The Only thread of immediate US Religion discussion importance

Mike Dwight

VIP Member
Jul 23, 2017
Does the United States force Religious conformity? Is there freedom of religion? What is the stance of these United States in our ecumenical ties to the Presbyterian Community?
How does this relate to "the rebellion"? How is "In God We Trust" and Under God, "decorative" American daily life pledges? Is the 1960 era Truly about African American well-being?

The traditional role of Chalcedonic Christianity is to Define patriotism, not the current situation. In the current situation, US Patriotism defines Religion. Think of the Catholic, Orthodox, and Reformed Protestant communities and how central in history these are as nation-state determining factors. Briefly, the unity of Rome, Charlemagne Roman Emperor, the Holy Roman Empire under the Pope's Germany. We tend to make the distinction of Empire in Western history distinctly from being out of the Pope's or any other religion's counsel, thus America is heading toward Empire, I'm assuming. The Byzantine Empire ruled over the early church counsels, the Holy Roman Empire often argued rights and controls over the Vatican, also, see the French Empire, the Russian Empire's break with the Ecumenical Patriarch in Constantinople, and countless examples. Perhaps in the Spanish Empire we could say the Pope was still in close cooperation.

How is the United States violating Freedom of Religion? By altering the world perception of religion. In 1958, President Eisenhower led a total revolution of the Presbyterian Reformed Church, the USA Presbyterian Church joined the United Presbyterian Church, Regardless if sections broke off later or not. "Goodbye Maria, I'm off to Korea" was President Eisenhower's statement it seems like, on the end of Presbyterianism as it was known and should be known. Today the Presbyterian Church of Mexico is not in communion with the PC(USA). How ridiculous is this situation? If we took the 1 Billion Catholics in this world then perhaps 500 Million are following an AntiPope and the Others have their own Pope, something like that? The PC(USA) does not seek to highlight any continuity between itself and the Presbyterian Church in all other countries.

In the 1560's most people will recall the Reform of religion in England, Scotland, Ireland, Netherlands, Switzerland, Hungary, France, and other Reformation movements. The Spanish Armada invasion of England is of note. Queen Elizabeth I of England should be known as a crusading government in this religion. That was the nature of their stance on the issues. English forces assisted the Reformed religion in Scotland. The defeat of the Spanish Armada allowed a Reformed revolution in Netherlands.

How do we truly Know that this was a total government overhaul of this religion? I have a few points. The main history of Presbyterianism is pro-Confederate in all points in time. Andrew Jackson as General and President entirely saw himself as guardian of these several States. The entire official religious leadership of the Confederacy was Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson as a Presbyterian Elder. When we needed a turn of the 20th Century Confederate reminder of Confederacy, that was Church founder and Princeton President, and US President, Woodrow Wilson. I call complete fabrication on anyone's view of a separate United States, when these two sides were named political factions throughout Early America, and if the Confederates won control of the United States, we'd hear the "Bonnie Blue Flag" or "Stonewall Jackson's Way" as direct Presbyterian confessions before the anthems we hear today.

Why am I saying all this? Well, we're probably getting all these proactive censures because the Confederate situation aligns perfectly with our relation with Korea or South Korea. If the form of Confederate government were maintained, we are more aligned with the Korean state. The South Koreans do not promote cross-state immigration. The South Koreans demand native governance. The South Koreans do not see any divisions simply because there is no shared Federal government. The South Koreans want to understand the situation as the defense of mutual equal states. The largest Presbyterian Church is in South Korea. There are maybe 9 million Korean Presbyterians. This is a minor denomination of maybe a million in a handful of countries, except being the official religion in Scotland. We can be sure that the 1885 Americans who took this religion to Korea wished to drive the Confederate Point further. The Japanese occupation of Korea should be imminently regarded shortly in our minds, as a loss of native government, the anarchy of careless industrialization, neglect of state character and sovereignty and heritage. The duty of Koreans should be regarded a spiritual one. You see the keener the doctrine of the original Presbyterian Church, the more that situation is out of the hands of a secular United States government and in the hands of the American people instead. Ahn Changho studied with Horace Underwood, the National Anthem Aegukga writer, purportedly, related to the assassin of the Japanese governor general, and founder of the Provisional Government of Korea which is important to this day. The Provisional Government of Korea is taught in Korea today as the legitimate continuing government during the period, including Ahn Changho.

I don't see any problem of mine if we would greet the State of Korea in the consideration we give members in this "Bonnie Blue Flag" patriotism. The word Bonnie is a Scottish understanding of Pretty, suggesting the Scottish National flag, also suggesting the Covenanters during the English Civil War. The Covenanters were when the Church took over Scottish government, left the Union of the United Kingdom, met up also with the English Parliament, and deposed of the tyrant King. The Reformed Religion was their goal to affirm in the Kingdoms of Scotland, England, and Ireland. This produced the famed Reformed confession, the Westminster Confession, denoting how it was made in the Royal district of London, and ecumenical between countries.

The industrial-era Christian States of Europe had none of these difficulties. There was a mutual bond among Christian Europe. We can understand the Confederate causes dislike of Napoleon as one of many upsets to this system. They were entreating the Russian Empire which would fall to Communism. Germany's Lutheran-Catholic settlements and Prussian Empire would give way to Nazis, Italy to Fascists. The current state of Europe is a total rejection of the traditional description of the races, as the Pope might congratulate all the Races within Christendom. Currently, we completely reject that concept, we reject racial marriage laws which are traditional. We're discouraged from an equal patriotic duty to the Korean woman, so abused, with the Comfort woman scandal or various problems, when not American Patriotism, but only the Bonnie Blue Flag or Confederate patriotism, equalizes the burden. The government divides the religion obviously to the neglect of the Faith in the system originally required. Koreans will have to be some sort of nativespeaking genius before these tendencies take place in the PC(USA) "new deal". There are no "new deal"s that neglect all the sacrifices that take place in Presbyterianism.

I'll wrap up responding to my original questions. Does the United States force Religious conformity? All Eisenhower's posturing at Abraham Lincoln's church pew, and living in Gettysburgh, being the wise old Uncle after the Liberty Crusade to free Europe, deciding in Office to become Presbyterianism, paints the very clear picture of Why he then makes the "Under God, One Nation Indivisible" pledge. Also, the new focus of the "In God is Our Trust" from Star Spangled Banner. Is there freedom of religion? The point is not if I am free to do harm to others or other odd requirements. Why is it that the Church Itself was Moved to a particular antithetical position? Most people note today how Eisenhower's church is particularly Opposed to what actually IS the Korean Church, the Scottish Church, or other Churches established historicalls. What is the stance of these United States in our ecumenical ties to the Presbyterian Community? I understand how we celebrated JFK's freedom of conscience, he wasn't a pawn to the Pope. Ecumenical is a word being used to say our ability for these churches to communicate. I think we turned against the principles of 1885 Presbyterianism because that didn't fit 1958 Patriotism. 1885 Presbyterianism recognized obedience to a King of Korea across the entirety of Korea. 1958 didn't highlight Ahn Changho, it highlighted US strongman Syngman Rhee, his german Wife ms. Donner, and misled attempts at American liberty.
How does this relate to "the rebellion"? The Confederate States had almost a mirror image offshoot toward establishment of the previous Presbyterian Church. The constitution called upon newly the Almighty God, for the Sovereign Character of the States, elsewhere named the God of our Fathers, also designated Presbyterianism. How is "In God We Trust" and Under God, "decorative" American daily life pledges? The Courts decided this question to say that no doctrines or specificity meant that "God" in a pledge was not your subscription to a religion. the PC(USA) is heading this direction unfortunately. Is the 1960 era Truly about African American well-being?Maybe so, but I'd really like to understand it. How is it that 95% of a people that lived in the Southern States that had visible Confederate patriotism until the 1950's, uniformly see an improvement with a totally Union outlook? Eisenhower also began the integration of schools, whether or not this is improvement, is decidedly nearby and linked to How Eisenhower looked to Develop at the Federal level both the ruined Korean state, and the Cold War with Russia, and the space race.
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Well basically, its illegal to live in society without French liacite. In laicite, itd be illegal to have public displays of religion your first year at a college , then you wouldn't participate in said groups until the end of college and develop a further development goal. you're in trouble with joining whomever promotes hard work publicly, look out.

Immigrants from Europe are colorful, immigrants from Asia need to fade into lucy liu, no backgrounds, plus, perfect default new York American. Ya I am stuck with whomever was the only people promoting the class as a group effort, besides loner's failing, or the little selfish cliques, if you're lucky to have public studiers, and the rest of my life, I got a labelled Asian interest. We're lucky they aren't all the Unification Moonies and we screw that up anyway.
Lucky enough to get Accounting Managerial, Accounting Finance partner study, She left it to others on the Intermediate Financial, don't have any clue about anything better I was supposed to do there, some funny people she left studying there, did cost accounting partner, the 400 management, finished up some auditing electives on my own at the end. The whole accounting core bachelor's degree. Culture is everybody's problem. I'd like to find how people single me out.

Everybody set me up for social interactions I wanted discredited. Who is depending on individual interactions in their lives to decide stuff? Everybody likes the shortcuts when they see Asians that the American does all the projecting onto them? What about the male and female naturalized citizen Asians with plenty of opinions that went to the trouble of deciding where they're going? There's plenty of Active Asians. A Conversation with or Around Americans about some sort of Social interaction with yourself and an Asian party revolves around implied inferiority, race-baiting, and selfishness. I got karate chopped to make a profile on Facebook, not Naver, so that Americans at any point in time they Feel like, will extract the perspective that person wants the Americans to get, for example. I haven't had a single solitary other use for the program or all socialization anyone is aware of but to feed their deluded false agendas. Anyway, the College then rejected the Graduate Application further study in Accounting, not suggesting a Single Possible improvement on my 800 GMAT score, or my high B GPA at their own 4-year degree, but on the suggestion that I have any admitting to do to myself or anyone, about total cultural mismatch to any breakdown anyone else chooses to any unknowable consequencs others choose. I don't have a participation in a nonexistence formula. This all literally ties into the start of the Post. I contacted their office of Counsel they're discriminating our states public educational access on religion, and they should be. I hadn't a single issue to resolve otherwise on any religion, that they said I was "pushing" somehow to anybody, when all of them were focused on picking apart my Yes Man efforts on the subject.

By the way, Get out Yanks at all the US military base protests, Americans run over girls with jeeps, but you know, get on these every-man social media outlets, we'll get out the truth about stove-hat Universal English Woodrow Wilson and the Doctorate for Confederate truth campaign. I say, I say. whatever. People would automatically associate everything here wrong because of course Martin Luther King Jr owns the Asians, all minorities, and also, the entire future of the country, like Eisenhower pet planned him to, even though, the Rodney King riots might as well be Korean 9/11, Sam-Il thousands dead protesting Japanese, and the Korean American, every one of them individually owed $400 by black Rodney King rioters burning Korean stores on "Sa-I-Gu". You'll learn to count through tragedy, I got one,two,three,four, nine.
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The 1560 Bonnie Blue Flag brothers of the true Scripture Apocalypse!
First National Anthem of United States. Union Anthem: Hail Columbia
Hail Columbia, happy land!
Hail, ye heroes, heaven-born band,
Who fought and bled in freedom's cause,
Who fought and bled in freedom's cause,
And when the storm of war was gone
Enjoy'd the peace your valor won.
Let independence be our boast,
Ever mindful what it cost;
Ever grateful for the prize,
Let its altar reach the skies.

Firm, united let us be,
Rallying round our liberty,
As a band of brothers joined,
Peace and safety we shall find.

Immortal patriots, rise once more,
Defend your rights, defend your shore!
Let no rude foe, with impious hand,
Let no rude foe, with impious hand,
Invade the shrine where sacred lies
Of toil and blood, the well-earned prize,
While offering peace, sincere and just,
In Heaven's we place a manly trust,
That truth and justice will prevail,
And every scheme of bondage fail.

Firm, united let us be,
Rallying round our liberty,
As a band of brothers joined,
Peace and safety we shall find.

Find More lyrics at
Behold the chief who now commands,
Once more to serve his country stands.
The rock on which the storm will break,
The rock on which the storm will break,
But armed in virtue, firm, and true,
His hopes are fixed on Heav'n and you.
When hope was sinking in dismay,
When glooms obscured Columbia's day,
His steady mind, from changes free,
Resolved on death or liberty.

Firm, united let us be,
Rallying round our liberty,
As a band of brothers joined,
Peace and safety we shall find.

Sound, sound the trump of fame,
Let Washington's great fame
Ring through the world with loud applause,
Ring through the world with loud applause,
Let every clime to freedom dear,
Listen with a joyful ear,
With equal skill, with God-like power
He governs in the fearful hour
Of horrid war, or guides with ease
The happier time of honest peace.

Firm, united let us be,
Rallying round our liberty,
As a band of brothers joined,
Peace and safety we shall find.

Bonnie Blue Flag lyrics
We are a band of brothers and native to the soil

Fighting for our liberty, with treasure, blood and toil

And when our rights were threatened, the cry rose near and far

Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star!

Hurrah! Hurrah!

For Southern rights, hurrah!

Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

As long as the Union was faithful to her trust

Like friends and like brethren, kind we were, and just

But now, when Northern treachery attempts our rights to mar

We hoist on high the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

Hurrah! Hurrah! 

For Southern rights, hurrah!

Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

First gallant South Carolina nobly made the stand

Then came Alabama and took her by the hand

Next, quickly Mississippi, Georgia, and Florida

All raised on high the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

Hurrah! Hurrah!

For Southern rights, hurrah!

Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

Ye men of valor gather round the banner of the right

Texas and fair Louisiana join us in the fight

Davis, our loved President, and Stephens statesmen rare

Now rally round the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

Hurrah! Hurrah!

For Southern rights, hurrah!

Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

Exclusive Scottish example of the Scottish word bonnie:
I love a Lassie
[Verse 1]
I love a lassie, a bonnie Hieland lassie
Could you see her you would fancy her as well, haha
I met her in September, popped the question in November
I'll soon ha'e her all to myself
Her faither has consented, I'm feelin' quite contented
I've been and sealed the bargain wi' a kiss
I sit and weary, weary, when I think about my dearie
And you'll always hear me singing this

I love a lassie, a bonnie, bonnie lassie
She's as pure as the lily in the dell
She's as sweet as the heather
The bonnie purple heather
Mary, ma Scotch bluebell

I love a lassie, a bonnie, bonnie lassie
She's as pure as the lily in the dell
She's as sweet as the heather
The bonnie purple heather
Mary, ma Scotch bluebell

[Verse 2]
I love a lassie, a bonnie Hieland lassie
She can warble like the mavis in the dell
She's an angel ev'ry Sunday, but a jolly lass on Monday
She's as modest as her namesake the bluebell
She's nice and neat and tidy and I meet her ev'ry Friday
That's a very special nicht I wouldn't miss!
I'm enchanted, I'm enraptured since ma heart the darlin' captured
She's just intoxicated me with bliss
1, 'u-xx_large_top_margin': $height > 0}">
I love a lassie, a bonnie, bonnie lassie
She's as pure as the lily in the dell
She's as sweet as the heather
The bonnie purple heather
Mary, ma Scotch bluebell

I love a lassie, a bonnie, bonnie lassie
She's as pure as the lily in the dell
She's as sweet as the heather
The bonnie purple heather
Mary, ma Scotch bluebell

[Verse 3]
I love a lassie, a bonnie Hieland lassie
I could sit and let her tease me for a week
And the way she keeps behavin', why, I never pay for shavin'
For she'll rub my whiskers clean off with her cheek!
In the gloamin' wi' my beauty, wi' my bonnie tutti-frutti-hooty
I like to wander by her side
She's my diamond, she's my ruby, she's my bonnie wee jujube
And if she were here I'd revel in the pride

I love a lassie, a bonnie, bonnie lassie
She's as pure as the lily in the dell
She's as sweet as the heather
The bonnie purple heather
Mary, ma Scotch bluebell
OP write: 'The traditional role of Chalcedonic Christianity is to Define patriotism.'

Horse manure.

The Council of Chalcedon was convened in 451 CE to block the flow of two heretical streams, which had been secreting from the two dominant approaches to Christology during the preceding centuries. Oversimplifying greatly, I will refer to these as the Antiochene and the Alexandrian streams of "schools" of Christology....the Alexandrian school prevailed at Nicea in 325 but the Antiochene dominated at Constantinople in 381. None of the ecumenical councils had succeeded in unifying these schools, a desideratum with obvious political benefits for the Empire. Despite their efforts, new heresies kept secreting. As we will see, by the middle of the fifth century the Nestorians and the Eutychians had come to represent the logical excess of the Antiochene and Alexandrian streams, respectively. The Chalcedonian Definition did not solve the conceptual problem of uniting the Logos with Jesus of Nazareth, either. The most important sentence of the Creed, sometimes called the Symbol of Chalcedon, whose material claims we will examine below, is parenthetically enclosed by appeals to unity on the basis of authority.
Following out the Platonic logic of their Antiochene anthropology, the Nestorians pressed the analogy to the point they seemed to be suggesting the divine and human natures in Christ were only conjoined in a cooperative venture. This threatened the real union of God and Man, which was necessary, in the words of Chalcedon, "for our salvation." The Eutychians followed out the Aristotelian logic in Alexandrian anthropology, suggesting that the divine and human natures were in fact changed and fused into one nature. Not only did this run afoul of the doctrine of divine immutability, it also seemed to deny the finitude (hierarchical distribution) of Jesus' human nature, in which case that which was united to the divine Logos was not what needed saving, namely, real creaturely Man. In order to outlaw these two extremes, the framers of the Symbol of Chalcedon insisted that all with one consent teach and confess that one and the same Christ be "acknowledged in two natures, inconfusedly, unchangeably, indivisibly, inseparably."

The first two adverbs condemn the Eutychians; the latter two prohibit Nestorianism. The assumption that structured the entire debate, namely, that an analogy of proportionality (body is to soul as humanity is to divinity) must guide the formulation of an analogy of proportion (humanity's lost and restored resemblance to divine Goodness), remained unchallenged for centuries.'
(Shults, Iconoclastic Theology)

As Joseph Needham has shown (Science and Civilization in China), the Nestorian heresy ended at the Temple of the Blue Goat, Chengdu, China.

The 1560 Bonnie Blue Flag brothers of the true Scripture Apocalypse!
First National Anthem of United States. Union Anthem: Hail Columbia
Hail Columbia, happy land!
Hail, ye heroes, heaven-born band,
Who fought and bled in freedom's cause,
Who fought and bled in freedom's cause,
And when the storm of war was gone
Enjoy'd the peace your valor won.
Let independence be our boast,
Ever mindful what it cost;
Ever grateful for the prize,
Let its altar reach the skies.

Firm, united let us be,
Rallying round our liberty,
As a band of brothers joined,
Peace and safety we shall find.

Immortal patriots, rise once more,
Defend your rights, defend your shore!
Let no rude foe, with impious hand,
Let no rude foe, with impious hand,
Invade the shrine where sacred lies
Of toil and blood, the well-earned prize,
While offering peace, sincere and just,
In Heaven's we place a manly trust,
That truth and justice will prevail,
And every scheme of bondage fail.

Firm, united let us be,
Rallying round our liberty,
As a band of brothers joined,
Peace and safety we shall find.

Find More lyrics at
Behold the chief who now commands,
Once more to serve his country stands.
The rock on which the storm will break,
The rock on which the storm will break,
But armed in virtue, firm, and true,
His hopes are fixed on Heav'n and you.
When hope was sinking in dismay,
When glooms obscured Columbia's day,
His steady mind, from changes free,
Resolved on death or liberty.

Firm, united let us be,
Rallying round our liberty,
As a band of brothers joined,
Peace and safety we shall find.

Sound, sound the trump of fame,
Let Washington's great fame
Ring through the world with loud applause,
Ring through the world with loud applause,
Let every clime to freedom dear,
Listen with a joyful ear,
With equal skill, with God-like power
He governs in the fearful hour
Of horrid war, or guides with ease
The happier time of honest peace.

Firm, united let us be,
Rallying round our liberty,
As a band of brothers joined,
Peace and safety we shall find.

Bonnie Blue Flag lyrics
We are a band of brothers and native to the soil

Fighting for our liberty, with treasure, blood and toil

And when our rights were threatened, the cry rose near and far

Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star!

Hurrah! Hurrah!

For Southern rights, hurrah!

Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

As long as the Union was faithful to her trust

Like friends and like brethren, kind we were, and just

But now, when Northern treachery attempts our rights to mar

We hoist on high the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

Hurrah! Hurrah! 

For Southern rights, hurrah!

Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

First gallant South Carolina nobly made the stand

Then came Alabama and took her by the hand

Next, quickly Mississippi, Georgia, and Florida

All raised on high the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

Hurrah! Hurrah!

For Southern rights, hurrah!

Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

Ye men of valor gather round the banner of the right

Texas and fair Louisiana join us in the fight

Davis, our loved President, and Stephens statesmen rare

Now rally round the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

Hurrah! Hurrah!

For Southern rights, hurrah!

Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

Exclusive Scottish example of the Scottish word bonnie:
I love a Lassie
[Verse 1]
I love a lassie, a bonnie Hieland lassie
Could you see her you would fancy her as well, haha
I met her in September, popped the question in November
I'll soon ha'e her all to myself
Her faither has consented, I'm feelin' quite contented
I've been and sealed the bargain wi' a kiss
I sit and weary, weary, when I think about my dearie
And you'll always hear me singing this

I love a lassie, a bonnie, bonnie lassie
She's as pure as the lily in the dell
She's as sweet as the heather
The bonnie purple heather
Mary, ma Scotch bluebell

I love a lassie, a bonnie, bonnie lassie
She's as pure as the lily in the dell
She's as sweet as the heather
The bonnie purple heather
Mary, ma Scotch bluebell

[Verse 2]
I love a lassie, a bonnie Hieland lassie
She can warble like the mavis in the dell
She's an angel ev'ry Sunday, but a jolly lass on Monday
She's as modest as her namesake the bluebell
She's nice and neat and tidy and I meet her ev'ry Friday
That's a very special nicht I wouldn't miss!
I'm enchanted, I'm enraptured since ma heart the darlin' captured
She's just intoxicated me with bliss
1, 'u-xx_large_top_margin': $height > 0}">
I love a lassie, a bonnie, bonnie lassie
She's as pure as the lily in the dell
She's as sweet as the heather
The bonnie purple heather
Mary, ma Scotch bluebell

I love a lassie, a bonnie, bonnie lassie
She's as pure as the lily in the dell
She's as sweet as the heather
The bonnie purple heather
Mary, ma Scotch bluebell

[Verse 3]
I love a lassie, a bonnie Hieland lassie
I could sit and let her tease me for a week
And the way she keeps behavin', why, I never pay for shavin'
For she'll rub my whiskers clean off with her cheek!
In the gloamin' wi' my beauty, wi' my bonnie tutti-frutti-hooty
I like to wander by her side
She's my diamond, she's my ruby, she's my bonnie wee jujube
And if she were here I'd revel in the pride

I love a lassie, a bonnie, bonnie lassie
She's as pure as the lily in the dell
She's as sweet as the heather
The bonnie purple heather
Mary, ma Scotch bluebell
So are you saying the United States is still under the boot of Roman rule under the guise of Catholic Rule Since Columbia was associated with Semarius the wife of Nimrod and Aphrodite and the capital of the United States is the District of Columbia .. It is of course no stretch to see they are both in Mary’s land(Maryland).. I could go on here but people should educate themselves as to how deep they want to go down the rabitt’s hole after all not everyone can see( Holy Sea) how far their CurenCY(see) goes into these subjects and are we still slaves Or is it just conjecture on my part....hmmmm...
To badger2, that sounds like very good history. My use of "Chalcedon Christianity" is how I've seen others use it, its when there were no divides between countries from Portugal to Armenia, in the 400 ad to the 800 ad, and the maps label this Christendom as the Chalcedonic Christianity, makes Europe then separate from Egypt, Syria, the Monophysites,miaphysites,and Nestorians as you're saying. Chalcedonic Christianity then is a Trinitarian, One Divine and Human nature inconfusable Christ God-head, that prevails to this day in the forms of Orthodox, Catholic I assume, and Presbyterian, probably Anglican and Lutheran.

To Shimon, I was getting excited, a true study of the subject. You know its very prevalent, to someone only versed in European politics, with an America being about 90 years old and in the outer darkness, well if its a Union like the United Kingdom, Scotland would leave a sovereign federal government over a sovereign character of states. If this were the Union of the Pope, this is like the English Civil War. The United States is under the boot of Romanist rule, Catholic Rule, the Columbia Anthem was a Reformed Protestant anthem we tossed. The gentleman Washington hailed the gentle land-sex, see the birds and Christ has no home to call his own. Maryland describes and recalls the catholic refuge state's history of Maryland, the terrors of Mary's in history, versus the Virgin Battle Queen of yore, Queen Elizabeth I, opposed to Bloody Mary. The tune O Tannenbaum would be sarcastic for a non-Christmas celebrating Reformed population since the revolution. We are very nearly in such solid rejection, the promotion of Northern Employment practice, forgetting any logical thought about slavery and the peculiar institution.

I'm going to switch over to a thread about Alabama History, I'll see you on the History thread.
1) the title of this thread is blatant false advertising.

2) no we don’t have to conform religiously

3) yes we have freedom of religion.

Nothing else you said addressed your questions
Avatar4321 Well hey, how do you figure? You think it is false this is the most important US religion discussion? The English language still describes God as the 2000 year old Judeo-Christian God of the usual European extraction. Have we made a pledge of allegiance that is I pledge Allegiance to the Flag, of the United States of America, one Nation, under Allah? Under what understanding of what ,is it under? Have you ever put the security of these people under a universal construct of religion outside these borders? Answer is no for 90% of the population or more. We have to conform to a nationalistic view of Presbyterianism that wasn't behind the 2nd American Revolution. If you were in the Southern States, you would be under a new Constitution establishing a Reformed Presbyterian religion, the entire 5 years of its governance. It is self-defeating , I wager, all of these court-ruled Eisenhower, and staunchly northern Republican very straightforwardly, attempts to Conform in the negative the Presbyterian religion in his administration and with these new guides on patriotism. Instead, we weave a web of social religion, that will outright reject a muslim man's harem and embrace as love a homosexual couple. We just decide these things from the non-denominational viewpoint of Lincoln.

I posted our true original Religious anthem Hail Columbia earlier, do you see this non-chauvinistic display of gallant chivalric patriotism today? Hail Columbia, our happy land of women? Then notice, George Washington's great name? Then I posted Bonnie Blue Flag which the confederates drew so heavily from the anthem for the division of states that we eventually changed anthems.
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Avatar4321 Well hey, how do you figure? You think it is false this is the most important US religion discussion? The English language still describes God as the 2000 year old Judeo-Christian God of the usual European extraction. Have we made a pledge of allegiance that is I pledge Allegiance to the Flag, of the United States of America, one Nation, under Allah? Under what understanding of what ,is it under? Have you ever put the security of these people under a universal construct of religion outside these borders? Answer is no for 90% of the population or more. We have to conform to a nationalistic view of Presbyterianism that wasn't behind the 2nd American Revolution. If you were in the Southern States, you would be under a new Constitution establishing a Reformed Presbyterian religion, the entire 5 years of its governance.

You realize that none of that makes any sense or has any rational connection right?
I can't read all this.
Hoping to add new offices in the battleground states of Michigan, Texas, Florida, Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, New Mexico, and Tennessee, the ACLU has already raised the majority of the funding needed to accomplish its national campaign. With overflowing bank accounts, taxpayer dollars from attorney fees in Establishment Clause cases, and offices in key red states, the ACLU will be a formidable force. The organization’s executive director, Anthony Romero, wasn’t coy about the far Left’s intent. “If Republicans lose control of Congress and the White House, we can be sure the religious right will be much more active on the state level–our work will be critical there.” By “our work,” Romero must have been referring to the ACLU’s efforts to persecute Christians and bully Americans into abandoning their moral beliefs. Now that Soros aims on bringing legal intimidation to our backyards, it is vital that we respond by stepping up our efforts.
Hey Avatar4321 there is more than 6 Million American Christianity converts in Korea, called Presbyterianism. Are you prepared to acknowledge that sacrifice as more than nothing? Are we in a world so deleterious to civilization? The PC(USA) makes news for allowing a turtle that marries two gay sheep, or whatever. It's a conspiracy.

The Most Important thing every Single American does in their religious life, is swear every day in school work, immigration or otherwise, is swear an oath to God, allegiance to the United States flag, One nation that is Indivisible, that is Under God. This is a public oath given to each other and a pledge in public office. It Will be the most important aspect of your religious life also in any circumstance. This was Legislated by the staunch Northern Republican President Eisenhower administration in 1958 creating a changed United Presbyterian Church ordering All Presbyterians. How can so much power rest with one man? He can further a hidden Police Action in Korea, this Police Action causes, so many millions of, unknown deaths in its misdirection, and that this man can lead from Lincoln's pew, a mischaracterization of the very aims of this very American religion's mission activity. There was hundreds of thousands of a secure Presbyterian religion in Korea by 1900, well documented, read Horace Underwood's "Call of Korea", and the first President our occupation forces hand Korea is some misfit weirdo, Strongman, Syngman Rhee and his German Secretary wife he picked up, hail liberty. Ahn Changho and Presbyterians down to Lee Myung-bak characterize the Korean people and their governance.
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1900 Korea? USMB religious mushrooms could stand some light. In the B.C. star-charts shown in Kistemaker, The Chinese Sky During the Han, show the asterism, Jizu, "a group of soldiers" and even this early, before the avatar from Nazareth, we see the first problematic, that is to say, the problematic of the group. This name jizu "che qi" is also related to the Island of Hokkaido (Yezo), so any fairy takes arising in the bible about walking on the water likely originated from the Sea of Japan when it was shallow enough to create the illusion.

Islamochristiana is the currently most important religion, a replay of the disappearance of the Native American indigene: it's much more easy to evangelize post-genocide. Sleeper cells is a key concept here.
Hey Avatar4321 there is more than 6 Million American Christianity converts in Korea, called Presbyterianism. Are you prepared to acknowledge that sacrifice as more than nothing? Are we in a world so deleterious to civilization? The PC(USA) makes news for allowing a turtle that marries two gay sheep, or whatever. It's a conspiracy.

The Most Important thing every Single American does in their religious life, is swear every day in school work, immigration or otherwise, is swear an oath to God, allegiance to the United States flag, One nation that is Indivisible, that is Under God. This is a public oath given to each other and a pledge in public office. It Will be the most important aspect of your religious life also in any circumstance. This was Legislated by the staunch Northern Republican President Eisenhower administration in 1958 creating a changed United Presbyterian Church ordering All Presbyterians. How can so much power rest with one man? He can further a hidden Police Action in Korea, this Police Action causes, so many millions of, unknown deaths in its misdirection, and that this man can lead from Lincoln's pew, a mischaracterization of the very aims of this very American religion's mission activity. There was hundreds of thousands of a secure Presbyterian religion in Korea by 1900, well documented, read Horace Underwood's "Call of Korea", and the first President our occupation forces hand Korea is some misfit weirdo, Strongman, Syngman Rhee and his German Secretary wife he picked up, hail liberty. Ahn Changho and Presbyterians down to Lee Myung-bak characterize the Korean people and their governance.

What exactly does Presbyterians in Korea have to do with religious liberty in the United States?
That is, indeed, the biggest hidden question there is. Clearly we have no freedom of association because we are such Nationalists. We decided these Nationalist revisionist identifications in concurrence with Korean issues.

Traditional Northern Republicans have never been friends of Koreans or Presbyterians. Its a hostile action against the Koreans then when the last of the Northern Republican line, President Eisenhower, re-establishes the whole Presbyterian Church in 1958. It is no longer the historical Presbyterian Church, it is the United Presbyterian Church. This is totally true! Also evident,! Its their prevalent latin slogan "Always Reforming". Presbyterians in Ulster struggle for 400 years with the Irish Republicans in Northern Ireland. The first Presbyterian immigrants, from there, as if this vague term, this magical community, tries to confuse us in this Very short history lesson. These Presbyterians didn't agree with citizenship since it corresponds to Romanism, the Roman Republic, and Roman Citizenship. It corresponds with oaths given not to God. Why if I was a Scotsman traveling to Netherlands, Switzerland, and back again, how simple are these ancient religious ties in the Reformed tradition? So simple, I could go to Switzerland to see the statue of Presbyterianism's founder John Knox, in the Reformation Square.

Now about Koreans, Presbyterians, and the Republican attack on religious liberty today. If the Presbyterians had a Crusade, a Crusade Era, then it was what you'll hear trumpeted everywhere in Presbyterianism, the Westminster Confession. Why? Because the Crusade for Presbyterians is when the Covenanters, or Churchmen, when the Church took over Scottish Government, overthrew King Charles's reign in the English Civil War and took control of some parts of England from him. So the Presbyterian Church has in solemn ordinance military action, like the Crusades and the Pope. The English Parliament agreed to this help from the Chruch of Scotland on condition of a Reformed Confession , the Westminster Confession, as the forces were sent. Now that was later a repealed confession for the Church of England.

Sorry now again, about Korean Presbyterians, and the Republican attack. We borrowed that history in the Southern Democrats Confederacy. That is why it has been completely sunk to the bottom of the ocean. We are all reasonable intelligent conversing people. We don't have to burn the books all the time like Nazis. Thomas Stonewall Jackson was a Scotsman leading an English-American army. No two-ways about that.

Let me start over with a singular dedicated theme. There's a line of Republicanism from the beginning harming Korean native governance. Now Lincoln was an Enemy to Presbyterian established Government when the Confederacy did it. Woodrow Wilson, President of the US in 1913 was a Confederate revivalist, Horace Underwood, Horace Allen, defenders of native Government in Korea, and all of Presbyterian governance, traditional Democrats I assume. We come in the 1900 at the end of an era of total Christian centered Europe, Napoleon marked the division of Europe in that his Republic totally rejected Christian counsel, a n ew age of ideologues. So ignorant still are we, of this ideological development, that we'll see Woodrow Wilson applauding, the developing "Native Governance" of the Red October Communist revolution, as if Presbyterianism will naturally occur. Confederates have a one-in-the-same identification with the historical development of Europe, and Presbyterianism.

The Presbyterians are Noted singularly, for nominating ,officiating, and registering THIS government the Kingdom of Korea. Other religions if I may say, have such as a separation of church and state, or various traditions about it. The Presbyterians are Noted in Korea as Helpful modernizers and patriotic supporters of state. They trained Ahn Changho the foremost independence activist and Provisional Government creator. Woodrow Wilson is Noted in Korea for the 14 points self determination of nations and the Sam-Il movement. Now again about Northern Republicans, Theodore Roosevelt of heavy New York extraction, is hated, for is Working With the Japanese for the Agreement to trade all Korea for Japan, and the Northerner's similar Empire State of affairs, such as the encroachment on Hawaii and other for-the-good-of-other-states attitude. We today will regard outsiders to the United States as inferiors simply for being outside the bounteous in-crowd bubble? Never did Reformed Europe exist that way.

So the Northern Republicans are Notably Striking Korea again, when the last Northern Republican was left to reform a Presbyterian Church in the United States. Eisenhower's prayer was to 'serve all citizens of this country regardless of class', Horace Underwood the Founder, the Creator's vision was Galatians 3:28 so its Written, so its Written in "Call of Korea" by Horace Underwood, so there is Slave or Free, so there is Male and Female, so there is Greek and Not Greek in Galatians 3:28. But this Church the Northerners make have One Singular Goal as well! Not the Native church Firstly of Korea! They will have neither males or females, nor free or slaves, nor greeks and non greeks, because they make all those Distinctions in the Followers of Christ Illegal, really think what that Sciprture is Saying. Its saying those are all peoples in which Christ resides. They totally disgraced and cast off the Korean Church, that there is no Brotherhood of Man in Christ anymore, no matter if these were the most Christian couples and Churches and familes and Nations. PCUSA is so liberal in telling us to marry Koreans that they're all openly at the top talking about the integration of all their Korean congregations.

"What exactly does Presbyterians in Korea have to do with religious liberty in the United States? "
If the 1958 pledge of Allegiance where Eisenhower's religion or "Presbyterianism" added Under God, our loyalty, our thoughts and our fealty isn't to Civilizing the people of this world in True Religion and Loyalty to those institutions. Clearly, our loyalty is to Not 50 Nations Under God, and lets also be friends with 1 more Nation, only regard this secular Government's friends, and Liberty and Justice for All is some vein identification of equality of anybody.
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1) the title of this thread is blatant false advertising.
per the usual modus operandi

2) no we don’t have to conform religiously
tell it to Congress, who starts ever session with a tax paid preacher in prayer

3) yes we have freedom of religion

freedom OF, not FROM

As a recovering catholic , i gotta say these folks are relentless in thier campaign and narrative

If you ask me, they're evil...satan...the false prophet...incarnate

they have been, currently ar, and most likely will be the single most destructive element mankind has ever introduced on this rock

and i say this , despite these devils, being a man of great faith.....


sparky I didn't ask to be free from the simplest history lessons and academics. Why, do we forget that Churches are SUPPOSED to be in charge of education? That is the worst travesty at all. The PCUSA history book must say that those who wished to defend a Native land to the last drop of blood, wasn't English or Scottish but a "Native American". It'll go on to say Woodrow Wilson was the President of all Doctoral higher Presbyterian Learning and Southern Confederate Democrat elected to defend these "Native Americans". What then does the PCUSA educational text read? Marry a Korean? We write in the Latin alphabet from the domination of Rome's dogmas and their monks that this very institution like so few others directly found, met , and rejected.

It is so simple that the Japanese simply immigrated to Korea, with a Federal Government of Union, or Claimed to be, Manipulated ancient dynastic farmlands, to where 80% of Koreans instantly rent-farmed their own lands, and were talked down and cheated in the simplest market transaction. I wouldn't Ask a Korean to own lands in some other Native Land.

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