The polarized US


VIP Member
Jan 20, 2011
This country is more polarized than it has ever been and it does not appear to be changing anytime soon. You can see it just by going to different news web sites. Sure people say that fox news covers the right side. But truth is it is more center it is just that all the other news agencies are so far left that it makes it look right. If you want to actually see right you really have to listen to talk radio. You go to any other news site you see the left side. And people can talk about Fox news but they are not the ones constantly having to walk back fake stories after the fact. The left news organizations constantly have to walk back stories whether it is to do with miss quotes or unreliable data used in reports.

The left is more likely to put out stories attacking republicans with no reliable source to back up their claims. What has journalism come to when just by seeing a name on a tea party site to claim on the news a mass murderer is a tea party member? If this was the only time then it could be overlooked but it wasn’t the first time this happened. This actually happens a lot. It is one thing to only cover stories that make republicans look bad and democrats look good but it is something entirely different to take an unsubstantiated claim and run with it which they also do.

Just look today you can go to left web sites and see where an “Anglo-Saxon” comment made but an unnamed Romney campaign adviser making a statement. I repeat an unnamed campaign advisor made an off the wall statement and they are running with it and attacking Romney. You go to Fox and they are not even reporting it and they shouldn’t because it is an unnamed source. You need to verify a story before you run with it. Or at least you would think you should.

You go to Fox and you find stories about the security leaks coming from the White House somewhere. This is not even a republican thing as just the other day Democrats were saying the leaks were coming from somewhere in the White House. Of course they walked that back yesterday because God forbid a Democrat call out another Democrat. Republican will call out other Republicans like the Bachman debacle but not Democrats no they are all for one and one for all. Of course that is probably part of the reason they are all crashing and burning together as well but I digress.

If you go to the right websites you see stories about the money problems in Europe. You can even find where France is now saying that paying for infrastructure projects does not boost the economy and are changing track from stimulus to cuts. But hey that would make Obama look bad so better not even report that. Sure it is news but anything that can make the left look bad is not news to the left leaning news organizations. Odd thing is that this is not even being covered by Fox news. Though, as I said before, Fox news is a center right organization that is not just bent on destroying the left.

By the way, for those of you that don’t know the tolerant Democrats are attacking Chick-Fil-A for its Christian leadership and their beliefs regarding gay marriage. Funny they are attacking them saying they will not let them have business licenses in Boston and Chicago while at the same time talking about tolerance and values. I can promise you the rest of this year I will try and take lunch everyday at Chick-Fil-A. I’m not Christian but I certainly appreciate someone standing up for what they believe in and not backing done to intolerant fools.
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I'm pretty sure we've been more polarized in the past than we are today.
Communism now drives the Left in America.

It is well disguised at times, but it is in fact - Communism.

This will probably end ugly.
I'm pretty sure we've been more polarized in the past than we are today.

Not in my lifetime. When was the last time when every democrat was forced to agree? When was the last time when it seems hardly anyone is breaking ranks?
I'm pretty sure we've been more polarized in the past than we are today.

Not in my lifetime. When was the last time when every democrat was forced to agree? When was the last time when it seems hardly anyone is breaking ranks?

"forced to agree"? You mean something like the single block Republican opposition to certain bills?

I'm not sure how old you are, but the nation was absolutely more divided in the late 1960's and early 1970's. By a long shot.
Communism now drives the Left in America.

It is well disguised at times, but it is in fact - Communism.

This will probably end ugly.

What a dumb ass statement. No differant than if I were to accuse you of being a armband wearing Nazi.

Statements like this are the heart of the problem. All too many cannot see that other people have very solid reasons for a differant point of view than their own. So they accuse them of harboring some criminal intent because they do not agree with the ideology they espouse.

Just as Communism died with a whimper, so will the very radical right in this nation. A sad little whimper as the world moves on to saner ideologies.
I'm pretty sure we've been more polarized in the past than we are today.

Not in my lifetime. When was the last time when every democrat was forced to agree? When was the last time when it seems hardly anyone is breaking ranks?

"forced to agree"? You mean something like the single block Republican opposition to certain bills?

I'm not sure how old you are, but the nation was absolutely more divided in the late 1960's and early 1970's. By a long shot.

I'm not that old.
Communism now drives the Left in America.

It is well disguised at times, but it is in fact - Communism.

This will probably end ugly.

What a dumb ass statement. No differant than if I were to accuse you of being a armband wearing Nazi.

Statements like this are the heart of the problem. All too many cannot see that other people have very solid reasons for a differant point of view than their own. So they accuse them of harboring some criminal intent because they do not agree with the ideology they espouse.

Just as Communism died with a whimper, so will the very radical right in this nation. A sad little whimper as the world moves on to saner ideologies.

And what ideology would that be? So far the right seems to only one proven to work. Maybe far right is not good for the country but the right side of center to this point is the only side proven to work.
Conservatives, for example, wouldn't boycott an Elton John concert just because he is a flamming faggot.

But the totalitarian progressives commies? Look what they are doing to Chick-Fil-A.

We have seen this all before. There is nothing new here.

I'm pretty sure we've been more polarized in the past than we are today.

Just a tad. I'd say right now we about par for the course.

Seems pretty bad these days, but it's always been that way. Just a matter of degree maybe. Not a lot of cooperation these days, that's for sure.

When was there a lot of cooperation? I think you might have to go back as far as WWII. Prior to that, I expect you'll hit the revolution before you see it.
Communism now drives the Left in America.

It is well disguised at times, but it is in fact - Communism.

This will probably end ugly.

What a dumb ass statement. No differant than if I were to accuse you of being a armband wearing Nazi.

Statements like this are the heart of the problem. All too many cannot see that other people have very solid reasons for a differant point of view than their own. So they accuse them of harboring some criminal intent because they do not agree with the ideology they espouse.

Just as Communism died with a whimper, so will the very radical right in this nation. A sad little whimper as the world moves on to saner ideologies.

And what ideology would that be? So far the right seems to only one proven to work. Maybe far right is not good for the country but the right side of center to this point is the only side proven to work.

The only thing which seems to work is center. Whether it leans to the right or the left at any given time doesn't make much difference. It is when you get too far from the center, either right or left, that it falls apart.

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