The Pagan roots of the catholic church

For your information, this is not an attack on catholics. It is simply the true history of the catholic church. Make what you will of it. I believe that the catholic church is leading many people astray. You'll see why, after reading this. I do this out love. I believe that the Bible is the sole source of truth. So read this, and compare the catholic teaching to Gods word.

Roman Catholicism -Christian or Pagan?

But then again, the roots of MOST churches in the USA are from the Catholic Church. As far as I understand it Orthodox Christianity is the original Christianity and Catholicisms was an off-shoot of that. Christianity was a product of "paganism" which didn't really exist anyway, but was a negative term used by the church to denounce those who they didn't control.
The birth of Christianity had nothing to do with paganism.
Most current religions have pagan roots, so what's the beef?
I hope you don't include Christianity in that group, because you'd be wrong.

No, you'd be right.

Christmas is near the winter solstice for a reason. Easter is around spring (like Spring Festival in China) and the re-birth of the world at this time was seen as a good way of putting some guy rising from the dead.

The Pagan Origins of Jesus Christ and Christianity
You're an idiot. Sorry, but it's true. That pagan origin of Christianity myth has been debunked countless times.
For your information, this is not an attack on catholics. It is simply the true history of the catholic church. Make what you will of it. I believe that the catholic church is leading many people astray. You'll see why, after reading this. I do this out love. I believe that the Bible is the sole source of truth. So read this, and compare the catholic teaching to Gods word.

Roman Catholicism -Christian or Pagan?

But then again, the roots of MOST churches in the USA are from the Catholic Church. As far as I understand it Orthodox Christianity is the original Christianity and Catholicisms was an off-shoot of that. Christianity was a product of "paganism" which didn't really exist anyway, but was a negative term used by the church to denounce those who they didn't control.
The birth of Christianity had nothing to do with paganism.

What, you think it just popped up one day out of nothing?

The devil, why do you think he has horns? He used to be the God of fertility. Puta, means prostitute, more or less, in Spanish, Italian etc, minor God of fertility, they made them bad, then made sex bad.
>>>>I worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I have been ransomed from sin by the blood of my redeemer.

1)Redeemer in Hebrew =HaSheva
2)the get away with sin card you have in Baal's son is why jails are full of cross necklaces, earings, & tattoos.
It's why there have been thousands of wars and over 50 million murdered in his name and image.
which brings us to
3)you do not worship the same God and this will answer your question about Baal.
If you worshiped the same God as the Jews then they would not have murdered or spent millions converting Jews away from YHWH over towards this mask image for Baal.

Notice they never tell you the name of the Father who is as 0ne with Jesus?
This is because it would expose the intent or rival god.

Like I stated before: they are imitating the dying god mythology of the Canaanites whereby the son called morning star(Jesus is claimed in Rev 22:16) surpasses his father Baal on the throne by dying then resurrecting and bringing attention to himself as the new mask for Baal. This is an exact imitation plagiarism of the Baal passion play thus father (Baal) and son (Jesus) being one in the same which is why the earlier trinity said Father/word(story)/son.
Ypu keep blasting The RCC for pagan imitations but forget your expectation that they Rome will lift up a false prophet and create a one world religion, this occured already as John of Patmos warned was happening in his era (PRESENT TENSE) not future era. It occured and that one compiled religion was called Christianity (those who followed a christ[there were many you know])
So now you know the name of the beast
Baal Jesus which =666 in ascll numerology used to secret the number from it's name.
Source for Baal predates Jesus mythology.
Found ;Assyrian (700bc) Marduk-Bel Tablets housed now in the Brittish Museum.

the mythical elements of
the Bel-Marduk myth are literally carved in stone on
Marduk's Ordeal tablet/Assyrian Bel Myth Tablet which
stands as an original source of mythical elements of the
Bel-Marduk myth used to create the Jesus myth, especially the cruci-FICTION and resurrection event,
in which the god Bel is arrested, tried, judged, scourged, executed, and resurrected and thus are
similar to the mythical elements of the last days of the
life of Jesus found in the Jesus myth.

Bel (Baal in
Hebrew) which Jesus is claimed the son of in Rev 22;16 is described in this ancient passion play in which:
(1) Bel is taken prisoner;
(2) Bel is tried in a great hall;
(3) Bel is smitten;
(4) Bel is led away to the Mount (a sacred grove on a
(5) with Bel are taken two malefactors, one of whom is
(6) After Bel has gone to the Mount and is executed,
the city breaks into tumult;
(7) Bel's clothes are carried away;
(8.) Bel goes down into the Mount and disappears from
(9) weeping women seek Bel at the Tomb;
(10) Bel is brought back to life.

Source for Baal being father of Morning Star
research Canaanite dying god ritual morning star son of Baal.
Who is the morning star?-Rev 22:16

[See Lucifer here etymology of "": "[ the morning star, a fallen rebel archangel, THE Devil, fr. OE. fr. Latin, the morning star, fr. Lucifer light-bearing, fr. luc light + -fer -ferous--more at LIGHT]" (Webster's, p.677)
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>>>>I worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I have been ransomed from sin by the blood of my redeemer.

1)Redeemer in Hebrew =HaSheva
2)the get away with sin card you have in Baal's son is why jails are full of cross necklaces, earings, & tattoos.
It's why there have been thousands of wars and over 50 million murdered in his name and image.
which brings us to
3)you do not worship the same God and this will answer your question about Baal.
If you worshiped the same God as the Jews then they would not have murdered or spent millions converting Jews away from YHWH over towards this mask image for Baal.

Notice they never tell you the name of the Father who is as 0ne with Jesus?
This is because it would expose the intent or rival god.

Like I stated before: they are imitating the dying god mythology of the Canaanites whereby the son called morning star(Jesus is claimed in Rev 2:16) surpasses his father Baal on the throne by dying then resurrecting and bringing attention to himself as the new mask for Baal. This is an exact imitation plagiarism of the Baal passion play thus father (Baal) and son (Jesus) being one in the same which is why the earlier trinity said Father/word(story)/son.
Ypu keep blasting The RCC for pagan imitations but forget your expectation that they Rome will lift up a false prophet and create a one world religion, this occured already as John of Patmos warned was happening in his era (PRESENT TENSE) not future era. It occured and that one compiled religion was called Christianity (those who followed a christ[there were many you know])
So now you know the name of the beast
Baal Jesus which =666 in ascll numerology used to secret the number from it's name.
Source for Baal predates Jesus mythology.
Found ;Assyrian (700bc) Marduk-Bel Tablets housed now in the Brittish Museum.

the mythical elements of
the Bel-Marduk myth are literally carved in stone on
Marduk's Ordeal tablet/Assyrian Bel Myth Tablet which
stands as an original source of mythical elements of the
Bel-Marduk myth used to create the Jesus myth, especially the cruci-FICTION and resurrection event,
in which the god Bel is arrested, tried, judged, scourged, executed, and resurrected and thus are
similar to the mythical elements of the last days of the
life of Jesus found in the Jesus myth.

Bel (Baal in
Hebrew) which Jesus is claimed the son of in Rev 22;16 is described in this ancient passion play in which:
(1) Bel is taken prisoner;
(2) Bel is tried in a great hall;
(3) Bel is smitten;
(4) Bel is led away to the Mount (a sacred grove on a
(5) with Bel are taken two malefactors, one of whom is
(6) After Bel has gone to the Mount and is executed,
the city breaks into tumult;
(7) Bel's clothes are carried away;
(8.) Bel goes down into the Mount and disappears from
(9) weeping women seek Bel at the Tomb;
(10) Bel is brought back to life.

Source for Baal being father of Morning Star
research Canaanite dying god ritual morning star son of Baal.
Who is the morning star?-Rev 22:16

[See Lucifer here etymology of "": "[ the morning star, a fallen rebel archangel, THE Devil, fr. OE. fr. Latin, the morning star, fr. Lucifer light-bearing, fr. luc light + -fer -ferous--more at LIGHT]" (Webster's, p.677)
Get behind me, Satan.
Most current religions have pagan roots, so what's the beef?
I hope you don't include Christianity in that group, because you'd be wrong.

No, you'd be right.

Christmas is near the winter solstice for a reason. Easter is around spring (like Spring Festival in China) and the re-birth of the world at this time was seen as a good way of putting some guy rising from the dead.

The Pagan Origins of Jesus Christ and Christianity
You're an idiot. Sorry, but it's true. That pagan origin of Christianity myth has been debunked countless times.

Ah, the insults.

You're argument is so good you don't say it, you just insult people who disagree.
For your information, this is not an attack on catholics. It is simply the true history of the catholic church. Make what you will of it. I believe that the catholic church is leading many people astray. You'll see why, after reading this. I do this out love. I believe that the Bible is the sole source of truth. So read this, and compare the catholic teaching to Gods word.

Roman Catholicism -Christian or Pagan?

But then again, the roots of MOST churches in the USA are from the Catholic Church. As far as I understand it Orthodox Christianity is the original Christianity and Catholicisms was an off-shoot of that. Christianity was a product of "paganism" which didn't really exist anyway, but was a negative term used by the church to denounce those who they didn't control.
The birth of Christianity had nothing to do with paganism.

What, you think it just popped up one day out of nothing?

The devil, why do you think he has horns? He used to be the God of fertility. Puta, means prostitute, more or less, in Spanish, Italian etc, minor God of fertility, they made them bad, then made sex bad.

They used symbolism and slang to prevent being harmed in talking about or revolting against Rome.
Symbols like the 2 horned scarlet beast represented horns=powers meaning the authority of Political power hidden behind the religious power=2 horns while scarlet the colors worn by Rome especially it's army.
The devil, why do you think he has horns? He used to be the God of fertility. Puta, means prostitute, more or less, in Spanish, Italian etc, minor God of fertility, they made them bad, then made sex bad.

They used symbolism and slang to prevent being harmed in talking about or revolting against Rome.
Symbols like the 2 horned scarlet beast represented horns=powers meaning the authority of Political power hidden behind the religious power=2 horns while scarlet the colors worn by Rome especially it's army.
Most current religions have pagan roots, so what's the beef?
I hope you don't include Christianity in that group, because you'd be wrong.

No, you'd be right.

Christmas is near the winter solstice for a reason. Easter is around spring (like Spring Festival in China) and the re-birth of the world at this time was seen as a good way of putting some guy rising from the dead.

The Pagan Origins of Jesus Christ and Christianity
You're an idiot. Sorry, but it's true. That pagan origin of Christianity myth has been debunked countless times.

Ah, the insults.

You're argument is so good you don't say it, you just insult people who disagree.
I will no longer reply to to you. You're on my ignore list. You claim Christianity has pagan roots. You are wrong. I post the following in order to combat your lies. It is for the benefit of others. You are a lost cause.

Christianity Wasn't Influenced by Pagan Religions!
Most current religions have pagan roots, so what's the beef?
I hope you don't include Christianity in that group, because you'd be wrong.

No, you'd be right.

Christmas is near the winter solstice for a reason. Easter is around spring (like Spring Festival in China) and the re-birth of the world at this time was seen as a good way of putting some guy rising from the dead.

The Pagan Origins of Jesus Christ and Christianity
You're an idiot. Sorry, but it's true. That pagan origin of Christianity myth has been debunked countless times.

Ah, the insults.

You're argument is so good you don't say it, you just insult people who disagree.
I will no longer reply to to you. You're on my ignore list. You claim Christianity has pagan roots. You are wrong. I post the following in order to combat your lies. It is for the benefit of others. You are a lost cause.

Christianity Wasn't Influenced by Pagan Religions!

Yes, people, this is the sort of person who puts people on their ignore list because they don't agree with the other person.

Good riddance
>>>>I worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I have been ransomed from sin by the blood of my redeemer.

1)Redeemer in Hebrew =HaSheva
2)the get away with sin card you have in Baal's son is why jails are full of cross necklaces, earings, & tattoos.
It's why there have been thousands of wars and over 50 million murdered in his name and image.
which brings us to
3)you do not worship the same God and this will answer your question about Baal.
If you worshiped the same God as the Jews then they would not have murdered or spent millions converting Jews away from YHWH over towards this mask image for Baal.

Notice they never tell you the name of the Father who is as 0ne with Jesus?
This is because it would expose the intent or rival god.

Like I stated before: they are imitating the dying god mythology of the Canaanites whereby the son called morning star(Jesus is claimed in Rev 2:16) surpasses his father Baal on the throne by dying then resurrecting and bringing attention to himself as the new mask for Baal. This is an exact imitation plagiarism of the Baal passion play thus father (Baal) and son (Jesus) being one in the same which is why the earlier trinity said Father/word(story)/son.
Ypu keep blasting The RCC for pagan imitations but forget your expectation that they Rome will lift up a false prophet and create a one world religion, this occured already as John of Patmos warned was happening in his era (PRESENT TENSE) not future era. It occured and that one compiled religion was called Christianity (those who followed a christ[there were many you know])
So now you know the name of the beast
Baal Jesus which =666 in ascll numerology used to secret the number from it's name.
Source for Baal predates Jesus mythology.
Found ;Assyrian (700bc) Marduk-Bel Tablets housed now in the Brittish Museum.

the mythical elements of
the Bel-Marduk myth are literally carved in stone on
Marduk's Ordeal tablet/Assyrian Bel Myth Tablet which
stands as an original source of mythical elements of the
Bel-Marduk myth used to create the Jesus myth, especially the cruci-FICTION and resurrection event,
in which the god Bel is arrested, tried, judged, scourged, executed, and resurrected and thus are
similar to the mythical elements of the last days of the
life of Jesus found in the Jesus myth.

Bel (Baal in
Hebrew) which Jesus is claimed the son of in Rev 22;16 is described in this ancient passion play in which:
(1) Bel is taken prisoner;
(2) Bel is tried in a great hall;
(3) Bel is smitten;
(4) Bel is led away to the Mount (a sacred grove on a
(5) with Bel are taken two malefactors, one of whom is
(6) After Bel has gone to the Mount and is executed,
the city breaks into tumult;
(7) Bel's clothes are carried away;
(8.) Bel goes down into the Mount and disappears from
(9) weeping women seek Bel at the Tomb;
(10) Bel is brought back to life.

Source for Baal being father of Morning Star
research Canaanite dying god ritual morning star son of Baal.
Who is the morning star?-Rev 22:16

[See Lucifer here etymology of "": "[ the morning star, a fallen rebel archangel, THE Devil, fr. OE. fr. Latin, the morning star, fr. Lucifer light-bearing, fr. luc light + -fer -ferous--more at LIGHT]" (Webster's, p.677)
Get behind me, Satan.

1) that was an ad hominem not a refutation
2)that was a double negative, so thank you.
I am Lucifers adversary, thanks for noticing.
Liken to Saddam calling the U.S. the great Satan, when Satanist call you Satan it's as if they are calling you Michaeline.
I hope you don't include Christianity in that group, because you'd be wrong.

No, you'd be right.

Christmas is near the winter solstice for a reason. Easter is around spring (like Spring Festival in China) and the re-birth of the world at this time was seen as a good way of putting some guy rising from the dead.

The Pagan Origins of Jesus Christ and Christianity
You're an idiot. Sorry, but it's true. That pagan origin of Christianity myth has been debunked countless times.

Ah, the insults.

You're argument is so good you don't say it, you just insult people who disagree.
I will no longer reply to to you. You're on my ignore list. You claim Christianity has pagan roots. You are wrong. I post the following in order to combat your lies. It is for the benefit of others. You are a lost cause.

Christianity Wasn't Influenced by Pagan Religions!

Yes, people, this is the sort of person who puts people on their ignore list because they don't agree with the other person.

Good riddance
The ignore feature is a good thing to use. Why waste time on people that will never see eye to eye on anything and its nothing but bickering instead of learning from one another in a more positive way? I know I filled up my iggie list today with a shitload of people I have no use for any more. Some, I left off it because I am always willing to learn something new.




Lifes too short to waste time on such people.
Lutroo where do you think your cross comes from?
The Character is said to be slew (stoned)and hanged and the Bascilica literally reused the cross at the altar of the Mithraic temple it took over. Predated Mithraic cross with sickly man on it (the kind Pope John Paul used)was found in Ireland. The cross with sun circle behind it is A Baal Cross found in temples of Bel. The term Christ is even stolen from Krishna called Christos.

in early 400ad they found
and took over a Mithraic temple making it a church now called the Basilica of San Clemente. They found the mithraic sickly man on the cross at their altar and merely kept it as theirs.

The crucified christs were Yehuda and Theudas, but Yeshu son of Mary was slew and hanged even acct in Nt in
Acts 5:30, 10:39, 13:29,
1 Peter 2:24.
Last edited:
No, you'd be right.

Christmas is near the winter solstice for a reason. Easter is around spring (like Spring Festival in China) and the re-birth of the world at this time was seen as a good way of putting some guy rising from the dead.

The Pagan Origins of Jesus Christ and Christianity
You're an idiot. Sorry, but it's true. That pagan origin of Christianity myth has been debunked countless times.

Ah, the insults.

You're argument is so good you don't say it, you just insult people who disagree.
I will no longer reply to to you. You're on my ignore list. You claim Christianity has pagan roots. You are wrong. I post the following in order to combat your lies. It is for the benefit of others. You are a lost cause.

Christianity Wasn't Influenced by Pagan Religions!

Yes, people, this is the sort of person who puts people on their ignore list because they don't agree with the other person.

Good riddance
The ignore feature is a good thing to use. Why waste time on people that will never see eye to eye on anything and its nothing but bickering instead of learning from one another in a more positive way? I know I filled up my iggie list today with a shitload of people I have no use for any more. Some, I left off it because I am always willing to learn something new.

Why would you come on here if you're going to ignore anyone who doesn't agree with you?

If they insult, then fine, but do you really just want everyone agreeing with you all the time?
You're an idiot. Sorry, but it's true. That pagan origin of Christianity myth has been debunked countless times.

Ah, the insults.

You're argument is so good you don't say it, you just insult people who disagree.
I will no longer reply to to you. You're on my ignore list. You claim Christianity has pagan roots. You are wrong. I post the following in order to combat your lies. It is for the benefit of others. You are a lost cause.

Christianity Wasn't Influenced by Pagan Religions!

Yes, people, this is the sort of person who puts people on their ignore list because they don't agree with the other person.

Good riddance
The ignore feature is a good thing to use. Why waste time on people that will never see eye to eye on anything and its nothing but bickering instead of learning from one another in a more positive way? I know I filled up my iggie list today with a shitload of people I have no use for any more. Some, I left off it because I am always willing to learn something new.

Why would you come on here if you're going to ignore anyone who doesn't agree with you?

If they insult, then fine, but do you really just want everyone agreeing with you all the time?
No. See my last post.
>>>>I worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I have been ransomed from sin by the blood of my redeemer.
1)Redeemer in Hebrew =HaSheva
2)the get away with sin card you have in Baal's son is why jails are full of cross necklaces, earings, & tattoos.
It's why there have been thousands of wars and over 50 million murdered in his name and image.
which brings us to
3)you do not worship the same God and this will answer your question about Baal.
If you worshiped the same God as the Jews then they would not have murdered or spent millions converting Jews away from YHWH over towards this mask image for Baal.
Notice they never tell you the name of the Father who is as 0ne with Jesus?
This is because it would expose the intent or rival god.
Like I stated before: they are imitating the dying god mythology of the Canaanites whereby the son called morning star(Jesus is claimed in Rev 22:16) surpasses his father Baal on the throne by dying then resurrecting and bringing attention to himself as the new mask for Baal. This is an exact imitation plagiarism of the Baal passion play thus father (Baal) and son (Jesus) being one in the same which is why the earlier trinity said Father/word(story)/son.
Ypu keep blasting The RCC for pagan imitations but forget your expectation that they Rome will lift up a false prophet and create a one world religion, this occured already as John of Patmos warned was happening in his era (PRESENT TENSE) not future era. It occured and that one compiled religion was called Christianity (those who followed a christ[there were many you know])
So now you know the name of the beast
Baal Jesus which =666 in ascll numerology used to secret the number from it's name.
Source for Baal predates Jesus mythology.
Found ;Assyrian (700bc) Marduk-Bel Tablets housed now in the Brittish Museum.
the mythical elements of
the Bel-Marduk myth are literally carved in stone on
Marduk's Ordeal tablet/Assyrian Bel Myth Tablet which
stands as an original source of mythical elements of the
Bel-Marduk myth used to create the Jesus myth, especially the cruci-FICTION and resurrection event,
in which the god Bel is arrested, tried, judged, scourged, executed, and resurrected and thus are
similar to the mythical elements of the last days of the
life of Jesus found in the Jesus myth.
Bel (Baal in
Hebrew) which Jesus is claimed the son of in Rev 22;16 is described in this ancient passion play in which:
(1) Bel is taken prisoner;
(2) Bel is tried in a great hall;
(3) Bel is smitten;
(4) Bel is led away to the Mount (a sacred grove on a
(5) with Bel are taken two malefactors, one of whom is
(6) After Bel has gone to the Mount and is executed,
the city breaks into tumult;
(7) Bel's clothes are carried away;
(8.) Bel goes down into the Mount and disappears from
(9) weeping women seek Bel at the Tomb;
(10) Bel is brought back to life.
Source for Baal being father of Morning Star
research Canaanite dying god ritual morning star son of Baal.
Who is the morning star?-Rev 22:16
[See Lucifer here etymology of "": "[ the morning star, a fallen rebel archangel, THE Devil, fr. OE. fr. Latin, the morning star, fr. Lucifer light-bearing, fr. luc light + -fer -ferous--more at LIGHT]" (Webster's, p.677)
No, you'd be right.

Christmas is near the winter solstice for a reason. Easter is around spring (like Spring Festival in China) and the re-birth of the world at this time was seen as a good way of putting some guy rising from the dead.

The Pagan Origins of Jesus Christ and Christianity
You're an idiot. Sorry, but it's true. That pagan origin of Christianity myth has been debunked countless times.

Ah, the insults.

You're argument is so good you don't say it, you just insult people who disagree.
I will no longer reply to to you. You're on my ignore list. You claim Christianity has pagan roots. You are wrong. I post the following in order to combat your lies. It is for the benefit of others. You are a lost cause.

Christianity Wasn't Influenced by Pagan Religions!

Yes, people, this is the sort of person who puts people on their ignore list because they don't agree with the other person.

Good riddance
The ignore feature is a good thing to use. Why waste time on people that will never see eye to eye on anything and its nothing but bickering instead of learning from one another in a more positive way? I know I filled up my iggie list today with a shitload of people I have no use for any more. Some, I left off it because I am always willing to learn something new.
I don't care if someone disagrees with me. But this guy is calling me a devil worshiper. I have no problem with that, by itself. It's the way he's doing it. Some might call me a hypocrite, but I honestly believe what I say about the Catholic Church. I believe that they are leading people astray. The difference is that I do it out of compassion. I really do care.
Sources for John of Patmos stating itcwas his era;
his tense that antichrist was already there in his time, his present tense description of Rome, and it's obvious that
Revelation took place in that era by combining Luke 21:24 & Romans 11:25 which by history of that era, shows that Revelation 11:1-3 occurred in aprox 70ad

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