land but failed.

In 1957, the son of Baron Edmond, Baron James de Rothschild (1878 - 1957), as one of his last acts in his life, transferred the deeds to the Jewish National Fund (Keren Kayemet) and from there to the Land Office of Israel. All deeds and other documents were transferred to Israel's Foreign Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

(full article online)

Point of No Return: Jewish Refugees from Arab and Muslim Countries: Jews owned mo than 200,000 dunams in Golan
When the Baron died in 1934, 80,000 dunam on the Golan were owned by the Rothschild company, PICA (Palestine Jewish Colonization Association).

Indeed what?
That association treated the settlement of refugees in several countries at the same time.
Lands were bought in the US, Canada, S. America, Syria-Palestine, and Turkey for families fleeing from pogroms to legally build their homes.

That's essentially no different from UNHCR accepted standard of treating refugees.

Can You point to the country of which sovereignty did Jews, or other refugees, infringe upon when purchasing and settling those lands, and in the name of which other sovereign country?
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RE: The NEWER Official Discussion Thread for the creation of Israel, the UN and the British Mandate
⁜→ rylah, P F Tinmore, Sixties Fan,
et al,

I'm sure that I mentioned this before, but there are wholly legitimate reasons for the Israelis to retain certain key terrain given (in the 1967 Time Frame then aggravated in 1973) the aggressive nature of the Arab League at that time, and no encouraging results from diplomatic efforts.

Indeed what?
That association treated the settlement of Jews in several countries at the same time.
Lands were bought in the US, Canada, S. America, Syria-Palestine, and Turkey for families fleeing from pogroms to legally build their homes.

Can You point to the country of which sovereignty did Jews infringe upon when purchasing and settling those lands, and in the name of which other sovereign country?

Whether the terrain was privately purchased or publicly acquired is really not the issue. The issue has to do with the necessity to militarily preserved for protection. To prevent, ever again, that terrain from being exploited by Hostile Syrian Forces (elements of the Arab League). This is not just an excuse, it was noted by the US Joint Chiefs back in 1967.

EXCERPT JCSM-373-67.png

Relative to (specifically) the Golan Heights area, it was further noted that:

Paragraph 2b said:
b. Syrian Territory Contiguous to Israel. Israel is particularly sensitive to the prevalence of terrorist raids and border incidents in this area. The presently occupied territory, the high ground running generally north-south on a line with Qnaitra about 15 miles inside the Syrian border, would give Israel control of the terrain which Syria has used effectively in harassing the border area.

Conventional Military Logic of the late 20th Century doesn't seem to apply in the Middle East. The US thought that Egypt and Syria would not attack. But they each made the fatal maneuvers that triggered the war in 1967 and then launched the coordinated surprise attack in 1973.

Yeah, so someone bought some land. It was purchased long before the ground became a strategic consideration. It was not the purpose of the purchase to facilitate annexation. That annexation was to close-off the high-ground from the Syrians.

Most Respectfully,
Professor Susser acknowledged that Israel would never accept five million Arab refugees (this number, uniquely among all other refugees in the world, includes the descendants of the original refugees). The responsibility, he said, should be shared with the Palestinians and the other Arab states.

Maybe the professor was playing Devil’s advocate, but his reply is one I have heard from Arab sources: What have the Palestinians got to do with Jewish refugees?

When I replied that the Mufti of Jerusalem embodied Palestinian antisemitism, inciting the 1941 Farhud massacre of the Jews in Iraq, the professor countered by saying the Mufti was just one man, and there were other causal factors behind the Farhud.

Yes, the Palestinian Mufti was just one man. But he was the de facto leader of the Arab world, where popular opinion was overwhelmingly pro-Nazi. He aligned himself with pro-Nazi nationalists to overthrow the Iraqi government. He took refuge in Berlin with 60 other influential Arabs, and broadcast virulent anti-Jewish propaganda over Radio Berlin with a view to facilitating the extermination of the Jews not just in Palestine, but across the Arab world. Palestinian and Syrian pro-Nazi nationalists had taken control of levers of power in Iraq, and they too bore responsibility for inciting anti-Jewish hatred.

The Palestinians, therefore, helped lay the groundwork for the forced exodus and dispossession, under cover of law, of the peaceful, non-combatant Jews from the Arab world — branded by Arab League states “the Jewish minority of Palestine.” Seven Arab League states, egged on by the Palestinian leadership, made the fateful decision to wage a war of annihilation against Israel. They must bear responsibility for creating both refugee problems.

Israel took responsibility for resettling 650,000 people over the years — the majority of Jewish refugees. But by Professor Susser’s logic, responsibility for causing the Jewish refugees should also be shared with the Palestinians and Arab states.

(full article online)

Palestinians Share Responsibility for Jewish Refugees, Too
You are right but they have gone now israel is there and causing all this pain to Peace full holly land last for almost 1500 years while jew spend hardly 500 years in holly land in total as vagrant/gypsy. And Jew want to become the owner.

It was Britain that CREATED the state of Israel... There was no "Zionist invasion". Yes Zionists lobbied hard for that to happen.. But they ALONE could not MAKE that happen..

I suspect you respect Holy books... So when "returning to Jerusalem is mentioned many times and still is recited in many prayers for 1400 years --- it's not fantasy fiction.. There are plenty of Holy sites for Jews including the 2 magnificent Temples.. Which at the time was the CENTRAL FOCUS of Jewish existence.. Many Jewish kings ruled from what is now Israel... And sites in some existing cities show Jewish heritage pre-dating the Romans.

And it's not just Old Testament tales.. All the apostles of Jesus came from cities that now span the breadth of Israel... And all those stories are Jewish stories as well...

Vagrants/gypsies -- HARDLY... Moses wandered 40 years in the desert to enter the Holy Land...
Like israel is not a legitimate country. It was given mandate/status when there was only few WII Coalition country were UN member and Israelis accepted that UN order immediately.

International law is not a popular vote,
a contract between sovereign nations is it?
But israel is not a legitimate nation.
Then what is a popular vote?

A popular vote is not a thing the Palestinians have shown to appreciate.. There IS no more "popular vote" in Palestine.. That was a brief shiny moment in Palestinian history when they HAD a national govt.. That govt has been functionally dissolved for the past 12 years or so because of civil war and fighting...

No other period in "Palestinian history" featured a "national" popular vote. So why are you talking about popular votes??? WHOSE popular vote?

And this is about the 10th time you've repeated that Israel is illegitimate.. Saying it an 11th or 12th time, without discussing the ACTUAL history of this region -- just makes you look foolish..
Means israel formed through invasion and pretending civilized. Will It make Israel legitimate? And People of Holy Land (Palestine) or Owner of Holy Lad for many millenniums pushing them into refugee camp and denying and delaying their basic rights and on top expecting from them behave civilize, how cruel and satanic thoughts it is. Means gangster/invader asking the real genuine owner of the land for many millenniums do as gangster want. Is it legitimate?

Last chance. Badlands or are you a coward? All your posts are made up lies.

He probably doesn't know what the Badlands means and/or how to go there. Remember, this guy is from Pakistan.
But israel is not a legitimate nation.
Then what is a popular vote?

A popular vote is not a thing the Palestinians have shown to appreciate.. There IS no more "popular vote" in Palestine.. That was a brief shiny moment in Palestinian history when they HAD a national govt.. That govt has been functionally dissolved for the past 12 years or so because of civil war and fighting...

No other period in "Palestinian history" featured a "national" popular vote. So why are you talking about popular votes??? WHOSE popular vote?

And this is about the 10th time you've repeated that Israel is illegitimate.. Saying it an 11th or 12th time, without discussing the ACTUAL history of this region -- just makes you look foolish..
Means if I look at the problem from your window then I won't be foolish.
I think you are still in 30s means time will tell you that who is foolish.
I will say this thread discussing a israeli issue which is not legitimate. And why it is not legitimate because jew invade a country known Holy Land and people like you are trying to change the name from holy land to Israel which is not legitimate.

I say it is legitimate and you are a coward for not going to the Badlands. Je Suis Charlie.
It is not legitimate propagandist.

Allah is ashamed of your cowardice. Shows why Israel defeated your people in only six days. It IS legitimate.
Link to where Palestine was defeated.
RE: The NEWER Official Discussion Thread for the creation of Israel, the UN and the British Mandate
⁜→ Rehmani, et al,

Oh come on, let's be both realistic and clear.

I dont Know where “holly land” is?

I would Like to know what land they “stole”?

Who was the President of “Palestine” in 1946?​

I don't Know where “holly land” is?

The Holy Land (Terra Sancta) is not a defined term, but "words of description." is anywhere that the Messiah was claimed to have roamed.

I would Like to know what land they “stole”?

This is a different emotional level question that is dependent on who you ask (like the thermotropic liquid crystals in Mood Rings). The PLO ("the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in any Palestinian territory that is liberated" I say again → any Palestinian territory that is liberated") Negotiation Affairs Department (the authoritative voice of the people) answer this question with: "The delineation and demarcation of agreed-upon borders are central to reaching an end of conflict on the basis of the two-state solution."

PLO Negotiation Affairs Department said:
Our national movement once laid claim to its rights over all of historic Palestine, an area that includes modern-day Israel. Since 1988, however, in the interest of achieving peace and ending the conflict, we limited our national aspirations to statehood to 22 percent of historic Palestine, seeking a state of our own in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, with East Jerusalem as its capital (that is, all of the territory occupied by Israel in 1967). Despite this, Israel continues to create “facts on the ground,” building the Wall, expanding settlements, confiscating and grabbing Palestinian Land, demolishing of Palestinian homes, in violation of international law.

It should be noted that the PLO-NAD recognizes: "Historic Palestine (pre-1948) encompasses all of Israel, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and Jerusalem. In 1922, historic Palestine was placed under a British Mandate by the League of Nations."

Who was the President of “Palestine” in 1946?

The anti-government coalition of the Arab Palestinians attempted, under the protection of the Egyptian Military Governorship, assembled a makeshift organization called the All Palestine Government (APG).

The Prime Minister was Ahmed Hilmi Pasha; a former General Officer in the Enemy Army of the Ottoman Empire.

The President was Hajj Amin al-Husseini, former chairman of the Arab Higher Committee and a significant collaborator with NAZI Leaders, including the Chancellor of Germany - The Fuhrer.​

How dumb someone can be.
Holy Land a territory which is invaded by Israel illegally.

The vast majority of the Jewish population in the first half of the 20th Century were Article 4 Immigrants"

"The Zionist Organisation, so long as its organisation and constitution are in the opinion of the Mandatory appropriate, shall be recognised as such agency. It shall take steps in consultation with His Britannic Majesty's Government to secure the co-operation of all Jews who are willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish national home."​

The Jewish Agency → recognised as a public body for the purpose of advising and co-operating with the Administration of Palestine → assisting the Administration in the successful Jewish immigration under Article 6 procedures → encouraging settlement by Jews on the land.

This was agreed upon by the Principal Allied Powers on the assumption of territorial rights and title.

And when legitimacy is concern then president of Palestine or president of Israel become irrelevant.
I will say even this debate is useless.
That is how jew and their supporter are they trying to make right from wrong through a organize paid propaganda.

I'm not sure what this is asking. I'm not sure what it says. BUT, by Convention, a STATE mush has:

a ) a permanent population;

◈ It is not quite known what portion of what populations, associated with what territories were supoorting the APG.​
b ) a defined territory;

◈ The APG cannot declare Independence over any territory it did not have sovergn control of → nor the territory over which another independent entity (the State of Israel) held sovereign control.​
c ) government; and

◈ While there was an intrim cabinet established by the APG, there was no functional government activities. The Arab Palestinians, on a number of occassions, rejected the opportunities in the building of self-governing institutions. That included a number of rejections by the Arab Higher Committee which was Chaired by Hajj Amin al-Husseini, former chairman of the Arab Higher Committee and NAZI collaborator with the enemy.
d) capacity to enter into relations with the other states.

◈ The APG did not ever demonstrate the capacity to concluded between States in written form and governed by international law.
Most Respectfully,
Why was Palestine's 1948 declaration of independence illegitimate?
RE: The NEWER Official Discussion Thread for the creation of Israel, the UN and the British Mandate
⁜→ Rehmani, et al,

Oh come on, let's be both realistic and clear.

I dont Know where “holly land” is?

I would Like to know what land they “stole”?

Who was the President of “Palestine” in 1946?​

I don't Know where “holly land” is?

The Holy Land (Terra Sancta) is not a defined term, but "words of description." is anywhere that the Messiah was claimed to have roamed.

I would Like to know what land they “stole”?

This is a different emotional level question that is dependent on who you ask (like the thermotropic liquid crystals in Mood Rings). The PLO ("the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in any Palestinian territory that is liberated" I say again → any Palestinian territory that is liberated") Negotiation Affairs Department (the authoritative voice of the people) answer this question with: "The delineation and demarcation of agreed-upon borders are central to reaching an end of conflict on the basis of the two-state solution."

PLO Negotiation Affairs Department said:
Our national movement once laid claim to its rights over all of historic Palestine, an area that includes modern-day Israel. Since 1988, however, in the interest of achieving peace and ending the conflict, we limited our national aspirations to statehood to 22 percent of historic Palestine, seeking a state of our own in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, with East Jerusalem as its capital (that is, all of the territory occupied by Israel in 1967). Despite this, Israel continues to create “facts on the ground,” building the Wall, expanding settlements, confiscating and grabbing Palestinian Land, demolishing of Palestinian homes, in violation of international law.

It should be noted that the PLO-NAD recognizes: "Historic Palestine (pre-1948) encompasses all of Israel, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and Jerusalem. In 1922, historic Palestine was placed under a British Mandate by the League of Nations."

Who was the President of “Palestine” in 1946?

The anti-government coalition of the Arab Palestinians attempted, under the protection of the Egyptian Military Governorship, assembled a makeshift organization called the All Palestine Government (APG).

The Prime Minister was Ahmed Hilmi Pasha; a former General Officer in the Enemy Army of the Ottoman Empire.

The President was Hajj Amin al-Husseini, former chairman of the Arab Higher Committee and a significant collaborator with NAZI Leaders, including the Chancellor of Germany - The Fuhrer.​

How dumb someone can be.
Holy Land a territory which is invaded by Israel illegally.

The vast majority of the Jewish population in the first half of the 20th Century were Article 4 Immigrants"

"The Zionist Organisation, so long as its organisation and constitution are in the opinion of the Mandatory appropriate, shall be recognised as such agency. It shall take steps in consultation with His Britannic Majesty's Government to secure the co-operation of all Jews who are willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish national home."​

The Jewish Agency → recognised as a public body for the purpose of advising and co-operating with the Administration of Palestine → assisting the Administration in the successful Jewish immigration under Article 6 procedures → encouraging settlement by Jews on the land.

This was agreed upon by the Principal Allied Powers on the assumption of territorial rights and title.

And when legitimacy is concern then president of Palestine or president of Israel become irrelevant.
I will say even this debate is useless.
That is how jew and their supporter are they trying to make right from wrong through a organize paid propaganda.

I'm not sure what this is asking. I'm not sure what it says. BUT, by Convention, a STATE mush has:

a ) a permanent population;

◈ It is not quite known what portion of what populations, associated with what territories were supoorting the APG.​
b ) a defined territory;

◈ The APG cannot declare Independence over any territory it did not have sovergn control of → nor the territory over which another independent entity (the State of Israel) held sovereign control.​
c ) government; and

◈ While there was an intrim cabinet established by the APG, there was no functional government activities. The Arab Palestinians, on a number of occassions, rejected the opportunities in the building of self-governing institutions. That included a number of rejections by the Arab Higher Committee which was Chaired by Hajj Amin al-Husseini, former chairman of the Arab Higher Committee and NAZI collaborator with the enemy.
d) capacity to enter into relations with the other states.

◈ The APG did not ever demonstrate the capacity to concluded between States in written form and governed by international law.
Most Respectfully,
Why was Palestine's 1948 declaration of independence illegitimate?

Because they lost the war.
RE: The NEWER Official Discussion Thread for the creation of Israel, the UN and the British Mandate
⁜→ Rehmani, et al,

Oh come on, let's be both realistic and clear.

I dont Know where “holly land” is?

I would Like to know what land they “stole”?

Who was the President of “Palestine” in 1946?​

I don't Know where “holly land” is?

The Holy Land (Terra Sancta) is not a defined term, but "words of description." is anywhere that the Messiah was claimed to have roamed.

I would Like to know what land they “stole”?

This is a different emotional level question that is dependent on who you ask (like the thermotropic liquid crystals in Mood Rings). The PLO ("the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in any Palestinian territory that is liberated" I say again → any Palestinian territory that is liberated") Negotiation Affairs Department (the authoritative voice of the people) answer this question with: "The delineation and demarcation of agreed-upon borders are central to reaching an end of conflict on the basis of the two-state solution."

PLO Negotiation Affairs Department said:
Our national movement once laid claim to its rights over all of historic Palestine, an area that includes modern-day Israel. Since 1988, however, in the interest of achieving peace and ending the conflict, we limited our national aspirations to statehood to 22 percent of historic Palestine, seeking a state of our own in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, with East Jerusalem as its capital (that is, all of the territory occupied by Israel in 1967). Despite this, Israel continues to create “facts on the ground,” building the Wall, expanding settlements, confiscating and grabbing Palestinian Land, demolishing of Palestinian homes, in violation of international law.

It should be noted that the PLO-NAD recognizes: "Historic Palestine (pre-1948) encompasses all of Israel, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and Jerusalem. In 1922, historic Palestine was placed under a British Mandate by the League of Nations."

Who was the President of “Palestine” in 1946?

The anti-government coalition of the Arab Palestinians attempted, under the protection of the Egyptian Military Governorship, assembled a makeshift organization called the All Palestine Government (APG).

The Prime Minister was Ahmed Hilmi Pasha; a former General Officer in the Enemy Army of the Ottoman Empire.

The President was Hajj Amin al-Husseini, former chairman of the Arab Higher Committee and a significant collaborator with NAZI Leaders, including the Chancellor of Germany - The Fuhrer.​

How dumb someone can be.
Holy Land a territory which is invaded by Israel illegally.

The vast majority of the Jewish population in the first half of the 20th Century were Article 4 Immigrants"

"The Zionist Organisation, so long as its organisation and constitution are in the opinion of the Mandatory appropriate, shall be recognised as such agency. It shall take steps in consultation with His Britannic Majesty's Government to secure the co-operation of all Jews who are willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish national home."​

The Jewish Agency → recognised as a public body for the purpose of advising and co-operating with the Administration of Palestine → assisting the Administration in the successful Jewish immigration under Article 6 procedures → encouraging settlement by Jews on the land.

This was agreed upon by the Principal Allied Powers on the assumption of territorial rights and title.

And when legitimacy is concern then president of Palestine or president of Israel become irrelevant.
I will say even this debate is useless.
That is how jew and their supporter are they trying to make right from wrong through a organize paid propaganda.

I'm not sure what this is asking. I'm not sure what it says. BUT, by Convention, a STATE mush has:

a ) a permanent population;

◈ It is not quite known what portion of what populations, associated with what territories were supoorting the APG.​
b ) a defined territory;

◈ The APG cannot declare Independence over any territory it did not have sovergn control of → nor the territory over which another independent entity (the State of Israel) held sovereign control.​
c ) government; and

◈ While there was an intrim cabinet established by the APG, there was no functional government activities. The Arab Palestinians, on a number of occassions, rejected the opportunities in the building of self-governing institutions. That included a number of rejections by the Arab Higher Committee which was Chaired by Hajj Amin al-Husseini, former chairman of the Arab Higher Committee and NAZI collaborator with the enemy.
d) capacity to enter into relations with the other states.

◈ The APG did not ever demonstrate the capacity to concluded between States in written form and governed by international law.
Most Respectfully,
Why was Palestine's 1948 declaration of independence illegitimate?

Because they lost the war.
What war did they lose?

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