Zone1 The Problem Is Guns, And Easy Access To Guns

Firearms are now the number one cause of death for children in the United States, but rank no higher than fifth in 11 other large and wealthy countries, a new KFF analysis finds.

Guns – including accidental deaths, suicides, and homicides – killed 4,357 children (ages 1-19 years old) in the United States in 2020, or roughly 5.6 per 100,000 children. The U.S. is the only country among its peers that has seen a substantial increase in the rate of child firearm deaths in the last two decades (42%).

The problem is guns, and the easy access to guns


No!!! The real problem is people like you.

The next problem is the people that are violent and should be committed to Rikers Island or Sing-Sing.


No disregard of the Constitution. The majority ruled both when Prop. 8 was first implemented in CA and again when the SC expanded the definition of marriage nationwide. Democracy. Horrors!
The USA Constitution was written to balance the rule of majority with the respect for the rights of the minority. Hence, not "Democracy", but Representative Republic. Your view of "Democracy" is what produced the Jim Crow Laws and other unConstitutional legislations/laws.
No, dummy:

Yes, the majority ruled out same sex marriage..

Done yet? If not, I'll just keep rubbing the irrefutable evidence into your fat Frankenface.. Same goes for your idiotic buddies, 2aguy and Stryder50..
I don't recall weighing in on same sex marriage on this thread so your broad brush is once again highly inaccurate.
Your "evidence" is far from irrefutable, but you ignorance and bias definitely are.
50 years ago, we had guns easier to get hold of and didn't have these problems. Again, what changed? Not the guns.
What changed was concept, people bought a gun/riffle for a reason, Most were educated on the safe storage & use. Hunting was part of life. Now we have suit wearing men posing with there wife and kids with military grade weapons'. See how cool I am, for some unexplainable political reason. Pro gun, anti gun nut.
What changed was concept, people bought a gun/riffle for a reason, Most were educated on the safe storage & use. Hunting was part of life. Now we have suit wearing men posing with there wife and kids with military grade weapons'. See how cool I am, for some unexplainable political reason. Pro gun, anti gun nut.

Those are not military weapons....not even close....that you are ignorant about that probably means you should do some research before you post....
What changed was concept, people bought a gun/riffle for a reason, Most were educated on the safe storage & use. Hunting was part of life. Now we have suit wearing men posing with there wife and kids with military grade weapons'. See how cool I am, for some unexplainable political reason. Pro gun, anti gun nut.
Undoubtedly, part of the reason for that picture was to trigger the anti-gun left.
Mission accomplished.
That is really sad,
Hate triggering more popular than efforts to work together towards solutions.
The anti-gun left, over and over and over, demonstrates it has no desire to "work together" or create "solutions".

Instead, it demands we accept unnecessary, ineffective, and unconstitutional restrictions on the exercise of the right to keep and bear arms by the law abiding.

Triggering it serves to further illustrate its ignorance and dishonesty.
The USA Constitution was written to balance the rule of majority with the respect for the rights of the minority. Hence, not "Democracy", but Representative Republic. Your view of "Democracy" is what produced the Jim Crow Laws and other unConstitutional legislations/laws.
Really? Was Jim Crow worse than the slavery that came before it? Funny how the constitution never protected the rights of the slave minority. Its almost as if they had a particular minority in mind....
The anti-gun left, over and over and over, demonstrates it has no desire to "work together" or create "solutions".

Instead, it demands we accept unnecessary, ineffective, and unconstitutional restrictions on the exercise of the right to keep and bear arms by the law abiding.

Triggering it serves to further illustrate its ignorance and dishonesty.
The vast majority of this country supports gun reform.
The vast majority of this country supports gun reform.

If that were really true, then were is thee movement to ratify a new amendment to the Constitution, in order to override the Second Amendment.

As long as the Second Amendment stands, all efforts to restrict he people's right to keep and bear are are illegal, unconstitutional,, and acts of corruption on the part of every public servant who has any part in enacting or enforcing any such restrictions.

By wise design, amending the Constitution is no trivial task, but of there was anywhere near the level of support that you criminal-loving anti-American filth claim there is for stripping us of this right, that would be enough support to get such an amendment passed.

There is no effort to get such an amendment passed, because no body in any position to initiate such an effort believes it would have any chance at all of succeeding, which puts the lie to all those claims about there being so much public support for removing this right.
If that were really true, then were is thee movement to ratify a new amendment to the Constitution, in order to override the Second Amendment.
That's shitty logic. Who says stricter gun laws require a constitutional amendment?
As long as the Second Amendment stands, all efforts to restrict he people's right to keep and bear are are illegal, unconstitutional,, and acts of corruption on the part of every public servant who has any part in enacting or enforcing any such restrictions.
As I told another poster the 2nd Amendment isn't a magical forcefield. Feel how you want about them, your feelings don't mean much to me.
By wise design, amending the Constitution is no trivial task, but of there was anywhere near the level of support that you criminal-loving anti-American filth claim there is for stripping us of this right, that would be enough support to get such an amendment passed.
Somewhere around 56% to 60% of Americans support stricter gun laws.
There is no effort to get such an amendment passed, because no body in any position to initiate such an effort believes it would have any chance at all of succeeding, which puts the lie to all those claims about there being so much public support for removing this right.
You keep waiting in the bushes for the attack on the 2nd and don't mind us as we go around you. 😄
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That's shitty logic. Who says stricter gun laws require a constitutional amendment?

That would be the Constitution—this nation's highest law. The Second Amendment affirms the right to keep and bear arms, identifies this right as belonging to the people, and forbids it from being infringed.

ALL gun control laws infringe this right, thetefore, ALL gun control laws are in violation of the Constitution.

The only way that any gun control law can ever legitimately exist in this nation would be to first ratify a new amendment to the Constitution that overturns the Second Amendment. Until this is done, every public servant—every legislator, every executive, every judge, every police officer—who takes any part in enacting, enforcing, or upholding any gun control law is a criminal.
That would be the Constitution—this nation's highest law. The Second Amendment affirms the right to keep and bear arms, identifies this right as belonging to the people, and forbids it from being infringed.
Sure it does. Like a magical forcefield. 😄
ALL gun control laws infringe this right, thetefore, ALL gun control laws are in violation of the Constitution.
The only way that any gun control law can ever legitimately exist in this nation would be to first ratify a new amendment to the Constitution that overturns the Second Amendment. Until this is done, every public servant—every legislator, every executive, every judge, every police officer—who takes any part in enacting, enforcing, or upholding any gun control law is a criminal.
Well see there's your problem right there. We don't care if you feel its legitmate or not so long as you feel the boot of the government on your neck if you violate it.
Really? Was Jim Crow worse than the slavery that came before it? Funny how the constitution never protected the rights of the slave minority.

Interesting that the slave owners became the democrat party and that blacks vote for that party at an over 95% rate………while the democrat party cities and states refuse to educate their children and create generational poverty and crime………
That's shitty logic. Who says stricter gun laws require a constitutional amendment?

As I told another poster the 2nd Amendment isn't a magical forcefield. Feel how you want about them, your feelings don't mean much to me.

Somewhere around 56% to 60% of Americans support stricter gun laws.

You keep waiting in the bushes for the attack on the 2nd and don't mind us as we go around you. 😄

The Americans who support gun control don’t know what the issues are….which intentional on the part of fascists like you……..

You hide your goal of disarming people, until you get the votes to ban and confiscate….
Interesting that the slave owners became the democrat party and that blacks vote for that party at an over 95% rate………while the democrat party cities and states refuse to educate their children and create generational poverty and crime………
Who's falling for this moronic narrative? Who has ever fallen it? 😄
The Americans who support gun control don’t know what the issues are….which intentional on the part of fascists like you……..

You hide your goal of disarming people, until you get the votes to ban and confiscate….
Sure sounds like you know what the issues are with the non specific way you discuss these topics.... 😄

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