The plan to turn swing States blue through illegal immigration will fail.

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
It was not a bad idea in principle. Hispanics tend to vote democrat, so bring in a whole bunch of them, make them voters as quickly as possible. Their ballots may not be valid, but they won't be unlawful so they will count. Keep that up for a few years and no Republican can be elected president, and Congress will be overwhelmingly democrat. Not a bad plan as long as you don't think through to the next step.

Which Democrats rarely do.

The problem is that the reason elections are so close is that both parties adjust their campaigns and policy pronouncements to get as many voters as possible. George W Bush was much too moderate for most Republicans of his day. So Bill Clinton ran as a conservative. He promised, for example, to end welfare As We Know it. Hard to believe, but that's what he did.

As soon as Republican C the numbers start to shift in the favor of democrats, they will do a couple of things that they have never done before. Well really the same thing two different groups. First of all, they will Court the black vote. The Republican line has always been that they want everyone's vote and are colorblind. That won't work. Maybe that's how the law and employment and education should be, but politics Will Never Be That way.

Telling black voters "of course I want you to vote for me, I want everybody to vote for me" is like telling a girl you're trying to get busy with "of course I love you, I love all the ladies!"

The other thing they will do is Court the Hispanic vote. That will go a little differently.
The fact is, illegal immigrants are welcomed by both parties, for the cheap labour they supply.

Much of America's industry and agriculture is not viable without them.

America's corporations are packing their bags and heading to China/etc. where labour is cheap. That's leaving the American working class looking for a job that pays a decent wage.

And then failing to find the job, some turn to flipping hamburgers. Some others don't even bother looking!
Wow, so many things wrong with this premise... so many.

It was not a bad idea in principle. Hispanics tend to vote democrat, so bring in a whole bunch of them, make them voters as quickly as possible. Their ballots may not be valid, but they won't be unlawful so they will count. Keep that up for a few years and no Republican can be elected president, and Congress will be overwhelmingly democrat. Not a bad plan as long as you don't think through to the next step.

Which Democrats rarely do.
The first problem is that you think your ONLY problem is with minorities. You also have a problem with women, who don't want to become unwilling breeding machines, and young people, who are not keen on the Republican notion of "Work harder for less money so the rich can have tax breaks".

The problem is that the reason elections are so close is that both parties adjust their campaigns and policy pronouncements to get as many voters as possible. George W Bush was much too moderate for most Republicans of his day. So Bill Clinton ran as a conservative. He promised, for example, to end welfare As We Know it. Hard to believe, but that's what he did.

I think the problem is that you are taking the wrong impressions from historical trends. The Race-baiting, homophobic, religious nuttery of the GOP worked fine in the 1970's and 1980's, when white people were 80% of the electorate. It doesn't work quite as well when they are a mere 65% of the electorate.

Clinton won because Bush-41 was inept, and Perot split the vote. The economy was going well by 1996, so they let Dole be the sacrificial lamb. 2000 Al Gore SHOULD have won, but we have a bizarre system designed by slave rapists. Oh, and his brother rigged the vote in Florida. He got re-elected in 2004 because we were all scared of terrorists, and the Democrats ran an old hippy.

By 2008, though, Americans were sick of war, sick of the rich screwing the working class, and that's why Obama won so overwhelmingly.

Trump only won because Hillary was an awful candidate and too many self-righteous idiots voted third party.

In short, demographics are not your friend.

As soon as Republican C the numbers start to shift in the favor of democrats, they will do a couple of things that they have never done before. Well really the same thing two different groups. First of all, they will Court the black vote. The Republican line has always been that they want everyone's vote and are colorblind. That won't work. Maybe that's how the law and employment and education should be, but politics Will Never Be That way.

I can't see how Republicans win over blacks and Hispanics without making a clean break from Trump and his racism. And I can't see the GOP making a clean break from Trump and his racism without Trump running as a third party candidate.

Telling black voters "of course I want you to vote for me, I want everybody to vote for me" is like telling a girl you're trying to get busy with "of course I love you, I love all the ladies!"

The other thing they will do is Court the Hispanic vote. That will go a little differently.
How do you think that? Frankly, Trump and the GOP have spent the last decade demonizing Hispanics, particularly Mexican-Americans, who are the largest growing group. The Cuban Americans are pretty republican, but they aren't going to grow that much, as whoever succeeded Castro isn't letting new people come over. Puerto Ricans will remember who is blocking their Island from becoming a state.
It was not a bad idea in principle. Hispanics tend to vote democrat, so bring in a whole bunch of them, make them voters as quickly as possible. Their ballots may not be valid, but they won't be unlawful so they will count. Keep that up for a few years and no Republican can be elected president, and Congress will be overwhelmingly democrat. Not a bad plan as long as you don't think through to the next step.

Which Democrats rarely do.

The problem is that the reason elections are so close is that both parties adjust their campaigns and policy pronouncements to get as many voters as possible. George W Bush was much too moderate for most Republicans of his day. So Bill Clinton ran as a conservative. He promised, for example, to end welfare As We Know it. Hard to believe, but that's what he did.

As soon as Republican C the numbers start to shift in the favor of democrats, they will do a couple of things that they have never done before. Well really the same thing two different groups. First of all, they will Court the black vote. The Republican line has always been that they want everyone's vote and are colorblind. That won't work. Maybe that's how the law and employment and education should be, but politics Will Never Be That way.

Telling black voters "of course I want you to vote for me, I want everybody to vote for me" is like telling a girl you're trying to get busy with "of course I love you, I love all the ladies!"

The other thing they will do is Court the Hispanic vote. That will go a little differently.

You can't possibly be this clueless! They cheated in the millions column in 20 and 22! They just need the body count, actual voting is irrelevant as long as we continue to allow it

You honestly Hobbs and Fetterman got more legitimate votes or that democrat kept the Senate?
It was not a bad idea in principle. Hispanics tend to vote democrat, so bring in a whole bunch of them, make them voters as quickly as possible. Their ballots may not be valid, but they won't be unlawful so they will count. Keep that up for a few years and no Republican can be elected president, and Congress will be overwhelmingly democrat. Not a bad plan as long as you don't think through to the next step.

Which Democrats rarely do.

The problem is that the reason elections are so close is that both parties adjust their campaigns and policy pronouncements to get as many voters as possible. George W Bush was much too moderate for most Republicans of his day. So Bill Clinton ran as a conservative. He promised, for example, to end welfare As We Know it. Hard to believe, but that's what he did.

As soon as Republican C the numbers start to shift in the favor of democrats, they will do a couple of things that they have never done before. Well really the same thing two different groups. First of all, they will Court the black vote. The Republican line has always been that they want everyone's vote and are colorblind. That won't work. Maybe that's how the law and employment and education should be, but politics Will Never Be That way.

Telling black voters "of course I want you to vote for me, I want everybody to vote for me" is like telling a girl you're trying to get busy with "of course I love you, I love all the ladies!"

The other thing they will do is Court the Hispanic vote. That will go a little differently.

It goes beyond that. It's because the world economic forum wants illegals. It's part of their plan to have western countries take in poor people from poor countries. And on multiple accounts the current administration has pushed several of the world economic forums ideas in the past few years.

Wow, so many things wrong with this premise... so many.

The first problem is that you think your ONLY problem is with minorities. You also have a problem with women, who don't want to become unwilling breeding machines, and young people, who are not keen on the Republican notion of "Work harder for less money so the rich can have tax breaks".

I think the problem is that you are taking the wrong impressions from historical trends. The Race-baiting, homophobic, religious nuttery of the GOP worked fine in the 1970's and 1980's, when white people were 80% of the electorate. It doesn't work quite as well when they are a mere 65% of the electorate.

Clinton won because Bush-41 was inept, and Perot split the vote. The economy was going well by 1996, so they let Dole be the sacrificial lamb. 2000 Al Gore SHOULD have won, but we have a bizarre system designed by slave rapists. Oh, and his brother rigged the vote in Florida. He got re-elected in 2004 because we were all scared of terrorists, and the Democrats ran an old hippy.

By 2008, though, Americans were sick of war, sick of the rich screwing the working class, and that's why Obama won so overwhelmingly.

Trump only won because Hillary was an awful candidate and too many self-righteous idiots voted third party.

In short, demographics are not your friend.

I can't see how Republicans win over blacks and Hispanics without making a clean break from Trump and his racism. And I can't see the GOP making a clean break from Trump and his racism without Trump running as a third party candidate.

How do you think that? Frankly, Trump and the GOP have spent the last decade demonizing Hispanics, particularly Mexican-Americans, who are the largest growing group. The Cuban Americans are pretty republican, but they aren't going to grow that much, as whoever succeeded Castro isn't letting new people come over. Puerto Ricans will remember who is blocking their Island from becoming a state.
Republican race-baiting worked in the 90's too, the ought's the tens and up through the 20's up to now.

It's just returning lesser, and lesser results.
The first problem is that you think your ONLY problem is with minorities.
No, I don't think that the GOP's ONLY problem is with minorities, and nothing in my post would have given a thinking person reason to think that it meant that.

The GOP just took control of congress, so whatever their problems, it is not stopping them from controlling the courts, and the people's house.

I gave examples of how the GOP will adjust to keep getting approximately 50% of the vote.

If you think that Republican politicians will not change their views on and an all issues, abortion, tax cuts, war, peace, climate, spending, immigration, or any other issue in order to keep getting elected, you must not have been watching from the 2016 primary to the present. During 2016, Never Trumpers were very vocal. But during his presidency, they realized it was political suicide, and many became ardent Trump supporters.
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You can't possibly be this clueless! They cheated in the millions column in 20 and 22! They just need the body count, actual voting is irrelevant as long as we continue to allow it

You honestly Hobbs and Fetterman got more legitimate votes or that democrat kept the Senate?
Well, yes.

I mean no, Fetterman and Hobbs did not get more legitmate votes and neither did the Democrats who won the Senate.

Yes, they cheated in the millions in 20 and 22. So, another change the Republicans will make is that they will begin cheating also.

Except it isn't even really cheating. Votes don't have to be legitmate to count. According to the judge in Arizona, it is NOT unlawful for an unauthorized person to harvest ballot and insert them into the vote stream outside the legitimate process. Such "votes" are not unlawful, but only invalid. So they count, the judge said so.

That is not known as "cheating" anymore, but whatever it is Republicans can do it also and would be fools not to. Republicans are just as capable of harvesting ballots and inserting them into the stream as Democrats. Maybe moreso, in which case they won't even need to make the changes I predict.
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The other thing they will do is Court the Hispanic vote. That will go a little differently.
Sorry to quote my own post, but I did not have time to expand on that.

The Hispanics voters will be a gold mine for the Republicans in the coming years. The Democrats' biggest failure in this whole no-border debacle is to lump Hispanic U.S. citizens in with illegal aliens, and to think that pandering to illegals is the same as pandering to Hispanics. I honestly think that Democrats don't realize that there is any difference.

The approach should be simple. The Democrats are fanatical about abortion, which Hispanics oppose. Especially the recent immigrants that Dems can't wait to get on the voter rolls. High taxes, inflation, and over-regulation harms most those who came from low-income families and are trying to move up. That describes a Yuge number of Hispanic voters.
Well, yes.

I mean no, Fetterman and Hobbs did not get more legitmate votes and neither did the Democrats who won the Senate.

Yes, they cheated in the millions in 20 and 22. So, another change the Republicans will make is that they will begin cheating also.

Except it isn't even really cheating. Votes don't have to be legitmate to count. According to the judge in Arizona, it is NOT unlawful for an unauthorized person to harvest ballot and insert them into the vote stream outside the legitimate process. Such "votes" are not unlawful, but only invalid. So they count, the judge said so.

That is not known as "cheating" anymore, but whatever it is Republicans can do it also and would be fools not to. Republicans are just as capable of harvesting ballots and inserting them into the stream as Democrats. Maybe moreso, in which case they won't even need to make the changes I predict.
I still can't figure out why the People aren't taking to the Streets to protest and correct this
The Democrats' biggest failure in this whole no-border debacle is to lump Hispanic U.S. citizens in with illegal aliens, and to think that pandering to illegals is the same as pandering to Hispanics. I honestly think that Democrats don't realize that there is any difference.

Do Republicans think that luring Hispanics onto busses under false pretexes and dumping them in the middle of winter endears them to the Hispanic population?
Do Republicans think that luring Hispanics onto busses under false pretexes and dumping them in the middle of winter endears them to the Hispanic population?
Much like Trumpers, Hispanics aren't immune to the nonsense.

Bigotry and racism undergirds it all, so keep that in mind.
Republican race-baiting worked in the 90's too, the ought's the tens and up through the 20's up to now.

It's just returning lesser, and lesser results.
An economics major I am not. The debasing of fiat currencies weakens them over time. The currency we have is weaker than a couple of decades ago and couple of decades before that.
I still can't figure out why the People aren't taking to the Streets to protest and correct this
This is twice, but the second time was a midterm. I believe that if the 2024 election is stolen, people may take to the streets, finally.

If they don't, we don't want to sound like the Trump Derangement Folk saying, "this time, it's really . . ."

If the 2024 election is stolen, and we do not take to the streets, the GOP will have to start conducting election campaigns as dirty as the Dems do, or we will turn into the authoritarian socialist state that the Democrooks dream of.
the GOP will have to start conducting election campaigns as dirty as the Dems do,

What Republicans do to steal elections

File frivolous court challenges hoping for partisan conservative judges
Intimidate local election officials to overturn the vote
Fake Electors
Encourage the VP to overturn the states
Storm the Capitol
What Republicans do to steal elections

File frivolous court challenges hoping for partisan conservative judges
Intimidate local election officials to overturn the vote
Fake Electors
Encourage the VP to overturn the states
Storm the Capitol


What Republicans do to steal elections

File frivolous court challenges hoping for partisan conservative judges
Intimidate local election officials to overturn the vote
Fake Electors
Encourage the VP to overturn the states
Storm the Capitol
Yeah, we need a lot more of that to fight the invalid votes.

But mainly we need to start inserting those invalid harvested ballots ourselves.

Anyway, what are you doing back? I thought you had posted the thread killer.
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This is twice, but the second time was a midterm. I believe that if the 2024 election is stolen, people may take to the streets, finally.

If they don't, we don't want to sound like the Trump Derangement Folk saying, "this time, it's really . . ."

If the 2024 election is stolen, and we do not take to the streets, the GOP will have to start conducting election campaigns as dirty as the Dems do, or we will turn into the authoritarian socialist state that the Democrooks dream of.

As an old lady who would be out there if she could, I want to know what's taking them so fucking long!


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