The ONE year anniversary for Mueller.....and the startling results

Ever think soggy why Russia wanted a Trump Presidency??

I know exactly why the Russians wanted a Trump Presidency...…

…. because the Russkies get as much comic relief from watching post election, left winger freak out videos on YouTube as I do.
Then they achieved success They must be laughing their asses off how they really F-ed us up Thanks

Who's "us" ?

The Russians haven't done shit to me.
America was who I was referring to but we know most trump lackies aren't part of "us"
If Trump supporters assert that Trump was being investigated for TWO years or more, we then must acknowledge that the 2 year term places the investigation PRIOR to the 2016 election........and THEN, we must ask the WHY voters were not fully informed as to an investigation of a presidential candidate PRIOR to the casting of one's vote for him..........Trump supporters CANNOT have it both ways.
Why did Comey and McCabe cover for the Beast? Obviously they thought she would win and were given to pre-emptive brown nosing. No elements of the deep state are trying furiously to cover their asses. So much for any veracity of these investigations.
I know that Trump supporters will quickly argue that the investigation on Trump's fraudulent activities has gone on for more than one year.........HOWEVER, the reality is that Mueller was appointed EXACTLY one year ago.

That reality stated, NO other investigation of just one year has ever yielded so much and damaging results.....none other......As a reminder, investigations with special counsels, Watergate lasted 2 full years, and the Iran-Contra OVER 6 years and, of course, the Whitewater investigation over NINE years.

Of the above investigations, we should also be reminded of the indictments in the Whitewater versus Iran-Contra, and the Watergate one versus Mueller's 365 days one.

Finally........and this is IMPORTANT......

If Trump supporters assert that Trump was being investigated for TWO years or more, we then must acknowledge that the 2 year term places the investigation PRIOR to the 2016 election........and THEN, we must ask the WHY voters were not fully informed as to an investigation of a presidential candidate PRIOR to the casting of one's vote for him..........Trump supporters CANNOT have it both ways.

one side can't have it both ways but you seem to have zero issue with hillary having more direct connections / interactions with the very evil people you now claim trump colluded with.

so, as usual, same old stupid "i hate someone so i'll make up whatever i need to in order to be "right"" bullshit.

Same ol same ol. No actual intel. Its all politically motivated. Everyone has moved on in light of that except the lib radical loonbat fringe. They believe the lies. Its all they have. You have to feel somewhat sorrowful for how gullible and unstable they are.
A year investigation and all we find out is, Trump might have banged a pornstar 12 years ago. Lol, the irony.

LOL, When it comes to the federal government that's what they call PROGRESS. After all, look how long and how much money we wasted just to find out Bill Clinton banged a chubby Intern.
Ever think soggy why Russia wanted a Trump Presidency??

I know exactly why the Russians wanted a Trump Presidency...…

…. because the Russkies get as much comic relief from watching post election, left winger freak out videos on YouTube as I do.
Then they achieved success They must be laughing their asses off how they really F-ed us up Thanks

Who's "us" ?

The Russians haven't done shit to me.
America was who I was referring to but we know most trump lackies aren't part of "us"
Yes we know, figured out which bathroom you will use today?
Ever think soggy why Russia wanted a Trump Presidency?? Do all you trumpsters think they wanted to MAGA ?

I guess the Russians were still pissed off about the misspelled reset button, eh comrade?
Yes I guess so pissed off they gave us Trump You deserve him

As long as drunken, corrupt old Hillary goes away...….worth it.
Come on todd surely you're smart enough not to believe that BS?,,,and CORRUPT? Trump raised corruption to a higher level than ever

How so?
The man is using his presidency like his private bank If you can't see with your own eyes how corrupt he his family and, most in his cabinet are I won't try to help you Maybe if you listen to what Tillerson had to say yesterday you might get a clue
Ever think soggy why Russia wanted a Trump Presidency??

I know exactly why the Russians wanted a Trump Presidency...…

…. because the Russkies get as much comic relief from watching post election, left winger freak out videos on YouTube as I do.
Then they achieved success They must be laughing their asses off how they really F-ed us up Thanks

Who's "us" ?

The Russians haven't done shit to me.
America was who I was referring to but we know most trump lackies aren't part of "us"
Yes we know, figured out which bathroom you will use today?
Yes The one with Trump toilet paper that you asked
Ever think soggy why Russia wanted a Trump Presidency??

I know exactly why the Russians wanted a Trump Presidency...…

…. because the Russkies get as much comic relief from watching post election, left winger freak out videos on YouTube as I do.
Then they achieved success They must be laughing their asses off how they really F-ed us up Thanks

Who's "us" ?

The Russians haven't done shit to me.
America was who I was referring to but we know most trump lackies aren't part of "us"

Well that's one of the few things I can agree with the "trump lackies" on ….

I have absolutely no interest in becoming part of any "us" that includes you and your amoral gub'mint worshipping pals.:cool:
I know exactly why the Russians wanted a Trump Presidency...…

…. because the Russkies get as much comic relief from watching post election, left winger freak out videos on YouTube as I do.
Then they achieved success They must be laughing their asses off how they really F-ed us up Thanks

Who's "us" ?

The Russians haven't done shit to me.
America was who I was referring to but we know most trump lackies aren't part of "us"
Yes we know, figured out which bathroom you will use today?
Yes The one with Trump toilet paper that you asked
that could be either restroom to be honest. can you be more specific?
I guess the Russians were still pissed off about the misspelled reset button, eh comrade?
Yes I guess so pissed off they gave us Trump You deserve him

As long as drunken, corrupt old Hillary goes away...….worth it.
Come on todd surely you're smart enough not to believe that BS?,,,and CORRUPT? Trump raised corruption to a higher level than ever

How so?
The man is using his presidency like his private bank If you can't see with your own eyes how corrupt he his family and, most in his cabinet are I won't try to help you Maybe if you listen to what Tillerson had to say yesterday you might get a clue

Please explain.
one side can't have it both ways but you seem to have zero issue with hillary having more direct connections / interactions with the very evil people you now claim trump colluded with.

Since your fucked up side of the aisle has FULL control of everything......when should we expect for the "lock her up" mantra to finally happen???...............LOL
Since your fucked up side of the aisle has FULL control of everything......when should we expect for the "lock her up" mantra to finally happen???...............LOL

LOCK HER UP never has stopped...we will shout that "mantra" every chance we get until real justice is served or until she kicks the bucket....
one side can't have it both ways but you seem to have zero issue with hillary having more direct connections / interactions with the very evil people you now claim trump colluded with.

Since your fucked up side of the aisle has FULL control of everything......when should we expect for the "lock her up" mantra to finally happen???...............LOL

Prolly around the same time your fucked up side of the aisle's "lock him up" mantra happens...…. :dunno:
Most of the US....except the radical loonbat lib fringe.

Remind us of the orange buffoon's"approval" ratings..........LOL

I love this! The media constant Russia, Russia, Russia--meanwhile Trump's approval ratings are improving, the economy keeps on growing, average-middle class Americans' lives are improving, and through your type of hatred and the media's journalistic malpractice-- YOU ARE ALL BUT ENSURING A TRUMP WIN IN 2020. No one believes a god damned thing the media says about Trump anymore.
Crossfire Hurricane is gonna be interesting.

Some shit is fixin' to hit the fan with the NYT's describing the
mole plant inside the Trump campaign.

They always try to get on the "good side" of the public when
liberal bias is gonna get exposed.

Must be the IG's draft of the investigation of how the FBI botched
the Clinton Investigation.

We'll know tonight or tomorrow

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