The real reason the left hates Trump...

He stands against all the things they hold dear...i.e., nationalized education centers, state authority over children, human trafficking, state mandated negative eugenics and racial and cultural genocide of groups based on their geography, their color, and their faith.

Trump signs law to punish websites for sex trafficking - Reuters

"The law is intended to make it easier for state prosecutors and sex-trafficking victims to sue social media networks, advertisers and others that kept exploitative material on their platforms, although victims would be required to show websites knowingly facilitated sex trafficking."

Donald Trump to pull feds out of K-12 education

“We know local communities know it best and do it best,” said Mr. Trump, who was joined by several Republican governors for the signing. “The time has come to empower teachers and parents to make the decisions that help their students achieve success.”

President Donald Trump Signs Executive Order to Defund International Planned Parenthood |
Wrong again

I detest Trump because he is a sorry excuse for a human being

Why don't you?

Lemme guess, it's his *ahem* liberal personal life you take issue with?
How does trump, William barr, and the entire Republican Party have the nerve to call anybody else a criminal?
His 'Christian' values include boasting, insulting, bullying, lying, adultery, swindling, and sexual assault. He's given us plenty of examples of all these values.
Did you whine about Bubba Clinton doing it?

If not....stfu
I never held up Clinton as a paragon of virtue as koshergrl has done but seriously, you need to recheck your values. Do you think rapists are OK since at least they are not murderers?
The problem I have with Trump is he doesn't stand for anything. Except of course Trump. He just wants to win his fans adoration and respect, win his re-election as validation, beat down 'losers' who oppose him, etc. He has no ideology or ethics whatsoever.
No ideology? Who told you that?

Trump is and always has been a free market capitalist. Like the founding fathers, but without the civility.
A "free" market assumes that everyone plays by the rules. Trump is notorious for NOT playing by the rules. Ask him, he'll happily agree.
The problem I have with Trump is he doesn't stand for anything. Except of course Trump. He just wants to win his fans adoration and respect, win his re-election as validation, beat down 'losers' who oppose him, etc. He has no ideology or ethics whatsoever.

That's just a lie. He does stand for something. He stands for Americans, American values, Christian values, and the rule of law.

Leftists hate all those things, so, as you are doing here, you just pretend they're *nothing*..or that they don't exist.

He stands for freedom, and for individual liberty, and life.

Them's fighting words for leftist commie death cultists and nazis.
His 'Christian' values include boasting, insulting, bullying, lying, adultery, swindling, and sexual assault. He's given us plenty of examples of all these values.

Those aren't his *values*. You apparently don't understand what a *value* is.

A value is what you strive to achieve. It's the gold standard..the ideal.

I have yet to hear him praise immorality, sexual assault, depravity, or criminal endeavor.

I hear you yahoos endorse that garbage everyday. Those are YOUR values, not Trump's. You're just pissed that he won't endorse them.
His 'Christian' values include boasting, insulting, bullying, lying, adultery, swindling, and sexual assault. He's given us plenty of examples of all these values.
Did you whine about Bubba Clinton doing it?

If not....stfu
I never held up Clinton as a paragon of virtue as koshergrl has done but seriously, you need to recheck your values. Do you think rapists are OK since at least they are not murderers?
what on earth are you talking about?
I never held up Clinton as a paragon of virtue.
The problem I have with Trump is he doesn't stand for anything. Except of course Trump. He just wants to win his fans adoration and respect, win his re-election as validation, beat down 'losers' who oppose him, etc. He has no ideology or ethics whatsoever.

That's just a lie. He does stand for something. He stands for Americans, American values, Christian values, and the rule of law.

Leftists hate all those things, so, as you are doing here, you just pretend they're *nothing*..or that they don't exist.

He stands for freedom, and for individual liberty, and life.

Them's fighting words for leftist commie death cultists and nazis.
His 'Christian' values include boasting, insulting, bullying, lying, adultery, swindling, and sexual assault. He's given us plenty of examples of all these values.

Those aren't his *values*. You apparently don't understand what a *value* is.

A value is what you strive to achieve. It's the gold standard..the ideal.

I have yet to hear him praise immorality, sexual assault, depravity, or criminal endeavor.

I hear you yahoos endorse that garbage everyday. Those are YOUR values, not Trump's. You're just pissed that he won't endorse them.
Thanks for the correction: he has good values he just doesn't live them. Except for sexual assault, he personally endorsed that but only for famous people.
The problem I have with Trump is he doesn't stand for anything. Except of course Trump. He just wants to win his fans adoration and respect, win his re-election as validation, beat down 'losers' who oppose him, etc. He has no ideology or ethics whatsoever.
No ideology? Who told you that?

Trump is and always has been a free market capitalist. Like the founding fathers, but without the civility.
A "free" market assumes that everyone plays by the rules. Trump is notorious for NOT playing by the rules. Ask him, he'll happily agree.
You idiots just make shit up.

Trump is *notorious* for being direct and honest in his dealings. I guess that isn't playing by leftist rules, which is a reason you idiots hate him.
The real reason why liberals hate Trump is the same reason my leftist, Obama-supplicating family members love to flip out and scream at me: the Left reacts VIOLENTLY to anyone who doesn't have a muslim dick in their mouth. Liberals have been fellating Islam so much, for so long that the world's most demonstrably VIOLENT religion has left a big semen-stain on their souls. With both liberals and muslims, their reaction to any disappointment is bloodthirsty violence. Which is why I consider NEITHER of them human. Obama-supporters have ZERO qualms about their hated fellow Americans being raped and killed by a bloodbath they think is so wonderful.
Right wingers put an anti-social, narcissistic , pathological liar, con man, reality tv personality , chronic adulterer, bad businessman in office and you wonder why the left hates tramp? Really now!
The problem I have with Trump is he doesn't stand for anything. Except of course Trump. He just wants to win his fans adoration and respect, win his re-election as validation, beat down 'losers' who oppose him, etc. He has no ideology or ethics whatsoever.

That's just a lie. He does stand for something. He stands for Americans, American values, Christian values, and the rule of law.

Leftists hate all those things, so, as you are doing here, you just pretend they're *nothing*..or that they don't exist.

He stands for freedom, and for individual liberty, and life.

Them's fighting words for leftist commie death cultists and nazis.
His 'Christian' values include boasting, insulting, bullying, lying, adultery, swindling, and sexual assault. He's given us plenty of examples of all these values.

Those aren't his *values*. You apparently don't understand what a *value* is.

A value is what you strive to achieve. It's the gold standard..the ideal.

I have yet to hear him praise immorality, sexual assault, depravity, or criminal endeavor.

I hear you yahoos endorse that garbage everyday. Those are YOUR values, not Trump's. You're just pissed that he won't endorse them.
Thanks for the correction: he has good values he just doesn't live them. Except for sexual assault, he personally endorsed that but only for famous people.

Lolol. Didn't happen, retard.
Psychological projection is a defence mechanism in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.

The sad truth.
Right wingers put an anti-social, narcissistic , pathological liar, con man, reality tv personality , chronic adulterer, bad businessman in office and you wonder why the left hates tramp? Really now!

You're describing Obama, you Freudian projectionist, lying bitch! Obama was the narcissist who had to insert himself into EVERY situation that had nothing to do with him, in every speech he used the words "I" and "me" more times than any politician in history. Like all narcissists he had a "selfie" obsession, even though any American president is the most photographed person on earth; with all the millions of photos of Obamaggot in existence, WHY does he need to take even more? Your Obama pig even named his dog Bo (spelled Bo instead of "beau") as in Barack Obama - what kind of self-worshiping fuck needs to NAME THE FAMILY DOG AFTER HIMSELF?
He stands against all the things they hold dear...i.e., nationalized education centers, state authority over children, human trafficking, state mandated negative eugenics and racial and cultural genocide of groups based on their geography, their color, and their faith.

Trump signs law to punish websites for sex trafficking - Reuters

"The law is intended to make it easier for state prosecutors and sex-trafficking victims to sue social media networks, advertisers and others that kept exploitative material on their platforms, although victims would be required to show websites knowingly facilitated sex trafficking."

Donald Trump to pull feds out of K-12 education

“We know local communities know it best and do it best,” said Mr. Trump, who was joined by several Republican governors for the signing. “The time has come to empower teachers and parents to make the decisions that help their students achieve success.”

President Donald Trump Signs Executive Order to Defund International Planned Parenthood |
Wrong again

I detest Trump because he is a sorry excuse for a human being

Why don't you?

Lemme guess, it's his *ahem* liberal personal life you take issue with?
I despised Trump when he was a Democrat

He was a selfish asshole then and remains so today
The real reason why liberals hate Trump is the same reason my leftist, Obama-supplicating family members love to flip out and scream at me: the Left reacts VIOLENTLY to anyone who doesn't have a muslim dick in their mouth. Liberals have been fellating Islam so much, for so long that the world's most demonstrably VIOLENT religion has left a big semen-stain on their souls. With both liberals and muslims, their reaction to any disappointment is bloodthirsty violence. Which is why I consider NEITHER of them human. Obama-supporters have ZERO qualms about their hated fellow Americans being raped and killed by a bloodbath they think is so wonderful.
Never realized you were such a Snowflake
Wrong again

I detest Trump because he is a sorry excuse for a human being

Why don't you?
Do you detest all sorry human beings, or just those that stand in the way of Democrats gaining power?

Do you detest Hillary?

Yes.. This is a test to see if you're s political hack.
Trump is *notorious* for being direct and honest in his dealings.

Yep you're right. He directly and honestly believes he is entitled to grab women by their pussy's because he's a star and they let him.
Wrong again

I detest Trump because he is a sorry excuse for a human being

Why don't you?
Do you detest all sorry human beings, or just those that stand in the way of Democrats gaining power?

Do you detest Hillary?

Yes.. This is a test to see if you're s political hack.
Liewinger is a well known dishonest political hack.

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