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The Occupy Wall Street Movement is WORKING!!!

hey...go for it.

In the meantime, thasnks to OWS, people are losing their jobs...and small businesses are struggling....

And I wonder how many of those people still gleefully and FRAUDULENTLY collect their unemployment benefits....

But I guess somehow that is a good thing to you.

Care to back that up with some facts bub?

21 people were laid off at a local restaurant near the park in Manhattan due to a downturn in buisness of over 30% as police baracades were required to protect the well being of the protesters cutting off all walking traffic in front of the restaurant....In NYC many smaller resatuarants survive STRICTLY on walk in traffic.....bub.
Don't mind my SP error in that rep I gave you LOL.

I was going to say it wasn't just the BoA customers....it was also their competition advertising that they wouldn't charge fees....you know capitalism and the competition that it breeds and all that stuff ;)

I never worried about bank fees. My SSI check is gone 2 days after I get it. I don't panhandle enough to start a savings account with.

Only rich people have bank fees.

Actually its the rich people who can keep enough money in their bank accounts to be exempt from fee's. Its those of us who can't keep thousands in the bank that usually get bank fees.

Anyway........just a little more about why BoA did what it did

In response to customer feedback and the changing competitive marketplace, Bank of America no longer intends to implement a debit usage fee.

"We have listened to our customers very closely over the last few weeks and recognize their concern with our proposed debit usage fee," said David Darnell, co-chief operating officer. "Our customers' voices are most important to us. As a result, we are not currently charging the fee and will not be moving forward with any additional plans to do so."
Bank of America Corporation | Newsroom | Bank of America Will Not Implement Debit Usage Fee
Actually its the rich people who can keep enough money in their bank accounts to be exempt from fee's. Its those of us who can't keep thousands in the bank that usually get bank fees.

They don't let me in the banks anymore.

Seems that they frown on pan handling in the lobby.

Anyway........just a little more about why BoA did what it did

In response to customer feedback and the changing competitive marketplace, Bank of America no longer intends to implement a debit usage fee.

"We have listened to our customers very closely over the last few weeks and recognize their concern with our proposed debit usage fee," said David Darnell, co-chief operating officer. "Our customers' voices are most important to us. As a result, we are not currently charging the fee and will not be moving forward with any additional plans to do so."

The only bank I've ever been a customer of was "piggy."
So let me see if I understand what would make you happy, Wry. You'd like the 1% to "suffer" like everyone else? And that's going to improve the lot of the lower classes in what way?

This whole "income inequality" thing is flawed right from the start simply because it seeks to pull down one class of people rather than build up the ones that have lost income. There is such income inequality now because we've lost millions of good paying jobs. Taxing the living beejesus out of the wealthy isn't going to make those jobs come back. It will however make the wealthy respond by moving their assets to countries that don't punish the wealthy.

Bottom line is this. We have an out of control Government that is spending way more than it is taking in and THAT is killing our economy. We have a corporate tax rate that is amongst the highest in the world and THAT is killing our economy. We have regulations and red tape that add billions in cost to doing business in this country and THAT is killing our economy. We have unsustainable entitlement programs that will inevitably bankrupt our country and THAT is killing the economy.

But rather than deal with these very REAL problems...we are now focused on "income inequality" because of these OWS idiots.

I do not advocate or want to the wealthy to suffer. I question why my money market account earns barely 1% and the current rate to loan my money to others is ten times that rate. I wonder why banks and bankers use my money to 'earn' income which they may use to pay country club dues, mooring/docking fees for their vessels and donate to elect officials to make laws which benefit them at my expense.

I believe until we address income inequality the thing most feared by conservatives will grow. OWS has far surpassed the tea party movement, people get it. And the radical elements on the left are already beginning to exploit the movement. What most who protest want is reform, not revolution. But, unless common sense prevails, we are in for interesting times. A little reading of the history of labor in America might do the hard line and callous conservatives some good.

If one is unhappy with his or her investment strategy, it would behoove said person to find alternate venues, versus calling on the federal government to protect one from poor choices made.

Wry, you seriously believe it has somehow surpassed the Tea Party? You clearly haven't a clue here either. They haven't for reasons you haven't grasped and as long as this is what they choose to do they will NEVER surpass the influence of the Tea Party either. Squatting and shitting in public doesn't amount to DOING something! It won't put a single candidate on the ballot, it won't result in any legislation or any initiative. These people don't even agree on why they showed up! They aren't interested in working toward their goals within the system -they want to tear the system DOWN! Once that becomes more widely understood -as it is rapidly becoming in light of the increasing violence -support will evaporate. This is why it has not and will not surpass the Tea Party -it isn't a POLITICAL movement and the Tea Party is. These people can't string two coherent sentences together, much less give a definitive explanation of what they hope to achieve. The majority of people there, when able to give a reasonably coherent response -don't talk about "income inequality" and WTF does "income inequality" really mean to YOU anyway? That's what YOU think it should be about but that isn't what they are telling reporters when they can get out a few connected words. Are you under the impression all people work equally hard? They all bring equal amounts of drive, ambition, creativity and innovation to their jobs? Or just that no matter what, they should all receive about the same amount of money anyway and totally divorce pay from what someone puts into their work? Do you realize the wealthy work an average 70 hour work week? Think that mentality has anything to do with their success -while people like you want to see a 32 hour work week. Whose problem is it to fix? Government's? What percentage of the people do you seriously believe "income inequality" is the real problem in this country and if that were just "fixed" somehow, this would be paradise on earth? Because the vast majority of Americans OPPOSE government redistribution of wealth away from those who created and earned it -to those who didn't! Just in case you didn't know that. That is NO American value WHATSOEVER! Land of the "free" until you are successful when others swoop in to lay claim to the fruits of your labor? When government lays claim to the fruits of your labor, insisting it belongs to it first -then there is no freedom. And leftwing extremists LIKE YOU, if you really HEAR what they are saying, actually despise freedom. If you want to lay claim to the fruits of someone's labor and insist it belongs to government first, then you are advocating that people willing enslave themselves to their own creation and exist as its slave and state owned PROPERTY. And then insist this actually benefits the human condition when history has done nothing but REPEATEDLY proven what a dangerous and even murderous lie this is! I find people like you to be among the most ignorant of all, especially of history and its real lessons -doomed to insist we just keep repeating the mistakes of the past over and over and over again no matter how many millions will suffer for YOUR ignorance! Government makes a bad and dangerous master but there is never a shortage of people like you who insist we become its slave anyway.

People who yammer about this are incredibly ignorant about history and what REALLY happens in class warfare. Who do you really think wins a class warfare? Hmm? Because it isn't poor people who inevitably end up even worse off than before. We don't have hardened, locked in economic classes -and in fact nearly nbone of those who are among the top 10% income earners in any given year are there even ten years later. Who is among the bottom is equally fluid and movement there is even faster -the vast majority of those who are "poor" in this country have moved into the middle class in less than 8 years. Any clue what the average age of the average "poor" person is in this country -and why they are poor at that moment? More than a quarter of the poor are actually college students and their poverty is not only an expected condition -but accepted by them as a temporary one. We have THE most fluid economic classes in the world! It is harder to KEEP wealth than it is to earn it in this country. Any clue why it IS so fluid? Want to change it to imitate that of another nation where if you are poor you are likely going to remain poor all your life or what? You talk like you seriously believe both wealth and poverty are permanent conditions when they provably are NOT -especially not in THIS country. You sound like you think it is 1917 Russia or something -on top of sounding incredibly ARROGANT and NAIVE. You act as if we have a landed gentry in this country where the poor is a constant, unmoving class which is provably a LIE.

BTW -learn the facts. Your money market account is earning only 1% because the Federal Reserve -which should be banned -has kept interest rates at historic lows. And when it is loaned out it is only 3.75 - 4 times that amount, not 10. The interest rate on loans is directly tied to that prime interest rate as well and determined by the Federal Reserve -NOT the lending institutions! In case you really didn't know that.

The Tea Party knows what they intend to achieve -and they know how to do it and they ARE influencing the outcome right now. these people aren't because they have zero impact on any political party who are even now backing away from them as fast as they can. The squatters aren't DOING anything except being there -and increasingly become violent just as so many predicted they would. Massive loss of support once they do that -and it has happened and increasing. These are spoiled temper tantrum throwing immature people and poor quality citizen no different from the violent, temper tantrum throwing poor quality citizens of Greece who did the same thing. Sorry, but real change won't from out outside the system -and these people are outside the system with no desire to work within it. They want to bring the system down. Ain't gonna happen.
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hey...go for it.

In the meantime, thasnks to OWS, people are losing their jobs...and small businesses are struggling....

And I wonder how many of those people still gleefully and FRAUDULENTLY collect their unemployment benefits....

But I guess somehow that is a good thing to you.

Care to back that up with some facts bub?

21 people were laid off at a local restaurant near the park in Manhattan due to a downturn in buisness of over 30% as police baracades were required to protect the well being of the protesters cutting off all walking traffic in front of the restaurant....In NYC many smaller resatuarants survive STRICTLY on walk in traffic.....bub.

Yes, and MILLIONS of Americans were laid off because of what Wall Street did.

You really can't understand the impact of Wall Street's Ponzi scheme until you have stood in the bedroom of a construction worker and seen the bullet hole in the ceiling where he shot himself because he lost his job of 17 years.
hey...go for it.

In the meantime, thasnks to OWS, people are losing their jobs...and small businesses are struggling....

And I wonder how many of those people still gleefully and FRAUDULENTLY collect their unemployment benefits....

But I guess somehow that is a good thing to you.

Care to back that up with some facts bub?

OWS forces cafe owner to lay off 21 staffers - NYPOST.com

9 out of 10 restaurants in NY fail in the first year (this cafe opened in June).

This guy just got a convient excuse.
Care to back that up with some facts bub?

21 people were laid off at a local restaurant near the park in Manhattan due to a downturn in buisness of over 30% as police baracades were required to protect the well being of the protesters cutting off all walking traffic in front of the restaurant....In NYC many smaller resatuarants survive STRICTLY on walk in traffic.....bub.

Yes, and MILLIONS of Americans were laid off because of what Wall Street did.

You really can't understand the impact of Wall Street's Ponzi scheme until you have stood in the bedroom of a construction worker and seen the bullet hole in the ceiling where he shot himself because he lost his job of 17 years.

And that somehow makes you understand it ?

You show yourself to be a bigger fraud each day.
Since the OWS movement has started, the conversation has shifted from the debt and deficit to JOBS and income inequality. Even the unctuous little twerp, Eric Cantor and the Budget Munster, Paul Ryan have been discussing income inequality. That can only be seen as a victory for the OWS movement.

Another victory for OWS comes from Bank of America who have decided NOT to charge people a ridiculous fee for using their debit cards.

Keep the pressure on!!!

Yeah, I am sure it wasn't all of the customers who threatened to go to another bank that caused them to change there minds, it had to be the bums on the street who probably dont even have a bank account to begin with that did it.
I do not advocate or want to the wealthy to suffer. I question why my money market account earns barely 1% and the current rate to loan my money to others is ten times that rate. I wonder why banks and bankers use my money to 'earn' income which they may use to pay country club dues, mooring/docking fees for their vessels and donate to elect officials to make laws which benefit them at my expense.

I believe until we address income inequality the thing most feared by conservatives will grow. OWS has far surpassed the tea party movement, people get it. And the radical elements on the left are already beginning to exploit the movement. What most who protest want is reform, not revolution. But, unless common sense prevails, we are in for interesting times. A little reading of the history of labor in America might do the hard line and callous conservatives some good.

If one is unhappy with his or her investment strategy, it would behoove said person to find alternate venues, versus calling on the federal government to protect one from poor choices made.

Wry, you seriously believe it has somehow surpassed the Tea Party? You clearly haven't a clue here either. They haven't for reasons you haven't grasped and as long as this is what they choose to do they will NEVER surpass the influence of the Tea Party either. Squatting and shitting in public doesn't amount to DOING something! It won't put a single candidate on the ballot, it won't result in any legislation or any initiative. These people don't even agree on why they showed up! They aren't interested in working toward their goals within the system -they want to tear the system DOWN! Once that becomes more widely understood -as it is rapidly becoming in light of the increasing violence -support will evaporate. This is why it has not and will not surpass the Tea Party -it isn't a POLITICAL movement and the Tea Party is. These people can't string two coherent sentences together, much less give a definitive explanation of what they hope to achieve. The majority of people there, when able to give a reasonably coherent response -don't talk about "income inequality" and WTF does "income inequality" really mean to YOU anyway? That's what YOU think it should be about but that isn't what they are telling reporters when they can get out a few connected words. Are you under the impression all people work equally hard? They all bring equal amounts of drive, ambition, creativity and innovation to their jobs? Or just that no matter what, they should all receive about the same amount of money anyway and totally divorce pay from what someone puts into their work? Do you realize the wealthy work an average 70 hour work week? Think that mentality has anything to do with their success -while people like you want to see a 32 hour work week. Whose problem is it to fix? Government's? What percentage of the people do you seriously believe "income inequality" is the real problem in this country and if that were just "fixed" somehow, this would be paradise on earth? Because the vast majority of Americans OPPOSE government redistribution of wealth away from those who created and earned it -to those who didn't! Just in case you didn't know that. That is NO American value WHATSOEVER! Land of the "free" until you are successful when others swoop in to lay claim to the fruits of your labor? When government lays claim to the fruits of your labor, insisting it belongs to it first -then there is no freedom. And leftwing extremists LIKE YOU, if you really HEAR what they are saying, actually despise freedom. If you want to lay claim to the fruits of someone's labor and insist it belongs to government first, then you are advocating that people willing enslave themselves to their own creation and exist as its slave and state owned PROPERTY. And then insist this actually benefits the human condition when history has done nothing but REPEATEDLY proven what a dangerous and even murderous lie this is! I find people like you to be among the most ignorant of all, especially of history and its real lessons -doomed to insist we just keep repeating the mistakes of the past over and over and over again no matter how many millions will suffer for YOUR ignorance! Government makes a bad and dangerous master but there is never a shortage of people like you who insist we become its slave anyway.

People who yammer about this are incredibly ignorant about history and what REALLY happens in class warfare. Who do you really think wins a class warfare? Hmm? Because it isn't poor people who inevitably end up even worse off than before. We don't have hardened, locked in economic classes -and in fact nearly nbone of those who are among the top 10% income earners in any given year are there even ten years later. Who is among the bottom is equally fluid and movement there is even faster -the vast majority of those who are "poor" in this country have moved into the middle class in less than 8 years. Any clue what the average age of the average "poor" person is in this country -and why they are poor at that moment? More than a quarter of the poor are actually college students and their poverty is not only an expected condition -but accepted by them as a temporary one. We have THE most fluid economic classes in the world! It is harder to KEEP wealth than it is to earn it in this country. Any clue why it IS so fluid? Want to change it to imitate that of another nation where if you are poor you are likely going to remain poor all your life or what? You talk like you seriously believe both wealth and poverty are permanent conditions when they provably are NOT -especially not in THIS country. You sound like you think it is 1917 Russia or something -on top of sounding incredibly ARROGANT and NAIVE. You act as if we have a landed gentry in this country where the poor is a constant, unmoving class which is provably a LIE.

BTW -learn the facts. Your money market account is earning only 1% because the Federal Reserve -which should be banned -has kept interest rates at historic lows. And when it is loaned out it is only 3.75 - 4 times that amount, not 10. The interest rate on loans is directly tied to that prime interest rate as well and determined by the Federal Reserve -NOT the lending institutions! In case you really didn't know that.

The Tea Party knows what they intend to achieve -and they know how to do it and they ARE influencing the outcome right now. these people aren't because they have zero impact on any political party who are even now backing away from them as fast as they can. The squatters aren't DOING anything except being there -and increasingly become violent just as so many predicted they would. Massive loss of support once they do that -and it has happened and increasing. These are spoiled temper tantrum throwing immature people and poor quality citizen no different from the violent, temper tantrum throwing poor quality citizens of Greece who did the same thing. Sorry, but real change won't from out outside the system -and these people are outside the system with no desire to work within it. They want to bring the system down. Ain't gonna happen.

I am afraid you are wasting your typing on most of the lefties on this board.

They seem incapable of reading or typing more than three sentences at one sitting.
21 people were laid off at a local restaurant near the park in Manhattan due to a downturn in buisness of over 30% as police baracades were required to protect the well being of the protesters cutting off all walking traffic in front of the restaurant....In NYC many smaller resatuarants survive STRICTLY on walk in traffic.....bub.

Yes, and MILLIONS of Americans were laid off because of what Wall Street did.

You really can't understand the impact of Wall Street's Ponzi scheme until you have stood in the bedroom of a construction worker and seen the bullet hole in the ceiling where he shot himself because he lost his job of 17 years.

And that somehow makes you understand it ?

You show yourself to be a bigger fraud each day.

Yes, it makes me understand it.
It's fun to see how freaked out the Republicans are that the light has been shined on their evil buddies on Wall Street.
Yes, and MILLIONS of Americans were laid off because of what Wall Street did.

You really can't understand the impact of Wall Street's Ponzi scheme until you have stood in the bedroom of a construction worker and seen the bullet hole in the ceiling where he shot himself because he lost his job of 17 years.

And that somehow makes you understand it ?

You show yourself to be a bigger fraud each day.

Yes, it makes me understand it.

You are a real sage.

As near as I can tell, you don't understand much about anything.
Since the OWS movement has started, the conversation has shifted from the debt and deficit to JOBS and income inequality. Even the unctuous little twerp, Eric Cantor and the Budget Munster, Paul Ryan have been discussing income inequality. That can only be seen as a victory for the OWS movement.

Another victory for OWS comes from Bank of America who have decided NOT to charge people a ridiculous fee for using their debit cards.

Keep the pressure on!!!


Yeah OWS has got people talking however they weren't responsible for BOA's change. I am glad people are still paying attention to the horrible bailouts/stimulus plans as a result of the OWS' protests.

People where talking about it long before OWS decided to get even lazier, for years, but the MSM would not cover it, they instead covered these ass clowns instead and pretended like it was a left wing movement that exposed it. The tea party has been complaining of this for the last 2 years, and not a peep out of the MSM.

BOA's change was due to bank of america's customers, like me, cancelling their accounts, other BOA customers threatening to do it, and BOA's competition deciding NOT to charge the accounts.
Capitalism is what got BOA to change its plans because they had to deal with their competition.
Since the OWS movement has started, the conversation has shifted from the debt and deficit to JOBS and income inequality. Even the unctuous little twerp, Eric Cantor and the Budget Munster, Paul Ryan have been discussing income inequality. That can only be seen as a victory for the OWS movement.

Another victory for OWS comes from Bank of America who have decided NOT to charge people a ridiculous fee for using their debit cards.

Keep the pressure on!!!


BoA changed their minds due to OWES? Link?

Do you honestly believe it wasn't a factor? Really?

Bank of America fee retraction shows effect of consumer rage

Yeah, CONSUMER rage, not OWS entitlement recipient rage.

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