The Perception of Cheating is the Real Danger to Democracy

Investigative reporters are arrested and thrown in prison. You follow CNN and CCP State Run Media MSNBC.

Anyone REALLY investigating anything is in handcuffs.

Ask James O'Keefe, Julian Assange, Andrew Breitbart, et al.

In the democrat controlled America of today, reporting the truth will get you killed.
People investigate report and get charges file in very small numbers 1 or 2, etc in far flung locations, Republican and Democrat for things like voting in other person's or even dead person's name, relatives, convicts that were not supposed to vote, etc after every election. I expect them and look for them, as evidence the system works to keep down the random bad actors. I have not heard of the ones reporting a specific provable election irregularity or infraction being arrested or prosecuted. Your straw man, unrelated to this straw man issues does not hold up, either. Better luck next time.
"Pathetic" All the dead people are democrats? lol Not that Republican have not tried to steal the election, But it seem Democrats are better at stealing the election? LOL

My Dad voted for Joe Biden.

It was very disappointing. He would have NEVER done so while he was alive.

ONE party, the democrat Reich, spends millions to stop the purge of dead voters from registration rolls.

Why do you think that is? Why do democrats demand that dead people remain registered, and then send ballots to all registered voters, without any sort of request or verification?

You know full well why, as do I.
Plus all the people counting the mail-in ballots are democrats? lol

Machines count the ballots. If the voter is registered, that's all that matters.

This is THE fraud that your Reich engages in.
My Dad voted for Joe Biden.

It was very disappointing. He would have NEVER done so while he was alive.

ONE party, the democrat Reich, spends millions to stop the purge of dead voters from registration rolls.

Why do you think that is? Why do democrats demand that dead people remain registered, and then send ballots to all registered voters, without any sort of request or verification?

You know full well why, as do I.
At the same time, we hear, every election of provisional ballots having to be filed and separately hand verified by people that did not vote in the election before and were mistakenly purged, and in some cases, people that voted legally in the primary and then got purged before the general.
I have no idea how much money the Democrat party spends on this or how much money the Republicans spend to do it. Much of the money spent to affect it or prevent it is by interest groups not funded by either party. One side, often wanting to limit the vote (not clean the voter rolls) and the other side not wanting their voter disenfranchise wrongly right before an election.
People investigate report and get charges file in very small numbers 1 or 2, etc in far flung locations, Republican and Democrat for things like voting in other person's or even dead person's name, relatives, convicts that were not supposed to vote, etc after every election. I expect them and look for them, as evidence the system works to keep down the random bad actors. I have not heard of the ones reporting a specific provable election irregularity or infraction being arrested or prosecuted. Your straw man, unrelated to this straw man issues does not hold up, either. Better luck next time.

You ignore any and all evidence as long as your party has power.

I and others have BURIED you in evidence, you never even click the links. You want to quash any suggestion that your party is rigging elections. Not because you doubt it - quite the opposite, you gravely fear that it will be revealed.
You ignore any and all evidence as long as your party has power.

I and others have BURIED you in evidence, you never even click the links. You want to quash any suggestion that your party is rigging elections. Not because you doubt it - quite the opposite, you gravely fear that it will be revealed.
Like the river....Denial
You ignore any and all evidence as long as your party has power.

I and others have BURIED you in evidence, you never even click the links. You want to quash any suggestion that your party is rigging elections. Not because you doubt it - quite the opposite, you gravely fear that it will be revealed.
I have never seen the independents in power. You must be talking to somebody else, maybe somebody in one of the two parties.
At the same time, we hear, every election of provisional ballots having to be filed and separately hand verified by people that did not vote in the election before and were mistakenly purged, and in some cases, people that voted legally in the primary and then got purged before the general.
I have no idea how much money the Democrat party spends on this or how much money the Republicans spend to do it. Much of the money spent to affect it or prevent it is by interest groups not funded by either party. One side, often wanting to limit the vote (not clean the voter rolls) and the other side not wanting their voter disenfranchise wrongly right before an election.

Millions of dead voters, millions of invalid ballots sent out. ZERO way to track or trace these ballots.

It's a winning combination for a Reich that rigs elections.

I believe that people should have to register IN PERSON prior to every major election, that there should be NO persistent registration roll. The ONLY thing these rolls do is perpetrate fraud - for the democrats.

We can have honest elections anytime we choose.
  1. Prove your identity
  2. Gain a one time personal identification code
  3. Use two-factor verification
  4. Vote on the internet from any device using Block-Chain technology.
  5. Results the moment the polls close
But democrats won't allow this, as it would eliminate ALL cheating - and election fraud is sacred to democrats - it's how you win.

"The Perception of Cheating is the Real Danger to Democracy"

Gee, I wonder which party creates the perception of cheating? It ain't Democrats. It's hilarious how Republicans never complain about cheating when they win. Why don't they call for audits when they win? Why is that? It's also sadly hilarious how Republicans scare and threaten poll workers to the point that many of them quit - and then complain about how ALL ballots can't be counted on Election Day. There are many legitimate reasons why all ballots can't be counted on Election Day - including state laws.

"The Perception of Cheating is the Real Danger to Democracy"​

Gee, I wonder which party creates the perception of cheating? It ain't Democrats. It's hilarious how Republicans never complain about cheating when they win. Why don't they call for audits when they win? Why is that? It's also sadly hilarious how Republicans scare and threaten poll workers to the point that many of them quit - and then complain about how ALL ballots can't be counted on Election Day.
No, the Dims create the REALITY of are sooo smart!

"The Perception of Cheating is the Real Danger to Democracy"

Gee, I wonder which party creates the perception of cheating? It ain't Democrats. It's hilarious how Republicans never complain about cheating when they win. Why don't they call for audits when they win? Why is that? It's also sadly hilarious how Republicans scare and threaten poll workers to the point that many of them quit - and then complain about how ALL ballots can't be counted on Election Day. There are many legitimate reasons why all ballots can't be counted on Election Day - including state laws.

So you claim to post credible sources? Let's see one that states "many of the poll workers" quit because REPUBLICANS (never Democrats, because we know how civilized they are) threaten workers.
So you claim to post credible sources? Let's see one that states "many of the poll workers" quit because REPUBLICANS (never Democrats, because we know how civilized they are) threaten workers.

Please provide "credible" examples of Democrats intimidating and threatening poll workers. I've never seen or heard a single one - but everyday the news is full of Republicans doing it.
How is Nevada rigged against Republicans? Please provide proof with "credible" sources. BTW, state election officials provide my "credible source".
Simply follows your established pattern of before....Republican ahead, counting stops for some reason, counting picks back up and results are reversed from "mailin votes" counted that "just arrived".
You paddle your boat on Denial River too huh Dimmer?
Simply follows your established pattern of before....Republican ahead, counting stops for some reason, counting picks back up and results are reversed from "mailin votes" counted that "just arrived".
You paddle your boat on Denial River too huh Dimmer?

Aren't you even a little embarrassed that you don't understand how elections work and why and when votes are counted from various sources? Even a little?
At the same time, we hear, every election of provisional ballots having to be filed and separately hand verified by people that did not vote in the election before and were mistakenly purged, and in some cases, people that voted legally in the primary and then got purged before the general.
I have no idea how much money the Democrat party spends on this or how much money the Republicans spend to do it. Much of the money spent to affect it or prevent it is by interest groups not funded by either party. One side, often wanting to limit the vote (not clean the voter rolls) and the other side not wanting their voter disenfranchise wrongly right before an election.

Purging takes place when people don't vote for a number of years. Nobody has to report to the election commission when they move, die, become too ill to vote. Therefore there is only one possible way to clean up the rolls, and that is purging.

They send you a card that is prepaid return stating in spite of absence from voting, you wish to remain on the rolls. In my state they send out several notices just in case the post office screws something up like they always do, or people just toss it assuming it's junk mail. If you don't return the card, they continue the process of removing you from the voter rolls.

I never heard of a story where people who returned the card were removed anyway.
Aren't you even a little embarrassed that you don't understand how elections work and why and when votes are counted from various sources? Even a little?
I know all about voting. For 25 years in the military and since I have retired, Dimmer. I also know what cheating looks like, and I know who is doing it.
Aren't you even a little embarassed you are a Dimmer?

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