The Perception of Cheating is the Real Danger to Democracy

Please provide "credible" examples of Democrats intimidating and threatening poll workers. I've never seen or heard a single one - but everyday the news is full of Republicans doing it.

It is, huh? So it should be pretty easy for you to backup your story with credible links "as you call them" to support your claim workers are quitting because of threats.......... I'm sorry, let me rephrase: many poll workers.
Millions of dead voters, millions of invalid ballots sent out. ZERO way to track or trace these ballots.

It's a winning combination for a Reich that rigs elections.

I believe that people should have to register IN PERSON prior to every major election, that there should be NO persistent registration roll. The ONLY thing these rolls do is perpetrate fraud - for the democrats.

We can have honest elections anytime we choose.
  1. Prove your identity
  2. Gain a one time personal identification code
  3. Use two-factor verification
  4. Vote on the internet from any device using Block-Chain technology.
  5. Results the moment the polls close
But democrats won't allow this, as it would eliminate ALL cheating - and election fraud is sacred to democrats - it's how you win.
You mean the reich(lol) in "Democrat"(lol) states like Maine, North Carolina, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, Alaska, all being states that do not require strict photo ID, some of them having no Voter ID required at all?
You mean the reich(lol) in "Democrat"(lol) states like Maine, North Carolina, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, Alaska, all being states that do not require strict photo ID, some of them having no Voter ID required at all?

I understand your need to run to logical fallacy and build a straw man, but try and stay on topic.

The combination of polluted registration rolls due to democrat interference in purging dead and invalid voters, coupled with the use of unrequested mail in ballots, provides for election fraud on a MASSIVE scale, such as we saw in 2020, and what we just witnessed in Pennsylvania and Nevada. The midnight drops that reversed Laxalt's win depend on these non-purged registrations.

We can have honest elections anytime we choose.
  1. Prove your identity
  2. Gain a one time personal identification code
  3. Use two-factor verification
  4. Vote on the internet from any device using Block-Chain technology.
  5. Results the moment the polls close
But democrats won't allow this, as it would eliminate ALL cheating - and election fraud is sacred to democrats - it's how you win.
I understand your need to run to logical fallacy and build a straw man, but try and stay on topic.

The combination of polluted registration rolls due to democrat interference in purging dead and invalid voters, coupled with the use of unrequested mail in ballots, provides for election fraud on a MASSIVE scale, such as we saw in 2020, and what we just witnessed in Pennsylvania and Nevada. The midnight drops that reversed Laxalt's win depend on these non-purged registrations.

We can have honest elections anytime we choose.
  1. Prove your identity
  2. Gain a one time personal identification code
  3. Use two-factor verification
  4. Vote on the internet from any device using Block-Chain technology.
  5. Results the moment the polls close
But democrats won't allow this, as it would eliminate ALL cheating - and election fraud is sacred to democrats - it's how you win.
And I think every state should require at least a picture ID.
Angry little booger aren’t ya?! And more importantly No quote…. You can’t back up a word you say. Pathetic

Iggy. You're too much of a stupid asshole to even listen to any more.

If you can't figure it out for yourself, I ain't gonna help you.

THESE ^^^ are the people who voted for Biden. These people. ^^^
I pointed out the fact that over the last decade Democrats have been forced to alter their denial of election fraud from 'It doesn't happen' to ''The amount is insignificant'.

When Voter-ID was being pushed by Republicans, the Democrats would come out with these one in a million possibilities of somebody getting disenfranchised, like a person came here from another country 70 years ago and all their records were destroyed in war. When we laughed and asked them what are the chances of that happening, they told us it didn't matter. Every vote should count even if it's one person in the entire state.

I guess that motto went out the window like my body--my choice, every woman making claim of sexual impropriety should be believed even with no evidence, what a US President does on their own time is none of our business.
When Voter-ID was being pushed by Republicans, the Democrats would come out with these one in a million possibilities of somebody getting disenfranchised, like a person came here from another country 70 years ago and all their records were destroyed in war. When we laughed and asked them what are the chances of that happening, they told us it didn't matter. Every vote should count even if it's one person in the entire state.

I guess that motto went out the window like my body--my choice, every woman making claim of sexual impropriety should be believed even with no evidence, what a US President does on their own time is none of our business.
'What if a dog on the bus are my ID...?'

Meanwhile back in reality...

The GOP is increasing their numbers in the House.

If the democrats are'd think they'd get better results because apparently the democrats are able to do it everywhere, every time and, at the same it without any proof whatsoever.

It makes you wonder how the GOP wins any election.
You people called cheating on 2000, 2004, and 2016. This isn’t about fingering the Democrats as much as it is cleaning up the process and eliminating vulnerabilities; which, of course, Democrats will fight tooth and nail.
Purging takes place when people don't vote for a number of years. Nobody has to report to the election commission when they move, die, become too ill to vote. Therefore there is only one possible way to clean up the rolls, and that is purging.

They send you a card that is prepaid return stating in spite of absence from voting, you wish to remain on the rolls. In my state they send out several notices just in case the post office screws something up like they always do, or people just toss it assuming it's junk mail. If you don't return the card, they continue the process of removing you from the voter rolls.

I never heard of a story where people who returned the card were removed anyway.
It's really not a real "biggy" with me. I am in TN, always voted and never been purged. I have listened to election commissioners mention provisional ballots from people purged.
It's really not a real "biggy" with me. I am in TN, always voted and never been purged. I have listened to election commissioners mention provisional ballots from people purged.

It may not be a big deal to us because we always vote. But when Democrats lose elections it's one of the first things they bring up.
I understand your need to run to logical fallacy and build a straw man, but try and stay on topic.

The combination of polluted registration rolls due to democrat interference in purging dead and invalid voters, coupled with the use of unrequested mail in ballots, provides for election fraud on a MASSIVE scale, such as we saw in 2020, and what we just witnessed in Pennsylvania and Nevada. The midnight drops that reversed Laxalt's win depend on these non-purged registrations.

We can have honest elections anytime we choose.
  1. Prove your identity
  2. Gain a one time personal identification code
  3. Use two-factor verification
  4. Vote on the internet from any device using Block-Chain technology.
  5. Results the moment the polls close
But democrats won't allow this, as it would eliminate ALL cheating - and election fraud is sacred to democrats - it's how you win.
That was not a straw man. That was sarcasm that went over your head. Those are actually Red states I listed and some with out voter ID required, much less strict photo ID, and Red states with no voter ID required definitely out number Blue states no requiring any.
My Point is, to an extent this is pot calling the kettle black where republicans would just like to limit the democrat vote.
Mind you, I think all states should have it as a requirement, but get tire of hearing it from knee-jerk republicans with that many republican states no requiring it or requiring none at all. So spare me.
Just look the crap up. It is all right there, easily seen with the maps saying what is and is not required in each state, and I am not going top post it again, as I have to reduce screen size to keep lines from cutting off words titles and part of the map and then readjust so I can read your crap without glasses. You should look it up.
That was not a straw man. That was sarcasm that went over your head. Those are actually Red states I listed and some with out voter ID required, much less strict photo ID, and Red states with no voter ID required definitely out number Blue states no requiring any.
My Point is, to an extent this is pot calling the kettle black where republicans would just like to limit the democrat vote.
Mind you, I think all states should have it as a requirement, but get tire of hearing it from knee-jerk republicans with that many republican states no requiring it or requiring none at all. So spare me.
Just look the crap up. It is all right there, easily seen with the maps saying what is and is not required in each state, and I am not going top post it again, as I have to reduce screen size to keep lines from cutting off words titles and part of the map and then readjust so I can read your crap without glasses. You should look it up.

Your point is that you can't defend the leftist position being discussed, so you provide a different topic that you think is a winner for you as an alternative to the subject under discussion.

There's a name for this...

Oh yeah, a straw man argument.
Meanwhile back in reality...

The GOP is increasing their numbers in the House.

If the democrats are'd think they'd get better results because apparently the democrats are able to do it everywhere, every time and, at the same it without any proof whatsoever.

It makes you wonder how the GOP wins any election.

Dems cheated to LOSE the House???

So much for perceptions

A new national telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports and The National Pulse finds that 52% of Likely U.S. voters believe it is at least somewhat likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, including 36% who think it is Very Likely. Forty-three percent (43%) don’t believe it’s likely cheating affected the 2020 outcome, including 30% who say it’s Not At All Likely. These findings are similar to previous surveys in May and March. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Fifty percent (50%) of voters think it is at least somewhat likely there will be widespread cheating that will affect the outcome of this fall’s congressional elections, including 24% who say it’s Very Likely. Forty-one percent (41%) don’t believe cheating is likely to affect the November midterms, including 22% who say it’s Not At All Likely.

Voters remain skeptical of the integrity of vote-by-mail. Fifty-eight percent (58%) think it’s at least somewhat likely that wider use of mail-in voting will lead to more cheating in elections, including 39% who say it’s Very Likely. Thirty-six percent (36%) don’t believe mail-in voting is likely to lead to more cheating, including 16% who say it’s Not At All Likely. In October 2021, 65% said wider use of mail-in voting would lead to more cheating in elections.

It is relatively easy, compared to landing a man on the moon, or getting a vaccine developed and approved in a matter of months, or winning a war against both Germany and Japan's military machines, to ensure election security. The steps demanded by people concerned about cheating are pretty simple: Photo ID to register, photo ID to vote, and no absentee ballots except in limited and tightly controlled situations like military service, would easily address the concerns of voters who now wonder whether their vote even matters any more.

If the Democrat care so much about Democracy, they would demand the same thing. Especially an honest Dem who honestly believes that there is no significant cheating by Dems. If a Dem believes that, they should be willing to tighten up election security as you suggest so that confidence in Democracy is restored.

Suppose there is no widespread cheating. There is no way to prove that, since cheating is by nature furtive, and little to no resources are spent in catching it. But just suppose that the majority of Americans are wrong, and that in the reality that they don't know, there is very little cheating and what little there is on both sides cancel each other out.

It is not impossible that this is the reality. Perceptions can be wrong.

But . . . there is at this moment in time widespread perception of cheating and that is just as dangerous to Democracy, if not more so.

It's not just Trump cultists who are concerned about cheating:

Asked which is more important in elections, 59% say making sure there is no cheating is more important, while 38% say making it easier for everybody to vote is more important. Those findings are almost unchanged from May.

Seventy-six percent (76%) of Republicans, 37% of Democrats and 64% of voters not affiliated with either major party think it’s more important to make sure there is no cheating in elections. Sixty percent (60%) of Democrats, 20% of Republicans and 33% of unaffiliated voters say making it easier for everybody to vote is more important.

If large chunks of the country lose interest in democracy as a way to affect change because they believe in the old meme, "if voting mattered, they wouldn't let us do it," they are not just going to passively accept their fate of being ruled by corrupt elites. They are going to look for ways outside of democracy to free themselves. That is the danger.

It is easy enough to vote. The above numbers show that more than half the Republicans and Democrats combined think it is more important to make sure there is no cheating than to make voting easier. With that kind of support for eliminating cheating, it should be an easy decision to take on a relatively easy mission.

Another study revealed that 100% of ultra maga fascists are losers..

In the dark days of 2021, as freeway billboards flashed that the Gestapo was hunting anyone who didn't swear loyalty to your Reich. The fascists were cancelling those who dared disagree with the Reich. Judges were rightfully scared that if they heard cases from the Trump team, their careers would be destroyed (look at what you Nazi fucks did to Giuliani) and very possibly they would be arrested or killed by Garlands thugs.

No one was sure just how little of the Republic had survived the coup by Xi's man.

So the courts were entirely closed off to Trump's team.

You Nazis won ZERO cases, all you did was derail our system of justice.

One cannot "like" or "Dislike" evidence that is never examined.

You Nazis shut down the system of justice.
Weird. You think you’re making a point but all I see is a whining from a sad little bitch. Your little bitch hissy-fit isn’t my problem. But I do enjoy it.

Can you do me a favor and cry into my coffee mug? Your tears are delicious. Thanks.
You people called cheating on 2000, 2004, and 2016. This isn’t about fingering the Democrats as much as it is cleaning up the process and eliminating vulnerabilities; which, of course, Democrats will fight tooth and nail.
In the corporate world this kind of thing would result in mass layoffs.

I've seen that happen more than once.

Corporate process guy comes in trying to improve things, and discovers that no one wants to improve things. (They're perfectly happy with the fiefdoms and the graft because they occasionally profit from it).

He finally goes to the CEO and throws up his arms in despair, says "I can't do a damn thing with this crowd".

So then the CEO has to make a business continuity decision. Sometimes he can get temporary staff, sometimes he can't. And, he's usually the one who hired the process guy in the first place, which means there really is a problem.

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