The Question of Charlottesville


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2015
So, recently I started a thread about the Lesson of Charlottesville, making the point that liberals universally lie about what the President said in his speech, in order to hold on to this illusion of Trump/republican/American racism.

The QUESTION this raises in my mind, is WHY?

Why do they feel the need to do this?

So, to explore that, my question to you all, but especially you liberals out there,

is what policy, (hence this thread) or government actions or political position do you hold, that you would have to change your position on if you were to admit that Trump/republicans/America, is not "racist"?

I mean, are you only against say, "low taxes for the Rich" because of "racism", and if you gave up "racism" you would have to reverse your position and suddenly be FOR them?
So, recently I started a thread about the Lesson of Charlottesville, making the point that liberals universally lie about what the President said in his speech, in order to hold on to this illusion of Trump/republican/American racism.

The QUESTION this raises in my mind, is WHY?

Why do they feel the need to do this?

So, to explore that, my question to you all, but especially you liberals out there,

is what policy, (hence this thread) or government actions or political position do you hold, that you would have to change your position on if you were to admit that Trump/republicans/America, is not "racist"?

I mean, are you only against say, "low taxes for the Rich" because of "racism", and if you gave up "racism" you would have to reverse your position and suddenly be FOR them?
Nice post, thanks. It's interesting to note that President Trump wasn't considered to be a racist by ANY Dim Dems or liberal lunatics, UNTIL THE DAY HE ANNOUNCED HE WAS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT in 2015. Strange how that works.....
So, recently I started a thread about the Lesson of Charlottesville, making the point that liberals universally lie about what the President said in his speech, in order to hold on to this illusion of Trump/republican/American racism.

The QUESTION this raises in my mind, is WHY?

Why do they feel the need to do this?

So, to explore that, my question to you all, but especially you liberals out there,

is what policy, (hence this thread) or government actions or political position do you hold, that you would have to change your position on if you were to admit that Trump/republicans/America, is not "racist"?

I mean, are you only against say, "low taxes for the Rich" because of "racism", and if you gave up "racism" you would have to reverse your position and suddenly be FOR them?
Nice post, thanks. It's interesting to note that President Trump wasn't considered to be a racist by ANY Dim Dems or liberal lunatics, UNTIL THE DAY HE ANNOUNCED HE WAS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT in 2015. Strange how that works.....

The question I'm asking here is, what difference would it make, if they gave it up?
So, recently I started a thread about the Lesson of Charlottesville, making the point that liberals universally lie about what the President said in his speech, in order to hold on to this illusion of Trump/republican/American racism.

The QUESTION this raises in my mind, is WHY?

Why do they feel the need to do this?

So, to explore that, my question to you all, but especially you liberals out there,

is what policy, (hence this thread) or government actions or political position do you hold, that you would have to change your position on if you were to admit that Trump/republicans/America, is not "racist"?

I mean, are you only against say, "low taxes for the Rich" because of "racism", and if you gave up "racism" you would have to reverse your position and suddenly be FOR them?
The overwhelming majority of Democrats are racist pieces of shit. When they accuse Republicans of racism it is simply projection. Blaming others of what they are guilty of doing.

The Democratic party is not known as the party of slavery and Jim Crow for nothing.
Charlottesville was Trump's Antietam in the suburbs, and Healthcare may be his Gettysburg, and Coronavirus his Wilderness and Appamotox

This thread is about what would it change, for liberals, if they had to give up the claim of racism.

Is there one policy or idea, or action, that they only oppose, because of "racism", instead of the merits or lack there of, of the policy or idea or action?
So, recently I started a thread about the Lesson of Charlottesville, making the point that liberals universally lie about what the President said in his speech, in order to hold on to this illusion of Trump/republican/American racism.

The QUESTION this raises in my mind, is WHY?

Why do they feel the need to do this?

So, to explore that, my question to you all, but especially you liberals out there,

is what policy, (hence this thread) or government actions or political position do you hold, that you would have to change your position on if you were to admit that Trump/republicans/America, is not "racist"?

I mean, are you only against say, "low taxes for the Rich" because of "racism", and if you gave up "racism" you would have to reverse your position and suddenly be FOR them?
The overwhelming majority of Democrats are racist pieces of shit. When they accuse Republicans of racism it is simply projection. Blaming others of what they are guilty of doing.

The Democratic party is not known as the party of slavery and Jim Crow for nothing.
Exactly. Nice post, thanks.
So, recently I started a thread about the Lesson of Charlottesville, making the point that liberals universally lie about what the President said in his speech, in order to hold on to this illusion of Trump/republican/American racism.

The QUESTION this raises in my mind, is WHY?

Why do they feel the need to do this?

So, to explore that, my question to you all, but especially you liberals out there,

is what policy, (hence this thread) or government actions or political position do you hold, that you would have to change your position on if you were to admit that Trump/republicans/America, is not "racist"?

I mean, are you only against say, "low taxes for the Rich" because of "racism", and if you gave up "racism" you would have to reverse your position and suddenly be FOR them?

I can answer that: President Trump stated that "there were very fine people on both sides." He did not criticize the "white nationalists" at the rally, nor did he criticize the antifa members who also attended.

The liberals demanded that President Trump speak more harshly, and condemn the entire "white nationalist" movement in hopes that it would cost him what they believed to be a very large segment of his voter base.

This is not hard to understand. The left typically believes that the majority of people who support President Trump are "racist", "white nationalists", "Klan-sympathizers", "Neo-Nazis", etc.

So the ultimate goal of the left's outrage wasn't really the fact that the girl got flattened by that Dodge Challenger. They couldn't care less about her, unless she could be seen as a martyr to support their cause against President Trump. In other words, her death was merely being used as a political wedge to separate President Trump from his voter base.

This is something the left has been desperately trying to do for years now. They have tried to defeat him through every means possible: The Russia Investigation, hundreds of fake scandals, and the impeachment. All of those have failed, so they devise ways to sow discord and disappointment among his supporters, hoping they will not vote for him again.
So, recently I started a thread about the Lesson of Charlottesville, making the point that liberals universally lie about what the President said in his speech, in order to hold on to this illusion of Trump/republican/American racism.

But we didn't lie. Trump lied. He claimed there were peaceful protesters there from the right. There weren't. They were all of the violent and white supremacist type.

The QUESTION this raises in my mind, is WHY?

We pointed out Trump's praise for racism because people who behave like that should be shunned.

As to why you defend such behavior, we can't answer that. You'll have to explain it.

is what policy, (hence this thread) or government actions or political position do you hold, that you would have to change your position on if you were to admit that Trump/republicans/America, is not "racist"?

Not a single thing. Trump's racism is independent of the awfulness of most of his other policies.

You need to understand that we're not like you. We're consistent. You hate liberal policies blindly, to justify the blind hatred of liberals that gets you off, so you assume we're the same. That's not the case.
They have tried to defeat him through every means possible: The Russia Investigation,

All verified. That's why Mueller said Trump would be indicted if he wasn't president. I know the Stalinist in you drives you to try to rewrite history, but you suck at it.

hundreds of fake scandals, and the impeachment.

Where Trump and Republicans admitted Trump was guilty as charged. Do keep up. They just declared that a Republican president is allowed to commit any crimes he wants.

And you still kiss their butts. You're as corrupt and as treasonous as Trump and the Republicans.
So, recently I started a thread about the Lesson of Charlottesville, making the point that liberals universally lie about what the President said in his speech, in order to hold on to this illusion of Trump/republican/American racism.

But we didn't lie. Trump lied. He claimed there were peaceful protesters there from the right. There weren't. They were all of the violent and white supremacist type.

The QUESTION this raises in my mind, is WHY?

We pointed out Trump's praise for racism because people who behave like that should be shunned.

As to why you defend such behavior, we can't answer that. You'll have to explain it.

is what policy, (hence this thread) or government actions or political position do you hold, that you would have to change your position on if you were to admit that Trump/republicans/America, is not "racist"?

Not a single thing. Trump's racism is independent of the awfulness of most of his other policies.

You need to understand that we're not like you. We're consistent. You hate liberal policies blindly, to justify the blind hatred of liberals that gets you off, so you assume we're the same. That's not the case.

"Counterprotesters had also gathered early. Members of anti-fascist groups yelled at the rallygoers. Many of them also carried sticks and shields."

"“F--- you, Nazis!” the counterprotesters chanted. "

"Counterprotesters fought back, also swinging sticks, punching and spraying chemicals. Others threw balloons filled with paint or ink at the white nationalists."

“Go the f--- home!” a black woman yelled at the passing group."
Libturds exist in a world of lies, false reality and delusions.

I mean look at these sniveling pukes....

They believe "scientists" that are constantly demanding more government money to study the "global warming" crisis they invented are doing so out of a pure and noble dedication to humanity. Everyone who questions their motives, models, research or conclusions is doing so because they're greedy.

They believe a MPF who never had a job, has no tangible proof we've ever seen that he really was a "Constitutional Scholar" or actually earned any real credentials was a brilliant politician. Never mind he couldn't utter a clear sentence without a teleprompter. Never mind he never had a real job until he was somehow elected to office. Never mind he had no perceivable accomplishments in life. According to these sniveling pukes he was a great president, even though he administered 8 years of stagnation and malaise and the federal government was never more oppressive or corrupt.

They believe criminals will obey gun laws, they might ignore murder laws, but all we need are gun bans and criminals will switch to knives or hammers.

They believe all we need to do is establish a soviet style economy and they can make it work THIS TIME.

They have tried to defeat him through every means possible: The Russia Investigation,

All verified. That's why Mueller said Trump would be indicted if he wasn't president. I know the Stalinist in you drives you to try to rewrite history, but you suck at it.

hundreds of fake scandals, and the impeachment.

Where Trump and Republicans admitted Trump was guilty as charged. Do keep up. They just declared that a Republican president is allowed to commit any crimes he wants.

And you still kiss their butts. You're as corrupt and as treasonous as Trump and the Republicans.

Actually, you're the one trying to revise history. And you suck very badly at it.

Mueller later walked that back, saying "That's not the correct way to say it,. We did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime."

Mueller clarifies comments on whether he could indict Trump
Libturds exist in a world of lies, false reality and delusions.
Pete, I hate to break it to you, but despite the delusions of adequacy that the Trump cult has fed you, you're just another boring Stalinist Useful Idiot.

(Others should have broken that news to you before. It shouldn't always fall to me to stage these interventions.)

They believe "scientists" that are constantly demanding more government money to study the "global warming" crisis they invented are doing so out of a pure and noble dedication to humanity.
Flat-earthers always tell me that kind of crap too. Those flat-earthers look 'effin brilliant compared to you and the other deniers. Your endless weepy hate-rants against reality are standard conspiracy cult whining.

It truly sucks to be you. Reality always smacks you down hard, so you have to retreat into that SafeSpace where horrible liberal concepts like facts and reason can't get in. If hearing that upsets you, try goosestepping around the SafeSpace for a while. I know how much that comforts you.
Libturds exist in a world of lies, false reality and delusions.
Pete, I hate to break it to you, but despite the delusions of adequacy that the Trump cult has fed you, you're just another boring Stalinist Useful Idiot.

(Others should have broken that news to you before. It shouldn't always fall to me to stage these interventions.)

They believe "scientists" that are constantly demanding more government money to study the "global warming" crisis they invented are doing so out of a pure and noble dedication to humanity.
Flat-earthers always tell me that kind of crap too. Those flat-earthers look 'effin brilliant compared to you and the other deniers. Your endless weepy hate-rants against reality are standard conspiracy cult whining.

It truly sucks to be you. Reality always smacks you down hard, so you have to retreat into that SafeSpace where horrible liberal concepts like facts and reason can't get in. If hearing that upsets you, try goosestepping around the SafeSpace for a while. I know how much that comforts you.

You can't open your mouth without proving what I posted earlier. Your ubiquitous use of over-used stereotypical phrases like "delusions of adequacy", "Trump cult", "just another boring Stalinist Useful Idiot", "Flat-earthers", "goosestepping", and other childish insults prove my point:

You've tried in every way imaginable to defeat this President. But in every way, you've also failed miserably. Therefore the only recourse you have left are childish attacks against his supporters, hoping to create discord and disappointment among them

I can read you people like a cheap dime store kid's book.
So, recently I started a thread about the Lesson of Charlottesville, making the point that liberals universally lie about what the President said in his speech, in order to hold on to this illusion of Trump/republican/American racism.

But we didn't lie. Trump lied. He claimed there were peaceful protesters there from the right. There weren't. They were all of the violent and white supremacist type.

The QUESTION this raises in my mind, is WHY?

We pointed out Trump's praise for racism because people who behave like that should be shunned.

As to why you defend such behavior, we can't answer that. You'll have to explain it.

is what policy, (hence this thread) or government actions or political position do you hold, that you would have to change your position on if you were to admit that Trump/republicans/America, is not "racist"?

Not a single thing. Trump's racism is independent of the awfulness of most of his other policies.

You need to understand that we're not like you. We're consistent. You hate liberal policies blindly, to justify the blind hatred of liberals that gets you off, so you assume we're the same. That's not the case.

This thread is not about Charlottesville, that thread was shut down by lib trolls.

This thread is about what giving it up would mean to you libs.

So, in your opinion, giving that up, would change absolutely nothing for you.

Good. That is my view on it too.

You say most of Trump's policies are "awful".... Most?

Which is the least awful?

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