The NYPD Are Making Themselves Look Really Small With Their Anti-DeBlasio Antics

I agree, the ones turning their backs are being childish and cocky son of a B's....

and so is their Union Head with his mouthing off...

They are stirring up trouble imho, instead of being what they are paid to be while in uniform, Peace Officers...

I expect it from every day numbskull protesters, but not from the supposed Peace Officers being paid by citizens.... and while in Uniform....

If they want to protest then take the Uniform off and go to the streets and protest, like the rest of us citizens have to do...and get a permit for it too! and make sure they don't block traffic or the Brooklyn Bridge :D

How much more peaceful of a protest can you get than to simply turn your back on the person you feel has wronged you?
In any other job, turning their backs when the CEO of their corporation walked in the room or public assembly, that would be insubordination and their ass would be grass and they would have lost their jobs...

true story!
so are they going to fire that many cops at once?....
Did you know that the NYPD is the biggest minority police force in the nation? Now what?
How many minority cops abuse their authority in comparison to majority cops?

Unknown but we do know this fact....The January 2010 Police Academy class is 63 percent minority, and consists of recruits who were born in 15 countries.

NYPD - Press Release
Good. Maybe one day police brutality will be illegal.

It is illegal, that's why they have a Civilian Complaint Review Board, and a court system for those that exceed their legal limits!

Proves even a ravingIdiot can get kicked in the head and realize he's wrong!
How are they helping the situation by vehemently, publicly and visibly defying their boss, the mayor of New York City?

They must think that the mayor should pander to their every whim, wish and demand. He doesn't work for the police department, he works the city at large.

Not to mention not setting a good example. They are only making things worse.

You may think the NYPD looked small and not setting a good example. The mayor loomed large and divisive in his short sighted attempt to score points with those stakeholders vested in race wars and class envy. NYC needed a leader, a uniter and he chose to divide.
NYC needs to fire some cops, a whole lot of them apparently.
yea that will help.....i bet the bad guys would like to see that happen....
I agree, the ones turning their backs are being childish and cocky son of a B's....

and so is their Union Head with his mouthing off...

They are stirring up trouble imho, instead of being what they are paid to be while in uniform, Peace Officers...

I expect it from every day numbskull protesters, but not from the supposed Peace Officers being paid by citizens.... and while in Uniform....

If they want to protest then take the Uniform off and go to the streets and protest, like the rest of us citizens have to do...and get a permit for it too! and make sure they don't block traffic or the Brooklyn Bridge :D

How much more peaceful of a protest can you get than to simply turn your back on the person you feel has wronged you?
In any other job, turning their backs when the CEO of their corporation walked in the room or public assembly, that would be insubordination and their ass would be grass and they would have lost their jobs...

true story!
so are they going to fire that many cops at once?....
I don't want to fire any of those cops...I just want them to think twice about what they are doing, and stop acting like insubordinate 3 year olds and stop doing it. They have a Union to work out any grievances, they should be grateful.

They DID NOT elect their Boss, their Boss was CHOSEN by ALL the citizens of New York through an election... they don't get to choose single handily who their boss is going to be, Just like the rest of us don't get to choose who the Boss is going to be that runs the show at our jobs...

Have a little respect for the people who voted for him, AND the POSITION of Mayor....
Everyone knows the police treat young black men differently. Are New York's finest really so thin-skinned that their boss giving citizens some straightforward sympathy must be cause for protest?

And I'm sure this is in no way influenced by the ongoing contract negotiations between City Hall and the police union...
Did you know that the NYPD is the biggest minority police force in the nation? Now what?
How many minority cops abuse their authority in comparison to majority cops?

Who knows? Why do you assume they don't?
Police don't stand or turn their backs on the Mayor....Outrage from Liberals.
Protesters chant they want dead cops and it happens.
What to we get from the left....
I agree, the ones turning their backs are being childish and cocky son of a B's....

and so is their Union Head with his mouthing off...

They are stirring up trouble imho, instead of being what they are paid to be while in uniform, Peace Officers...

I expect it from every day numbskull protesters, but not from the supposed Peace Officers being paid by citizens.... and while in Uniform....

If they want to protest then take the Uniform off and go to the streets and protest, like the rest of us citizens have to do...and get a permit for it too! and make sure they don't block traffic or the Brooklyn Bridge :D

How much more peaceful of a protest can you get than to simply turn your back on the person you feel has wronged you?
In any other job, turning their backs when the CEO of their corporation walked in the room or public assembly, that would be insubordination and their ass would be grass and they would have lost their jobs...

true story!
so are they going to fire that many cops at once?....
I don't want to fire any of those cops...I just want them to think twice about what they are doing, and stop acting like insubordinate 3 year olds and stop doing it. They have a Union to work out any grievances, they should be grateful.

They DID NOT elect their Boss, their Boss was CHOSEN by ALL the citizens of New York through an election... they don't get to choose single handily who their boss is going to be, Just like the rest of us don't get to choose who the Boss is going to be that runs the show at our jobs...

Have a little respect for the people who voted for him, AND the POSITION of Mayor....

DiBlowhard is the one who needs to think about what he is doing. Slandering 35,000 men and women because it suits your racists political agenda isn't good leadership. It's the indication of an incompetent asshole.

Most of us can choose who our boss is by quitting. However, police can't do that without moving somewhere else.
I agree, the ones turning their backs are being childish and cocky son of a B's....

and so is their Union Head with his mouthing off...

They are stirring up trouble imho, instead of being what they are paid to be while in uniform, Peace Officers...

I expect it from every day numbskull protesters, but not from the supposed Peace Officers being paid by citizens.... and while in Uniform....

If they want to protest then take the Uniform off and go to the streets and protest, like the rest of us citizens have to do...and get a permit for it too! and make sure they don't block traffic or the Brooklyn Bridge :D

How much more peaceful of a protest can you get than to simply turn your back on the person you feel has wronged you?
In any other job, turning their backs when the CEO of their corporation walked in the room or public assembly, that would be insubordination and their ass would be grass and they would have lost their jobs...

true story!
so are they going to fire that many cops at once?....
I don't want to fire any of those cops...I just want them to think twice about what they are doing, and stop acting like insubordinate 3 year olds and stop doing it. They have a Union to work out any grievances, they should be grateful.

They DID NOT elect their Boss, their Boss was CHOSEN by ALL the citizens of New York through an election... they don't get to choose single handily who their boss is going to be, Just like the rest of us don't get to choose who the Boss is going to be that runs the show at our jobs...

Have a little respect for the people who voted for him, AND the POSITION of Mayor....

DiBlowhard is the one who needs to think about what he is doing. Slandering 35,000 men and women because it suits your racists political agenda isn't good leadership. It's the indication of an incompetent asshole.

Most of us can choose who our boss is by quitting. However, police can't do that without moving somewhere else.
please post or link up what the so called slander was...

And for goodness sakes, are they NOT ADULTS? Are they so thin skinned? Or are they only big and tough when in uniform? For goodness sakes....they look like cry babies acting up.... And they are suppose to protect us? with such immature gestures?
One can argue that the cops are being childish by turning their backs on de Blasio I suppose. However, I would rather have the cops being "childish" than the mayor being racially divisive for political expediency. As sins go, "childishness" seems to be one of the least destructive.
Focusing on the cops "childishness" is a bit like critiquing the play Lincoln got shot at. It's a strange thing to focus on considering the enormity of the situation.
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How much more peaceful of a protest can you get than to simply turn your back on the person you feel has wronged you?
In any other job, turning their backs when the CEO of their corporation walked in the room or public assembly, that would be insubordination and their ass would be grass and they would have lost their jobs...

true story!
so are they going to fire that many cops at once?....
I don't want to fire any of those cops...I just want them to think twice about what they are doing, and stop acting like insubordinate 3 year olds and stop doing it. They have a Union to work out any grievances, they should be grateful.

They DID NOT elect their Boss, their Boss was CHOSEN by ALL the citizens of New York through an election... they don't get to choose single handily who their boss is going to be, Just like the rest of us don't get to choose who the Boss is going to be that runs the show at our jobs...

Have a little respect for the people who voted for him, AND the POSITION of Mayor....

DiBlowhard is the one who needs to think about what he is doing. Slandering 35,000 men and women because it suits your racists political agenda isn't good leadership. It's the indication of an incompetent asshole.

Most of us can choose who our boss is by quitting. However, police can't do that without moving somewhere else.
please post or link up what the so called slander was...

And for goodness sakes, are they NOT ADULTS? Are they so thin skinned? Or are they only big and tough when in uniform? For goodness sakes....they look like cry babies acting up.... And they are suppose to protect us? with such immature gestures?

Heather Mac Donald Bill slanders his cops - NY Daily News

“People are saying: ‘black lives matter,’” de Blasio announced on Wednesday after the grand jury concluded its work. “It should be self-evident, but our history requires us to say ‘black lives matter.’ It was not years of racism that brought us to this day, or decades of racism, but centuries of racism. That is how profound a crisis this is.”

De Blasio invoked his biracial son Dante yet again both before and after the Garner verdict to show his racial bona fides. The mayor worries “every night,” he said, about the “dangers [Dante] may face” from “officers who are paid to protect him.”
One can argue that the cops are being childish by turning their backs on de Blasio I suppose. However, I would rather have the cops being "childish" than the mayor being racially divisive for political expediency. As sins go, "childishness" seems to be one of the least destructive.
In the normal world, if you are upset with the head of the organization you work for and have grievances, you go to your immediate Boss, and have them handle it.... you don't turn you back on the CEO when he walks in a handle the situation PROFESSIONALLY with your own immediate superiors....

I'm sorry, their actions are just simply those of infants and not mature adults and that's kinda scary that these are the guys that are suppose to protect us....? Please!!!
In any other job, turning their backs when the CEO of their corporation walked in the room or public assembly, that would be insubordination and their ass would be grass and they would have lost their jobs...

true story!
so are they going to fire that many cops at once?....
I don't want to fire any of those cops...I just want them to think twice about what they are doing, and stop acting like insubordinate 3 year olds and stop doing it. They have a Union to work out any grievances, they should be grateful.

They DID NOT elect their Boss, their Boss was CHOSEN by ALL the citizens of New York through an election... they don't get to choose single handily who their boss is going to be, Just like the rest of us don't get to choose who the Boss is going to be that runs the show at our jobs...

Have a little respect for the people who voted for him, AND the POSITION of Mayor....

DiBlowhard is the one who needs to think about what he is doing. Slandering 35,000 men and women because it suits your racists political agenda isn't good leadership. It's the indication of an incompetent asshole.

Most of us can choose who our boss is by quitting. However, police can't do that without moving somewhere else.
please post or link up what the so called slander was...

And for goodness sakes, are they NOT ADULTS? Are they so thin skinned? Or are they only big and tough when in uniform? For goodness sakes....they look like cry babies acting up.... And they are suppose to protect us? with such immature gestures?

Heather Mac Donald Bill slanders his cops - NY Daily News

“People are saying: ‘black lives matter,’” de Blasio announced on Wednesday after the grand jury concluded its work. “It should be self-evident, but our history requires us to say ‘black lives matter.’ It was not years of racism that brought us to this day, or decades of racism, but centuries of racism. That is how profound a crisis this is.”

De Blasio invoked his biracial son Dante yet again both before and after the Garner verdict to show his racial bona fides. The mayor worries “every night,” he said, about the “dangers [Dante] may face” from “officers who are paid to protect him.”
That was the alleged slander that they are acting like children over?

Nearly the WHOLE NATION was in SHOCK with the grand jury's results of the Garner case, especially after viewing the video.
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How much more peaceful of a protest can you get than to simply turn your back on the person you feel has wronged you?
In any other job, turning their backs when the CEO of their corporation walked in the room or public assembly, that would be insubordination and their ass would be grass and they would have lost their jobs...

true story!
so are they going to fire that many cops at once?....
I don't want to fire any of those cops...I just want them to think twice about what they are doing, and stop acting like insubordinate 3 year olds and stop doing it. They have a Union to work out any grievances, they should be grateful.

They DID NOT elect their Boss, their Boss was CHOSEN by ALL the citizens of New York through an election... they don't get to choose single handily who their boss is going to be, Just like the rest of us don't get to choose who the Boss is going to be that runs the show at our jobs...

Have a little respect for the people who voted for him, AND the POSITION of Mayor....

DiBlowhard is the one who needs to think about what he is doing. Slandering 35,000 men and women because it suits your racists political agenda isn't good leadership. It's the indication of an incompetent asshole.

Most of us can choose who our boss is by quitting. However, police can't do that without moving somewhere else.
please post or link up what the so called slander was...

And for goodness sakes, are they NOT ADULTS? Are they so thin skinned? Or are they only big and tough when in uniform? For goodness sakes....they look like cry babies acting up.... And they are suppose to protect us? with such immature gestures?

Can you be a little more dramatic? Policemen and women are human beings who happen to live in America and enjoy first amendment rights! Are you so thin skinned that you cannot tolerate their protestations?
One can argue that the cops are being childish by turning their backs on de Blasio I suppose. However, I would rather have the cops being "childish" than the mayor being racially divisive for political expediency. As sins go, "childishness" seems to be one of the least destructive.
In the normal world, if you are upset with the head of the organization you work for and have grievances, you go to your immediate Boss, and have them handle it.... you don't turn you back on the CEO when he walks in a handle the situation PROFESSIONALLY with your own immediate superiors....

I'm sorry, their actions are just simply those of infants and not mature adults and that's kinda scary that these are the guys that are suppose to protect us....? Please!!!

So this begs the question. What's worse, employees turning their back on the CEO or the CEO turning his back on the employees. Can we at least agree that de Blasion is not a CEO that inspires confidence in his employees?
so are they going to fire that many cops at once?....
I don't want to fire any of those cops...I just want them to think twice about what they are doing, and stop acting like insubordinate 3 year olds and stop doing it. They have a Union to work out any grievances, they should be grateful.

They DID NOT elect their Boss, their Boss was CHOSEN by ALL the citizens of New York through an election... they don't get to choose single handily who their boss is going to be, Just like the rest of us don't get to choose who the Boss is going to be that runs the show at our jobs...

Have a little respect for the people who voted for him, AND the POSITION of Mayor....

DiBlowhard is the one who needs to think about what he is doing. Slandering 35,000 men and women because it suits your racists political agenda isn't good leadership. It's the indication of an incompetent asshole.

Most of us can choose who our boss is by quitting. However, police can't do that without moving somewhere else.
please post or link up what the so called slander was...

And for goodness sakes, are they NOT ADULTS? Are they so thin skinned? Or are they only big and tough when in uniform? For goodness sakes....they look like cry babies acting up.... And they are suppose to protect us? with such immature gestures?

Heather Mac Donald Bill slanders his cops - NY Daily News

“People are saying: ‘black lives matter,’” de Blasio announced on Wednesday after the grand jury concluded its work. “It should be self-evident, but our history requires us to say ‘black lives matter.’ It was not years of racism that brought us to this day, or decades of racism, but centuries of racism. That is how profound a crisis this is.”

De Blasio invoked his biracial son Dante yet again both before and after the Garner verdict to show his racial bona fides. The mayor worries “every night,” he said, about the “dangers [Dante] may face” from “officers who are paid to protect him.”
That was the alleged slander that they are acting like children over?

Nearly the WHOLE NATION was in SHOCK with the grand jury's results of the Garner case, especially after viewing the video.

He called the police a bunch of racists, you fucking dingbat.

Remember how incensed all you leftwing turds got about people calling Michael Brown a thug even though it was true?
In any other job, turning their backs when the CEO of their corporation walked in the room or public assembly, that would be insubordination and their ass would be grass and they would have lost their jobs...

true story!
so are they going to fire that many cops at once?....
I don't want to fire any of those cops...I just want them to think twice about what they are doing, and stop acting like insubordinate 3 year olds and stop doing it. They have a Union to work out any grievances, they should be grateful.

They DID NOT elect their Boss, their Boss was CHOSEN by ALL the citizens of New York through an election... they don't get to choose single handily who their boss is going to be, Just like the rest of us don't get to choose who the Boss is going to be that runs the show at our jobs...

Have a little respect for the people who voted for him, AND the POSITION of Mayor....

DiBlowhard is the one who needs to think about what he is doing. Slandering 35,000 men and women because it suits your racists political agenda isn't good leadership. It's the indication of an incompetent asshole.

Most of us can choose who our boss is by quitting. However, police can't do that without moving somewhere else.
please post or link up what the so called slander was...

And for goodness sakes, are they NOT ADULTS? Are they so thin skinned? Or are they only big and tough when in uniform? For goodness sakes....they look like cry babies acting up.... And they are suppose to protect us? with such immature gestures?

Can you be a little more dramatic? Policemen and women are human beings who happen to live in America and enjoy first amendment rights! Are you so thin skinned that you cannot tolerate their protestations?

They can't stand it when the policy justly criticise one of their leftwing icons.
One can argue that the cops are being childish by turning their backs on de Blasio I suppose. However, I would rather have the cops being "childish" than the mayor being racially divisive for political expediency. As sins go, "childishness" seems to be one of the least destructive.
Focusing on the cops "childishness" is a bit like critiquing the play Lincoln got shot at. It's a strange thing to focus on considering the enormity of the situation.

This is typical of the left. They attack the messengers, instead of the message. Leftists are all about freedom of expression, until someone expresses disagreement with them.

If there was some accusation of racism in hiring the police force, and the governor said something terrible, and this happened... The left would be talking about how wonderful it was the police were standing up for their rights, and sticking it to the racist governor... (regardless of if the allegation was true or not).

This is simply how these leftists are. They are actually the ones being childish.
In any other job, turning their backs when the CEO of their corporation walked in the room or public assembly, that would be insubordination and their ass would be grass and they would have lost their jobs...

true story!
so are they going to fire that many cops at once?....
I don't want to fire any of those cops...I just want them to think twice about what they are doing, and stop acting like insubordinate 3 year olds and stop doing it. They have a Union to work out any grievances, they should be grateful.

They DID NOT elect their Boss, their Boss was CHOSEN by ALL the citizens of New York through an election... they don't get to choose single handily who their boss is going to be, Just like the rest of us don't get to choose who the Boss is going to be that runs the show at our jobs...

Have a little respect for the people who voted for him, AND the POSITION of Mayor....

DiBlowhard is the one who needs to think about what he is doing. Slandering 35,000 men and women because it suits your racists political agenda isn't good leadership. It's the indication of an incompetent asshole.

Most of us can choose who our boss is by quitting. However, police can't do that without moving somewhere else.
please post or link up what the so called slander was...

And for goodness sakes, are they NOT ADULTS? Are they so thin skinned? Or are they only big and tough when in uniform? For goodness sakes....they look like cry babies acting up.... And they are suppose to protect us? with such immature gestures?

Can you be a little more dramatic? Policemen and women are human beings who happen to live in America and enjoy first amendment rights! Are you so thin skinned that you cannot tolerate their protestations?

Answer: No. Look at any leftwing country, and the first thing to go is freedom of speech.

This is the defacto standard of any leftwing belief system.

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