The next President will be the greatest catastrophe of American governance since the Civil War...

Look at it this way, 1 million Muslims a year for the next ten years

Sorry, I don't look into crystal balls of stupidity.

huh. Do you look into the reality of UN Muslim Diaspora vs. common sense?

Isn’t this a clever idea? It’s so clever that world leaders like Angela Merkel are bringing in the masses in the middle of the night to avoid press and criticism…Do you think Obama has also done this? We’d have to say that Obama is bringing “refugees” by the thousands to America from the Middle East BUT he’s doing it right out in the open. Refugee Resettlement agencies get paid per-refugee so this is big business! Is America a human trafficker now? Refugee Resettlement Watch has more information on flying in so-called “refugees”. Here’s one snippet from their latest article:

“Zeze Rwasama’s Idaho nonprofit gets $900 a head to meet Syrian refugees at the airport and help them adjust to their new lives in America.”

We have been hearing information about night flights coming to America but cannot say with 100% certainty that it is happening. What we CAN confirm is that Obama is flying in plane loads of illegals from South America. This is well documented but the press chooses to ignore it:


To facilitate the often treacherous process of entering the United States illegally through the southern border, the Obama administration is offering free transportation from three Central American countries and a special refugee/parole program with “resettlement assistance” and permanent residency. The new arrivals will be officially known as Central American Minors (CAM) and they will be eligible for a special refugee/parole that offers a free one-way flight to the U.S. from El Salvador, Guatemala or Honduras.

Stop being the stupid that Obama counts on......
It does not matter who wins the election, the next President will be a catastrophe. It will be the greatest failure of the government since the Civil War. Both Trump and Clinton will end up being such a catastrophe. And that is why, as a Republican, I'd rather have Clinton in the White House. If we're going to have a catastrophe, I'd rather it be a Democrat catastrophe.

Of course, that's not to say that I'm not still hoping for a suddenly emergent alternative. If enough people can open their eyes to realize that a vote for Gary Johnson is the best vote for America possible at this point, I would absolutely rejoice at the prospect of a rational and responsible candidate winning the election, even though I disagree with him on some key points. A President Johnson would be a most refreshing aversion of catastrophe. But short of that, if it has to be either fucktard Clinton or fucktard Trump, I choose the Democrats to be the fucktard on display getting all the blame.

Last time around, the good guys won.

This time around, only difference will be the time it takes to flush the racist shitlickers down the toilet.
I would say the left wing media, and Hollywood, along with our universities that are dominated by marxist professors with tenure.

I'm starting to understand fringe conservatism and Alt Right is mostly about finding someone to blame for your lot in life.
I would say the left wing media, and Hollywood, along with our universities that are dominated by marxist professors with tenure.

I'm starting to understand fringe conservatism and Alt Right is mostly about finding someone to blame for your lot in life.
Hardly. I use the two terms regularly or versions of them, and they here would love to have my lot in life. :lol:
It does not matter who wins the election, the next President will be a catastrophe. It will be the greatest failure of the government since the Civil War. Both Trump and Clinton will end up being such a catastrophe. And that is why, as a Republican, I'd rather have Clinton in the White House. If we're going to have a catastrophe, I'd rather it be a Democrat catastrophe.

Of course, that's not to say that I'm not still hoping for a suddenly emergent alternative. If enough people can open their eyes to realize that a vote for Gary Johnson is the best vote for America possible at this point, I would absolutely rejoice at the prospect of a rational and responsible candidate winning the election, even though I disagree with him on some key points. A President Johnson would be a most refreshing aversion of catastrophe. But short of that, if it has to be either fucktard Clinton or fucktard Trump, I choose the Democrats to be the fucktard on display getting all the blame.

It doesn't have to be Trump or Clinton. The only thing stopping you from voting for Jill Stein is your false belief that she can't win...if enough people vote for her, she CAN.

Jill, not Hill!
Whichever one wins, they will be so hated by the other side that the next eight years will make the past eight years look like a love fest.

A rare occurrence has come upon us. We agree.
We all agree. Watch the SCOTUS nominations and the ratification fight. If the Dems win the WH and the Senate, Obama will pull back Garland. Clinton will nominate Obama on January 21 next year. And Clarence Thomas resigns, she will nominate Cory Booker.
It does not matter who wins the election, the next President will be a catastrophe. It will be the greatest failure of the government since the Civil War. Both Trump and Clinton will end up being such a catastrophe. And that is why, as a Republican, I'd rather have Clinton in the White House. If we're going to have a catastrophe, I'd rather it be a Democrat catastrophe.

Of course, that's not to say that I'm not still hoping for a suddenly emergent alternative. If enough people can open their eyes to realize that a vote for Gary Johnson is the best vote for America possible at this point, I would absolutely rejoice at the prospect of a rational and responsible candidate winning the election, even though I disagree with him on some key points. A President Johnson would be a most refreshing aversion of catastrophe. But short of that, if it has to be either fucktard Clinton or fucktard Trump, I choose the Democrats to be the fucktard on display getting all the blame.
Scare tactics on behalf of your boy - Gary Johnson - will prove completely ineffective.
The only thing stopping you from voting for Jill Stein is your false belief that she can't win.

Actually, what's stopping me from voting for Jill Stein is the fact that she's an idiot. However, no such thing stops me from voting for Gary Johnson.
So, things are just fine right now but either candidate will destroy all the wonderful things Obama has done for us?

Still not even close. But you know that. You just like to insert words into other people's mouths, so that you can reduce the level of discourse to the most obtuse levels possible.
Not really. Just pointing out that you are not willing to criticize Obama's clusterfuck of a presidency no matter what.
It does not matter who wins the election, the next President will be a catastrophe. It will be the greatest failure of the government since the Civil War. Both Trump and Clinton will end up being such a catastrophe. And that is why, as a Republican, I'd rather have Clinton in the White House. If we're going to have a catastrophe, I'd rather it be a Democrat catastrophe.

Of course, that's not to say that I'm not still hoping for a suddenly emergent alternative. If enough people can open their eyes to realize that a vote for Gary Johnson is the best vote for America possible at this point, I would absolutely rejoice at the prospect of a rational and responsible candidate winning the election, even though I disagree with him on some key points. A President Johnson would be a most refreshing aversion of catastrophe. But short of that, if it has to be either fucktard Clinton or fucktard Trump, I choose the Democrats to be the fucktard on display getting all the blame.
You have no way of knowing what Trump may do. He hasn't decide yet. The country will survive Clinton, not sure about Trump.
unfortunately that fucktard is going to get a handful of Supreme Court nominations, so I'd rather it not be a liberal loon.
I would agree with you here somewhat except that I do not see Trump as electing anything to the SCOTUS better than Hillary. Constitutional does not even remotely come to mind when thinking about Trump.
The only thing stopping you from voting for Jill Stein is your false belief that she can't win.

Actually, what's stopping me from voting for Jill Stein is the fact that she's an idiot. However, no such thing stops me from voting for Gary Johnson.

Jill Stein is NOT an idiot. She's intelligent, moral and cares about the people of this nation, making her everything Hillary is not. Jill not Hill!
I agree. If Trump, SCOTUS appointments will be right of cent to left of center. If HRC, center to hard left. There is no chance of any principled conservatives being appointed the branch. If my guy, Johnson, were president, he would probably nominate Marco Rubio, for kicks.

Too bad the right insisted on having a nut bag for their candidate. Trump is exactly what the right wing has been demanding for years. I hope they enjoy him.
he is not dork.
This elections is about keeping hillary out.
I'm conservative and you're so full of crap.
Not really. Just pointing out that you are not willing to criticize Obama's clusterfuck of a presidency no matter what.

I criticize Obama all the time. What I refuse to do is to reduce the discourse to obtuse levels. Like claiming he's from Kenya, or masturbating over some 57 states nonsense.
I agree. If Trump, SCOTUS appointments will be right of cent to left of center. If HRC, center to hard left. There is no chance of any principled conservatives being appointed the branch. If my guy, Johnson, were president, he would probably nominate Marco Rubio, for kicks.

Too bad the right insisted on having a nut bag for their candidate. Trump is exactly what the right wing has been demanding for years. I hope they enjoy him.
he is not dork.
This elections is about keeping hillary out.
I'm conservative and you're so full of crap.

The right wing has not been demanding a dork. They have been demanding a Trump.
Not really. Just pointing out that you are not willing to criticize Obama's clusterfuck of a presidency no matter what.

I criticize Obama all the time. What I refuse to do is to reduce the discourse to obtuse levels. Like claiming he's from Kenya, or masturbating over some 57 states nonsense.
No you don't.
Sure, he does, S.J., and you put words in peoples' mouths in order to lower the discussion to Alt Right lunacy.

Trump will be a catastrophe. So would Clinton.

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