The REAL Intention of the EV Car Finally Revealed

Take out the battery.
Easier said than done on a sealed unit, designed to be that way. You could remove the battery on older phones you could, as these newer models are more difficult to pry apart and then reseal them.
Go into your phone's settings and turn off all GPS settings.

Or you can leave it at home when you go out. But can we separate ourselves from this device?

My cell phone stays on my desk ... as a carpenter, there's an amount of violence in my everyday life that's just hell on any electronic device ... I learned the hard way with my first cell phone, lasted less than a year in my pocket ... ever since I've just left the fool thing on my desk plugged in ...
My cell phone stays on my desk ... as a carpenter, there's an amount of violence in my everyday life that's just hell on any electronic device ... I learned the hard way with my first cell phone, lasted less than a year in my pocket ... ever since I've just left the fool thing on my desk plugged in ...
That's fair enough, as certain jobs have different levels of physicality involved. Mine also sits on my desk as I work from home and am not one of these people who constantly scroll and swipe. I sometimes wonder why I have one.
You may be able to, but with the new phones you can't. And they'll give the latest phones to you for FREE for switching or keeping their service.

Interesting! Why would you make a product where you cannot ever remove the battery by the user! That suggests what I've been trying to tell people, that so long as the battery is installed, these phones are spying on you. Worse, it suggests they think the battery will outlast the phone! And at the very least, it suggests that they think your grimy little paws are just too clumsy to handle that perfectly safe lithium battery inside.

And why would you GIVE the phone away to the customer unless you both wanted to negate any "property" rights of the user as well as to admit that the lion's share of the profits are in the SERVICE PLAN itself and not the phone.

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