The ONE year anniversary for Mueller.....and the startling results

Trump never met with a Russian oligarch

Russian oligarchs wear many

Trump told Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak of his decision to fire Comey.

"I just fired the head of the FBI. He was crazy, a real nut job ……I faced great pressure because of Russia. That's taken off."
Why did Comey and McCabe cover for the Beast? Obviously they thought she would win and were given to pre-emptive brown nosing. No elements of the deep state are trying furiously to cover their asses. So much for any veracity of these investigations.

Meathead says "Deep State" ...

And DrLove


:lol: :laugh2: :lmao:
Nope they haven't …..but feel free to proceed with your bitching and moaning regarding how Ivan has fucked over you "real" Americans.... I could use a good laugh.

Russia meddled with goal of helping Trump, Senate Intel Committee ...

Senate committee agrees with intelligence community assessment of ...

Senate panel says Russia's meddling favoured Trump - Financial Times

You are living in a fantasy world. Do you keep up with current events, or are you still grasping to old reports that have been thoroughly debunked.

Clapper and Brennan stated that the report was actually the work of handpicked analysts from only three agencies — the Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency and Federal Bureau of Investigation — under the oversight of the DNI’s office. In other words, there was no consensus among the 17 agencies, a process that would have involved some form of a National Intelligence Estimate (or NIE), a community-wide effort that would have included footnotes citing any dissenting views.

Instead, as Clapper testified before a Senate Judiciary subcommittee on May 8, the Russia-hacking claim came from a “special intelligence community assessment” (or ICA) produced by selected analysts from the CIA, NSA and FBI, “a coordinated product from three agencies — CIA, NSA, and the FBI — not all 17 components of the intelligence community,” the former DNI said.
Most of the US....except the radical loonbat lib fringe.

Remind us of the orange buffoon's"approval" ratings..........LOL

He's up 2 points in the last 6 months

RCP Average 4/25 - 5/16 -- 43.4 52.3 -8.9

But that's with Rasmussen who has him ten points higher than everyone else.

Take them out of the equation = same ol' same ol' :)
What Trump ass kissers refuse to acknowledge is the simple fact that Mueller has had more indictments in ONE year, than the "results" of a 3 year investigation on Benghazi and the 9 year investigation on Whitewater.......Simple as
If Trump supporters assert that Trump was being investigated for TWO years or more, we then must acknowledge that the 2 year term places the investigation PRIOR to the 2016 election........and THEN, we must ask the WHY voters were not fully informed as to an investigation of a presidential candidate PRIOR to the casting of one's vote for him..........Trump supporters CANNOT have it both ways.

The above is WHY Trump should be erecting a "thank you" statute for Comey....and not deriding him for refusing to be "loyal"to the orange buffoon.......LOL
I know that Trump supporters will quickly argue that the investigation on Trump's fraudulent activities has gone on for more than one year.........HOWEVER, the reality is that Mueller was appointed EXACTLY one year ago.

That reality stated, NO other investigation of just one year has ever yielded so much and damaging results.....none other......As a reminder, investigations with special counsels, Watergate lasted 2 full years, and the Iran-Contra OVER 6 years and, of course, the Whitewater investigation over NINE years.

Of the above investigations, we should also be reminded of the indictments in the Whitewater versus Iran-Contra, and the Watergate one versus Mueller's 365 days one.

Finally........and this is IMPORTANT......

If Trump supporters assert that Trump was being investigated for TWO years or more, we then must acknowledge that the 2 year term places the investigation PRIOR to the 2016 election........and THEN, we must ask the WHY voters were not fully informed as to an investigation of a presidential candidate PRIOR to the casting of one's vote for him..........Trump supporters CANNOT have it both ways.

What fraudulent activity would you be talking about.
And you didn’t even say anything about the trouble You’re hero Mueller is having with the judges now, you didn’t forget did you? How bout when the Russians showed up to defend themselves and all the sudden Mueller wants to postpone it, wonder why.
I know MSM probably didn’t tell you these things ,but you probably need to know about them. Glad to help my fellow Americans

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I know that Trump supporters will quickly argue that the investigation on Trump's fraudulent activities has gone on for more than one year.........HOWEVER, the reality is that Mueller was appointed EXACTLY one year ago.

That reality stated, NO other investigation of just one year has ever yielded so much and damaging results.....none other......As a reminder, investigations with special counsels, Watergate lasted 2 full years, and the Iran-Contra OVER 6 years and, of course, the Whitewater investigation over NINE years.

Of the above investigations, we should also be reminded of the indictments in the Whitewater versus Iran-Contra, and the Watergate one versus Mueller's 365 days one.

Finally........and this is IMPORTANT......

If Trump supporters assert that Trump was being investigated for TWO years or more, we then must acknowledge that the 2 year term places the investigation PRIOR to the 2016 election........and THEN, we must ask the WHY voters were not fully informed as to an investigation of a presidential candidate PRIOR to the casting of one's vote for him..........Trump supporters CANNOT have it both ways.

Ah...because the "investigation" was part of a coordinated effort between the Obama White House and the Hillary Clinton campaign to both spy on the other party's candidate and smear him with a phony dossier before election day? OF COURSE THE VOTERS WERE NOT FULLY INFORMED AS TO WHAT WAS TAKING PLACE BECAUSE IF THEY HAD BEEN...THEN A WHOLE BUNCH OF DEMOCRATS WOULD HAVE BEEN EXPOSED FOR THE SLEAZES THAT THEY ARE! DUUUUUUUUHHHHH?
What Trump ass kissers refuse to acknowledge is the simple fact that Mueller has had more indictments in ONE year, than the "results" of a 3 year investigation on Benghazi and the 9 year investigation on Whitewater.......Simple as

Well, seeing that the stated purpose of the investigation is collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, which indictment applies to this?

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