The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

You’re a big part of the problem.
You have no idea
The fact that you want to keep blaming long-ago outlawed racism* for the fact that a subgroup of blacks keep having OOW babies and dropping out of school - thus almost guaranteeing themselves a lifetime of financial struggle - is keeping them poor.
The fact that you have your nose stuck this far in the affairs of others for no other reason than so you can denigrate them to make yourself feel better is obvious
* I mean, really? As part of your argument up thread, you posted an ad from the early 19th century about slavery?
That image wasn't about slavery, it was an example of a racially restrictive covenant in a real estate deed. It literally stated in the deed that the seller of the home or property could only sell it to a white person.

How do you think that impacted the upward mobility of black families trying to get out of poverty that no one would sell a home to them? They were finally just abolished in 1968. I realize that is over 50 years ago but it certainly is within my lifetime.
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You've very naive. You remember the Wells Fargo scandal from about 10 years ago. I think the only person who got any money of it was one of the employee who was committing the wrongdoing. He got more than a million but the customers got screwed.

I'm a database back-end developer so I see a lot of data - I've worked for several mortgage companies and the whole subprime market was created to make more money off of poorer people. Black people have traditionally been assumed to be poor risks so the financial institutions charge black people more, however when you're poor everything costs you more. It really seems backwards, just like when in the more affluent areas the price of gas is a lot lower than in the poorer neighborhoods.

Look it up, this is United States history.

Gasoline prices vary in any community. Prior to computerized system, much of that variance was due to theft.

Subprime mortgages were created at the end the Carter administration. The concept was that there needed to be an alternative to selling your home first before buying another one. Subprimes were designed to be very temporary and extremely short term until you sold your former house. That way you didn't get screwed too much by interest rate changes.

Of course we don't use it for that reason any longer. Most people do sell their house before buying another one. So subprimes are used for higher risk loans.
They give comparisons to white names like Bubba. They also point out that they used higher ages for the black applications than they did white. Believe it or not, you will be much more likely to be called for an interview being younger than older. Trust me, I'm an older white guy and experienced this first hand. Healthcare insurance for a company can be over twice as high for an older employee than a younger one. One company I worked for years ago, the employer called middle-aged applicants over young girls for office jobs. Why? Because younger girls tend to be single and will eventually marry up and have children which again, runs up healthcare insurance. They will likely take much more time off of work for illness or school problems of their child. Middle-aged women had teen children or adult children those women didn't have to worry about.

Will you get a better employee from a middle-class community than a lower class? 9 times out of 10, yes you will. The apple usually doesn't fall far from the tree.

Employers do have a favorite color though, and that color is green. The employees that make the employer the most green are that employers favorite employees.
That hasn't been demonstrated by the link they gave, only theorized. Youd have to compare black sounding names with "ghetto" black names. But there is no objective standard on what a ghetto black name is. But Names like Lakeisha and Jamal that were used in the nber study are not ghetto. So that theory is bunk. They simply denote black race. And again, the Asians are discriminated against. The age thing I can't confirm because I haven't read the entire thing, but it simply couldn't explain the substantial 50% discrepancy. I would expect the effect to be in the margin, and I doubt there were way more black people than whites in higher age categories. Remember that the resumes were fictitious.

I Can't think of a that doesn't show white people ahead by a substantial margin, and that's just a coincidence? I.dont White privilege is an obvious phenomenon that has been here for centuries.
I've never seen a bigger pile of crap in my life. You don't HAVE any evidence.

White racism is the root cause of many of the ills of the black race yet IN SPITE of living in a country that was founded by white supremacists and living under the yoke of white supremacist law, the remnants of America's own version of apartheid that still remain TODAY, we endure.

It has not escaped my attention that you all want to focus on the most disadvantaged members of the black race when you have so many more of them of your own. But you never want to talk about successful black people or any of the things any of them have accomplished. Why is that? Does the fact that we exist make you so damn uncomfortable that the only way you can combat your feelings of unease is to constantly unleash a barrage of insanity in the form of racist falsehoods you continuously peddle?

This discussion is not about successful people, it's about failures, that's why.

Yes, we do bring evidence that you obviously ignored. I posted studies yesterday that revealed black teen pregnancy is well over twice the rate of white girls. I also posted a study that found 33% of black males had a criminal record. People with felonies (regardless of race) have to work lower paying jobs as better paying jobs have a felon restriction.

With 25% of black female teens having kids, and 33% of black men having criminal records, it's not a wonder why they are held back. It has nothing to do with discrimination or anything whitie did.

You’re still doing it! We all know there was horrible racism long ago. That’s been over for generations.
The thing is, it's NOT over. It's just no longer overt, the change in the laws forced things underground and now a lot of it is covert. AND there remain remnants of the institutional racism upon which this country was founded.

You can't just start after the Civil Rights Act and say that it's passage solved all of our race problems when there was close to 200 years prior to it's passage of aparthaid right here in the good ole U.S. of A.

It still exists. You may not see it because you're not black and you don't want to see or believe it. But black people know it still exists because we all still experience it in various ways. And sometimes in ways that will never get resolved, you just have to live with the wound.
This discussion is not about successful people, it's about failures, that's why.

Yes, we do bring evidence that you obviously ignored. I posted studies yesterday that revealed black teen pregnancy is well over twice the rate of white girls. I also posted a study that found 33% of black males had a criminal record. People with felonies (regardless of race) have to work lower paying jobs as better paying jobs have a felon restriction.

With 25% of black female teens having kids, and 33% of black men having criminal records, it's not a wonder why they are held back. It has nothing to do with discrimination or anything whitie did.

Yes racism has a deep toll
That hasn't been demonstrated by the link they gave, only theorized. Youd have to compare black sounding names with "ghetto" black names. But there is no objective standard on what a ghetto black name is. But Names like Lakeisha and Jamal that were used in the nber study are not ghetto. So that theory is bunk. They simply denote black race. And again, the Asians are discriminated against. The age thing I can't confirm because I haven't read the entire thing, but it simply couldn't explain the substantial 50% discrepancy. I would expect the effect to be in the margin, and I doubt there were way more black people than whites in higher age categories. Remember that the resumes were fictitious.

I Can't think of a that doesn't show white people ahead by a substantial margin, and that's just a coincidence? I.dont White privilege is an obvious phenomenon that has been here for centuries.

If you take the time to read the entire article it has several hyperlinks taking you to their sources.
And you’re going to claim we are finally af a point where blacks aren’t being excluded? NO. We are at a point where half the brainwashed voters think there is nothing wrong with a president announcing, prior to his selection for the most prestigious jobs in the country, that WHITES WILL BE EXCLUDED.

The difference between conservatives like me and leftists like you is:

1) Me: We should be race-blind when it comes to policies and decisions, be it picking a SCOTUS nominee or selecting which students to admit to Harvard

2) You: We should use race as the determining factor in whom to include, as long as we are excluding only whites
Lisa you don't know my opinions on any of what you've posted above because you've never asked me and have simply assumed that because I'm black that the things you wrote above are true.
You have no idea

The fact that you have your nose stuck this far in the affairs of others for no other reason than so you can denigrate them to make yourself feel better is obvious

That image wasn't about slavery, it was an example of a racially restrictive covenant in a real estate deed. It literally stated in the deed that the seller of the home or property could only sell it to a white person.

How do you think that impacted the upward mobility of black families trying to get out of poverty that no one would sell a home to them? They were finally just abolished in 1968. I realize that is over 50 years ago but it certainly is within my lifetime.
You accuse me of denigrating others, when you called me a racist. Oh, the hypocrisy.

And it is not “sticking my nose in” when we have blacks and their enabling white leftists blaming RACISM for the subgroup of blacks who remain in poverty, when that isn’t the reason. This lie has taken on a life of its own, with all sorts of anti- white racist policies and sentiment being advanced across the country.

When the Governor of a state proposed paying black teachers at a higher rate than whites, for no other reason than race, and because of this false racist!, racist!, racist! LIE being strewn about, then yes.….whites have every reason to speak up and object.
You accuse me of denigrating others, when you called me a racist. Oh, the hypocrisy.

And it is not “sticking my nose in” when we have blacks and their enabling white leftists blaming RACISM for the subgroup of blacks who remain in poverty, when that isn’t the reason. This lie has taken on a life of its own, with all sorts of anti- white racist policies and sentiment being advanced across the country.

When the Governor of a state proposed paying black teachers at a higher rate than whites, for no other reason than race, and because of this false racist!, racist!, racist! LIE being strewn about, then yes.….whites have every reason to speak up and object.
I thought the problem was black people living in poverty, now it's black people getting paid more than whites?
Lisa you don't know my opinions on any of what you've posted above because you've never asked me and have simply assumed that because I'm black that the things you wrote above are true.
No, I didn’t just assume you were Black. (And why the f does black keep coming out capitalized when white isn’t?)

I specifically said in another post that I had no idea if you were black or just one of the enabling, ledtists whites. Another poster said you noted in an earlier post that you were black.

It makes not one iota of difference what race you are. The statements regarding the cause of black poverty remain the same - it’s not racism; it’s their own choices,
I thought the problem was black people living in poverty, now it's black people getting paid more than whites?
Geez. You keep talking about how there is no anti-white racism, and that what we perceive as anti-white racism is no more than whites no longer being favored. So I gave you an example of anti-white racism.

I did click on them. The one about "bubba,' isn't an actual study, just listing what they perceive as white trash names

Okay, I don't want to go back and forth on this. I posted the evidence and if you want to dismiss it, that's fine with me.

So let me ask, why would a company not want blacks working for them? Is it they don't like dark colored skin?
There is no charge for starting a topic on USMB. Go for it!
Also, I’ll add that saying saying that blacks have the ability within themselves to get out of poverty isn’t denigrating them. It’s the leftists who are denigrating them via the bigotry of low expectations.

I say that any poor black can get out of poverty the same way my mother, father, aunt, and uncle did: none had children until after they were married, and all completed their education.

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