The Nuking of Nagasaki: Even More Immoral and Unnecessary than Hiroshima

I have backed up everything I've said with direct quotes from those involved at the time.
You can't back up your claim about Japan trying to surrender before the atomic bombs, because Japan never tried to do any such thing.

And your most recent failure to back up your claims was in reference to your personal attacks against me. You can't back up anything that you said about me. Quotes from historical figures certainly won't help you do that.
It's like you have to dumb everything down for these guys
Its like you guys think that a small group of "militarists" magically manufacture the weapons and munitions for a multi million man army and that this same group magically grows the food to feed that army.
No you have not.... link to the 40 pages of surrender offers? Link to an actual offer from the Japanese Government?
Do you honestly think that all these brillant military leaders were wrong in their military assessment?

I am just asking your honest military opinion
Its like you guys think that a small group of "militarists" magically manufacture the weapons and munitions for a multi million man army and that this same group magically grows the food to feed that army.
You know this based on your long history of military service?
Do you honestly think that all these brillant military leaders were wrong in their military assessment?

I am just asking your honest military opinion
Yes IF and it is a big if they actually said the things in the quotes then they were dead wrong. The simple fact that after 2 atomic bombs and the soviet invasion the Japanese Government VOTED to continue the war PROVES they were wrong.
Do you honestly think that all these brillant military leaders were wrong in their military assessment?

I am just asking your honest military opinion
Military leaders have their own biases. You would know that if you knew anything about the military you claimed to have served in but obviously never did.
Yes IF and it is a big if they actually said the things in the quotes then they were dead wrong. The simple fact that after 2 atomic bombs and the soviet invasion the Japanese Government VOTED to continue the war PROVES they were wrong.
There is no denying they said it. It has multiple references

That is like saying we should have dropped atomic weapons in every war we have been in....because then they would surrendered right away

We dont even need a army
Japan was reaching out to Russia to sue for peace. But when Russia invaded manchuria on the day between the two bombings Japan knew it was over. That was what led Japan to surrender

Historian Tsuyoshi Hasegawa wrote the atomic bombings themselves were not the principal reason for Japan's capitulation.[105] Instead, he contends, it was the Soviet entry in the war on 8 August, allowed by the Potsdam Declaration signed by the other Allies. The fact the Soviet Union did not sign this declaration gave Japan reason to believe the Soviets could be kept out of the war.[106] As late as 25 July, the day before the declaration was issued, Japan had asked for a diplomatic envoy led by Konoe to come to Moscow hoping to mediate peace in the Pacific.[107] Konoe was supposed to bring a letter from the Emperor stating:

His Majesty the Emperor, mindful of the fact that the present war daily brings greater evil and sacrifice of the peoples of all the belligerent powers, desires from his heart that it may be quickly terminated. But as long as England and the United States insist upon unconditional surrender the Japanese Empire has no alternative to fight on with all its strength for the honour and existence of the Motherland ... It is the Emperor's private intention to send Prince Konoe to Moscow as a Special Envoy ...[108]
Hasegawa's view is, when the Soviet Union declared war on 8 August,[109] it crushed all hope in Japan's leading circles that the Soviets could be kept out of the war and also that reinforcements from Asia to the Japanese islands would be possible for the expected invasion.[11

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