The Pagan roots of the catholic church

Well then. It should be no problem for you to refute it then. He gave references for everything he claims. Would you care to try refute any of it?

How does one refute the ramblings of Stewart's imagination? :dunno:

I love that you are pretending this isn't an attack on Catholics will using a known hater of Catholics as your source. Too funny.
To some people the truth is indistinguishable from hatred. Can you refute anything he said?

Again, how does one refute the ramblings of Stewart's imagination? It is folly. You're free to believe is wild and idiotic nonsense until the cow come home, but don't think rational people are going to give it the time of day. Have fun in your bubble made of confirmation bias.
So you can't refute it. You won't even try. I guess that means you think you've won. LOL! How pathetic.

The best way to win an argument with a fool is not to engage one in an argument. Peace I leave with you.

Yeah. But, sometimes, you just can't help trolling the idiots. It's a failing of mine. Actually, my replies to you were for the benefits of others who might be viewing this. I just can't let you post unopposed.
Did you have something intelligent to add? I don't see what either of the people you mentioned have to do with this.

Jesus is Savior (your source) is run by Stewart whom is an evangelical loon known for his anti-Catholics stances. The only source Stewart is of any use is a source of humor. lol
Well then. It should be no problem for you to refute it then. He gave references for everything he claims. Would you care to try refute any of it?

How does one refute the ramblings of Stewart's imagination? :dunno:

I love that you are pretending this isn't an attack on Catholics will using a known hater of Catholics as your source. Too funny.
To some people the truth is indistinguishable from hatred. Can you refute anything he said?

Again, how does one refute the ramblings of Stewart's imagination? It is folly. You're free to believe is wild and idiotic nonsense until the cow come home, but don't think rational people are going to give it the time of day. Have fun in your bubble made of confirmation bias.

History says otherwise about what the catholic church and it's connection to secret societies like the jesuit illuminati and how it infiltrated freemasonry. Jesuits and the catholics have been booted out of 83 countries in the last 400 years for trying to take over the governments of countries. The SCOTUS had 5 Jesuit trained judges until Scalia died and have you noticed that their isn't a single protestant on the bench? That is not an accident.
Catholicism is a doubt whatsoever and they are extremely dangerous. The jesuit order is especially despicable. People just don't know their history.
You mean, like, the time the catholic church banned private ownership of the Bible?
Catholicism is a doubt whatsoever and they are extremely dangerous. The jesuit order is especially despicable. People just don't know their history.
You mean, like, the time the catholic church banned private ownership of the Bible?

Yep and how the Jesuits came to be the answer to the Reformation started by Martin Luther. The Council of Trent were meetings of catholic leaders to plan strategy for the their military arm (the jesuits) on how to deal with those that would not bow to papal authority. Here is some good history on how non-catholics were oppressed before the Jesuits came along

THE INQUISITION: A Study in Absolute Catholic Power
Catholicism is a doubt whatsoever and they are extremely dangerous. The jesuit order is especially despicable. People just don't know their history.
You mean, like, the time the catholic church banned private ownership of the Bible?

Yep and how the Jesuits came to be the answer to the Reformation started by Martin Luther. The Council of Trent were meetings of catholic leaders to plan strategy for the their military arm (the jesuits) on how to deal with those that would not bow to papal authority. Here is some good history on how non-catholics were oppressed before the Jesuits came along

THE INQUISITION: A Study in Absolute Catholic Power
The inquisition is proof positive that the catholic church is not of God. At least, to any thinking person it is.
For your information, this is not an attack on catholics. It is simply the true history of the catholic church. Make what you will of it. I believe that the catholic church is leading many people astray. You'll see why, after reading this. I do this out love. I believe that the Bible is the sole source of truth. So read this, and compare the catholic teaching to Gods word.

Roman Catholicism -Christian or Pagan?
I'm not particularly found of the Catholic Church because historically they seem to promote the notion that the Church itself is the way to salvation, as opposed to the church simply being a vehicle to deliver the transcendent message of salvation.

On the flip side I don't agree with fundamental Baptists like Stewart who say that Christians should shun anything of "pagan" origin From what I know of Steart he's one of those fundamentalists who thinks Christian's shouldn't celebrate Christmas simply because it borrowed traditions from an ancient Roman festival.
For your information, this is not an attack on catholics. It is simply the true history of the catholic church. Make what you will of it. I believe that the catholic church is leading many people astray. You'll see why, after reading this. I do this out love. I believe that the Bible is the sole source of truth. So read this, and compare the catholic teaching to Gods word.

Roman Catholicism -Christian or Pagan?
I'm not particularly found of the Catholic Church because historically they seem to promote the notion that the Church itself is the way to salvation, as opposed to the church simply being a vehicle to deliver the transcendent message of salvation.

On the flip side I don't agree with fundamental Baptists like Stewart who say that Christians should shun anything of "pagan" origin From what I know of Steart he's one of those fundamentalists who thinks Christian's shouldn't celebrate Christmas simply because it borrowed traditions from an ancient Roman festival.
I don't celebrate Christmas. I celebrate the birth of Christ. Just saying.
For your information, this is not an attack on catholics. It is simply the true history of the catholic church. Make what you will of it. I believe that the catholic church is leading many people astray. You'll see why, after reading this. I do this out love. I believe that the Bible is the sole source of truth. So read this, and compare the catholic teaching to Gods word.

Roman Catholicism -Christian or Pagan?
I'm not particularly found of the Catholic Church because historically they seem to promote the notion that the Church itself is the way to salvation, as opposed to the church simply being a vehicle to deliver the transcendent message of salvation.

On the flip side I don't agree with fundamental Baptists like Stewart who say that Christians should shun anything of "pagan" origin From what I know of Steart he's one of those fundamentalists who thinks Christian's shouldn't celebrate Christmas simply because it borrowed traditions from an ancient Roman festival.
I don't celebrate Christmas. I celebrate the birth of Christ. Just saying.
Fair enough, but do you think that Christians should throw out their "Christmas Trees" just because their use originated in a Roman Festival?
For your information, this is not an attack on catholics. It is simply the true history of the catholic church. Make what you will of it. I believe that the catholic church is leading many people astray. You'll see why, after reading this. I do this out love. I believe that the Bible is the sole source of truth. So read this, and compare the catholic teaching to Gods word.

Roman Catholicism -Christian or Pagan?
I'm not particularly found of the Catholic Church because historically they seem to promote the notion that the Church itself is the way to salvation, as opposed to the church simply being a vehicle to deliver the transcendent message of salvation.

On the flip side I don't agree with fundamental Baptists like Stewart who say that Christians should shun anything of "pagan" origin From what I know of Steart he's one of those fundamentalists who thinks Christian's shouldn't celebrate Christmas simply because it borrowed traditions from an ancient Roman festival.
I don't celebrate Christmas. I celebrate the birth of Christ. Just saying.
Fair enough, but do you think that Christians should throw out their "Christmas Trees" just because their use originated in a Roman Festival?
I think it all boils down to intent. What you are celebrating, is what really matters.
Ok by now you all should have guessed that many of us believe the OP to be the former poster Jeremiah who dissappeared recently only to resurrect as Lutroo.
What great lesson are you getting from this new name new image? I already eluded to it previously, but now this is the perfect tangible example in which to teach with.
When a persona, and shtick get old and worn out and unpalatable, and as popularity fades towards hatred or resentment towards that persona the image is then changed and given a new name as a fresh start even as it's the same spiel it always was.
Whether it's Jeremiah needing a new mask or Comcast's unpopularity that necessitated the new Infinity mask & name they all are still the same as when Dagon the Fishman God fell out of favor birthing the dying & resurrected son Baal. When Baal and his harvest promises fell flat during droughts and famines he needed a new mask. In comes the Canaanite dying god rite of his son the morning star surpassing his father on the throne, as the new mask for Baal worship. COPYING the Baal death and resurrection scene to a T. Or in this case a sun circle behind the cross baal cross.
The L'Truth is Lutroo can complain all she wants about the Catholic church, but they gave her the false prophet and the Harlot mother as a mask for Baal and Isis (Ishtar).
The reason this LUcifer character is allowed to exist is simply because he brings the deceived half way to the transforming path of Judaism, but to become complete you must come fully to Shalem and the Torah's ethos that helps bring you there.
Without the mask(image of a man made perfect) used to try and convert Jews to Baal then pagan & Babylonian mystery worshipers would never have found Judaic philosophy and ideology and they'd still be worshiping Mithra and Baal. And that is one of the answers to the age old question, how could the false prophet be allowed to exist.
The other portion of the complex question of why, would be dwelling on the aspect of equal opposite(mirror) reactions we previously discussed and as a test and comparison. To know what you have and appreciate it you must see the furthest form from it.
In other words the Christian hate for baal worship and priests of bel harvest scams from TV evangelists is the same hate atheists feel for the Jesus image and the same sowing seeds harvest scam.
They are one in the same and you are arguing with each other over the same problem we need to overturn and move on from. You could be liftong each other out of that crab bucket, but instead you choose to pull each other into your own circle of misery back down in the muck with you.
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Ok by now you all should have guessed that many of us believe the OP to be the former poster Jeremiah who dissappeared recently only to resurrect as Lutroo.
What great lesson are you getting from this new name new image? I already eluded to it previously, but now this is the perfect tangible example in which to teach with.
When a persona, and shtick get old and worn out and unpalatable, and as popularity fades towards hatred or resentment towards that persona the image is then changed and given a new name as a fresh start even as it's the same shpiel it always was.
Whether it's Jeremiah needing a new mask or Comcast's unpopularity that necessitated the new Infinity mask & name they all are still the same as when Dagon the Fishman God fell out of favor birthing the dying & resurrected son Baal. When Baal and his harvest promises fell flat during droughts and famines he needed a new mask. In comes the Canaanite dying god rite of his son the morning star surpassing his father on the throne, as the new mask for Baal worship. COPYING the Baal death and resurrection scene to a T. Or in this case a sun circle behind the cross baal cross.
The L'Truth is Lutroo can complain all she wants about the Catholic church, but they gave her the false prophet and the Harlot mother as a mask for Baal and Isis (Ishtar).
The reason this LUcifer character is allowed to exist is simply because he brings the deceived half way to the transforming path of Judaism, but to become complete you must come fully to Shalem and the Torah's ethos that helps bring you there.
Without the mask(image of a man made perfect) used to try and convert Jews to Baal then pagan & Babylonian mystery worshipers would never have found Judaic philosophy and ideology and they'd still be worshiping Mithra and Baal. And that is one of the answers to the age old question, how could the false prophet be allowed to exist.
The other portion of the complex question of why, would be dwelling on the aspect of equal opposite(mirror) reactions we previously discussed and as a test and comparison. To know what you have and appreciate it you must see the furthest form from it.
WOW! You think I'm someone else? Why didn't I get a memo? Seriously. This is some crazy sh*t. Any idiot can see that my writing style is completely different from this Jerry, or whatever his name is. And I'm not a she. I'm a HE. You should seek professional help. Do it now.
Ok by now you all should have guessed that many of us believe the OP to be the former poster Jeremiah who dissappeared recently only to resurrect as Lutroo.
What great lesson are you getting from this new name new image? I already eluded to it previously, but now this is the perfect tangible example in which to teach with.
When a persona, and shtick get old and worn out and unpalatable, and as popularity fades towards hatred or resentment towards that persona the image is then changed and given a new name as a fresh start even as it's the same spiel it always was.
Whether it's Jeremiah needing a new mask or Comcast's unpopularity that necessitated the new Infinity mask & name they all are still the same as when Dagon the Fishman God fell out of favor birthing the dying & resurrected son Baal. When Baal and his harvest promises fell flat during droughts and famines he needed a new mask. In comes the Canaanite dying god rite of his son the morning star surpassing his father on the throne, as the new mask for Baal worship. COPYING the Baal death and resurrection scene to a T. Or in this case a sun circle behind the cross baal cross.
The L'Truth is Lutroo can complain all she wants about the Catholic church, but they gave her the false prophet and the Harlot mother as a mask for Baal and Isis (Ishtar).
The reason this LUcifer character is allowed to exist is simply because he brings the deceived half way to the transforming path of Judaism, but to become complete you must come fully to Shalem and the Torah's ethos that helps bring you there.
Without the mask(image of a man made perfect) used to try and convert Jews to Baal then pagan & Babylonian mystery worshipers would never have found Judaic philosophy and ideology and they'd still be worshiping Mithra and Baal. And that is one of the answers to the age old question, how could the false prophet be allowed to exist.
The other portion of the complex question of why, would be dwelling on the aspect of equal opposite(mirror) reactions we previously discussed and as a test and comparison. To know what you have and appreciate it you must see the furthest form from it.
BTW. Do you know what my name means? It's a Greek word. It's something that Catholics don't believe in. One of the many things they got wrong.
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"Any idiot can see that my writing style is completely different from this Jerry"

How would you know what style that is and why "people" are suspicious of you?

Lesson still stands. All the response did is add to the lesson that people (christs) can get confused for each other and assumed the same. Since the new image used for Baal was a combined image taken from many figures and Bible characters.
"Any idiot can see that my writing style is completely different from this Jerry"

How would you know what style that is and why "people" are suspicious of you?

Lesson still stands. All the response did is add to the lesson that people (christs) can get confused for each other and assumed the same. Since the new image used for Baal was a combined image taken from many figures and Bible characters.
Do you know any two individules who have the same writing style? Durp!

If you have some proof that I'm this person you are talking about, then let's see it. Otherwise, you can just shut your mouth.

I believe that you are simply upset that a true Christian is exposing the false teachings of the catholic church. I have presented my evidence. Can you refute it? I noticed that you haven't even tried. All you can do is try to claim that I'm someone I'm not. I believe the Bible calls that bearing false witness. A sin.

Well? Can you refute what I posted, or not?
>>>Do you know any two individules who have the same writing style?

Yes, most Christian proselytizers have the same blanket scripted propaganda they spew and the same ad hominem response styles. "People" here think you post abundantly similar to Jeremiah. You of all people should recognize plurality "People" over the singular "I". If you keep making that mistake then you are not capable of discussing the Bible, which is full of tenses all you guys misread and misrepresent.

>>>If you have some proof that I'm this person you are talking about, then let's see it.

Have you given anyone proof that your christ is at all the person your Bible talks about as Jesus and prove that he is not Baal? Checkmate! Busted by your own argument. ;-)

>>>Well? Can you refute what I posted

What part of my post saying you all worship Baal through Rome did you not understand?
>>>Do you know any two individules who have the same writing style?

Yes, most Christian proselytizers have the same blanket scripted propaganda they spew and the same ad hominem response styles. "People" here think you post abundantly similar to Jeremiah. You of all people should recognize plurality "People" over the singular "I". If you keep making that mistake then you are not capable of discussing the Bible, which is full of tenses all you guys misread and misrepresent.

>>>If you have some proof that I'm this person you are talking about, then let's see it.

Have you given anyone proof that your christ is at all the person your Bible talks about as Jesus and prove that he is not Baal? Checkmate! Busted by your own argument. ;-)

>>>Well? Can you refute what I posted

What part of my post saying you all worship Baal through Rome did you not understand?
I have no idea what you are talking about. What's all this crap about worshiping baal?

And you obviously don't even know what I mean about writing style. It involves Grammar and word usage. For instance, some people have different styles of punctuation. It's easy to spot, if you know what to look for.

Finally, I worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I have been ransomed from sin by the blood of my redeemer, Jesus Christ. Who do you worship?
For your information, this is not an attack on catholics. It is simply the true history of the catholic church. Make what you will of it. I believe that the catholic church is leading many people astray. You'll see why, after reading this. I do this out love. I believe that the Bible is the sole source of truth. So read this, and compare the catholic teaching to Gods word.

Roman Catholicism -Christian or Pagan?

But then again, the roots of MOST churches in the USA are from the Catholic Church. As far as I understand it Orthodox Christianity is the original Christianity and Catholicisms was an off-shoot of that. Christianity was a product of "paganism" which didn't really exist anyway, but was a negative term used by the church to denounce those who they didn't control.

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