The real reason the left hates Trump...

He stands against all the things they hold dear...i.e., nationalized education centers, state authority over children, human trafficking, state mandated negative eugenics and racial and cultural genocide of groups based on their geography, their color, and their faith.

Trump signs law to punish websites for sex trafficking - Reuters

"The law is intended to make it easier for state prosecutors and sex-trafficking victims to sue social media networks, advertisers and others that kept exploitative material on their platforms, although victims would be required to show websites knowingly facilitated sex trafficking."

Donald Trump to pull feds out of K-12 education

“We know local communities know it best and do it best,” said Mr. Trump, who was joined by several Republican governors for the signing. “The time has come to empower teachers and parents to make the decisions that help their students achieve success.”

President Donald Trump Signs Executive Order to Defund International Planned Parenthood |

No I can't stand him because he is a con man and rotten president , and a horrible mentor for children.

The left's idea of a good mentor for kids:

dragqueen storytime.jpg
Obama was a mentor for children. Tramp is not , nor is his kids. He is a crook and is working on becoming a dictator. He has a long rotten history, and should of been living a life behind bars long ago.

PS: we have the right wingers who are very amoral that voted for tramp. The right wingers are the real losers in life.

I wouldn't let that faggot anywhere near children I had. How was Obama a good mentor for children? Let's see you explain that.
He stands against all the things they hold dear...i.e., nationalized education centers, state authority over children, human trafficking, state mandated negative eugenics and racial and cultural genocide of groups based on their geography, their color, and their faith.

Trump signs law to punish websites for sex trafficking - Reuters

"The law is intended to make it easier for state prosecutors and sex-trafficking victims to sue social media networks, advertisers and others that kept exploitative material on their platforms, although victims would be required to show websites knowingly facilitated sex trafficking."

Donald Trump to pull feds out of K-12 education

“We know local communities know it best and do it best,” said Mr. Trump, who was joined by several Republican governors for the signing. “The time has come to empower teachers and parents to make the decisions that help their students achieve success.”

President Donald Trump Signs Executive Order to Defund International Planned Parenthood |

No I can't stand him because he is a con man and rotten president , and a horrible mentor for children.

The left's idea of a good mentor for kids:

View attachment 260097

The Obamas sponsor that shit.
OP said:
The real reason the left hates Trump...

The real reason they hate Trump is because he's making Americans less dependent on Socialist policies, and improving American's confidence.

Tyrannical Socialists need the people to be on their knees pleasing for alms.
Obama was a mentor for children. Tramp is not , nor is his kids. He is a crook and is working on becoming a dictator. He has a long rotten history, and should of been living a life behind bars long ago.

PS: we have the right wingers who are very amoral that voted for tramp. The right wingers are the real losers in life.

I wouldn't let that faggot anywhere neat children I had. How was Obama a good mentor for children? Let's see you explain that.

Penny is letting her politics distract from thr welfare and good for children

Everyone paying attention knows this
Obama was a mentor for children. Tramp is not , nor is his kids. He is a crook and is working on becoming a dictator. He has a long rotten history, and should of been living a life behind bars long ago.

PS: we have the right wingers who are very amoral that voted for tramp. The right wingers are the real losers in life.

I wouldn't let that faggot anywhere neat children I had. How was Obama a good mentor for children? Let's see you explain that.

Penny is letting her politics distract from thr welfare and good for children

Everyone paying attention knows this

Penny is a Russian, anyways. She could even be Russian Orthodox (Similar to Catholic) and just trolling.
Obama was a mentor for children. Tramp is not , nor is his kids. He is a crook and is working on becoming a dictator. He has a long rotten history, and should of been living a life behind bars long ago.

PS: we have the right wingers who are very amoral that voted for tramp. The right wingers are the real losers in life.

I wouldn't let that faggot anywhere neat children I had. How was Obama a good mentor for children? Let's see you explain that.

Penny is letting her politics distract from thr welfare and good for children

Everyone paying attention knows this

Penny is a Russian, anyways. She could even be Russian Orthodox (Similar to Catholic) and just trolling.

Idk...but I enjoy mocking her
The problem I have with Trump is he doesn't stand for anything. Except of course Trump. He just wants to win his fans adoration and respect, win his re-election as validation, beat down 'losers' who oppose him, etc. He has no ideology or ethics whatsoever.

That's just a lie. He does stand for something. He stands for Americans, American values, Christian values, and the rule of law.

Leftists hate all those things, so, as you are doing here, you just pretend they're *nothing*..or that they don't exist.

He stands for freedom, and for individual liberty, and life.

Them's fighting words for leftist commie death cultists and nazis.
His 'Christian' values include boasting, insulting, bullying, lying, adultery, swindling, and sexual assault. He's given us plenty of examples of all these values.

Now I think all libturds should get their wombs sucked out monthly, just in case.

Even the dykes.

Hell let's just cut their balls off, they're not using them for anything anyway and it would be a lot cheaper in the long run.

Liberals have no balls....

Some of the dykes might, and from what I've seen Mooch Obozo has a large package but I'm pretty sure it's a wookie anyway.
Obama was a mentor for children. Tramp is not , nor is his kids. He is a crook and is working on becoming a dictator. He has a long rotten history, and should of been living a life behind bars long ago.

PS: we have the right wingers who are very amoral that voted for tramp. The right wingers are the real losers in life.
That's just incredibly stupid.

Has Trump wiretapped the AP? Obama did.

Has Trump used the FBI to secretly investigate innocent journalists? Obama did.

Has Trump jailed a movie Maker for making a political movie against him? Obama did.

Has Trump used the IRS to silence opposition? Obama did.

Has Trump used the IRS / CIA to spy in the opposing parties campaign? Obama did.

Has Trump's SoS received $Millions from Russian Oligarchs? Obama's did.

Did Trump give Putin control of 20% if America's Uranium? Obama did.


Your band of haters have nothing on Trump that compares to the Fascism you supported under Obama.
The problem I have with Trump is he doesn't stand for anything. Except of course Trump. He just wants to win his fans adoration and respect, win his re-election as validation, beat down 'losers' who oppose him, etc. He has no ideology or ethics whatsoever.

That's just a lie. He does stand for something. He stands for Americans, American values, Christian values, and the rule of law.

Leftists hate all those things, so, as you are doing here, you just pretend they're *nothing*..or that they don't exist.

He stands for freedom, and for individual liberty, and life.

Them's fighting words for leftist commie death cultists and nazis.
His 'Christian' values include boasting, insulting, bullying, lying, adultery, swindling, and sexual assault. He's given us plenty of examples of all these values.

Did you whine about Bubba Clinton doing it?

If not....stfu
The problem I have with Trump is he doesn't stand for anything. Except of course Trump. He just wants to win his fans adoration and respect, win his re-election as validation, beat down 'losers' who oppose him, etc. He has no ideology or ethics whatsoever.
No ideology? Who told you that?

Trump is and always has been a free market capitalist. Like the founding fathers, but without the civility.
Trump's economic philosophy is policies that privilege the 1 percent and crush the 99 percent, my friends!
Trump's economic philosophy is policies that privilege the 1 percent and crush the 99 percent, my friends!
How clever of Trump to mask that by increasing employment of the lower economic citizens to record highs and increasing their wage growth faster than in decades.

Grow up and stop being a sheep.

Welfare and Food Stamps from Democrats vs. Jobs and Dignity from Trump.
Obama was a mentor for children. Tramp is not , nor is his kids. He is a crook and is working on becoming a dictator. He has a long rotten history, and should of been living a life behind bars long ago.

PS: we have the right wingers who are very amoral that voted for tramp. The right wingers are the real losers in life.

I wouldn't let that faggot anywhere neat children I had. How was Obama a good mentor for children? Let's see you explain that.

Penny is letting her politics distract from thr welfare and good for children

Everyone paying attention knows this

Penny is a Russian, anyways. She could even be Russian Orthodox (Similar to Catholic) and just trolling.

It's part of:
Eastern Orthodox Church - Wikipedia
Obama was a mentor for children. Tramp is not , nor is his kids. He is a crook and is working on becoming a dictator. He has a long rotten history, and should of been living a life behind bars long ago.

PS: we have the right wingers who are very amoral that voted for tramp. The right wingers are the real losers in life.

I wouldn't let that faggot anywhere neat children I had. How was Obama a good mentor for children? Let's see you explain that.

Penny is letting her politics distract from thr welfare and good for children

Everyone paying attention knows this

Penny is a Russian, anyways. She could even be Russian Orthodox (Similar to Catholic) and just trolling.

It's part of:
Eastern Orthodox Church - Wikipedia

Thx..Although Penny doesn't post like she's a member..All the "Orthodox" are similar to Catholic.
He stands against all the things they hold dear...i.e., nationalized education centers, state authority over children, human trafficking, state mandated negative eugenics and racial and cultural genocide of groups based on their geography, their color, and their faith.

Trump signs law to punish websites for sex trafficking - Reuters

"The law is intended to make it easier for state prosecutors and sex-trafficking victims to sue social media networks, advertisers and others that kept exploitative material on their platforms, although victims would be required to show websites knowingly facilitated sex trafficking."

Donald Trump to pull feds out of K-12 education

“We know local communities know it best and do it best,” said Mr. Trump, who was joined by several Republican governors for the signing. “The time has come to empower teachers and parents to make the decisions that help their students achieve success.”

President Donald Trump Signs Executive Order to Defund International Planned Parenthood |
Wrong again

I detest Trump because he is a sorry excuse for a human being

Why don't you?

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