The real reason the left is so enamored by BRUCE Jenner's so called "bravery" and so celebrated.

His life. All I can say is "whatever".

Sorry but I really feel sorry for his daughters. I know they are grown and he tried to work it out with them...but in many ways they lost their dad.
If Bruce were truly brave, he'd have his Tallywiggler whacked off. But as he is keeping his most significant bit of Male Privilege Equipment, (s)he's just a poser.
People supporting Jenner is somehow throwing dirt in your eyes?! What crybabies!

Why would anyone support this though? It is clearly feeding into a delusion since he is not, nor will he ever be, a woman. I've always learned it was unhealthy to feed into a delusion. It can be particularly damaging to the individual when he realizes that he is really not and will never really be a real woman. I think that the psychiatric association really needs to look into the reasons WHY they dropped this as diagnosis on the DSM. I don't believe it is ever healthy to undergo such an extensive surgery, and it comes along with a boatload of risks and complications. How is this in any way healthy for the individual?

People are free to support or not support Jenner for whatever reasons they wish. Jenner's actions doesn't any bearing on my life so I am taking a live and let approach to this story.

Fine, but I am curious by nature, and I wonder how damaging encouraging this type of bodily mutilation really is . . . or how beneficial? I wonder if the psychiatric community has caved to PC in removing this from the DSM list of diagnoses? Or if perhaps they can't find any effective "treatments" for it, so they have decided to declassify it as a legitimate psychiatric diagnosis for the time being until more can be determined about this particular disorder?

I am not sure. That is a question best answered by Jenner and members of the psychiatric community. Since I am neither, I am afraid I will be of little value in this conversation. :)

Well, these forums are kind of more about opinions than expert input. :biggrin: I don't see the harm in giving opinions on this matter.

I also have wondered if these people have suffered some type of traumatic event during a very formative part of their years (whether or not they remember it - a lot of times, people can block them out and not even remember but it doesn't mean it didn't have some serious negative effects on them).
It's about personal choice, something you guys hate and want all to be the same, blah...
You can call him "brave" but you may not be able to say he has balls for very much longer! :razz:

Did you see the cartoon about who Jenner was going to be donating his testicles too? ;)

I don't hate personal choice. But there need to be defined and strict rules for the society to flourish. Not "everyone do whatever the hell you want"
If Bruce were truly brave, he'd have his Tallywiggler whacked off. But as he is keeping his most significant bit of Male Privilege Equipment, (s)he's just a poser.

I think he says he's not gay. But just wants to be a woman. He's just nuts.
It's about personal choice, something you guys hate and want all to be the same, blah...
You can call him "brave" but you may not be able to say he has balls for very much longer! :razz:

Did you see the cartoon about who Jenner was going to be donating his testicles too? ;)

I don't hate personal choice. But there need to be defined and strict rules for the society to flourish. Not "everyone do whatever the hell you want"

No, I must have missed that.
Notice how Jenner goes from mediocre man with failed plastic surgery... To wanna be female sex kitten. A HUGE extreme.

He didn't want to just be a woman. He wants the same attention his step daughters are able to achieve.

The man has major issues. And doesn't need surgery. He needs mental help.
If Bruce were truly brave, he'd have his Tallywiggler whacked off. But as he is keeping his most significant bit of Male Privilege Equipment, (s)he's just a poser.

I think he says he's not gay. But just wants to be a woman. He's just nuts.

So.... He's not gay, hey just wants to be a woman, who sleeps with women? So, he's a dude t hat wants to be a lesbian?

That's so fucked up...
Who knew Bruth looks a lot like Jessica Lange?


Oh DAMN! My retinas are burning, thanks a lot!

The "Left" doesn't believe in any kind of sacrifice for the "greater good" - what he did is entirely selfish and self-serving. The Left is also notorious for this, thinking sexual wants and desires trump all other agendas. Guess what, there is more to your "person" than your sexual orientation and desires. WAKE TF UP!
The left loves anything perverted and supports it gleefully. Like this kinda behaviour. Like I said I could care less, but doesn't mean I got to support it.

But he's a con. You mean he doesnt support himself?
Where did I say that?

Thats the only conclusion if the OP is correct. You guys are weird.

"Its the lefts fault that a con gets a sex change" or something...not really sure what the point is anymore
It's just liberals loves anything perverted and support them no matter what. Yesterday liberals were defending guys using the woman's restroom if they think they are a woman. Bruce or whatever he thinks he is should use the mens room.

But, hes a con! How you make this about the left is strange dude.

Didnt you just say they're nuts on both sides? Did you forget what you just said to pretend that the nuts on your side are individuals and the nuts on the left are not?
Jenner has a mental problem and instead of getting help he is making a fool of himself. It's liberals going out if their way to support him.
Notice how Jenner goes from mediocre man with failed plastic surgery... To wanna be female sex kitten. A HUGE extreme.

He didn't want to just be a woman. He wants the same attention his step daughters are able to achieve.

The man has major issues. And doesn't need surgery. He needs mental help.

He's not a woman. I believe the proper term is "She-Male".
Notice how Jenner goes from mediocre man with failed plastic surgery... To wanna be female sex kitten. A HUGE extreme.

He didn't want to just be a woman. He wants the same attention his step daughters are able to achieve.

The man has major issues. And doesn't need surgery. He needs mental help.

That's another interesting theory. Attention seeking. I wonder if such a thing can devolve to the point where a person would do things like this for the attention? There are SO many things this could be related to. I wonder if the psychiatric community is actively looking into all possibilities?
People supporting Jenner is somehow throwing dirt in your eyes?! What crybabies!

Why would anyone support this though? It is clearly feeding into a delusion since he is not, nor will he ever be, a woman. I've always learned it was unhealthy to feed into a delusion. It can be particularly damaging to the individual when he realizes that he is really not and will never really be a real woman. I think that the psychiatric association really needs to look into the reasons WHY they dropped this as diagnosis on the DSM. I don't believe it is ever healthy to undergo such an extensive surgery, and it comes along with a boatload of risks and complications. How is this in any way healthy for the individual?

People are free to support or not support Jenner for whatever reasons they wish. Jenner's actions doesn't any bearing on my life so I am taking a live and let approach to this story.

Fine, but I am curious by nature, and I wonder how damaging encouraging this type of bodily mutilation really is . . . or how beneficial? I wonder if the psychiatric community has caved to PC in removing this from the DSM list of diagnoses? Or if perhaps they can't find any effective "treatments" for it, so they have decided to declassify it as a legitimate psychiatric diagnosis for the time being until more can be determined about this particular disorder?

I am not sure. That is a question best answered by Jenner and members of the psychiatric community. Since I am neither, I am afraid I will be of little value in this conversation. :)

Well, these forums are kind of more about opinions than expert input. :biggrin: I don't see the harm in giving opinions on this matter.

I also have wondered if these people have suffered some type of traumatic event during a very formative part of their years (whether or not they remember it - a lot of times, people can block them out and not even remember but it doesn't mean it didn't have some serious negative effects on them).

I don't see a harm in it either but I truly do not know much about the issues surrounding Jenner and transgenderism to make an informed opinion either way.
The "Left" doesn't believe in any kind of sacrifice for the "greater good" - what he did is entirely selfish and self-serving. The Left is also notorious for this, thinking sexual wants and desires trump all other agendas. Guess what, there is more to your "person" than your sexual orientation and desires. WAKE TF UP!
Duggars believed in that also, and keeping it in the family...good Christian GOP morals and family structure, you guys have it cornered...
Why would anyone support this though? It is clearly feeding into a delusion since he is not, nor will he ever be, a woman. I've always learned it was unhealthy to feed into a delusion. It can be particularly damaging to the individual when he realizes that he is really not and will never really be a real woman. I think that the psychiatric association really needs to look into the reasons WHY they dropped this as diagnosis on the DSM. I don't believe it is ever healthy to undergo such an extensive surgery, and it comes along with a boatload of risks and complications. How is this in any way healthy for the individual?

People are free to support or not support Jenner for whatever reasons they wish. Jenner's actions doesn't any bearing on my life so I am taking a live and let approach to this story.

Fine, but I am curious by nature, and I wonder how damaging encouraging this type of bodily mutilation really is . . . or how beneficial? I wonder if the psychiatric community has caved to PC in removing this from the DSM list of diagnoses? Or if perhaps they can't find any effective "treatments" for it, so they have decided to declassify it as a legitimate psychiatric diagnosis for the time being until more can be determined about this particular disorder?

I am not sure. That is a question best answered by Jenner and members of the psychiatric community. Since I am neither, I am afraid I will be of little value in this conversation. :)

Well, these forums are kind of more about opinions than expert input. :biggrin: I don't see the harm in giving opinions on this matter.

I also have wondered if these people have suffered some type of traumatic event during a very formative part of their years (whether or not they remember it - a lot of times, people can block them out and not even remember but it doesn't mean it didn't have some serious negative effects on them).

I don't see a harm in it either but I truly do not know much about the issues surrounding Jenner and transgenderism to make an informed opinion either way.

I mean transgenderism in general, not his particular case. He is an ex-celebrity/reality TV person, so of course he is bound to be a bit messed up! :biggrin:
The photo was photoshopped to the max. Of course, Bruce Jenner doesn't look like that. Not even close. The photo was as much of a lie as Bruce Jenner being female.
The harm is not in this single act but the general "trend" in this direction of our society.

Call it outdate or whatever, but, societies in the past have been just as liberal if not more so, and they died.

People flat out refuse to learn from history, because their selfish desires take over and they rationalize that we will all get along and love one other and live in peace and harmony - by some man made plan. Not going to happen, again WAKE UP!

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