The NYPD Are Making Themselves Look Really Small With Their Anti-DeBlasio Antics


You can't constantly shove race into everyone's face, drag race into every last goddamn conversation, call people racists at the slightest (or no) provocation, divide people by race, constantly defend one race even when they break the law, and then act like someone took your fucking toys when those people finally decide to fight back.

"Gosh, why in the WORLD would you SAY such a thing?"


Those who do this are making this worse, and they don't care.

I agree, the ones turning their backs are being childish and cocky son of a B's....

and so is their Union Head with his mouthing off...

They are stirring up trouble imho, instead of being what they are paid to be while in uniform, Peace Officers...

I expect it from every day numbskull protesters, but not from the supposed Peace Officers being paid by citizens.... and while in Uniform....

If they want to protest then take the Uniform off and go to the streets and protest, like the rest of us citizens have to do...and get a permit for it too! and make sure they don't block traffic or the Brooklyn Bridge :D

How much more peaceful of a protest can you get than to simply turn your back on the person you feel has wronged you?
In any other job, turning their backs when the CEO of their corporation walked in the room or public assembly, that would be insubordination and their ass would be grass and they would have lost their jobs...

true story!
so are they going to fire that many cops at once?....
I don't want to fire any of those cops...I just want them to think twice about what they are doing, and stop acting like insubordinate 3 year olds and stop doing it. They have a Union to work out any grievances, they should be grateful.

They DID NOT elect their Boss, their Boss was CHOSEN by ALL the citizens of New York through an election... they don't get to choose single handily who their boss is going to be, Just like the rest of us don't get to choose who the Boss is going to be that runs the show at our jobs...

Have a little respect for the people who voted for him, AND the POSITION of Mayor....
it works both ways Care....maybe the Mayor should have some respect for what these guys do and not say things that might make these guys think he does not respect the shit they have to see and put up with....Cops do have to deal with the worst of us on a daily basis....dealing with the public is not the easiest of jobs if you encounter people who have attitudes about who you are or who you represent....
How are they helping the situation by vehemently, publicly and visibly defying their boss, the mayor of New York City?

They must think that the mayor should pander to their every whim, wish and demand. He doesn't work for the police department, he works the city at large.

Not to mention not setting a good example. They are only making things worse.

Little taste of his own medicine, after what he did... publicly and visibly.
Deblasio was elected by clueless leftist scum, he cant hide his marxist colors now.....
Viva le Anarchism !!!
DeBlasio is a ultra liberal who is riding the liberal train to it's logical destination.

So no surprise here when you see lefties protecting lefties no matter what they do or say.
NYC needs to fire some cops, a whole lot of them apparently.

No, they need to fire ONE mayor.

Don't count on it, yet. He won't be fired or replaced until liberals realize he's to damaging for them. As for now, DeBlasio and his buddy Sharpton are still at the same page.

Al Sharpton makes a living by building racial walls and the higher they are the more power he collects. De Blasio is a fool for believing he can put political and social failures on the police. The mainstream media will never post the statistics on crime. Police will be attacked in the media as well as protesters and criminals will be called martyrs. How do police route out criminals while people and politicians attack them?

Black people who speak the truth are being called race traitors and coons. White people who are loved by racist blacks will be ignored. It's not over, it's far from over.
How is the mayor making himself look and helping the situation by throwing his officers under the Bus? If I had a boss publicly trashing me I wouldn't tell them to fuck off but I also wouldn't be speaking to or interacting with them anymore than I absolutely had to.
How are they helping the situation by vehemently, publicly and visibly defying their boss, the mayor of New York City?

They must think that the mayor should pander to their every whim, wish and demand. He doesn't work for the police department, he works the city at large.

Not to mention not setting a good example. They are only making things worse.

De Castrio ran on a "fuck the cops" platform ... so this is simply paybacks.
No dummy, he ran on a pro NY citizen, that was why he was voted in by a MASSIVE percent of the constituency.

Get a grip.
How are they helping the situation by vehemently, publicly and visibly defying their boss, the mayor of New York City?

They must think that the mayor should pander to their every whim, wish and demand. He doesn't work for the police department, he works the city at large.

Not to mention not setting a good example. They are only making things worse.
They are making a great example of how to protest in a peaceful manner. They have showed no disrespect that have showed they know how to respect and obey the law.
Izzat so...?

How are they helping the situation by vehemently, publicly and visibly defying their boss, the mayor of New York City?

They must think that the mayor should pander to their every whim, wish and demand. He doesn't work for the police department, he works the city at large.

Not to mention not setting a good example. They are only making things worse.
They are making a great example of how to protest in a peaceful manner. They have showed no disrespect that have showed they know how to respect and obey the law.

All the while making a far more profound statement.
Aren't you people the ones claiming that now the police won't do their jobs by protecting those in the black community, the ones you're calling "rioters?"

Can't you people be honest for ONCE in your lives?
How are they helping the situation by vehemently, publicly and visibly defying their boss, the mayor of New York City?

They must think that the mayor should pander to their every whim, wish and demand. He doesn't work for the police department, he works the city at large.

Not to mention not setting a good example. They are only making things worse.

Wrong. DiBlasio is an asshole.
What you mean to say is the police who were protesting at a funeral right?

What kind of move is that?

I could never see myself protesting at a friend or family's funeral, that's not the time and place for it, not if you're TRULY grieving for a loved one. Clearly the NYPD are being led by political radicals to engage in more stupid behavior. Clearly.

They're only making things worse.
How are they helping the situation by vehemently, publicly and visibly defying their boss, the mayor of New York City?

They must think that the mayor should pander to their every whim, wish and demand. He doesn't work for the police department, he works the city at large.

Not to mention not setting a good example. They are only making things worse.

De Castrio ran on a "fuck the cops" platform ... so this is simply paybacks.
No dummy, he ran on a pro NY citizen, that was why he was voted in by a MASSIVE percent of the constituency.

Get a grip.

That's how liberal always run and when they got massive support and got elected, they show their real face.
Mayor DeBlasio has absolutely NOTHING to do with what happened to those unfortunate cops.

The cops have no one to blame but themselves. When they CONSISTENTLY engage in police brutality they are liable to get nut-jobs out for them.

You are a political hack of the worse order for posting smut like this.

But, that's old news.
How are they helping the situation by vehemently, publicly and visibly defying their boss, the mayor of New York City?

They must think that the mayor should pander to their every whim, wish and demand. He doesn't work for the police department, he works the city at large.

Not to mention not setting a good example. They are only making things worse.

De Castrio ran on a "fuck the cops" platform ... so this is simply paybacks.
No dummy, he ran on a pro NY citizen, that was why he was voted in by a MASSIVE percent of the constituency.

Get a grip.

That's how liberal always run and when they got massive support and got elected, they show their real face.
So why are so many posters in this thread claiming that DeBlasio ran an anti-police campaign and is now getting pay-back from the cops?

Make up your mind RWers, you can't have it both ways, either he ran a straight campaign or he was never anti-cop, get it together!
Mayor DeBlasio has absolutely NOTHING to do with what happened to those unfortunate cops.

The cops have no one to blame but themselves. When they CONSISTENTLY engage in police brutality they are liable to get nut-jobs out for them.

You are a political hack of the worse order for posting smut like this.

But, that's old news.

I guess if you didn't like that one, you'll really HATE this one!

How much more peaceful of a protest can you get than to simply turn your back on the person you feel has wronged you?
In any other job, turning their backs when the CEO of their corporation walked in the room or public assembly, that would be insubordination and their ass would be grass and they would have lost their jobs...

true story!
so are they going to fire that many cops at once?....
I don't want to fire any of those cops...I just want them to think twice about what they are doing, and stop acting like insubordinate 3 year olds and stop doing it. They have a Union to work out any grievances, they should be grateful.

They DID NOT elect their Boss, their Boss was CHOSEN by ALL the citizens of New York through an election... they don't get to choose single handily who their boss is going to be, Just like the rest of us don't get to choose who the Boss is going to be that runs the show at our jobs...

Have a little respect for the people who voted for him, AND the POSITION of Mayor....

DiBlowhard is the one who needs to think about what he is doing. Slandering 35,000 men and women because it suits your racists political agenda isn't good leadership. It's the indication of an incompetent asshole.

Most of us can choose who our boss is by quitting. However, police can't do that without moving somewhere else.
please post or link up what the so called slander was...

And for goodness sakes, are they NOT ADULTS? Are they so thin skinned? Or are they only big and tough when in uniform? For goodness sakes....they look like cry babies acting up.... And they are suppose to protect us? with such immature gestures?
They ARE small-minded and thin-skinned indeed. I lived there for over a decade, during Ghouliani's regime, they are the same as they were then, if not worse.

It's coming to a head though. Things will have to change.
How are they helping the situation by vehemently, publicly and visibly defying their boss, the mayor of New York City?

They must think that the mayor should pander to their every whim, wish and demand. He doesn't work for the police department, he works the city at large.

Not to mention not setting a good example. They are only making things worse.

De Castrio ran on a "fuck the cops" platform ... so this is simply paybacks.
No dummy, he ran on a pro NY citizen, that was why he was voted in by a MASSIVE percent of the constituency.

Get a grip.

That's how liberal always run and when they got massive support and got elected, they show their real face.
So why are so many posters in this thread claiming that DeBlasio ran an anti-police campaign and is now getting pay-back from the cops?

Make up your mind RWers, you can't have it both ways, either he ran a straight campaign or he was never anti-cop, get it together!

Don't you think when the Communist mayor comes out and says “What parents have done for decades who have children of color, especially young men of color, is train them to be very careful when they have encounter with a police officer,” de Blasio said on ABC’s “This Week.”

That isn't a slap at all officers who's very job is to "Protect and Serve"?
In any other job, turning their backs when the CEO of their corporation walked in the room or public assembly, that would be insubordination and their ass would be grass and they would have lost their jobs...

true story!
so are they going to fire that many cops at once?....
I don't want to fire any of those cops...I just want them to think twice about what they are doing, and stop acting like insubordinate 3 year olds and stop doing it. They have a Union to work out any grievances, they should be grateful.

They DID NOT elect their Boss, their Boss was CHOSEN by ALL the citizens of New York through an election... they don't get to choose single handily who their boss is going to be, Just like the rest of us don't get to choose who the Boss is going to be that runs the show at our jobs...

Have a little respect for the people who voted for him, AND the POSITION of Mayor....

DiBlowhard is the one who needs to think about what he is doing. Slandering 35,000 men and women because it suits your racists political agenda isn't good leadership. It's the indication of an incompetent asshole.

Most of us can choose who our boss is by quitting. However, police can't do that without moving somewhere else.
please post or link up what the so called slander was...

And for goodness sakes, are they NOT ADULTS? Are they so thin skinned? Or are they only big and tough when in uniform? For goodness sakes....they look like cry babies acting up.... And they are suppose to protect us? with such immature gestures?
They ARE small-minded and thin-skinned indeed. I lived there for over a decade, during Ghouliani's regime, they are the same as they were then, if not worse.

It's coming to a head though. Things will have to change.

Well Marc, the THUGERY has been around for decades, you were part of it by your bigoted description of your time living there... How many run ins with the NYPD DID you have?
Deblasio was always anti police. He ran an anti police campaign. He complained that he had to sit his obnoxious and psychotic son down and tell him how awful it was that the kid had to grudgingly give the police as little respect as he could get away with. He didn't have the same conversation with his junkie daughter. She was too drugged out to listen.

Deblasio is as responsible for the deaths of those two officers as if he pulled the trigger himself and reloaded on Al Sharpton's naked ass.

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